with an eye for quality
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Resultaten 6051 - 6100 van 6942

LW Photograph of 'Werner Mölders'

Nice original period photograph showing the famous Luftwaffe Knight's Cross recipient "Werner Mölders". The photo is showing Mölders wearing the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with Oakleaves and Swords. The photo measures 7,5 x 10,5 cms. Great original photo!

€ 50,00

Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber - 'MK'

'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (Infantry Assault Badge). The badge is executed in 'Zink' with almost all of it's original silverish finish remaining. Nicely maker marked with 'MK' in a triangle . Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 165,00

Pair of Luftwaffe FLAK shoulder-straps

Nice pair of WH (Luftwaffe) FLAK shoulderboards as intended for an 'Unteroffizier der Flakartillerie'. The straps measures approximately 10,5 cms in length. A very nice fully-matching pair that can easily be used to complete a Luftwaffe Tunic (ie. Fliegerbluse) with!

€ 95,00

DJ 'Oberjungzugführer' Armbadge

DJ (Deutsche Jugend) 'Oberjungzugführer' armbadge (Ärmelabzeichen). The badge is having its original RZM etiket ('A-Stück') attached. Nice original badge in good condition!

€ 25,00

Dutch Navy Sailor's Cap

Rare original pre-1940 Dutch Navy Sailor's Cap (Koninklijke Marine. Muts). The cap is complete with original pre-1940 type tally "Koninklijke Marine.". Hard to find original Dutch Navy cap in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Combat Engineer's Saw & Scabberd

Luftwaffe Combat Engineer's Saw & Scabberd (Pioniersäge in Hülle). Both the scabberd and saw are nicely maker marked and dated 1940, the scabberd is also marked with a Luftwaffe acceptance marking. Hard to find Luftwaffe marked Engineer's Saw & Scabberd in very good condition!

€ 395,00

WH 'Infanterie-Regiment List' Cufftitle

Wehrmacht 'Infanterie-Regiment List' Cufftitle (Ärmelband) as intended for members of the '199. Grenadier-Regiment'. The full-length cufftitle measures approximately 46cms and is in good unissued condition. Rare and desirable original cufftitle!

€ 795,00

Waffen-SS 'Gebirgsjäger' Ankle Boots

Waffen-SS Mountain Trooper's ankle boots (Bergschuhe für Gebirgsjäger/Ski-jäger). Complete with all hobnails, nicely maker marked by the company 'Wefsels' and dated 1942. The boots are in good used condition, hard to find pair of original SS-type Gebirgsjäger boots!

€ 950,00

Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross

Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross (Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1939 mit Schwertern).The cross is '900' silver marked and maker marked with number '1' - 'Deschler & Sohn'. Complete with ribbon. Rare original Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross in stunning condition!

€ 4950,00

WH (Heer) Summer Field Blouse

WH (Heer) Cotton Summer Field Blouse (Sommer Feldbluse), made of Russian cloth. The tunic is complete with flat-wire breast-eagle, 'Waffenmeister' trade badge, collar tabs and shoulder-boards. Nice original Feldwebel's summer field blouse!

€ 795,00

MP38/40 Magazine Pouch

This is a nice original Wehrmacht MP38/40 Magazine Pouch (MP38 u. MP40 Magazintasche). The grey/green coloured pouch is having a blue guide-line in the cloth, the pouch is not visible maker marked or dated. Hard to find original early pair of MP38/40 magazine pouch in good used condition!

€ 850,00

Cased 'Fliegerschützenabzeichen mit Blitzbündel'

Cased Luftwaffe 'Fliegerschützenabzeichen mit Blitzbündel' (Air Gunner Badge with Lightning). The early (Type J1) 'Buntmetall' badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'C.E. Juncker' in Berlin SW68. Great and hard to find original early badge in very good condition!

€ 1250,00

WH (Heer/Waffen-SS) 'Demjansk' Campaign Shield

Nice original 'Demjansk' Shield (Demjansk Schild). The shield is the so-called 'missing-log' type which does have a die-flaw above the 'k'. Complete with metal backplate and original bluish protective backing paper. The shield is in good unissued condition. Great original shield!

€ 450,00

Waffen-SS BeVo 'Nederland' Cufftitle

Waffen-SS BeVo-woven 'Nederland' cufftitle (Ärmelband). The cufftitle is in full length condition with typical unfinished ends and measures approximately 45cms in length. The cufftitle is in good unissued condition showing some staining and traces of years of storage. Nice original cufftitle!

€ 1100,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic - Sergeant Artillery

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic as intended for an Artillery Sergeant. The tunic has the so-called 'Bananenschillen' on the sleeves which indicates the rank of 'Sergeant'. The tunic is in overall good used condition. Nice original Dutch tunic!

€ 350,00

WH (Heer) K98 Ammo Pouch 1937

This is a nice chocolate-brown coloured Wehrmacht (Heer/Luftwaffe) K98 Ammo Pouch (Patronentaschen). The pouch is nicely marked by the company of 'Stecher' from Freiberg and dated 1937. The pouch is complete with all partitions. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 95,00

Südwest Afrika Denkmünze 1904-06

'Südwest Afrika Denkmünze' 1904-06 bronze medal (Den Siegreichen Streitern Südwest Afrika 1904-1906). The medal is complete with it's original ribbon. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 145,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Obergefreiten 'Walter Landskron', he was a member within the '12.(s.)/A.R.28' (Stabsbatterie Artillerie-Regiment 28). Consisting of the Award Documents for the Krim Campaign Shield and the War Merit Cross 2nd Class. Interesting grouping!

€ 175,00

SS-VT / Bahnschutz sleeve-eagle

SS-VT / Bahnschutz Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler), these are often sold as early SS-VT eagles, it however might also be a 'Bahnschutz' sleeve eagle. The eagle is nicely machine-embroidered in silver-grey coloured on a black woolen backgrond. Nice original eagle in good unissued condition!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht 'Großdeutschland' Cufftitle

Wehrmacht 'Großdeutschland' Cufftitle (Ärmelband). Nicely hand-embroidered in bullion silver threads. The cufftitle measures approximately 42cms in length. Example in clearly used and tunic removed condition. Desirable original cufftitle of an interesting unit!

€ 795,00

Wehrmacht 'Großdeutschland' Deathnotice

Wehrmacht 'Großdeutschland' Deathnotice (Sterbebild) for 'Hermann Wellner' who was an 'Unteroffizier' within the 'Großdeutschland' Division. He was killed in action on 30 September 1942 and buried in Tscherkassawo (near Rschew). Interesting original deathnotice!

€ 65,00

Waffen-SS 'Russian' Volunteer's Collar Tab

Waffen-SS Collar Tab as intended for a member within the '29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Russische Nr. 1)'. The collar tab is embroidered in silver/grey thread on black wool, having a nice light-brown 'Buckram' backing. Nice original collar-tab in mint and unissued condition!

€ 225,00

Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber

'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber' (Panzer Assault Badge). The badge is nicely marked with 'AS' in a triangle, the badge still retains all of it's original silver finish. Still packed in it's original 'Cellophan' wrapping. Stunning original badge in mint condition!

€ 350,00

WH (Heer) Transitional EM/NCO's Belt Buckle

Wehrmacht (Heer) Transitional EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß), nice 2-piece construction aluminum box buckle showing a left facing eagle. The buckle is not visible maker marked. Sarce original early buckle in good used condition!

€ 250,00

Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze in Box

'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze' (Infantry Assault Badge), complete with rare original carton box. Nicely maker marked with 'S.H.u.Co. 41' indicating production by the company of 'Sohni, Heubach & Co.' from Oberstein. Nice original set in very good condition!

€ 395,00

Nahkampfspange in Silber 'FLL' in Box

'Nahkampfspange in Silber' (Close Combat Clasp), complete with extremely rare original carton box. Nicely maker marked with 'FLL' indicating production by the company of 'Friedrich Linden' from Lüdenscheid. Rare original boxed clasp in good condition!

€ 1250,00

Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber in Box

'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber' (Panzer Assault Badge), complete with rare original carton box. The badge is nicely maker marked with the logo 'H.A.' indicating production by the company of 'Hermann Aurich' from Dresden. Nice original set in very good condition!

€ 450,00

Luftwaffe DD M35 Combat Helmet

Luftwaffe Double-decal M35 Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M35). 'ET64' marked shell, complete with it's original liner and chinstrap. The helmet is unit marked with 'Fl.H.Kdtr.Schwerin' (Fliegerhorst Kommandantur Schwerin). Nice original DD Luftwaffe helmet in good used condition!

€ 1295,00

WW2 Iron Cross 2nd Class - 'Straight 9'

Nice original unmarked example of the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). This is a so-called Schinkel type cross with the "straight 9". The cross is complete with its original confectioned 'Austrian-styled' ribbon as found. One of the rarest Iron Cross variants out there!!!

€ 1450,00

KVK 1st Class 'L/12'

War Merit Cross 1st class with Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter). The 'Buntmetall' cross is nicely maker marked with number 'L/12' indicating production by the company of 'C.E. Juncker' from Berlin. Nice original cross in good used condition!

€ 295,00

WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class - screw-back

WW1 Iron Cross first class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse), this is a scarce so-called 'screw-back version' having a two-piece screw-back set-up (Schraubscheibe). The cross is '800' silver marked. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 275,00

KVK 1st Class '84'

War Merit Cross 1st class with Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter). The 'Buntmetall' cross is nicely maker marked with number '84' indicating production by the company of 'Carl Poellath' from Schrobenhausen. Nice original cross in good used condition!

€ 195,00

RAD 3-piece medal-bar or 'Spange'

3-piece medal-bar (Ordenspange), consisting of a WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class, a Hindenburg Cross and a RAD men's four year long service medal. The medals are nicely mounted on a medal-bar for wear on the 'walking-out' tunic. Nice original set in very good condition!

€ 225,00

WH (Heer) Artillery Gun-Layer Armbadge

Wehrmacht (Heer) Artillery Gun-Layer armbadge (Abzeichen für Richtkannoniere der Artillerie). The armbadge is executed in the so-called BeVo-weave. The badge has been cut-out from a souvernir-/photo-album and is still pasted on a piece of carton. Nice badge!

€ 50,00

Polizei EM/NCO's Belt Buckle

German Polizei (Police) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Early aluminum-type box buckle with a pebbled background, complete with leather tab. Nicely maker marked by the company of 'Julius Maurer' from Oberstein and dated 1939. Nice buckle in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Spange 1939 to the Iron Cross 1st Class Postcard

Spange 1939 to the Iron Cross 1st Class & Iron Cross 1st Class Postcard. The postcard is published by the 'Verlag C. Pahl & Co' in Hamburg. The postcard is in good unissued condition. Very nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 45,00

Luftwaffe General's Summer Breast-Eagle

Luftwaffe aluminum-type gilt washed General's breast-eagle as intended for the white summer tunic (Brustadler für Generale für die Sommerrock). Non maker marked example, complete with a functional pin and catch. Rare original example in stunning condition!

€ 695,00

'Der Führer' Postcard

This is a nice original period Propaganda Postcard showing a painting of 'Der Führer' (Adolf Hitler), painted by Professor Paul Roloff. This propaganda postcard was published by the 'Verlag für Traditionspflege' in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Rare and hard to find original postcard!

€ 50,00

DSV Shooting Award in Silver

Deutscher Schützenverband (DSV) shooting award in silver (Auszeichnung für Schießleistung in Silber). The award is not visible maker marked. The award has no enamel damage whatsoever and is in overall good condition. Nice original award!

€ 75,00

DSV 'Abzeichen für Kreis-Sieger' in Gold

Deutscher Schützenverband (DSV) shooting badge in gold (Abzeichen für Kreis-Sieger) for member's within the 'Unterkreis Murg' in 1937. The pin is nicely maker marked by the company of 'E. Schmidhäussler' from Pforzheim. Nice original lapel-pin!

€ 50,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Ein Panzer-Pionier'

This is a nice original period Willrich postcard from the series "Unsere Panzerwaffe" showing 'Ein Panzer-Pionier'. The card is in unissued condition and is void of any writing or text. Nice and decorative original postcard in good condition!

€ 20,00

Cased KVK 1st Class '65'

Cased war merit cross 1st class with Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter). Both the luxurious case and the 'Buntmetall' cross are nicely maker marked by the company of 'Klein & Quenzer AG' in Idar-Oberstein. Nice set in good condition!

€ 295,00

Luftwaffe 'Schützenschnur' third grade

This is a nice Luftwaffe 'Schützenschnur' (shooting-lanyard) having two acorns attached being the '3.Stufe' (third grade). The aluminum shield is mounted on a rosette base in the same material as the lanyard with a stitched on, protective, Luftwaffe blue/grey wool backing. Nice original example in ...

€ 225,00

Indonesian TRI - TNI Collar Tab

Indonesian TRI - TNI Collar Tab as worn by members from the Indonesian Army (Tentara Republik Indonesia) in the period from 1945/1949 during the military campaigns in 1947 and 1948 to re-establish Dutch control of Indonesia. Rare original collar tab!

€ 45,00

WH M35 Map/Dispatch Case

WH (Heer/Luftwaffe) M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The light-brown leather map case is nicely maker marked by the company of 'A. Waldhausen' from Köln and dated 1938. Nice example in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 250,00

NSDAP Political Leader's Tunic

NSDAP Policital Leader's Tunic (Dienstrock für Politische Leiter) as intended for a 'Gau Haupteinsatzleiter'. The tunic comes with a pair of breeches. Awards/medals are included as well. Hard to find original Gau-Level Political Leader's Tunic!

€ 3500,00

NSDAP 'Gau Gemeinschaftsleiter' collar-tabs

Scarce original pair of NSDAP collar-tabs (Kragenspiegel) as intended for a 'Gau Gemeinschaftsleiter'. Complete with original RZM tag. Nice original pair of NSDAP Gauleitung collar tabs in good used condition!

€ 275,00

NSDAP 'Kreis Gemeinschaftsleiter' collar-tabs

Scarce original pair of NSDAP collar-tabs (Kragenspiegel) as intended for a 'Kreis Gemeinschaftsleiter'. Complete with original RZM tag. Nice original pair of NSDAP Kreis level collar tabs in good used condition!

€ 250,00

WH (Heer) M36 Field Blouse & Trousers

Wehrmacht (Heer) M36 Field Blouse & Trousers (M36 Feldbluse und Hose), named to "Unteroffizier Heinz Melde" who was a member within the '2.Komp./Pz.Abw.Abt.24'. Complete with all original applied insignia, collar-tabs, breast-eagle and a nice pair of shoulder-boards. Hard to find original tunic in ...

€ 3950,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Jäger 'Erich Dierks', the set is consisting of 2 Award-Documents for the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver and the Close Combat Clasp in Bronze. Nice original set of award documents!

€ 165,00