with an eye for quality
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Resultaten 5451 - 5500 van 6941

'WA Marsch Zuid-Holland Utrecht' Tinnie 1942

NSB-related 'WA Marsch Zuid-Holland Utrecht' Tinnie. This event was held in 1942. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the zinc type tinnie is not dated 1942 on the back. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 50,00

General der Panzertruppe 'Lemelsen' Letter and Postcard

This is a nice original set consisting of a letter with matching envelope by General der Panzertruppe 'Joachim Lemelsen' and a Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series postcard showing Lemelsen's portrait photo. Decorative original set!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht Daimon 2233 Flashlight

Wehrmacht Daimon '2233' Flashlight (Taschenlampe). The Daimon '2233' flashlight was specially designed for the Wehrmacht and still retains most of its original fieldgrey paint. Nice original Wehrmacht flashlight in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe Souvernir Ceramic Tile

Luftwaffe Souvernir Ceramic Tile (Fliese) showing a relief image of a Pilot above a propeller, runic symbols are visible in all corners. The tile measures approximately 10 x 10 cms. Decorative original piece!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping from Obergefreiten 'Kreischer' including his award documents for the German Eastern Front Medal, Infantry Assault Badge Silver, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Black Wound Badge and his Organisation Todt Dienstbuch. Nice and interesting original award document grouping!

€ 300,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

This is a nice original postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler in his uniform. The subtitle says: "Unser Führer!". Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

Set of crashed 'Junkers Ju52' photographs

This is a great set of 2 original period photographs of crashed Junkers Ju52 airplanes. These photgraphs were taken in the Netherlands in May 1940, most likely somewhere between Rotterdam and The Hague (in the area of Delft). Nice lot of interesting, sharp photographs!

€ 30,00

DRKB Shooting Award in Bronze

DRKB Shooting Award in Bronze ('Schießauszeichnung'). This is the 2nd model shooting award, made of 'Buntmetall', finished in bronze. The badge is not visible maker marked. Nice example in top condition!

€ 35,00

'Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes' Armband

German 'Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes' Armband. The white coloured linnen armband shows the printed in black script 'Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes'. The armband is slightly stained. Hard to find original armband in good used and worn condition!

€ 125,00

LW Flight Technical Personnel's Badge

Luftwaffe Flight Technical Personnel's (Fliegertechnisches Personal) Trade Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The badge is executed in silver-white linnen, embroidered on a blue-grey woolen background. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 20,00

Set of 2 Waffen-SS 'Totenkopf' Photographs

This is a great set of 2 original period photographs of a group of Waffen-SS 'Totenkopf' soldiers enjoying a smoke. One photo's shows soldiers with a vertical "SS Totenkopf" collar tab clearly visible. Nice lot of interesting, very sharp photographs!

€ 50,00

HJ/DJ Winter Service Cap

HJ/DJ Winter Service Cap (Mütze für HJ-DJ). The cap is complete with its original artificial leather sweatband and original RZM etiket. The cap is size '60' marked. Rare and hard to find original HJ winter cap in good condition!

€ 475,00

HJ/DJ Winter Blouse

HJ/DJ Winter Blouse (HJ.-DJ.-Flieger HJ.-Winterbluse). The blouse is size '52' marked. The blouse is complete with RZM etiket. The wool is nicely marked with a large sized white ink stamp 'D.J.-Blusen-stoff' showing a large HJ logo and RZM logo. Rare original HJ winter blouse in good condition!

€ 495,00

BDM 'Mädelscharführerin' Leader Lanyard

This is a scarce original Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM) green cord lanyard ('Führerschnur') as intended for a BDM 'Mädelscharführerin' or JM 'Jungmädelscharführerin'. The lanyard measures approximately 55cms from top to end. Hard to find original example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 95,00

Dutch Military Combat Pants

Dutch Military Combat Pants (Grove Stof Broek). The pants are made of the so-called 'Grove Stof' (wool) for combat tunics. The pants are nicely marked and dated 'MA 1916' (Magazijn Amsterdam 1916). Hard to find original Dutch pants in used condition!

€ 450,00

Canadian Portrait Photograph

This is a nice portrait photograph of two Canadian soldiers from the 23rd RCA.  The soldiers are wearing their Canadian battle dress with beret. A Royal Canadian Artillery Cap Badge is attached to their beret. Nice original portrait!

€ 25,00

Clothing Hanger 'Adolf Hitlerplatz'

Rare original Clothing Hanger from the company 'Hiller' from Karlsruhe, during the war this company was located at the 'Ad.Hitlerpl.' (Adolf Hitlerplatz). Decorative original clothing hanger!

€ 125,00

NSB Propaganda Pamphlets

NSB Propaganda Pamphlets, set consisting of one "proletariërs en plutocraten aller landen vereenigt U!" pamphlet against the Royal Dutch Family and one original NSB 'V' action Pamphlet 'Duitschland wint!' (7x8 cms). Nice set!

€ 20,00

War Merit Medal Award Document

This is a (DIN A4) War Merit Medal Award Document (Kriegsverdienstmedaille Urkunde). The document has a beautiful small-sized embossed logo and shows the facsimile signature of Otto Meissner. Nice large-sized award document in good condition! 

€ 45,00

Air Defence Honor Badge Award Document

This is an (DIN A4) Air Defence Honor Badge Award Document (Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen 2.Stufe Urkunde). The document has a beautiful small-sized embossed logo and shows the facsimile signature of 'Otto Meissner'. Nice large-sized award document in excellent condition! 

€ 75,00

Social Welfare Medal Award Document

This is a (DIN A4) Social Welfare Medal Award Document (Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege Urkunde). The document shows the facsimile signatures of Adolf Hitler and Otto Meissner and there's a beautiful large-sized embossed logo in the paper. Nice large-sized award document! 

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS Wehrpaß - 'SS-Pz-Rgt. Das Reich'

Waffen-SS Wehrpaß of SS-Mann 'Günther Schwalm' - 'ᛋᛋ-Pz-Rgt."Das Reich" Stabskp.'. He entered the SS Division 'Das Reich' just before the division was transferred to France and took part in the heavy fighting in Normandy. Only a few entries have been made, interesting original Wehrpaß!

€ 495,00

Waffen-SS Portrait Photograph

This is a nice Waffen-SS portrait photograph showing an SS-Unterscharführer wearing his SS tunic and SS overseas cap with cap-eagle and skull. A 4-piece ribbon bar (Bandspange) is visible on his left-breast. Nice original portrait photo!

€ 75,00

Dutch made 'Zollgrenzschutz' Tunic

'Reichsfinanzverwaltung - Zollgrenzschutz' Tunic consisting of a Dutch made uniform (Dienstrock) and a german made pair of pants (Hose). Thet tunic is complete with all insignia and comes with a WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class as found together. Nice original tunic!

€ 1000,00

WH (Heer) Medical Personnel's Trade Badge

WH (Heer) 'Sanitätsunterpersonal Abzeichen' (Medical Personnel's Trade Badge). The patch is showing a neatly hand-embroidered Asklepian in golden-yellow linnen on a fieldgrey wool base. Nice original badge in good unissued condition!

€ 30,00

Late War M44 'Volksgasmaske'

Late war M44 version of the 'Peoples' gasmask (Volksgasmaske). VM44 complete with filter and original wooden box. Rare original late war example in good unissued condition!

€ 75,00

Matching set of WH Equipment D-Rings

Matching set of Wehrmcht Equipment so-called: 'D-rings' (Aufschiebeschlaufen). The pair is made of high quality light-brown uncoloured leather. Both belt loops are nicely marked with RB.Nr.'0/0560/0156'. Nice original pair in mint and unissued condition!

€ 50,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup

This is a nice Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Green painted steel canteen, complete with green painted steel cup. Both the canteen and cup are nicely maker marked and dated 'FWBN43'. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 165,00

Gebirgsjäger Sleeping Bag

Gebirgsjäger Sleeping Bag (Schlafsack). These sleeping bags are an extremely rare part of the Gebirgsjäger equipment. The sleeping bag is made out of olive coloured material, complete with buttons and original rope. Extremely rare and hard to find piece of equipment!

€ 650,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Tropical 'Gebirgsjäger' Overseas Cap

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Tropical 'Gebirgsjäger' Overseas Cap (Tropenfeldmütze). Complete with all original applied insignia. Nicely maker marked by the company of 'Clemens Wagner' from Braunschweig-Hamburg and dated March 1942. Hard to find original Tropical 'Afrikakorps' cap in mint condition!

€ 695,00

Kriegsmarine M31 Bread Bag Strap

Kriegsmarine M31 Bread Bag Strap (Brotbeutelriemen). The strap is nicely maker marked and dated 1940. This is a typical wider type strap as often used by Kriegsmarine troops. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Luftwaffe Hauptmann Portrait Photograph

This is a nice sharp portrait photograph of a Luftwaffe captain wearing his Waffenrock. A Kreta Cufftitle, Krim Campaign Shield, Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class, Transport and Glider Squadron Clasp, 4-piece ribbon bar and Romanian awards are visible on this unique stunning picture!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht Wooden 'Wolchow' Stick 1943

Wehrmacht Wooden 'Wolchow' Stick. Personal hand-carved wooden so-called "Wolchow" stick of a German Wehrmacht soldier showing images of an Iron Cross and a Wehrmacht style eagle. The stick is dated 1943. Decorative original piece!

€ 195,00

Kriegsmarine Donald Duck Cap

Kriegsmarine Donald Duck Cap (Tellermütze). Complete with 'Kriegsmarine' Cap Tally and Cap Eagle/Cocarde Set. The cap is nicely maker marked by 'Kurt Neubert, Mützenfabrikation' from Kiel. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 625,00

Kriegsmarine Uniform Grouping

Kriegsmarine Uniform Grouping, consisting of a Collani Jacket, a pair of trousers, Shirt with collar dickie & tie and another pair of trousers being a so-called 'Klapphose'. All from one soldier as found together in a house cleaning in Germany, affordable Kriegsmarine uniform grouping!

€ 675,00

Russian Portrait Photograph

This is a nice portrait photograph of a Russian soldier and a woman. The soldier is wearing a russian uniform with three decorations: the Guards badge, the Order of the Red Star and the Medal for Battle Merit. Nice original portrait!

€ 15,00

WW2 British Army Issue Map Case 1941

World War 2 British Army Issue Map Case. The canvas construction map case is nicely maker marked by the company of 'W&G (1932) LTD' and dated 1941. Hard to find early dated example in good used condition!

€ 65,00

10cm Nebelwerfer Round Transport Container

Transport container for one round for the '10 cm Nebelwerfer 35' (Smoke Thrower). Metal container in original green paint, stencilled on in white: 'Munition 10cm Nb.W.'. The container is nicely maker marked and dated 1938. Decorative original container!

€ 125,00

'Die Führerin im Reichsarbeitsdienst' Magazine

'Die Führerin im Reichsarbeitsdienst' Propaganda Magazine, published by 'Der Chef des Presse- und Propagandaamtes beim Reichsarbeitsführer'. This is a rare and hard to find decorative original propaganda magazine in used condition!

€ 65,00

Wehrmacht 'Werkzeug' Metal Toolbox

Wehrmacht 'Werkzeug' Metal Toolbox (Werkzeugkasten). The metal toolbox would contain tools for use with a generator. The late war ordnance-tan painted box is complete with original contents label and dated 1944. Nice and decorative original box in good used condition!

€ 125,00

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M42

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M42 - Kochgeschirr 42 (Eis.). The mess kit is not visible maker marked or dated. The mess kit still retains almost all of its original paint. Nice original late-war example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

'Freie Schwesternschaft' Brooch

'Freie Schwesternschaft' Brooch (Reichsbund der Freien Schwestern und Pflegerinnen). The brooch is nicely maker marked by the company of 'F.Hofstätter' from Bonn. Hard to find brooch in good condition!

€ 135,00

WW1 British RFC Cowl Pattern Flying Helmet

WW1 British RFC Cowl Pattern Leather Flying Helmet. The flying helmet is in heavily used and worn condition, the fur lining is partly damaged. The helmet is complete with manufacturer's label and dated 1918. Extremely rare original WW1 RFC Flying helmet! New Price!

€ 495,00

RAF Type D Flying Gauntlets

WW2 British RAF Type D Flying Gauntlets. The gauntlets are both complete with their War Department Broad Arrow and A.I.D marked labels. Size 8/8,5 marked pair. Nice pair of original British RAF gloves in mint and unissued condition!

€ 160,00

WW2 Canadian Camouflaged Anti-Gas Cover

World War 2 Canadian Army Camouflaged Anti-Gas Helmet Cover. The anti gas cover is constructed of a two tone green and brown wax covered light canvas like material. The cover is nicely maker marked by the company 'ARISTO' from Gault (Ontario) and dated 1941. Nice example

€ 45,00

WW2 British Canteen and Webbing Cover

World War 2 British Canteen and Webbing Cover. The enamelled canteen is compleet with its original wool cover and cork. Both the canteen and webbing cover are not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original canteen in good used condition!

€ 35,00

WW2 British Gloves with Trigger Finger

World War 2 British Mittens/Gloves with Trigger Finger. Fine quality olive drab coloured wool winter gloves. The gloves are not visible maker marked or dated. Nice pair of gloves in very good condition!

€ 25,00

KM/U-Boot Protective Leather Jacket & Pants

Kriegsmarine/U-Boot Protective Leather Jacket & Pants (Lederjacke und Lederhose). The jacket is nicely marked with a Kriegsmarine acceptance stamp showing a large impressed eagle above a 'M'. The pants are 1943 dated. Nice original leather tunic in good used condition, great for a KM or U-Boot ...

€ 695,00

Deutsches Reich Kennkarte

'Deutsches Reich Kennkarte' - Civil Indentification Card which belonged to a young woman from the area of Dresden. The oilcloth ID-card was issued to her on 5 October 1940. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup

M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). This is a pressed wood, so-called “coconut”, covered aluminium flask, complete with aluminum cup and webbing straps. The canteen is maker marked and dated with 'H.R.E.43'. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 180,00