with an eye for quality
Winkelwagen is leeg

Diverse items zoals vlaggen, porselein, kunst, dolken, zwaarden en andere unieke stukken.

Resultaten 151 - 200 van 393


Duits oorlogs 'Welthandel' Bordspel

Duits oorlogs 'Welthandel' (Wereldhandel) Bordspel (Brettspiel) in originele kartonnen doos. De set is compleet met het kartonnen spel-bord, speelkaarten en zijn originele metalen scheepjes. De set is in gebruikte staat. Zeldzaam origineel oorlogs bordspel!

€ 220,00

WH 'Ehrenpreisschießen' target board

Wehrmacht 'Ehrenpreisschießen' wooden target board. This wooden target board was used by the honor price shooting of the NCO's (Uffz.Korps) of the '4.Ausb.-Kp,Pz.Jg.Ers.u.A.Abt.4'. Decorative original piece!

€ 225,00

Luftwaffe Commemorative Beer Stein

Luftwaffe Commemorative Beer Stein (Bierkrug) - 'Luftnachr.Komp.Fürth - Weihnachten 1937' (Christmas 1937). The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing various planes and a Flak gun in its design. Nice and decorative original piece!

€ 225,00

Nürnberg Souvenir Beer Stein

'Nürnberg' Souvenir Beer Stein (Bierkrug). The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing the ancient city of Nuremberg as its central design with the 'Adolf Hitlerplatz' to the left and the 'Henkersteg' to the right. Nice and decorative original souvenir item!

€ 225,00

Luftwaffe Souvenir Wall Plaque

'Das deutsche Volk muss ein Volk von Fliegern werden' wall-plaque. An original 1938 dated 'Flug-Ausweis' (Flight ID) is glued to the back. The detailed plaque is placed on a wooden base, sized approximately 17 x 20 cms. Hard to find original item!

€ 225,00

'Völkischer Beobachter' Newspaper Stick

German 'Völkischer Beobachter' Newspaper Stick (Zeitungshalter). The red painted wooden stick shows to both sides painted eagles with swastikas and the newspaper's name 'Völkischer Beobachter'. Scarce and certainly decorative original example in good used condition!

€ 225,00

'Adolf Hitler' Wall Plaque

Wall relief picture of 'Adolf Hitler'. The cast aluminum construction wall relief picture of Adolf Hitler is sized approximately 23,5 x 14 cms and mounted on a 33 x 23,5 cms sized wooden plaque. The plaque is not visible maker marked. Original example in good condition!

€ 225,00

Wehrmacht Souvenir Wall Plaque MG 08/15

Wehrmacht souvernir wall-plaque. The 21 x 16 cms sized plaque is showing an MG 08/15 Machine gun crew. The plaque shows a small brass plate with the script '8./J.R.109 Preisschiessen 36, III Preis'. Hard to find decorative original item!

€ 225,00

Luftwaffe Aircraft UV Cockpit Lamp

Luftwaffe Aircraft UV Cockpit Lamp (Lampe für Innenraumbeleuchtung) as used in various planes including the Ju88, He111, Me262 and various other types (mostly larger planes). Nicely maker marked by the company of 'Siemens', marked with the Luftwaffe Contract Number 'FL.32272-2'. Nice original item!

€ 225,00

Duits Wisselgeldbakje uit de Oorlog

Duits Wisselgeldbakje voor op een Winkelbalie (Zahlteller), daarop een reclame van verzekeringsmaatschappij 'Lebensversicherungsanstalt Sachsen-Thüringen-Anhalt' uit Merseburg met logo met Swastika. Uniek origineel item!

€ 225,00

Luftwaffe Vliegtuig UV Cockpit Lamp

Luftwaffe Vliegtuig UV Cockpit Lamp (Lampe für Innenraumbeleuchtung) zoals gebruikt in diverse vliegtuigen waaronder de Ju88, He111, Me262 en vele andere types (vooral grote vliegtuigen). Maker gemarkeerd door de 'Siemens' en 'FL.32272-2' gemarkeerd. Mooi exemplaar in erg goede staat!

€ 225,00

'Deutsche Arbeitsfront' Bureau Ornament

DAF 'Deutsche Arbeitsfront' Bureau Ornament met Swastika in een Tandwiel, het zware kwaliteit ornament toont de gegraveerde tekst 'zum 25 jährigen Jubiläum, Kriegsjahr 1942' (voor het 25-jarig jubileum, oorlogsjaar 1942) en een naam 'E.Dally'. Decoratief origineel item!

€ 225,00

Duitse Soldaat Souvenir Wandplaquette

Duitse Soldaat Souvenir Wandplaquette, de plaquette toont een mooie buste van een vroege leger (Wehrmacht) soldaat met een vroege WO1/Reichswehr type helm, gemonteerd op een houten paneel met een formaat van ongeveer 33 x 24,5 cm. Mooie en decoratieve originele plaquette!

€ 225,00

Wehrmacht K98 Asbak 1935

Wehrmacht K98 Asbak (Aschenbecher) met 3 k98's. De asbak was een kerst herinnering van een soldaat binnen de '2./P4' (Panzer?) en is 24 december 1935 gedateerd. Decoratief origineel stuk!

€ 225,00

Kleine NSDAP Swastika Vlag

Kleine NSDAP Swastika Vlag (Politische Fahne). De kleine dubbel-zijdige vlag is ongeveer 70 x 48 cm groot. De vlag is compleet met een origineel kartonnen etiket van de fabrikant 'M. Baltz'. Mooie originele vlag in goede staat!

€ 245,00

Olympic Games 1936 porcelain vase

This is a nice porcelain vase of the Olympic Games, held in 1936 in Berlin. The vase is approximately 15cms tall. The bottom of the vase is nicely maker marked by the 'Hutschenreuther' company from Selb (Germany). Decorative original vase!

€ 250,00

LW 'Flughafenbereich-Köln' Commemorative Plate

Luftwaffe 'Kommando Flughafenbereich-Köln' Commemorative Wooden Plate (Erinnerungsteller). The wooden plate was awarded with Christmas 1941. The wooden plate measures approximately 35 cms in diameter. Nice and decorative original item!

€ 250,00

Wehrmacht Souvenir Wall Plaque

Wehrmacht souvernir wall-plaque. The 28 x 24 cms sized plaque is showing a 3,7cms FLAK gun with crew. The plaque shows a small silver plate with the script 'Uffz.Preisschießen d. Fla.Ers.Kp.48, Liegnitz, d.14.8.40'. Hard to find decorative original item!

€ 250,00

Kriegsmarine Souvernir Glass Show Case

Kriegsmarine Souvernir Glass Show Case 'Erinnerung an die Kriegsjahre 1939-'42 Vlissingen-Holland' (Memory of the war years 1939-'42 Vlissingen-Holland). The glass show case is showing a 3D model of a Kriegsmarine Boat marked S-4 waving the battle flag. Decorative show case!

€ 250,00

Period Framed '25. Infanterie-Division' Poster

Framed 'Der siegreiche Vormarsch der 25. Infanterie-Division im Westen' Poster (Plakat) The poster is period framed in a 72 x 57 cms sized wooden frame. Rare and decorative original framed 25th Infantry Division Poster!

€ 250,00

Luftwaffe Eagle

Luftwaffe Eagle which was originally mounted on a marble socket and awarded as a shooting price. This is a 19cms wide silvered alloy metal Luftwaffe-style eagle with spread wings. Decorative original item!

€ 250,00

NSFK Propaganda Poster

'Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps' (NSFK) Propaganda Poster showing a pilot in front of a blue sky with the NSFK logo. The poster is sized approximately 83,5 x 59 cms. Decorative original period propaganda poster in good used condition!

€ 250,00

7-8 Year Old Boy Mannequin

7-8 Year Old Boy Mannequin. High quality Polyform mannequin, perfect for making a display of for example a DJ member or as a Dutch boy in a liberation display. Mannequin comes without shirt. Hard to find boy's mannequin!

€ 250,00

Framed 'Adolf Hitler' Hoffmann Photograph

Large sized black and white 'Adolf Hitler' Propaganda Photograph. The Photo comes with its original frame (missing the glass), sized approximately 45,5 x 34,5 cms. It is showing the number 'Nr.1047a' and 'Photo: Hoffmann-München'. Unique piece of Third Reich propagandistic art!

€ 250,00

Set of 2 Wehrmacht Steel Helmet Schnapps Cups

Set of 2 Wehrmacht Steel Helmet Schnapps Cups (Schnapsbecher) on high foot. The nickel-plated non-ferrous metal cups are nicely maker marked with on the bottom by the company "Gebr. Schürmann". Decorative and rarely seen original Wehrmacht Schnapps cups!

€ 250,00

Wooden 'Kampfstoffproben' box with contents

Wehrmacht wooden box for 'Kampfstoffproben' (chemical warfare test equipment box). Complete with most of its original contents including 6 cardboard tubes which are all complete with the original glass sample jars. Dated 1944. Scarce original set in good condition!

€ 250,00

Reichsbahn Honor Plaque 1936

'Reichsbahn' (DRB) Honor Plaque (Plakette). The plaque is mounted in a wooden frame and measures approximately 21 x 23 cms. The plaque is named to train driver 'Friedrich Pauker'. Decorative original item!

€ 250,00

NSDAP Swastika Pole Top

NSDAP Swastika Pole Top (Fahnenspitze) showing a Swastika in a roundel. The 21,5 cms high pole top is made of magnetic chromed metal. It is not visible maker marked. Decorative original piece!

€ 250,00

VDA Collecting Box

VDA (Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland) Collecting Box (Spendenbüchse). The collecting box is in slightly rusted condition. Decorative original item!

€ 250,00

Verzilverde Beker met Swastika

Verzilverde beker met inscriptie 'Jubiläumsgabe der Kameradschaftlichen Vereinigung' en de beker toont een Swastika. De beker is maker gemarkeerd met 'Original Wellner, Aug. Welnner Sohne A.-G.'. Decoratief origineel item!

€ 250,00

Kleine NSDAP Swastika Vlag

Kleine NSDAP Swastika Vlag (Politische Fahne). De kleine dubbel-zijdige vlag is ongeveer 77 x 56 cm groot. Mooie originele vlag in goede staat!

€ 250,00

'79. Infanterie Division' Porseleinen Bord

'79. Infanterie Division - Kriegs-Weihnachten 1940' Porseleinen Herinneringsbord (Teller) 1941-1942. Made by the famous 'Meissen' company, marked with number 'W162'. Hard to find and very decorative original item!

€ 250,00

Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse Legerhoorn

Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse Legerhoorn (signaalhoorn). De koperen hoorn is mooi maker gemarkeerd door de 'Deutsche Signal-Instrumenten-Fabrik' uit Markneukirchen en 1937 gedateerd. Mooi exemplaar in goede staat!

€ 250,00

Miniatuur Duitse Paradebajonet als Briefopener

Miniatuur Duitse Paradebajonet als briefopener (Bajonett als Brieföffner). Op het lemmet staat de naam van een firma "Eulenberg Moenting & Co.m.b.H." gegraveerd en het jaartal 1917. Decoratief origineel exemplaar in goede staat!

€ 250,00

Duits verzilverd Dienblad met Swastika gravering

Dit is een mooi Duits verzilverd dienblad (ongeveer 31,5 x 21 cm groot) uit de periode van het Derde Rijk, gegraveerd met een mooi ontwerp met swastika's. Decoratief en uniek origineel item uit die tijd!

€ 250,00

NSDAP Political Podium Banner

NSDAP Political Podium Banner (94 x 74 cm) in good condition. The bottom edge of the banner is trimmed with twisted white rayon fringe. The flag is complete with two metal clips. Very nice and decorative original piece!

€ 275,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Parade Sword

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Parade Sword (Extrasäbel für Mannschaften und Unteroffiziere). The blade is nicely maker marked by the company of "WKC" Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co. from Solingen. Complete with portepee. Nice original parade sword in good used condition!

€ 275,00

BDM Pennant

BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) Bike Pennant (Wimpel). The pennant is made of printed cotton showing the NJS Gull logo. The pennant is complete with original rope. Nice and decorative original NJS pennant in very good condition!

€ 275,00

SA Pennant with RZM Tag

SA (Sturmabteilung) Pennant (Wimpel). The double-sided pennant is sized approximately 32 x 19,5 cms. The pennant is complete with all three suspension rings and still having its original 'RZM' tag attached. Decorative original item!

€ 275,00

Period Boardgame: 'Klar zum Gefecht - Das packende Flottenspiel'

German 'Klar zum Gefecht - Das packende Flottenspiel' Board Game (Brettspiel). The set is complete with cardboard game board and most of its original metal ships. Rare original wartime board game!

€ 275,00

German Soldier Table Bust

German Soldier Table Bust (Soldatenbüste). The high quality bronze coloured zinc table bust is mounted on a marble base. The total height is approximately 15,5cms. Nice and decorative original period item!

€ 275,00

'NSV-Blockwalter' Enamel Sign

'NSV-Blockwalter' Enamel Sign (Emailleschild) with paper label from the manufacturer 'C. Robert Dold' from Offenburg. The enamel is showing some normal traces of usage. Sized approximately 24,5 x 24,5 cms. Hard to find small sized original enamel sign in very good condition!

€ 275,00

Luftwaffe Leather Money Case

Luftwaffe Leather Money Case (Aktetasche), marked with 'Eigentum der Luftwaffe' (Property of the Airforce) and marked on the inside with 'Nur für Geldtransport' (for Cash transport only). Probably used to carry wages. Decorative original item!

€ 275,00

'Lebensgefahr, betreten verboten!' Metal Sign

German 'Lebensgefahr, betreten verboten!' (Danger to life, entry prohibited) Metal Sign. The sign is measuring approximately 51 x 40 cms. Very decorative and rare original wartime metal sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!

€ 275,00

Large sized German 'Brandgefahr' Wooden Sign

Large sized German 'Brandgefahr' Wooden Sign. The sign is measuring approximately 80 x 60 cms. Very decorative and rare original wartime wooden road sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!

€ 275,00

Kriegsmarine Officier's Dolkdrager

Kriegsmarine Officier's Dolkdrager (Gehänge). De dolkdrager heeft vergulde aluminium delen, de drager is niet zichtbaar gemarkeerd. Helaas ontbreken twee clips, verder in goede staat. Moeilijk te vinden wanneer gezocht!

€ 280,00

'Kinderlandverschickung' Propaganda Poster

'Kommt mit in die Kinderlandverschickung' Propaganda Poster. The poster is sized approximately 59,5 x 40 cms. The poster is in very good unfolded condition showing some minimal traces of storage, see photos. Decorative original poster! New Price!

€ 295,00

NSKK 'Märkische Orientierungsfahrt' 1935 Plaque

Cased 'Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps' (NSKK) 'Märkische Orientierungsfahrt' Plaque (Plakette). The plaque was issued to members of the 'Motorbrigade Berlin-Brandenburg' who took part in this orientation ride held on 10 March 1935. Impressive and attractive looking plaque in very good ...

€ 295,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Reservist’s Flask & Shoulder Strap

WH (Heer) Panzer Reservist’s Flask & Shoulder Strap from a member within the '2. Panzer-Nachrichten-Ersatz-Abteilung 82'. The regimental glass flask is complete with aluminum cover, screw cap and with red, white, black coloured carrying cord. Decorative original set!

€ 295,00

'Adolf Hitler' Wall Plaque 11 March 1938

Rare original cast-iron wall relief picture of 'Adolf Hitler' commemorating the 'Anschluss' (Annexation) of Austria which started on 11 March 1938. The plaque is having a diameter of 13,8cms. Rare and decorative original piece!

€ 295,00