with an eye for quality
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Resultaten 3501 - 3550 van 6920

Wehrmacht Medical Eyepatch

Wehrmacht Medical Eyepatch (Augenklappe). This was standard equipment in the medical box (Verbandkasten). Complete with elastic band. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

Wehrmacht-Führerschein (Driver's License)

Nice original 'Wehrmacht-Führerschein' (Driver's License) named to 'Walter Schaer', born 22 January 1912 in Bückeburg. He was a member within the 'Kraftfahr-Park 542'. Nice original document in good condition!

€ 30,00

'Flakkampfabzeichen' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge (Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie or Flakkampfabzeichen). This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Uffz. 'Josef Knepper'. He was a member within '2.leichte Flakabteilung 74'. Nice original award document!

€ 100,00

Camouflaged MG 34/42 50 Round Drum Magazine

MG 34/42 50 Round Drum Magazine (Gurttrommel 34). The drum retains most of its original tan coloured paint showing spots of brown camouflage camouflage, a red painted number '1745' is visible on top of the lid. Nice original camouflaged drum magazine!

€ 325,00

Luftwaffe 7,65mm Browning Pistol Holster

Luftwaffe 7,65mm Pistol Holster for the FN Browning Model 1910/22 Pistol (Nur für lange Browning-Pistole Kal. 7.65). The holster is nicely maker marked and dated with 'jhg 43', the leather is still very supple. Nice original holster in good used condition!

€ 250,00

LW 'Fliegerschützenabzeichen mit Blitzbündel'

Luftwaffe Air Gunner Badge with Lightning (Fliegerschützenabzeichen mit Blitzbündel). The early tombak badge is nicely maker marked with the logo of the company 'F.W. Assmann' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original badge in used and worn condition!

€ 795,00

Bulgarian Pilot's Badge

Royal Bulgarian Pilot’s Badge. The tombak type badge is not visible maker marked. The badge has naturally a functional pin & catch construction. Nice original Bulgarian Pilot's Badge in very good condition!

€ 195,00

LW Combined Pilot-Observer Badge - Cloth Version

Cloth Version (Stoffausführung) of the Luftwaffe Combined Pilot-Observer Badge (Gemeinsames Flugzeugführer- u. Beobachterabzeichen). This badge is a nicely machine-embroidered example. Nice example in good condition!

€ 145,00

Original German 'Ahnenpaß'

This is a rare original 'Ahnenpaß'. The 'Ahnenpaß' (ancestor passport) documented the Aryan lineage of citizens of Nazi Germany and was ment to define who was, and who was not, a Jew. Filled in example. Interesting piece of history.

€ 50,00

Mothers Cross in Gold Award-Document

Mothers Cross in Gold Award-Document (erste Stufe des Ehrenkreuzes der Deutschen Mutter Urkunde). This award document was awarded to 'Wilhelmine Klein' (b. Seel) from Michelbach, on 1 October 1939 for bearing eight or more children. Nice original award document!

€ 75,00

'Ostmedaille' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the German Eastern Front Medal (Medaille für die Winterschlacht im Osten). This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Gefreiten 'Alfred Grommes'. He was a member within 'Infanterie-Regiment 736'. Nice original award document!

€ 50,00

German Imperial Pilots Badge - Juncker

This is a stunning original Imperial WW1 Prussian Pilots Badge (Militär-Flugzeugführerabzeichen). The '800' silver marked badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'C.E. Juncker' from Berlin. Early example with central marking. Desirable original imperial pilots badge!

€ 2250,00

Imperial Crown Prince Wilhelm Medaillon

Prussian Imperial Crown Prince Wilhelm Medaillon in gold, inset with 73 (artificial) diamonds showing a nice hand-painted image of Crown Prince 'Friedrich Wilhelm Victor August Ernst von Preußen'. Very decorative and unique item!

€ 500,00

General Ludendorff's Pour le Mérite with Oakleaves

Prussian Pour le Mérite with Oakleaves (Pour le Mérite mit Eichenlaub) which belonged to General Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff. Wartime made hollow construction decoration in 22kt gold, marked with a small "W" indicating 'Wagner & Sohn' from Berlin. Extremely rare and unique item! POR


Prussian 1870 Miniature Centenarmedaille

Prussian 1870 Miniature Centenarmedaille and 3rd Class Long Service Medal. The 16mm sized miniatures are very detailed, the miniatures are attached to thier original buttonhole device and complete with original pieces of ribbon. Nice and decorative original miniatures in very good condition!

€ 75,00

German Imperial Pilots Badge - Engraved Meybauer

This is a stunning original Imperial WW1 Prussian Pilots Badge (Militär-Flugzeugführerabzeichen). The '800' silver marked badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Meybauer' from Berlin. The badge is nicely engraved and dated 1924. Desirable original imperial pilots badge!

€ 1750,00

WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class - screw-back

WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse), this is a so-called 'screw-back version' (Schraubscheibe) which is unfortunately missing the middle plate. The small screw is present. The cross is maker marked by 'Paul Meybauer' from Berlin. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 300,00

Imperial Bavarian Pilots Badge

This is a stunning original German Imperial Bavarian Pilots Badge (Bayern Militär-Flugzeugführerabzeichen). The hollow cut-out construction badge is a so-called 'Quadrat' variant marked with a square punch on the pin. Desirable and rare original WW1 Bavarian pilots badge in very good condition!

€ 2000,00

Miniature WW1 Iron Cross 1st & 2nd Class

Miniature World War 1 Iron Cross 1st & 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse) having swords attached as well. The 16mm sized miniature is attached to its original buttonhole device and complete with original piece of ribbon. Maker marked by 'J. Godet & Sohn' from Berlin. Nice and decorative original ...

€ 65,00

Case for the WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class

Case for the WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class (Etui zum Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The privately purchased type presentation case is showing an image of an Iron Cross with the dated 1914-16 indicating wartime production. Decorative original case in very good condition!

€ 295,00

WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class '800' silver

WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). The cross is maker marked with '800' silver and having a closed '4' in the 1914 date. This is a rare example made in the early 30's by the company of 'Deschler' from München. Rare and hard to find original variant cross in good condition!

€ 500,00

Case for the WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class

Case for the WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class (Etui zum Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The privately purchased type presentation case is showing an image of an Iron Cross with the dated 1914-16 indicating wartime production. Decorative original case in very good condition!

€ 250,00

Bakelite 'Caporit-Tabletten' Box 1942

Original unissued bakelite box of 'Caporit-Tabletten', used for drinking water disinfection. The tablets were made by the "Behringwerke", I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft' from Leverkusen. The box is dated 1942. Rare original item!

€ 80,00

Kriegsmarine Summer Tunic Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine metal gilt washed breast-eagle as intended for the white summer tunic (Brustadler für Sommerrock). The eagle is not visible maker marked. The eagle shows great detail and polished highlights. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 175,00

WW2 US Third Army Patch

World War 2 U.S. Third Army Patch, also known as Patton's Army. The circular shaped badge is nicely machine-woven showing a white back. Nice original Third Army Patch in very good condition!

€ 15,00

Prussian Centenarmedaille 1897

Prussian Centenarmedaille 1897. The 'Centenarmedaille' (officially called: 'Medaille zur Erinnerung an des Hochseligen Kaisers und Königs Wilhelm I., des Großen, Majestät') is complete with its original yellow ribbon. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 35,00

'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Award Document

Award document for the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). This award document was awarded to Obergefreiten 'Herbert Schöning' on 19 June 1944. Herbert was a member within the s.Kfz.Inst.Kp(mot) (schwere Kraftfahrzeug Instandsetzungs Kompanie Motorisiert 132). Nice original award ...

€ 65,00

'War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern).This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Oberzahlmeister 'Erich Zander', he was a member within 'Eisb.Pi.Kp.85' (Eisenbahn Pionier Kompanie 85). This document was handed to him ...

€ 65,00

US M1 Combat Helmet '87th Infantry Division'

US M1 Combat Helmet with swivel bale and front seam. The outside of the liner shows a painted on golden acorn logo of the US '87th Infantry Division' who saw heavy combat in the Ardennes. Rare and interesting original helmet!

€ 2450,00

Set of 2 WH (Heer)/RAD Photo Albums

This is a nice set of 3 RAD/WH (Heer) photo-albums from a soldier within the 'Pion.Batl.49', the albums are containing over 150 military related photographs showing barracks, vehicles, 'Hierl', 'Adolf Hitler' and many other interesting details. Nice and decorative original photo-albums!

€ 300,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup 'SMM43'

Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Aluminum canteen with felt cover, complete with aluminum cup. The canteen, cover and straps are all nicely maker marked and dated 'SMM43', the cup is dated 1940. Nice original canteen in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Waffen-SS M43 Cap Trapezoid

Waffen-SS M43 Cap Trapezoid, executed in BeVo-weave pattern, as worn on the M43 field caps. The trapezoid is executed in silver-grey linnen on a fieldgrey linnen background. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 575,00

'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber'

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The hollow zinc type badge is not visible maker marked, it can be attributed to the company of 'Wilhelm Deumer' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original badge in good used condition!

€ 155,00

Miniature 'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen'

Miniature 'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen' (General Assault Badge). The miniature badge is a non-maker marked 9mm example executed in 'Zink'. The miniature is still mounted on its original LDO cardboard. Nice original miniature in very good condition!

€ 65,00

British Windproof Camouflage Smock

British Windproof Camouflage Smock. The smock is complete with manufacturers label, the smock was produced by the company 'Cohen & Wilks Ltd.' in 1943, the smock is size 5 marked. Nice and hard to find original smock in good used condition!

€ 475,00

Sovjet 'Order of the Red Star' #1163653

Sovjet 'Order of the Red Star'. The order is nicely maker marked by the Mint of Moscow (МОНЕТНЬІЙ ДВОР) and is marked with the unique serial number #1163653 indicating that this example has been awarded in January 1944. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's M40 Tropical Cap

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's M40 Tropical Cap (Tropenfeldmütze). Complete with original applied insignia. Nicely maker marked by the 'Schlesische Mützenfabrik Frankenstein' and dated 1941. Hard to find original early Tropical 'Afrikakorps' cap in truly used and worn condition!

€ 2300,00

WH (Heer) DAK Tropical Pith Helmet

WH (Heer) DAK Tropical Pith Helmet (Tropenhelm), complete with both its original shields. The helmet is nicely maker marked with 'JHS' and dated 1941, large size '61'. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 475,00

WH (Heer) DAK M40 Tropical Tunic

First Pattern WH (Heer) DAK M40 Tropical Tunic (Tropenfeldbluse M40). The tunic is having an original applied BeVo tropical breast-eagle, collar-tabs (without shoulder-straps). Nicely marked and dated 1941 (B41). Rare original early tropical tunic in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 2850,00

WH (Heer) Tropical Trousers

WH (Heer) Tropical Trousers (Tropenhose). This is a second pattern, light weight, olive/khaki green, cotton construction trousers. The trousers are nicely size marked, 'RB.Nr.' marked and dated 1943 (M43). Nice original tropical trousers in very good, mint and unissued, condition!

€ 695,00

WH (Heer) Tropical Combat Rucksack

Wehrmacht (Heer) Tropical Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of all webbing parts, the rucksack is nicely maker marked by 'Ernst Melzig' from Liegnitz and dated 1942. Nice early tropical rucksack in very good, mint and unissued, condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) 'Panzer' NCO's Visor Cap

WH (Heer) 'Panzer' EM/NCO's Visor Cap. The sweat-diamond is nicely marked by the company of 'Otto Schlientz' from Straubing. The cap is 'Pz.Abw.Abt.10' (Panzer-Abwehr-Abteilung 10) unit marked. Hard to find original Panzer Visor Cap in good used condition!

€ 1375,00

WH (Heer) 'Afrikakorps' NCO's Panzer Wrap

WH (Heer) 'Afrikakorps' NCO's Panzer Wrap (Panzerjacke). The textbook original panzer wrap is maker marked by 'Otto Meis' from Erfurt and dated 'E41'. Complete with collar-tabs, breast-eagle, shoulder-straps and Tripoli made 'Afrikakorps' cufftitle. Stunning original wrap!

€ 7500,00

One-Piece Luftschutz Gladiator Helmet

Luftschutz Gladiator Helmet (Stahlhelm M38). This is a rarely seen one-piece construction M38 type Luftschutz helmet, the helmet is complete with its original liner and rare original late war plastic type chinstrap. Nice original late war variant helmet in very good condition!

€ 175,00

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31

German Mess Kit M31 (Kochgeschirr 31). Nice late war aluminum and steel construction mess kit. Unmarked example which can most likely be attributed to production by 'MN'. The mess kit still retains almost all of its original paint. Nice example in good condition!

€ 95,00

DRKB Visor Cap

2nd model 'DRKB, Kyffhäuserbund' Visor Cap (Schirmmütze für Veteranen). Complete with its original cap-eagle and cocarde. Beneath the sweatband is a nice label marked with 'D.R.K.B."Kyffhäuser"-Mütze'. Nice original cap in good used condition!

€ 225,00

Luftwaffe Gascape Pouch

Luftwaffe Gascape Pouch (Gasplane Tasche). The pouch is nicely maker marked inside with a three digit makerscode 'gdo' indicating production by the 'Tannwalder Textilwerke AG' from Tannwald-Schumburg. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 65,00

WH (Heer) 'Südfront' Gascape Pouch

WH (Heer) 'Südfront' Gascape Pouch (Gasplane Tasche). The tan/olive coloured canvas pouch is not visible maker marked or dated. There is one minor damage. Nice original pouch in good used condition!

€ 45,00

German Political SA Leather Gaiters

German Political NSDAP/SA or Polizei Brown Leather Gaiters (Leder Gamaschen). Worn in combination with a pair of ankle-boots and a pair of breeches. Hard to find original period brown leather gaiters in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Wehrmacht Motorcycle Goggles

Wehrmacht Motorcycle Goggles (Kradmelderbrille). The goggles are nicely maker marked 'FD'. The elastic band has lost most of its elasticity. Nice original pair of goggles in good used condition!

€ 175,00