with an eye for quality
Winkelwagen is leeg

Duitse (Propaganda) Postkaarten

Resultaten 101 - 150 van 233


'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Postcard

This is a nice original period colour propaganda-postcard showing an Iron Cross 2nd Class with some oakleave decoration and a quote from Adolf Hilter. This artistic postcard was designed by the famous Gottfried Klein. Decorative colourful original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Unser Führer' Postcard

 This is a nice original photo postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler. A 'Deutsches Reich' postage stamp is pasted on the card, the postage stamp is beautifully ink-stamped on Hitler's 52nd Birthday on 20 April 1941. Nice original postcard!

€ 30,00

'1933 - 1937 Ehre und Arbeit' Postcard

This is a nice original period color postcard (Postkarte) '1933 -1937 Unser neues Deutschland heißt: Ehre und Arbeit'. This artistic postcard was published by 'Vereinigte Kunstanstalten AG' from Kaufbeuren (Bayern). Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 30,00

'Landhaus des Reichskanzlers' Postcard

This is a nice original period colour photo-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing the famous house of Hitler: 'Berghof Wachenfeld, Landhaus des Reichskanzlers in Berchtesgaden (Obersalzberg)'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 30,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

This is a nice original photo postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler. On the back is printed: "Der Führer und Reichskanzler des deutschen Volkes". Nice original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Gebirgsjäger' Postcard

This is a nice original period 'Gebirgsjäger' Propaganda Postcard. The card is in used and sent condition, the card is described on the back and was sent on 20 September 1942. Nice and decorative original postcard in good condition!

€ 30,00

NS-Fliegerkorps Postcard

This is a nice original period 'NS-Fliegerkorps' Propaganda Postcard. The card is in unissued condition and is void of any writing or text. Nice and decorative original postcard in good condition!

€ 30,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Major Koch'

Nice original period Willrich postcard showing German Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper) 'Major Koch'- unter dessen Führung die Eroberung der Albrecht-Kanal-Brücken und des Fort Eben Emael gelang. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

Original period postcard (Postkarte) showing a portrait of Adolf Hitler wearing his visor cap (Schirmmütze). Interesting original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Feldwebel Arpke'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Feldwebel Arpke' - der mit seinem Stoßtrupp wichtige Albert-Kanal Brücken für den weiteren deutshen Vormarsch sicherte. The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Helmut Arpke', a German Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper). Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Oberst Bräuer'

This is a nice original period 'Willrich' postcard showing Kommandeur eines Fallschirmjäger Regiments 'Oberst Bräuer'. Decorative colorful original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Führernachwuchslager Gebiet 8 Braunschweig' Postcard

Nice original period Hitler Jugend postcard of the 'Führernachwuchslager Gebiet 8 Braunschweig'. There's a message written at the back and the postcard has a nice 'Internationale Leipziger Messe' stamp. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Keitel' Postcard

Nice original period photo-postcard depicting (Heeres) Generalfeldmarschall Keitel. The card is in good unsent condition. Nice and decorative item!

€ 25,00

Kretschmann - 'Gebirgsjäger' Postcard

Nice original period postcard showing a group of 'Gebirgsjäger' soldiers. This propaganda postcard was designed by Ernst Kretschmann. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Fallschirmjäger'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Stoßtruppführer der Sturmabteilung Koch, die das Fort Eben-Emael und die Brücken über den Albert-Kanal eroberte'. The postcard is showing a German Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper). Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Hauptmann Witzig'

Nice original period Willrich postcard showing a portrait of 'Rudolf Witzig', a German Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper) and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Generalmajor Meindl'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Generalmajor Meindl'. The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Eugen Meindl', a German Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper) general and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Oberleutnant Schmidt

Nice original period Willrich postcard showing Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger 'Oberleutnant Schmidt'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Major Koch'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Major Koch'. The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Walter Koch', a German Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper). Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Tag der Deutschen Kunst' Postcard

Nice original period color postcard from the 'Tag der Deutschen Kunst' exhibition, which was in München 14-16 July 1939. There's a clear 'München - Hauptstadt der Bewegung' cancel on the back of the card. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann 'Ritterkreuz' Postcard - 'U-Boot Kommandant Käpitänleutnant Prien'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting Kriegsmarine 'U-Boot Kommandant Käpitänleutnant Prien'. Decorative item!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann 'Ritterkreuz' Postcard - 'Major Ihlefeld'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting Luftwaffe 'Major Ihlefeld'. This propaganda postcard was published by 'Photo-Hoffmann' and is in excellent unsent condition. Decorative item!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann 'Ritterkreuz' Postcard - 'Hauptmann Baumbach'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting Luftwaffe 'Hauptmann Baumbach'. This propaganda postcard is in excellent unsent condition. Decorative item!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann 'Ritterkreuz' Postcard - 'Hauptmann Helbig'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting Luftwaffe 'Hauptmann Helbig'. This propaganda postcard was published by 'Photo-Hoffmann' and is in excellent unsent condition. Nice and decorative item!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann 'Ritterkreuz' Postcard - 'Major Collewe'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting Luftwaffe 'Major Collewe'. This propaganda postcard was published by 'Photo-Hoffmann' and is in excellent unsent condition. Decorative item!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann 'Ritterkreuz' Postcard - 'Hauptmann Boerst'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting Luftwaffe 'Hauptmann Boerst'. This propaganda postcard was published by 'Photo-Hoffmann' and is in excellent unsent condition. Nice and decorative item!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann 'Ritterkreuz' Postcard - 'Major Oesau'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting the Luftwaffe 'Major Oesau'. This propaganda postcard was published by 'Photo-Hoffmann'. The card is in excellent unsent condition. Decorative item!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Kapitänleutnant Prien'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Kapitänleutnant Prien, Führer eines der erfolgreichsten U-Boote, der Sieger von Scapa Flow'. The postcard is showing 'Günther Prien', the first U-boat commander to receive the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Adolf Hitler with BDM Girls' Postcard

Original photo postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler greeting some 'BDM' (Bund Deutscher Mädel) girls. This postcard measures approximately 15 x 10,5 cms and is in good sent condition. Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

Original period postcard (Postkarte) showing a portrait of Adolf Hitler wearing his visor cap (Schirmmütze). The postcard measures approximately 15 x 11 cms in size and is in unissued condition. Interesting original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Reinhard Heydrich' Postage Stamp Block

This is a 'Reinhard Heydrich' postage stamp block, consisting of 4 original German postage stamps dating from 1943. These commerative black stamps show Heydrich's death mask. Original SS postage stamps in unissued condition!

€ 25,00

'Adolf Hitler Christmas' Postcard

This is a nice original photo postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler next to a Christmas Tree with burning candles. Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Danzig ist Deutsch' Postcard

Nice original period colour propaganda-postcard, designed by the famous Gottfried Klein, from the 'WHW' (Winterhilfswerk) showing a view of the city Danzig and an eagle with swastika in very vibrant colours. Decorative colourful original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Hauptmann Hans Detleff von Cossel''

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Hauptmann Hans Detleff von Cossel erhielt das Ritterkreuz als Oberleutnant und Kompaniechef in einem Panzerregiment'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Kapitänleutnant Schultze'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Kapitänleutnant Schultze, einer unserer erfolgreichsten U-Boot Kommandanten' from the series 'Unsere U-Boot-Waffe'. The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Herbert Schultze', a famous U-Boat commander. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Tag der Deutschen Kunst' Postcard

This is a nice original period color postcard (Postkarte) from the 'Tag der Deutschen Kunst' exhibition, which was in München 14-16 July 1939. The postcard has a nice postage stamp and a beautiful ink stamp. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

'Panzer in snow' Postcard

Nice original period color postcard (Feldpost) showing a drawing of a panzer in the snow at the Ostfront. The drawing was made by 'Obergefreiter Fritz Brauner' and was taken out of a magazine that was published by the OKW. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

'Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1938' Postcard

This is a nice original period color postcard (Postkarte) from the 'Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1938' exhibition. There's a 'Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1938' ink-stamp of the opening day of the exhibition at the back. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

'Liberation of the Rhineland' Postcard

Nice original period colour postcard showing a man kneeling above the Rhine with broken shackles, painted by Theo Matejko. The image is an artistic representation of the end of the occupation of the Rhineland in 1930. Nice artistic postcard!

€ 25,00

'Adolf Hitler with children' Postcard

Nice original photo postcard showing Adolf Hitler being saluted by children and receiving flowers. The postcard has a beautiful unique Saarbrücken 50th birthday of the Führer ink-stamp. Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

'München Mahnmal in der Feldherrnhalle' Postcard

Nice original period postcard (Postkarte) showing the 'Mahnmal in der Feldherrnhalle für die Gefallenen des 9. November 1923' at München with two 'Algemeine-SS' members guarding it. There's a nice 'München - Hauptstadt der Bewegung' ink stamp at the back. Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

Wehrmacht 'Marching Band' Postcard

Original period color postcard showing a Wehrmacht marching band, painted by 'Hans Friedmann'. This postcard is part of 'Die Postkarte der Wehrmacht' series, Folge I/8: 'Der Frontsoldat mit dem Edelweiß marschiert'. At the back is a colourful print of the 'NSRKB' flag. Nice artistic original ...

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Generaloberst Guderian'

This is a nice original period Willrich postcard 'Generaloberst Guderian, Schöpfer und Führer unserer siegreichen Panzerwaffe' from the series 'Unsere Panzerwaffe' . The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Heinz Guderian', a famous German general. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

This is a nice original postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler in his uniform. The subtitle says: "Unser Führer!". Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Motorcycle with sidecar' Postcard

This is a nice color postcard showing a painting of members of the SS riding on a motorcycle with sidecar. It comes from a 'War Victims Wall Calendar'. This artistic postcard is 'Bild 40: SS-Vorausabteilung in Polen' - Painting von Schnürpel. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

Hoffmann Postcard 'Obergefreiter Brinkforth'

This is a nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting the (Heeres) 'Obergefreiter Brinkforth'. Hubert Brinkforth was the first enlisted soldier to receive the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Nice and decorative item!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Leutnant Hugo Primozic'

This is a nice original period 'Willrich' postcard showing leutnant 'Hugo Primozic'. This propaganda postcard was published by the 'Verlag: Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland' in Berlin W 30. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Ein Kradschütze'

This is a nice original period 'Willrich' postcard showing a Wehrmacht soldier 'Ein Kradschütze' holding a MG 42. This propaganda postcard was published by the 'Verlag: Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland' in Berlin W 30. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Artwork Panzer Postcard 'Im Kampf um die Freiheit'

This is a nice original period artwork postcard (Postkarte) showing artwork that features pioneers building a bridge and a rolling panzer in the background and the close up of a panzer soldier wearing a panzer beret and his panzer tunic (with recognizable 'skulls' on his collar-tabs) with a large ...

€ 25,00

'Panzerwagen' Postcard

This is a nice original period color propaganda-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing a drawing of a panzerwagen. This artistic postcard was published by 'Propaganda Stuttgart' from Stuttgart. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00