Duitse Uniform Emblemen en Mouwbanden
Uniform Emblemen
BeVo 'Aserbaidschan' Volunteer Sleeve Shield
Rare original Sleeve Shield, woven in 'BeVo'-type weave, intended for a volunteer within the 'Aserbaidschan' Legion (Aserbaidschan Landeschilde). Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!
WH (Heer) Artillery Gun-Layer Armbadge
Wehrmacht (Heer) Artillery Gun-Layer armbadge (Abzeichen für Richtkannoniere der Artillerie). The armbadge is executed in the so-called BeVo-weave. The badge has been cut-out from a souvernir-/photo-album and is still pasted on a piece of carton. Nice badge!
'NH des Heeres' Cufftitle
Female Signal Auxiliaries 'NH des Heeres' (Nachrichtenhelferin des Heeres) Cufftitle (Ärmelband). The cufftile is nicley maker marked with 'Bevo-Wuppertal' at one end, the cufftitle measures approximately 32cms in length. The cuffitle is in clearly worn and tunic removed condition. Scarce original ...