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Originele Duitse Oorkondes (Urkunden) uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog

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Resultaten 1 - 50 van 89


Set van 2 Medailles met bijbehorende Oorkondes

Mooie set van 2 Medailles met bijbehorende Oorkondes (Urkunden), van Gefreiten 'Kurt Comes', lid bij de '14./Gren.Rgt.698' . Bestaande uit KVK 2e Klasse en Ostmedaille, beiden compleet met kartonnen zakje en matchende oorkondes. Mooie set medailles met oorkondes zoals samen gevonden!

€ 230,00

Luftschutz Ere-Document

Luftschutz Ere-Document (Luftschutz ist Landesverteidigung Ehren-Urkunde). Het kleurrijke document werd op 1 maart 1941 uitgereikt aan Untergruppenführer 'Willy Meywerk'. Decoratief origineel groot formaat ere-document in gebruikte staat!

€ 75,00

Formele Oorkonde voor het Ridderkruis van het IJzeren Kruis van Generalleutnant 'Karl Arndt'

Formele Oorkonde voor het Ridderkruis van het IJzeren Kruis (Verleihungsurkunde zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) in originele map (Ritterkreuzmappe) zoals uitgereikt aan Oberst "Karl Arndt" op 23 januari 1942. Uiterst zeldzaam origineel stukje geschiedenis!

€ 25900,00

Luftwaffe Jagdgeschwader 53 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern' Oorkonde

Oorkonde voor het Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2e Klasse met zwaarden welke is uitgereikt aan Unteroffizier 'Ernst Neidig' op 28 september 1940, lid van het beroemde '1. Jagdgeschwader 53' ("Pik As"). De oorkonde is persoonlijk ondertekend door General der Flieger 'Bruno Loerzer'. Interessante oorkonde!

€ 195,00

'Ostmedaille' Oorkonde

Oorkonde (Urkunde) voor de duitse Ostmedaille, uitgereikt aan Feldwebel 'Alfred Wiedemann' op 2 september 1942. Deze oorkonde is persoonlijk ondertekend door Oberstleutnant und Kommodore des Kampfgeschwaders 3. 'Walter Lehweß-Litzmann'. Mooie originele oorkonde!

€ 65,00

'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse' Oorkonde

Oorkonde (Urkunde) voor het Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2e Klasse, uitgereikt aan Reichsangestellten 'Jürgen Harmsen', Seefliegerhorstkommandantur Schleswig. De oorkonde werd uitgereikt op 1 september 1942 en heeft een facsimile handtekening van General der Flieger 'Ludwig Wolff'. Mooie originele oorkonde!

€ 65,00

Set van 2 Kriegsmarine Oorkondes

Set van 2 Kriegsmarine oorkondes (Urkunden), elk op DIN A5-formaat, van Matrosen 'Friedrich Döring' die lid was binnen de '12. Vorpostenflottille'. Oorkondes voor het 'Minensucher' Abzeichen en het 'Verwundeten Abzeichen' in zwart. Mooie set oorkondes!

€ 150,00

Set of 2 Award Documents

Nice set of 2 Award Documents, from Gefreiten Twellenkamp of the 'Pi.Masch.Zug Brückenbau-Btl.145'. Consisting documents for the German Eastern Front Medal and the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, personally signed by General der Panzertruppe 'Harpe'. Nice set of Wehrmacht Award Documents!

€ 135,00

HJ Flak Helper Honorary Document

Honorary Certificate of Service as a Hitler-Jugend Luftwaffe Helper (Anerkennungsurkunde für Luftwaffen Helfer). The (DIN A5 sized) certificate was awarded to Hitlerjunge 'Fritz Jocher', he served with the '5. 1805' from 10 September 1943 to 17 September 1944. Rare original certificate!

€ 275,00

Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Photo Folder

Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Photo Folder. This folder is commemorating the battles and struggles of the Leibstandarte up to 1942. The picture map is complete with all 15 photographs and the document. The cover is unfortunately damaged. Rare and hard to find decorative set!

€ 495,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping - KIA

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the Infantry Assault Badge, War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords and the Wound Badge in Black. Included are many other documents, photographs and postcards. Interesting original gouping!

€ 265,00

'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Award Document

Award document for the Iron Cross 2nd Class awarded to Unteroffizier 'Felix Ney' on 10 January 1945. Felix was a member within the 2./Pz.Gren.Rgt.126. The award document is signed by 'Joseph von Radowitz', (KC with Oakleaves). Interesting original award document!

€ 125,00

Wound Badge in Black Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the Wound Badge in Black (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz) awarded to Unteroffizier 'Günter Nehmzow' on 6 August 1942 at Spindelmühle (Czech Republic). He was a member within the 7. Batterie II. / Flak-Regiment 38. Interesting original document!

€ 45,00

Luftwaffe 'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Award Document

Award document for the Iron Cross 2nd Class awarded to a member within 9. Staffel Jagdgeschwader 52, stationed in eastern Ukraine. His unit was flying Messerschmitts Bf 109 G-2. The award document is signed by 'Pflugbeil', (KC with Oakleaves). Interesting original Luftwaffe award document!

€ 95,00

'Flakkampfabzeichen' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge (Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie or Flakkampfabzeichen). This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Uffz. 'Josef Knepper'. He was a member within '2.leichte Flakabteilung 74'. Nice original award document!

€ 100,00

Mothers Cross in Gold Award-Document

Mothers Cross in Gold Award-Document (erste Stufe des Ehrenkreuzes der Deutschen Mutter Urkunde). This award document was awarded to 'Wilhelmine Klein' (b. Seel) from Michelbach, on 1 October 1939 for bearing eight or more children. Nice original award document!

€ 75,00

'Ostmedaille' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the German Eastern Front Medal (Medaille für die Winterschlacht im Osten). This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Gefreiten 'Alfred Grommes'. He was a member within 'Infanterie-Regiment 736'. Nice original award document!

€ 50,00

'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Award Document

Award document for the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). This award document was awarded to Obergefreiten 'Herbert Schöning' on 19 June 1944. Herbert was a member within the s.Kfz.Inst.Kp(mot) (schwere Kraftfahrzeug Instandsetzungs Kompanie Motorisiert 132). Nice original award ...

€ 65,00

'War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern).This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Oberzahlmeister 'Erich Zander', he was a member within 'Eisb.Pi.Kp.85' (Eisenbahn Pionier Kompanie 85). This document was handed to him ...

€ 65,00

Framed Wehrmacht Shooting Award Certificate

Framed Wehrmacht Shooting Award Certificate (Besitz-Zeugnis) to a member within the '10./Infanterie-Regiment Braunschweig'. The colourfull certificate is originally framed in a 37,5 x 47,5 cms sized wooden frame. Decorative original framed certificate!

€ 100,00

Wound Badge in Black Award Document 'Finland'

Award Document for the Wound Badge in Black. Awarded to Schütze 'Fritz Ehrenhain', a member within the '12. Gebirgsjäger Regiment 218', part of the 7. Gebirgs-Division which was active in 'Karelia' (Finland). Interesting original document!

€ 55,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the German Eastern Front Medal and a portrait photograph. Interesting original award documents!

€ 175,00

Kriegsmarine Award Document Grouping

Kriegsmarine Award-Document Grouping consisting of 5 award documents, including the Return of the Memel Commemorative Medal and the Iron Cross 1st Class. He saw service all over Europe, including France and Italy. Interesting and decorative award documents!

€ 650,00

Wehrmacht 4 Years Long Service Award Document

Wehrmacht 4 Years Long Service Award Document (Dienstauszeichnung IV. Klasse Urkunde) awarded to Unteroffizier 'Karl Schwabe' on 2 October 1936. He was assigned to '1. (Stabs) Kompanie Fliegerschule Fürth'. Nice large-sized award document in good condition! 

€ 75,00

'Krim' Campaign Shield Award Document

This is an Award Document (Urkunde) for the 'Krim' Campaign Shield. This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Gefreiter 'Karl Warnkens' and was handed to him on 10 December 1942. Nice original award document!

€ 100,00

Austrian Occupation Medal Award Document

This is an (DIN A4) Austrian Occupation Medal Award Document (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 März 1938 Urkunde). This award document was awarded to Gefreiten 'Alois Ehrle' on 8 November 1938. Nice large-sized award document!

€ 55,00

Wehrmacht Driver & Instructor License

This is a nice original 'Wehrmacht-Führerschein' (Driver's License) and 'Wehrmacht Fahrlehrerschein' (Instructor License), both named to 'Peter Ulrich', he was a member within the '1./N.1' (Nachrichten-Abteilung l). Nice original documents in good used condition!

€ 70,00

'Ehrenkreuz für Kriegsteilnehmer' Award Document

Nice original 'Hindenburg Cross for participants 1914-18' (Ehrenkreuz für Kriegsteilnehmer) Award Document (Urkunde). This award document was awarded to 'Emil Rist' from Herne on 2 March 1935. Nice example in good condition! 

€ 20,00

25 Years Faithful Service Medal Award Document

This is a (DIN A4) Twenty-Five Years Faithful Service Medal Award Document (Silberne Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen Urkunde). The document has a beautiful small-sized embossed logo and shows the facsimile signature of 'Otto Meissner'. Nice large-sized award document in good condition!

€ 45,00

Mothers Cross in Bronze Award-Document

Mothers Cross in Bronze Award-Document (Ehrenkreuzes der Deutschen Mutter Urkunde). This award document was awarded to 'Ida Knocke' from Lehrte on 1 October 1939. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 45,00

Large sized NSRL 'Ehrenbrief'

Large sized NSRL (Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen) 'Ehrenbrief' as awarded to 'Konrad Bückling' on 28 February 1941. Complete with carton cover, the certificate is approximately sized 43 x 30 cms. Decorative original certificate!

€ 80,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of various early pre-war Sport Award Documents and a War Merit Cross 2nd Class Document, signed by 'Eduard Wagner' who arranged the flight that took Claus von Stauffenberg from the Wolfsschanze back to Berlin. Interesting grouping!

€ 200,00

'German Eastern Front Medal' Award Document

Award document for the German Eastern Front Medal (Medaille für die Winterschlacht im Osten), awarded to Obergefreiten 'Walter Keck' on the 1st of August 1942. The document is stamped 'Panzer Nachrichten Ersatzabteilung 81'. Beautiful original award document!

€ 45,00

DRV Night and Orientation Trip Certificate

'Deutscher Radfahrer-Verband' (DRV) Night and Orientation Trip Certificate (Nacht- und Orientierungsfahrt Urkunde). The certificate was awarded to 'Helmut Wipprecht' for his successful participation in the night and orientation trip held on 1 and 2 August 1936. Decorative original DRV certificate!

€ 60,00

SA Sportsbadge in Bronze Award Booklet

SA Sportsbadge in Bronze Award Booklet (Urkunde). Awarded to 'Hermann Nöll', complete with nice portrait-photo. He was awarded the SA Sportsbadge in Bronze with individual number '1426194' on 7 December 1938. Nice original booklet in very good condition!

€ 65,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge and the German Eastern Front Medal. Interesting and decorative original award documents!

€ 250,00

War Merit Cross 2nd Class Award Document

This is a (DIN A4) War Merit Cross 2nd Class Award Document (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse Urkunde). The document shows the facsimile signatures of Adolf Hitler and Otto Meissner and there's a beautiful large-sized embossed logo in the paper. Nice large-sized award document in good condition!

€ 50,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Oorkondegroep van Unteroffizier 'Rudolf Bernhardt', hij zat bij de '2./Strm.Gesch.Abt.197' (2. Sturmgeschütz Abteilung 197). De groep bestaat uit 3 oorkondes, elk op (DIN) A5-formaat en een brief met envelop gericht aan zijn vader.

€ 250,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping from Obergefreiten 'Kreischer' including his award documents for the German Eastern Front Medal, Infantry Assault Badge Silver, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Black Wound Badge and his Organisation Todt Dienstbuch. Nice and interesting original award document grouping!

€ 300,00

War Merit Medal Award Document

This is a (DIN A4) War Merit Medal Award Document (Kriegsverdienstmedaille Urkunde). The document has a beautiful small-sized embossed logo and shows the facsimile signature of Otto Meissner. Nice large-sized award document in good condition! 

€ 45,00

Air Defence Honor Badge Award Document

This is an (DIN A4) Air Defence Honor Badge Award Document (Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen 2.Stufe Urkunde). The document has a beautiful small-sized embossed logo and shows the facsimile signature of 'Otto Meissner'. Nice large-sized award document in excellent condition! 

€ 75,00

Social Welfare Medal Award Document

This is a (DIN A4) Social Welfare Medal Award Document (Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege Urkunde). The document shows the facsimile signatures of Adolf Hitler and Otto Meissner and there's a beautiful large-sized embossed logo in the paper. Nice large-sized award document! 

€ 75,00

Fallschirmjäger Award Document Grouping

LW 'Fallschirmjäger' Document Grouping from an Unteroffizier including his award documents for the Air Gunner Badge, the Black Wound Badge, his Luftwaffe Bordschützenschein, Soldbuch and Certificate of Discharge. Desirable and interesting original Luftwaffe Flight/Fallschirmjäger grouping!

€ 650,00

Set of 2 Award Documents

Set of 2 award documents (Urkunden) DIN A4 size, including the award document for the Twentyfive Years Faithful Service Medal (Silberne Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen) and the War Merit Cross 2nd Class (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse). Nice large sized examples in good condition!  

€ 100,00

'War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords' Award Document

This is an Award Document (Urkunde) for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwerter) which was awarded to Obergefreiten 'Georg Seibert' on 1 September 1944. The document is unfolded en personally signed by Rudolf Gercke. Nice original award document!

€ 75,00

Westwall Medal Award Document

This is an Award Document for the Westwall Medal (Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen). This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Oberfeldwebel 'Herbert Groth' on 20 March 1940. Nice original award document!

€ 40,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the Woundbadge in Black, the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver, the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the Wound Badge in Silver and the Iron Cross 1st Class. Interesting and decorative original 'Cherkassy' pocket related award documents!

€ 200,00

1 October 1938 Medal Award Document

This is a DIN-A4 sized award document for the 1 October 1938 Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Oktober 1938). This award document was awarded to Polizei-Meister 'Heinrich Freitmeier' from Düsseldorf on July 5th 1939. Beautiful original award document!

€ 45,00

Luftwaffe Award Document Grouping

Luftwaffe Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the the Westwall Medal and the Flak Artillery War Badge. Interesting and decorative original award documents!

€ 160,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Panzer Award Document Grouping of Unteroffizier 'Fritz Wedderwille', he was a member within the '2./Pz. Regt. 11', consisting of the award documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the German Eastern Front Medal and the Wound Badge in Black. Interesting and decorative original documents!

€ 195,00
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