with an eye for quality
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Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse documenten, pasjes, identiteitskaarten, kranten

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Resultaten 51 - 100 van 187

Documenten / Pasjes

Luftwaffe Wehrpaß - KIA

Luftwaffe Wehrpaß of Obergefreiter 'Paul Erdbürger', compleet met pasfoto. Hij zag dienst in Rusland, België, Noord-Frankrijk en oorlog tegen Engeland. Hij sneuvelde in februari 1944 aan het Oostfront onder bevel van de 36e Infanteriedivisie. Interessnate originele Wehrpaß!

€ 125,00

'Nur für Wehrmacht' Papieren Kaart

'Nur für Wehrmacht, Gereserveerd voor Duitsche Weermacht' kartonnen kaart (Pappschild). De papieren/kartonnen kaart is ongeveer 32 x 15,5 cm groot. Er zijn een aantal kleine beschadiginen en scheurtjes. Decoratief origineel item in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 85,00

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster. Deze poster is bedrukt met een quote van Dr Joseph Goebbels. De poster is ongeveer 24 x 34,5 cm groot, de poster is nooit gevouwen. Mooie decoratieve originele poster in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 35,00

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster. De poster toont de quote: 'Des Helden höhere Seele muss dem Grössten, wie dem kleinsten auch in jeder lage ein Beispiel sein'. Mooie decoratieve originele poster in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 35,00

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster. This poster has a quote on it: 'Viktoria - Deutschland siegt an allen Fronten' (Victory - Germany wins at all Fronts). Decorative original poster in good condition!

€ 50,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice light-green coloured carton protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The carton cover is not visible maker marked. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 22,50

'Nat Soz Frauenschaft' Members Booklet Cover

Protective cover for the 'Nat.Soz.Frauenschaft' Member Booklet (Hülle zum Mitgliedskarte). Red oilcloth cover showing the 'Frauenschaft' logo to the front. Decorative original item in good condition!

€ 50,00

Large Get Well Soon Card to 'General der Infanterie Schmundt'

Original large sized (38 x 48 cms) Get Well Soon Card, dated '13.August MCMXLIV' (13 August 1944) to "General der Infanterie Schmundt" who got wounded at the failed 20 July plot and died later on. Signed by 'Karl-Wilhelm Specht'. Extremely rare original piece of history!

€ 1450,00

Deutsches Reich Kennkarte

'Deutsches Reich Kennkarte' - Civil Indentification Card which belonged to a woman from the area of Dresden. The oilcloth ID-card was issued to her on 28 september 1940. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 25,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch' - 'Nibelungenwerk'

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. The pass was issued to 'Karl Simlinger' who worked as an employee at the 'Nibelungenwerk' in St. Valentin (Austria), the largest and most modern tank assembly factory in Nazi Germany. Interesting original booklet in very good condition!

€ 125,00

VB Strassenkarte 'Hannover'

V.B. Strassenkarte 'Hannover' (Road Map). The map was published by the 'Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachfolger' of München and Berlin. The map is in slightly damaged condition. Decorative original map!

€ 45,00

NSB 'Jodenkliek' Pamphlet

Small sized NSB Propaganda 'Jodenkliek' Pamphlet. This pamphlet shows a caricature of Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill and a Jewish man, with the following text: 'Yankee-Engelsman-Bolsjewiek dansen naar de pijpen van de Jodenkliek' Interesting original pamphlet!

€ 15,00

WH (Heer) Wehrpaß & Cover

Wehrmacht (Heer) Wehrpaß. The pass is complete with portrait-photo. Only a few entries have been made. The pass comes in its original green carton cover as found together. Nice original Wehrpaß!

€ 65,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch' - 'Heeresbekleidungsamt'

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. The pass was issued to 'Johan Mayer' who worked as a transport employee at the 'Heeresbekleidungsamt' in Wien (Vienna), the army clothing depot. Interesting original booklet in very good condition!

€ 50,00

'Deutsche Kinderschar' Member Booklet & Patch

Very rare original 'Deutsche Kinderschar d. N.S. Frauenschaft' Member Booklet from 'Anneliese Kretschmar' who was a member in the Ortsgruppe Stöcken, Kreis Zwickau, Gau Sachsen. Complete with rare original embroidered breast patch. Very hard to find set!

€ 350,00

Wehrmacht 'Heldentod Urkunde'

Wehrmacht 'Heldentod Urkunde' (Ehrenblatt). This document was given to the family of 'Karl Jetschko' who was a Gefreiter in the '14./Panzer-Jäger-Kompanie Grenadier-Regiment 407'. He was killed in action on 22 July 1941 at Wierzbotowski . Nice and interesting original document! 

€ 100,00

WH (Heer) Death Notice

This is a death notice for Leutnant 'Josef Stautner'. He was killed in action on 17 August 1944 at the western front. According to the 'Volksbund' information, Josef was buried at Fort-de-Malmaison cemetry in France (near Reims). Interesting original death notice with photograph!

€ 20,00

Period print of a drawing by 'Walter Gotschke'

Decorative period print of a drawing by 'Walter Gotschke' showing the penetration of the 'Panzergrenadiere' in a tenaciously defended Soviet town. The drawing is sized 21 x 15 cms and placed on a 32 x 26 cms sized carton background. Decorative original print!

€ 65,00

Luftwaffe Wehrpaß

Luftwaffe Wehrpaß of Leutnant 'Leo Böhmer', complete with portrait-photo. Many entries, he was stationed in France with the 'Luftnachrichten-Regiment 52' and ended up in a hospital in Brussels (Belgium). Interesting Wehrpaß!Leo Böhmer

€ 150,00

NOÚZ Members Book

NOÚZ - 'Nationale Gewerkschaftszentrale der Arbeitnehmer' Members Book. Nice booklet, issued in 1942 in Prague, with stamps pasted from 1942/1947. Rare original booklet in good used condition!

€ 50,00

'Westdeutscher Beobachter' Subscription Book

'Westdeutscher Beobachter' Subscription Book issued to a person from Aachen on 31 December 1937. Subscription stamps have been pasted from 1938/1943. Rare original booklet in good used condition!

€ 150,00

'Geheime Staatspolizei' Personal Details Folder

Secret State Police (Geheime Staatspolizei) Personal Details Folder (Personalien Mappe), intended to hold DIN-A4 size documents. The folder is in unissued condition showing only minimal traces of storage. Decorative original Gestapo Folder!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht-Führerschein (Driver's License)

Nice original 'Wehrmacht-Führerschein' (Driver's License) named to 'Walter Schaer', born 22 January 1912 in Bückeburg. He was a member within the 'Kraftfahr-Park 542'. Nice original document in good condition!

€ 30,00

Original German 'Ahnenpaß'

This is a rare original 'Ahnenpaß'. The 'Ahnenpaß' (ancestor passport) documented the Aryan lineage of citizens of Nazi Germany and was ment to define who was, and who was not, a Jew. Filled in example. Interesting piece of history.

€ 50,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping - KIA

WH (Heer) Oorkonde groep van Stabsfeldwebel 'Josef Kammerlander', hij was ingedeeld bij de '9./Gren.Rgt.727' (Grenadier-Regiment 727). De groep bestaat uit zijn Wehrpaß, rijbewijs, enkele oorkondes (Urkunden) en diverse andere documenten.

€ 375,00

'Feuerwehr Ausweis'

'Feuerwehr Ausweis' for a volunteer within the Fire Protection Police department of 'Preussisch Oldendorf'. The pass is dated 1935. Decorative original pass in good condition!

€ 65,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. The pass was issued to 'Willi Ebeling' who worked as a guard (Wachmann) at the company 'Eibia G.m.b.H.' in Bomlitz, the largest producer of gunpowder in the German Reich. Nice original booklet in very good condition!

€ 35,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice artificial brown leather protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The cover is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 35,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice light-green coloured carton protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The carton cover was made by the company of 'Julius Kreß' in Kassel. It is complete with original carrying cord. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice light-green coloured carton protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The carton cover was made by the company of 'Julius Kreß' from Kassel. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

SS-Polizei marked map of 'Ost. Rotterdam'

This is an original so-called 'Truppenkarte' (German Army/SS Map) of the area of 'Ost. Rotterdam' in the Netherlands. The map measures approximately 63 x 47 cms. The map is showing a nice ink marking of the 'SS-Polizei-Regiment 3' and the date 1 February 1944. Rare original map!

€ 75,00

Set of 6 German Army Maps

Rare original set of 6 matching, period pasted together 'Truppenkarten' (German Army/SS Maps) of the area between Nijmegen/Arnhem to Amersfoort. The maps are showing original pencil markings. The total size of the maps is approximately 124 x 110 cms. Interesting set of maps from the Netherlands!

€ 200,00

NSDAP Membership Booklet Grouping

NSDAP Membership Booklet (Mitgliedsbuch) Grouping. This official NSDAP party membership ID document-booklet belonged to NSDAP Member 'Emil Kleen' from Oldenburg, he had party member number #3819184. The booklet comes together with other passes. Interesting grouping!

€ 495,00

'Zeiss Notizen' Magazine 1942

'Zeiss Notizen' Magazine 1942, this was a monthly published magazine, this is issue 42 for the month October 1942 being a special 'Afrikakorps' edition showing many interesting photographs. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 50,00

Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Soldbuch

Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Soldbuch met 3 portretfoto's die toebehoorde aan Unteroffizier 'Herbert Ludwig' die lid was van de 'Fallschirm-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 11' en later 'Fallschirm-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 210' die zware gevechten zag in Italië in 1945. Interessant Soldbuch!

€ 395,00

'Graf Zeppelin 1935' Envelope

Nice original airmail cover / paper envelope mailed on the Graf Zeppelin airship. Postmarked October 24, 1935; 15th flight (Europe - South America). The envelope is in excellent condition with great cancels and markings. Decorative original envelope!

€ 150,00

'DAF Recruitment' Mini Poster

Nice original period paper 'DAF' (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) recruitment mini poster (21 x 30 cms) showing factory workers and the text: "Dein Ziel: Unterführer im Betrieb. Dein Weg: Das Deutsche Leistungs ertüchtigungswerk der DAF." Decorative original poster in good used condition! 

€ 95,00

'Deutsche Reichspost Telegramm'

Nice original 'Deutsche Reichspost Telegramm' telegram. This telegram is made of thick paper and has an artistic image at the front. The telegram measures approximately 21 x 30 cms in size. On the inside a message was written by hand, dating 1934. Decorative original telegram!

€ 40,00

'Feldpost' letter and postcard

Nice original set consisting of a 'Feldpost' letter with envelope and a postcard, both sent by the same soldier. The postcard is marked with Feldpostnummer 27344. The letter is marked with '4. (M.G.)Kp.I.Er.Btl. 453'. Nice set of 'Feldpost' letters! 

€ 10,00

Dutch 'Waffen-SS' Recruitment Flyer/Poster

This is a nice original Dutch Waffen-SS Recruitment Flyer/Poster: "Dat's 'n leven van stavast", used to recruit Dutch men for the Dutch volunteer legion and/or Waffen-SS. The poster is sized approximately 48,5 x 38 cms. Decorative original Dutch Waffen-SS recruitment poster!

€ 100,00

'Maandblad der Nederlandsch - Duitsche Kultuurgemeenschap'

'Maandblad der Nederlandsch - Duitsche Kultuurgemeenschap' Magazine this was a monthly published magazine, this is number 3 from the 4th Year for the month March 1942. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Wehrmacht Newspaper 'Wacht im Westen' 2 May 1945

Wehrmacht Newspaper 'Wacht im Westen' 2 May 1945 which reports about the death of 'Adolf Hitler' and announces his successor 'Grossadmiral Dönitz'. Rare original German Army Newspaper from one of the last days of the Second World War!

€ 125,00

HJ 'Landjahr' Pass 1939

Hitler-Jugend (HJ) 'Landjahr' Pass 1939 (Ausweis). Complete with portrait photo and many entries. Nice original pass in good used condition!

€ 50,00

'Berlin Rom Tokio' Magazine

'Berlin Rom Tokio' Magazine, this was a monthly published magazine, this is number 3 from the 4th Year for the month March 1942. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 45,00

SS-Polizei marked map of 'Ost. Amsterdam'

This is an original so-called 'Truppenkarte' (German Army/SS Map) of the area of 'Ost. Amsterdam' in the Netherlands. The map measures approximately 63 x 47 cms. The map is showing a nice ink marking of the 'SS-Polizei-Regiment 3' and the date 31 January 1944. Rare original map!

€ 75,00

German Hunting License 1939

German national yearly Hunting License (Inländer-Jahresjagdschein) for the period from 1 April 1939 to 31 March 1940. The pass was issued in 'Graz' (Austria) and is complete with portrait-photo. Decorative original example!

€ 45,00

'Der Stahlhelmbund' Members Book

'N.S. Deutscher Frontkämpfer-Bund (Stahlhelm)' Members Book (Mitgliedsbuch). The members book is complete with portrait-photo and named to 'August Stein' from Düsseldorf. Nice example in good condition!

€ 50,00

NSRL Member's Book

NSRL (Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen) Member's Book, named to a woman 'Elvira Krisper', the booklet was issued to her on 26 May 1941. Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

Motor-HJ Grouping

Motor-HJ Grouping consisting of a Class 'B/C' Qualification Sleeve Badge (HJ-Prüfungs Abzeichen). Pink wool construction badge with a machine embroidered steering wheel in silver/grey. Nice example in clearly used condition!

€ 350,00

WH (Heer) Wehrpaß - KIA

Wehrmacht (Heer) Wehrpaß of Obergefreiter 'Ewald Klages', complete with portrait-photo. He was a member within the 'Infanterie-Regiment 348' and saw action in the battle of Dunkirk. KIA in Russia. Posthumously awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Interesting original Wehrpaß!

€ 150,00