WH (Heer) BeVo M36 Cap Cocarde
This is the standard-type WH (Heer) M36 cap cocarde, woven according to the 'BeVo'-weave technique in linnen on a dark-green cotton background. As worn on the M34 overseas caps. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!
WW1 3-Piece Luxury Ribbon Bar
World War 1 3-piece Luxury Ribbon Bar (Bandspange) for the WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class, Bavarian Military Merit Cross and the Hindenburg Cross with Swords. Nice original WW1 ribbon bar!
WH (Heer) M36 'Nachschub' Shoulder Straps
Pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) M36-type shoulder straps having the silk-type light-blue coloured piping as intended for a 'Feldwebel der Nachschub-Truppen' (Transport Troops). Nice pair of shoulder-straps in good used condition!
Rare set of 'Kirischi Bridgehead' Drawings
Rare set of 'Kirischi Bridgehead' Drawings 'Ein Brückenkopf am Wolchow, das heldenlied der 11.Infanterie-Division', the set contains three drawings and a message from the divisional commander Generalmajor Thomaschki. Extremely rare and hard to find complete set!
NSB 'W.A. Marsch 't Noorden' Medal 1941
NSB 'W.A. Marsch 't Noorden' Medal. This was a walking march held in 1941 by the NSB districts in the provinces Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. The tombak medal is complete with its original ribbon. Scarce and hard to find original medal in very good condition!