with an eye for quality
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Resultaten 2651 - 2700 van 6892

WW2 Iron Cross 1st Class '6'

Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). The magnetic type cross is maker marked with number '6' indicating production by 'Fritz Zimmermann' from Stuttgart. Nice original cross in very good condition!

€ 450,00

Late war Japanese Arisaka Type 30 Bayonet

Japanese Arisaka Type 30 Bayonet. This is an early Type 30 bayonet produced before 1942, having a hooked cross guard. The bayonet is complete with its rarely seen original fieldgrey painted late war bamboo wooden scabberd. Rare original bayonet & scabberd in good condition!

€ 295,00

Mothers Cross in Silver

Mothers Cross in Silver (Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter). The cross is complete with its original long sized ribbon. Nice original cross in good condition!

€ 55,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch' - 'Heeresbekleidungsamt'

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. The pass was issued to 'Johan Mayer' who worked as a transport employee at the 'Heeresbekleidungsamt' in Wien (Vienna), the army clothing depot. Interesting original booklet in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Dutch so-called 'Knijpkat' Flashlight

Nice funcitional example of the famous Dutch so-called 'Knijpkat' Flashlight. This is a fieldgrey coloured version, nicely maker marked by the 'Philips' company. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 45,00

WH (Heer) EM's M40 Field Blouse

Wehrmacht (Heer) EM's M40 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M40). Complete with breast-eagle collar-tabs and shoulder straps. The field blouse is maker marked by the German 'Reitz' company and dated 1941 (H41). There is some minor moth damage. Nice original field blouse in good used condition!

€ 1795,00

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge - 'BSW'

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge (Flugzeugführerabzeichen). The tombak badge nicely maker marked with a clover leaf containing the initials 'BSW' for 'Brüder Schneider A.G.' from Wien. The barrel hinge has been repaired. Nice original Pilots Badge in used and worn condition!

€ 650,00

Nahkampfspange in Bronze - 'JFS'

Close Combat Clasp in Bronze (Nahkampfspange in Bronze). This is a nice original first pattern by 'JFS' indicating production by the company of 'Josef Feix & Söhne' in Gablonz an der Neiße. The badge still retains a lot of finish. Nice example in good used and worn condition!

€ 450,00

Luftwaffe Aluminum 'Trinkwasser 5L' Flask

Luftwaffe Aluminum 'Trinkwasser 5L' Flask. The flask is nicely maker marked by the company 'Ritter Aluminium'. The flask is marked with Luftwaffe Contract Number 'FL730710'. The flask retains most of its original ordance tan paint. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 225,00

German Camouflaged Carrier for 2 'Tellermine 35'

German Camouflaged Carrier for 2 'Tellermine 35'. The metal carrier is painted in early 3-tone tan/green/brown camouflage paint. The carrier is nicely maker marked and dated 1937. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 475,00

WW2 US Army Wool Trousers & Belt

WW2 US Army Wool Trousers. The pants are complete with label, dated 4 December 1944, size 31x33. The trousers are complete with original 1943 dated trouser belt. Nice pair of wool trousers in very good condition!

€ 165,00

US M-1941 Kersey Lined Trousers

US M-1941 Kersey Lined Trousers as designed to be worn with the kersey-lined Arctic M1941 Field Jacket. The pants are complete with label, dated 1942. Nice and hard to find pair of original lined pants in very good condition!

€ 175,00

Wehrmacht M24 Stick Grenade Transport Box

Wehrmacht M24 Stick Grenade Transport Box (Handgranatenkoffer). The box retains most of its original fieldgrey paint. The 4 metal D-rings on the outside of the box are present. Nice original box in good used condition!

€ 195,00

WH (Heer) Visor Cap Wreath/Cocarde Set

Wehrmacht (Heer) Visor Cap Wreath/Cocarde Set. The zinc-type wreath is complete with separately attached cocarde. The wreath is complete with both prongs. Nice original example in good unissued condition, perfect for restoring a mid to late war visor cap!

€ 35,00

WH (Heer) Infantry walking-out long pants

WH (Heer) Infantry parade dress/walking-out long pants (M35 Tuchhose). A privately purchased type trousers for the walking out dress, made from high quality fieldgrey wool and having Infantry white piping. Hard to find original pants in very good condition!

€ 475,00

WH (Heer) M40 'Normandy' Camouflaged Helmet

WH (Heer) M40 Camouflage Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40). 'Q64' marked shell showing a beautiful three-tone tan/brown/green 'Normandy' camouflage paint. The helmet is complete with its original liner and chinstrap. Stunning original helmet!

€ 3850,00

Luftwaffe Flight EM/NCO's Visor Cap

Luftwaffe Flight/FJ EM/NCO's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze), complete with early aluminum insignia. The visor cap is nicely maker marked by the 'Robert Lubstein' from Berlin and dated 1938, the cap is size 54½ marked. Nice original Visor Cap!

€ 850,00

'Deutsche Kinderschar' Member Booklet & Patch

Very rare original 'Deutsche Kinderschar d. N.S. Frauenschaft' Member Booklet from 'Anneliese Kretschmar' who was a member in the Ortsgruppe Stöcken, Kreis Zwickau, Gau Sachsen. Complete with rare original embroidered breast patch. Very hard to find set!

€ 350,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt

Wehrmacht EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 95cms long sized belt is made of nice high quality leather, this is the late war pattern without tongue. The belt is not visible maker marked. Nice original belt in good used condition!

€ 100,00

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge - 'FLL'

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge (Flugzeugführerabzeichen). The tombak badge is not visible maker marked but can be attributed to the company of 'Friedrich Linden' from Lüdenscheid. The badge is still showing beautiful finish. Stunning original FLL Pilots Badge in very good condition!

€ 975,00

WH (Heer) 'Krim' Campaign Shield

WH (Heer) 'Krim' Campaign Shield. Complete with back-plate and protective green paper backing. The magnetic type shield it is not visible maker marked but can very likely be attributed to the company of 'Friedrich Orth' from Wien (Vienna). Nice original shield in very good condition!

€ 315,00

WH (Heer) DAK Tropical Pith Helmet

1st pattern WH (Heer) DAK Tropical Pith Helmet (Tropenhelm), complete with a set of original shields. The helmet is size '56' marked and dated 1941. Interesting original pith helmet!

€ 500,00

WH (Heer) Signalman's Tool-Pouch

WH (Heer) black leather Signalman's Tool-Pouch (Werkzeugtasche für die Nachrichtentruppe). The leather pouch is nicely maker marked by a company from Berlin and looks to be dated 1942. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 100,00

Wehrmacht Drivers Proficiency Badge

WH (Heeres) Drivers Proficiency Badge in Bronze (Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen in Bronze), or possibly gold. The badge is mounted on field-grey wool and complete with metal back-plate. Nice example in good clearly used condition!

€ 75,00

US Buckle Boots Size 11½A

US Buckle Boots. Maker marked by 'International Shoe Co.' and dated 12 April 1944, size 11½A. A typical pair of shoes as worn by the US GI’s during World War 2. Great looking pair of original US boots in very good condition!

€ 375,00

Wehrmacht FF33 Field Telephone

Wehrmacht Field Telephone (Feldfernsprecher 33). The field telephone is nicely maker marked and dated 1943. The Field Telephone is in complete condition, including battery compartment and the original generator handle. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) 'Infanterie' NCO's M35 Dress Tunic

WH (Heer) Infantry M35 Dress Tunic (Wehrmacht Parade-Waffenrock), made by a tailor from 'Goslar'. Complete with all insignia as intended for an 'Oberfeldwebel' within the 'Infanterie-Regiment 431'. Nice original dress tunic!

€ 950,00

WH (Heer) M36 'Panzerjäger' Shoulder-Straps

Pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) tailor made boiled wool M36-type shoulder-straps having the woolen-type pink coloured piping as intended for an 'Unteroffizier der Panzerjäger'. Nice early pair of shoulder-straps in good used condition!

€ 200,00

Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag

Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag (Brotbeutel 31). The blue-grey coloured breadbag is re-inforced with black leather parts. Nicely maker marked and dated 1941. Nice original Luftwaffe bread bag in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) M31 Bread Bag 1935

Wehrmacht (Heer) M31 Bread Bag (Brotbeutel 31). This is an early pre war example made of grey coloured canvas, the breadbag is re-inforced with grey lacquered leather parts. Nicely maker marked by a manufacturer from Zeitz and dated 1935. Rare early breadbag in very good condition!

€ 175,00

SA/NSDAP Political Bread Bag

This is a nice original SA/NSDAP Political Bread Bag (Brotbeutel). The breadbag is made of a tan-coloured, water repellent, canvas material. The bread bag is not visible marked or dated. The middle belt-keeper has been removed unfortunately. Priced accordingly!

€ 50,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Feldwebel Arpke'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Feldwebel Arpke' - der mit seinem Stoßtrupp wichtige Albert-Kanal Brücken für den weiteren deutshen Vormarsch sicherte. The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Helmut Arpke', a German Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper). Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Oberst Bräuer'

This is a nice original period 'Willrich' postcard showing Kommandeur eines Fallschirmjäger Regiments 'Oberst Bräuer'. Decorative colorful original postcard!

€ 25,00

Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Portrait Photograph

Nice quality portrait photograph showing a Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger. He's wearing his jump smock with Fallschirmjäger helmet. This photo was developed by 'Röhr' from Magdeburg. Unique original paratrooper photo!

€ 175,00

'Sudetenland' Postcard

Nice original colourful postcard of the annexation of the Sudetenland. The card shows an artistic image of the territory of the Sudetenland with a picture of Adolf Hitler being greeted by people, in very vibrant colours (the gold is shiny). Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 20,00

'Danzig ist Deutsch' Postcard

Nice original period colour propaganda-postcard, designed by the famous Gottfried Klein, from the 'WHW' (Winterhilfswerk) showing a view of the city Danzig and an eagle with swastika in very vibrant colours. Decorative colourful original postcard!

€ 20,00

Ammunition Box for Hembrug M95 Ammunition

Dutch Ammunition Box for Hembrug M95 Ammunition. The box was originally filled with 10 rounds of 6,5 x 53,5 R M95 Hembrug Ammunition. The empty carton box is dated 1928. Nice original Dutch ammunition box in good condition!

€ 25,00

Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle 'RZM M4/30'

Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle (HJ Koppelschloß). The aluminum buckle is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M4/30' indicating prodcution by the company 'Berg & Nolte' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original buckle in good used condition!

€ 130,00

Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Portrait Photograph

Nice quality portrait photograph showing a Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger wearing his Luftwaffe four-pocket tunic (Waffenrock), as intended for a 'Soldat der Fallschirmjäger' and a Fallschirmjäger helmet. Unique original paratrooper photo!

€ 225,00

'Der Stahlhelmbund' Members Badge - 1931

'Der Stahlhelmbund' New Members Badge - 1931 (Eintrittsabzeichen). The enamelled badge is nicely maker marked on the back with 'STH' (Stahlhof), the badge is also 'Ges.Gesch.' marked. It comes on its original and functional pin/catch construction. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 130,00

WH (Heer) ID-Disc '1.Sch.Ers.Kp.73'

This is an aluminum WH (Heer) ID-disc (Erkennungsmarke) as intended for a member within the '1.Sch.Ers.Kp.73' - '1. Schützen-Ersatz Kompanie / Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 73'. The disc is complete with original carrying cord as found. Interesting original ID-disc in good used condition!

€ 55,00

Waffen-SS BeVo 'Reichsführer-SS' Cufftitle

Waffen-SS BeVo-woven 'Reichsführer-SS' cufftitle (Ärmelband). The cufftitle is in full length condition with typical unfinished ends and measures approximately 44cms in length. The cufftitle is in good unissued condition showing some staining and traces of years of storage. Nice original cufftitle!

€ 1475,00

Heeres 'Fallschirmjäger' Portrait Photograph

Nice quality portrait photograph showing Leutnant 'Helmut Freiberg' in his Wehrmacht uniform as a member of the '22.Luftlande Infanterie Division' wearing a LW Paratrooper Badge. He was KIA on 20 May 1941 at Crete and is buried at the Maleme (Chania) War Cemetery. Stunning original portrait!

€ 295,00

SA 'Wehrmannschaften' Service Tunic

SA (Sturmabteilung) 'Wehrmannschaften' Service Tunic (Dienstrock). Complete with collar tabs and armband. There are ink-markings from the Bavarian Film Studios inside the tunic. Overall a nice and interesting original SA-Wehrmannschaften Tunic for a fair price!

€ 695,00

Rare WH (Heer) M35 DD Combat Helmet

Wehrmacht (Heer) Double Decal M35 Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M35). Decals placed on top of early SA or Police decals. 'ET66' marked shell, complete with its original early liner having an early aluminum ring. Complete with 1937 dated chinstrap. Rare early reissued WH (Heer) M35 DD Helmet!

€ 6750,00

WH (Heer) Tropical Belt & Buckle

WH (Heer) Tropical EM/NCO's Belt & Buckle (Tropen Koppel mit Koppelschloß). The 90cms long green coloured webbing belt comes with its original tropical olive/green coloured steel buckle with webbing tab. Hard to find original set in good used condition!

€ 750,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt & Buckle

Wehrmacht (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt and Buckle (Koppel und Koppelschloß). Nice steel construction box buckle painted in the standard fieldgrey colour, complete with its original 88cms long sized late war pattern leather belt as found together. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 225,00

Spanish Cross in Bronze with Swords

Spanish Cross in Bronze with Swords (Spanienkreuz in Bronze mit Schwertern). Early unmarked tombak cross made by an unknown manufacturer. The cross retains a nice bronze finish. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 1250,00

1870 Iron Cross 2nd Class - Godet

1870 Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The cross has a three piece construction and has a magnetic B-type core. The cross can be attributed to production by the company of 'Godet' from Berlin. Rare original 19th century cross

€ 850,00

NSDAP 10 Years Long Service Award

Cased NSDAP Ten Years Long Service Award. Nice original tombak (Buntmetall) example that is period mounted on a so-called 'Einzelspange'. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 395,00