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Originele Nederlandse Militaria

Resultaten 201 - 250 van 276

Nederlandse Militaria

Dutch M25 Pistol Holster

Dutch Military M25 FN Pistol Holster (Pistooltas No.1). The brown leather holster is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice holster in good used condition!

€ 145,00

Dutch Sewing Kit

Dutch Sewing Kit (Naaizakje). Original pre-war Dutch Soldier's sewing kit. The woolen bag is complete with contents including various tunic buttons, see photos. Nice original item in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Dutch Military Clothes Beater

Dutch pre-war Military Clothes Beater (Kledingklopper). It was used to whisk dust from woolen uniforms. The beater is not visible maker marked or dated, it's complete with leather strings. Nice original period item in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Dutch Infantry Sergeant's Rank Insignia

Dutch Infantry Sergeant's Rank Insignia. The so-called 'Bananenschillen' were worn on the sleeves, they are showing the blue branch colour which indicates the rank of a 'Sergeant' within the Infantry. Nice set in good unissued condition!

€ 35,00

Pair of Dutch Boot Pullers

This is a nice pair of Dutch Boot Pullers. Nice original pair in good used condition, this would be a nice addition to an officer's personal kit display!

€ 20,00

Cased Dutch Binoculars 'Heliorem 8x25

1930s Dutch Binoculars 'Heliorem 8x25'. These were privately purchased binoculars, often worn by officers on their so-called 'Buitenmodel' tunic. In case marked by 'Frans H. de Wolff' from Delft. Hard to find set of Dutch binoculars in good used condition!

€ 125,00

Dutch Button Cleaning Stick

Dutch Pre-War Soldier's Button Cleaning Stick (Knopenschaar). The wooden cleaning stick measures approximately 26cms in length. The cleaning stick is nicely marked with the soldier's service numbers. Decorative original item in good used condition!

€ 35,00

Dutch Military Combat Pants

Dutch Military Combat Pants (Grove Stof Broek). The pants are made of the so-called 'Grove Stof' (wool) for combat tunics. The pants are nicely marked and dated 'MA 1916' (Magazijn Amsterdam 1916). Hard to find original Dutch pants in used condition!

€ 450,00

Dutch POW Wooden Box 'Neubrandenburg'

Hand made souvernir wooden tobacco box of a Dutch Prisoner of War who was held in captivity in POW Camp 'Neubrandenburg', also known as 'Oflag 67'. The wooden box is sized approximately 10,5 x 9 x 2 cms. Rare and interesting original item!

€ 250,00

Dutch POW Clay Ashtray 'Neubrandenburg'

Hand made souvernir clay astray of a Dutch Prisoner of War who was held in captivity in POW Camp 'Neubrandenburg', also known as 'Oflag 67'. The clay ashtray is sized approximately 12 x 7 x 2,5 cms. Rare and interesting original item!

€ 150,00

Dutch 'Hembrug' Bayonet

Dutch 'Hembrug' Bayonet (bajonet voor het geweer M.95). The German made Dutch bayonet is complete with its original light brown leather scabberd with belt-loop, complete with horizontal leather retaining strap. Nice original bayonet in good used condition!

€ 250,00

Dutch M95 'Bloktas' CM 1916

Dutch M.95 Ammo Pouch (Bloktas). The brown leather ammo pouch is complete with all partitions and is nicely marked and dated 'CM 1916', there are some unit/service markings. Hard to find original ammo pouch in good used condition!

€ 295,00

Dutch 'Grove Stof' Combat Tunic

This is a nice Dutch so-called 'Grove Stof' Combat Tunic (Veldjas M1912/16). Tunic as intended for a Corporal within the Artillery. Nicely marked and dated 'M.A.1915' (Magazijn Amsterdam 1915). Scarce original jacket in good used condition, not often offered for sale!

€ 995,00

Dutch Fieldgrey M1912 Tunic

This is a nice Dutch so-called 'Grove Stof' Combat Tunic (Veldjas M.1912). The tunic is nicely marked and dated with 'M.W.1913' (Magazijn Woerden). Scarce original World War 1 Dutch Infantry Jacket in very good condition, not often offered for sale!

€ 475,00

Dutch Captain's Greatcoat

Dutch privately purchased (Buitenmodel) Greatcoat as intended for a Captain (Kapitein) within the army. The greatcoat is nicely maker marked by the tailor 'N.V. Dekker & Dijkstra' from Utrecht and named to Captain 'W.Kok' and dated May 1939. Hard to find original Dutch Greatcoat!

€ 295,00

Dutch M1915 EM's Leather Belt

Dutch M1915 EM's Leather Belt (Manschappen Koppelriem Model 1915 voor onberedenen). The belt is not visible maker marked or dated but probably dates from the late 30's. Hard to find original Dutch belt in very good condition!

€ 350,00

Dutch Netherlands East Indies Army Sleeve Shield Sumatra

This is a nice original Dutch Netherlands East Indies Army Sleeve Shield as intended for territorial military units on Sumatra and surrounding islands. The shield is in good condition and showing some normal traces of usage. Nice original sleeve-shield!

€ 75,00

Dutch M1915 EM's Leather Belt

Dutch M1915 EM's Leather Belt (Manschappen Koppelriem Model 1915 voor onberedenen). The belt is nicely marked with a 'CM' marking (Centraal Magazijn) and various unit markings. Hard to find original belt in good used condition!

€ 250,00

Dutch 'Adjudant der Jagers Kepie'

Dutch 'Kepie' for a adjutant within the Regiment 'Jagers' (Adjudant der Jagers). The recognizable darkgreen coloured kepi is having double yellow coloured piping and one gold coloured piping indicating the rank of adjutant. Rare original kepi in good condition!

€ 450,00

Rare original box for Hembrug M95 ammunition

Rare original Dutch transport box for Hembrug M95 Ammunition for rifles and carbines (Patronen voor geweren en karabijnen). The box was originally filled with 24 small boxes of 10 rounds of 6,5 x 53,5 R M95 Hembrug Ammunition. Dated 1925. Rare original carton box!

€ 275,00

Dutch Marines Gasmask & Canister

Rare original Dutch Marines Gasmask & Canister (Mariniers Gasmasker). Both the gasmask and canister are nicely marked with the soldier's service number 'Z III-7046' indicating that this soldier was a 'Zeemilicien' (Marine Engineer). Dated 1939. Rare original Dutch Marines gasmask set!

€ 250,00

Dutch M95 'Bloktas' CM 1916

Dutch M.95 Ammo Pouch (Bloktas). The brown leather ammo pouch is complete with all partitions and is nicely marked and dated 'CM 1916', the pouch is nicely maker marked by the company 'Van der Horst & de Heus'. Hard to find original ammo pouch in very good condition!

€ 350,00

Dutch Gala Tunic Grouping

This is a nice original Dutch black coloured Gala (dress) tunic grouping as intended for a 1st Lieutenant within the Artillery (1e luitenant der Artillerie). The grouping is consisting of a pair of pants, tunic and kepi. Nice original gala (dress) tunic grouping in used condition!

€ 250,00

Dutch Cavalry Mess Kit

Dutch Cavalry Mess Kit (Eetketel voor beredenen), this is a special larger version intended for cavalry personnel. The galvanized mess kit is not visible maker marked or dated. The mess kit is slightly dented, see photos.Rare original example in good used condition!

€ 295,00

Dutch Bread Bag - 'CM1940'

Dutch Bread Bag (broodzak M16, onberedenen, nieuw model). The breadbag is made of thick heavy duty green/grey canvas. The breadbag is nicely marked with an 'CM' marking (Centraal Magazijn) and dated 1940. Nice and scarce original example in good used condition!

€ 375,00

Dutch long underpants 1931

Rare original Dutch long underpants (Onderbroek). Fine quality off-white coloured cotton/tricot blend underpants. The underpants are named and dated 1 October 1931. Hard to find original Dutch underpants in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch Gasmask Canister Model 'H'

Rare original Dutch Gasmask Canister Model 'H' (Gasmaskerbus Model H). The canister still retains most of its original green paint and is complete with its original carrying straps. Nice original Gasmask Canister in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch Navy Sailor's Cap

Rare original pre-1940 Dutch Navy Sailor's Cap (Koninklijke Marine. Muts). The cap is complete with original pre-1940 type tally "Koninklijke Marine.". Hard to find original Dutch Navy cap in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic - Sergeant Artillery

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic as intended for an Artillery Sergeant. The tunic has the so-called 'Bananenschillen' on the sleeves which indicates the rank of 'Sergeant'. The tunic is in overall good used condition. Nice original Dutch tunic!

€ 350,00

Indonesian TRI - TNI Collar Tab

Indonesian TRI - TNI Collar Tab as worn by members from the Indonesian Army (Tentara Republik Indonesia) in the period from 1945/1949 during the military campaigns in 1947 and 1948 to re-establish Dutch control of Indonesia. Rare original collar tab!

€ 45,00

Dutch Resistance Armband 'Oranje'

Dutch Resistance Armband 'Oranje' (Mouwband). The linnen armband is showing the ink-stamped word 'ORANJE' (Orange), these armband were worn by Dutch resistance members during and after the liberation of the Netherlands. Nice original example!

€ 75,00

Dutch Resistance Armband 'Oranje'

Dutch Resistance Armband 'Oranje' (Mouwband). The 47cms long orange coloured linnen armband is showing the interwoven black-coloured script 'ORANJE' (Orange), these armband were worn by Dutch resistance members during and after the liberation of the Netherlands. Nice original example!

€ 75,00

Dutch Gala Tunic Grouping

This is a nice original Dutch black coloured Gala (dress) tunic grouping as intended for a 'Kapitein der Artillerie' (Artillery Captain). The grouping is consisting of a pair of pants, tunic, kepi with feathers, gloves, shoes and sashes. Nice original gala (dress) tunic grouping!

€ 550,00

Dutch caltrop - 'Kraaienpoot'

Dutch military caltrop - 'Kraaienpoot'. The green painted metal caltrop is marked with a 'L'. The caltrop has most likely been produced by the 'Hembrug' factories. There are some small rust spots, these can be cleaned. Nice example in good condition!

€ 30,00

Book: 'Naam- en Ranglijst der Officieren' 1940

Book: 'Naam- en Ranglijst der Officieren' 1940. This book was published in 1940 and includes the names and ranks of all officers within the Dutch Army and Royal Netherlands East Indies Army. The book features 618 pages. Rare and hard to find original name- and ranklist!

€ 125,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Children's Tunic

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Children's tunic grouping consisting of a tunic, a pair of trousers and an overseas cap. All made from the same Dutch 'Buitenmodel' tunic cloth. Looking at the size it would probably be intended for a kid in the age between 7-10 years. Decorative and never seen before kids tunic!

€ 250,00

Dutch Work Tunic

Dutch Work Tunic (Werkpak). Made of nice green 'heavy-duty’cotton and has two front pockets and one inside pocket. The tunic is nicely marked with a 'CM' marking (Centraal Magazijn) and dated 1934. Very nice and hard to find original Dutch work tunic!

€ 495,00

Dutch WW1 3-piece medal-bar

Dutch World War 1 3-piece medal-bar (Ordenspange), consisting of a Dutch Expedition Cross with clasp 'Atjeh 1901-1903', an Officers Cross for 25 years service and a Mobilization War Cross 1914-1918. The medals are nicely mounted on a medal-bar. Nice original set in good condition!

€ 95,00

Dutch 'Stoottroepen' Soldier's Service and Pay Book

Dutch 'Stoottroepen' Soldier's Service and Pay Book. The booklet was issued to Soldier 'Franciscus Hollewijn', he enlisted in Maastrich on 30 October 1944. The booklet comes together with two blanco medical cards. Interesting original Stoottroepen Soldier's document grouping!

€ 125,00

Dutch Officer's Sword M1912

Dutch Officer's Sword Model 1912 (Wandelsabel M1912), complete with Portepee. The blade is nicely marked with 'Yzerhouwer' and maker marked by the company of 'Clemen & Jung' from Solingen. Nice original Dutch Officer's Sword in good used condition!

€ 295,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic Grouping

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' tunic grouping as intended for a 1st Lieutenant within the 'Korps Motordienst' (Motorcyclist). The grouping is consisting of his tunic and matching pair of breeches as found together. Nice original set in good used condition!

€ 695,00

Dutch 'Atilla' Lieutenant-Colonel KNIL

This is a rare original Dutch black coloured 'Atilla' as intended for an Administrative Lieutenant-Colonel within the KNIL (Royal Netherlands East Indies Army). The tunic is named to 'Zijlmans' and dated 30 May 1927. Rare original KNIL 'Atilla' in good condition!

€ 450,00

Dutch 'Nederland' shoulder-title

Nice original Dutch 'Nederland' shoulder-title as instituted in 1944 and worn by the 'Stoottroepen'. Manufactered in Holland according to the so-called 'Brabant-weef'. Nice original shoulder-title in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

Dutch Army sleeve-shield Troop Command North & South Moluccas

This is a nice original Dutch Netherlands East Indies Army sleeve-shield as intended for a member within the Troop Command North & South Moluccas and New Guinea. The shield is in good condition and showing some normal traces of usage. Nice original sleeve-shield

€ 70,00

Dutch 'Nederlandsch Indië' arm-badge

Dutch 'Nederlandsch Indië' arm-badge (Mouwleeuw). The arm-badge is showing a neatly hand-embroidered Dutch lion above the script 'Nederlandsch Indië'. This is a locally produced example as introduced by KNIL personnel serving in Malakka. Rare original badge in good condition!

€ 75,00

Dutch Hasselt Cross 1830-1831

Dutch Metal Cross 1830-1831 (Metalen Kruis 1830-1831), also known as 'Hasselt Cross'. The medal comes regrettably without ribbon. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 50,00

Dutch M34 Combat Helmet

Dutch M34 Combat Helmet (Stalen helm model 34). The helmet is complete with it's original leather liner and chinstrap, the helmet is nicely maker marked by 'Lederwarenfabrik, de Valk' from Amsterdam. Nice original Dutch combat helmet in good condition!

€ 295,00

Dutch military combat pants

Dutch military combat pants (Grove Stof Broek). The pants are made of the so-called 'Grove Stof' (wool) for combat tunics. The pants are nicely CM (Centraal Magazijn) marked and dated, the date is hard to read. Hard to find original Dutch pants!

€ 795,00

Arm-badge for the Staff of the Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces

Dutch arm-badge for the Staff of the Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces (Staf van de Bevelhebber der Nederlandse Strijdkrachten). Machine-woven according to the so-called 'Brabant Weave' pattern. Rare original example in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic Grouping

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' tunic grouping as intended for a 1st Lieutenant within the 'Geneeskundige Dienst' (Medical Service). The grouping is consisting of his tunic and matching straight legged trousers as found together. Nice original set in good condition!

€ 575,00