Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse Petemblemen
German Customs Official's Visor Cap Chin Strap
German Customs Official's Visor Cap Chin Strap (Mützenkordel für die Reichsfinanzverwaltung/Zollgrenzschutz Schirmmütze). The strap is having the correct wartime type sliders with metal inserts. Nice original chin strap in very good condition. Hard to find when needed!
NSDAP/SA Political Visor Cap Eagle
NSDAP/SA Political Visor Cap Eagle (Mützenadler). The aluminum cap eagle is complete with all prongs and still showing great gold finish. Maker marked with 'RZM M1/34' - 'Karl Wurster' from Markneukirchen. Nice example in good used condition!
Early WH (Heer) Visor Cap Eagle & Cocarde
Rare early first pattern WH (Heer) Visor Cap Eagle & Cocarde. The tombak (Buntmetall) type eagle and cocarde are in good used condition, the eagle is missing one prong. Very hard to find set, this would be a great addition to any insignia collection!
WH (Heer) Tropical Cap Cocarde
This is the standard-type WH (Heer) tropical Afrikakorps Cap Cocarde, woven according to the 'BeVo'-weave technique in linnen on a tropical tan coloured cotton background. As worn on the tropical overseas caps. Rare example in good unissued condition!
WH (Heer) Visor Cap Wreath/Cocarde Set
Wehrmacht (Heer) Visor Cap Wreath/Cocarde Set. I found a small lot of original unissued cocardes. The zinc-type wreaths are complete with separately attached cocardes. The wreaths are complete with both prongs. The price is naturally for one set in good unissued condition!
RAD Traditional Cap Badge 'Arbeitsgau XVIII'
RAD ('Reichsarbeitsdienst') Traditional Cap Badge (Traditions-Mützenabzeichen) for the 'Arbeitsgau XVIII - Niedersachsen-Ost'. Aluminum construction cap badge, complete with all four prongs. Nice example in good used condition!
Luftwaffe Visor Cap Wreath & Cocarde
Luftwaffe Officer's Visor Cap Wreath & Cocarde. Nicely hand-embroidered on a black woolen background. The cocarde is in clearly used and cap removed condition giving it a great appearance. Hard to find when needed!
Luftwaffe Tropical Cap Cocarde
Luftwaffe tropical national tri-color cap cockade (Schiffchenkokarde). The cocarde is nicely machine-embroidered on a tropical tan coloured cotton background. Hard to find when needed. Rare original tropical Luftwaffe cap cocarde in mint and unissued condition!