with an eye for quality
Winkelwagen is leeg

Duitse (Propaganda) Postkaarten

Pagina 5 van 5
Resultaten 201 - 233 van 233


Willrich Postcard - 'Efolgreicher Finnischer Spähtruppführer'

This is a nice original period Willrich postcard showing a 'Efolgreicher Finnischer Spähtruppführer'. The card is in unissued condition and is void of any writing or text. Nice and decorative original postcard in good condition!

€ 20,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Aufklärungsflieger'

This is a nice original period Willrich postcard showing a Luftwaffe 'Aufklärungsflieger'. The card is in unissued condition and is void of any writing or text. Nice and decorative original postcard in good condition!

€ 20,00

Hoffmann Postcard 'Hauptmann Baumbach'

This is a nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting the Luftwaffe 'Hauptmann Baumbach'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 20,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Major Wick'

This is a nice original period Willrich postcard showing 'Major Wick, Kommodore eines Jagdgeschwaders'. The card is in unissued condition and is void of any writing or text. Nice and decorative original postcard in good condition!

€ 20,00

Set of 23 Postage Stamps

This is a nice set of 23 used original German postage stamps dating from the Third Reich period. The stamps are printed with various images related to that time. The themes include 'Deutsches Reich' and 'Reichsparteitag der NSDAP'. Nice colorful set of stamps!

€ 15,00

'... weiter rollt der Angriff' Postcard

Nice original period color propaganda-postcard showing a painting of a 'panzer': '... weiter rollt der Angriff' by Kriegsberichter: Hensel. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 15,00

U-Boot Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'U-Boot auf Feindfahrt'. The postcard is showing the bow of a German U-Boot at sea. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Flak 88' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Flakgeschützen gehen in Stellung' from the series 'Unsere Luftwaffe'. The postcard is showing a photograph of FLAK Troops with Flak 88's. The card has a cancel from '1. Flak.Ersatz-Abteilung 4'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Der 10.Mai 1940' Postcard

Nice original period 'Haus der Deutschen Kunst' colour postcard showing the artwork 'Der 10. Mai 1940' by 'Paul Mathias Padua'. The card is showing Wehrmacht soldiers in a rowing boat. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 15,00

'Focke-Wulf Fw 58 Weihe' Airplane Postcard

Nice original period photo postcard 'Unsere Wehrmacht, Focke-Wulf Fw. 58 Weihe' showing a photograph with a close up of a nose gunner operating a machine gun. The postcard has a message written at the back, dated April 16, 1941. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Heinkel Jagdflugzeuge He 51 im Sturzflug' Postcard

Nice original period photo postcard 'Heinkel Jagdflugzeuge He 51 im Sturzflug' showing 2 Heinkel He 51 airplanes in a swoop. The postcard is in excellent unsent condition. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Heinkel Kampfflugzeug He 111' Postcard

Nice original period photo postcard 'Unsere Wehrmacht, Heinkel Kampfflugzeug He 111' showing Luftwaffe Heinkel He 111 airplanes lined up. This postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size and is in excellent unsent condition. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Staffelformation von Jagdeinsitzern' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Unsere Wehrmacht, Staffelformation von Jagdeinsitzern' showing a photograph of Heinkel He 51 airplanes lined up. This postcard is dated August 13, 1942 and has a great 'Fliegerhorst - komp. D.-zug, Kirch-Göns bei Gießen' cancel. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Henschel Hs 123' Airplane Postcard

Nice postcard showing a 'Jagdeinsitzer' Henschel Hs 123 D-ILUA airplane. This single-seat biplane dive bomber and close-support attack aircraft was flown by the German Luftwaffe during the Spanish Civil War and the early to midpoint of World War II. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Focke-Wulf Fw 200-C "Condor" Airplane' Postcard

Nice original photo postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing 'Der viermotorige Langstreckenbomber der deutschen Luftwaffe Fock-Wulf Fw 200-C "Condor" mit 4 BMW-Bramo-Motoren'. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

Wehrmacht FLAK 'Scheinwerferabteilung' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Scheinwerferabteilung erhält eine telefonische Meldung' from the series 'Unsere Wehrmacht'. The postcard is showing a photograph of Wehrmacht FLAK Troops with a search light. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Greetings from Holland' Liberation Postcard

This is a nice original period postcard showing a drawing of a boy and a girl in traditional Dutch clothing with a British / Canadian soldier in a typical Dutch landscape. Nice original liberation postcard!

€ 15,00

'Der letzte Mann' Postcard

Nice original period color postcard showing the famous painting 'Der letzte Mann' (Aus dem Heldenkampf in der Seeschlacht bei den Falklandinseln am 8. Dez. 1914). The painting was made by Prof. Hans Bohrdt. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 15,00

'Panzer I' Postcard

Nice original period 'Panzer I' postcard 'Panzertruppen: Vorgehende Kampfwagen' from the series 'Unsere Heer'. The postcard is showing a 'Panzerkampfwagen I' with a German soldier at the top of the turret. Nice and decorative 'Panzer I' postcard!

€ 15,00

'Maschinengewehr 08' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'M.G. Abteilung in Feuerstellung' from the series 'Unsere Wehrmacht'. The postcard is showing German soldiers with a 'Maschinengewehr 08' (MG 08). Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

Luftwaffe 'food distribution' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Ein Sonntagsbraten, bei der Essenausgabe' from the series 'Unsere Luftwaffe'. The postcard is showing Luftwaffe soldiers getting food at a field kitchen. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

Luftwaffe 'Flak' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Flak geht in Stellung' from the series 'Unsere Luftwaffe'. The postcard is showing a German convoy with in front Luftwaffe soldiers putting a Flak into position. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

Luftwaffe 'Leichte Flak' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Leichte Flak im Erdkampf' from the series 'Unsere Luftwaffe'. The postcard is showing a photograph of Luftwaffe soldiers with a 3.7 cm Flak anti-aircraft gun. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 15,00

Luftwaffe 'Hörchgerät' Postcard

Nice original period Luftwaffe postcard showing a directional Anti-Aircraft listening device (Hörchgerät). Nice and decorative postcard in excellent condition!

€ 15,00

'German Soldier Song' Postcard

Nice original period postcard showing a Wehrmacht soldier and the lyrics of a German soldier song "Kameraden wir marschier'n!". The postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size and is in excellent condition. Decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Machtergreifung Adolf Hitler 1933' Postcard

Nice original period postcard about the 'Machtergreifung' of Adolf Hitler. The card is showing the famous 'Brandenburger Tor' at Berlin with an NSDAP parade with NSDAP flags and a saluting crowd. Below the image is the text: 'Deutschland, Deutschland über alles! 30.1.1933'. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'1935 Saarland Status Referendum' Postcard

Nice original period postcard about the referendum on the territorial status that was held in the Territory of the Saar Basin on 13 January 1935. The card is showing two men shaking hands with the text: "Saarland Treue zeigt der Welt wie Deutsches Volk zusammenhalt". Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Olympic Stadium Berlin' Postcard

This is a nice original period photo-postcard (Postkarte) showing the sports field and eastern gate of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin: 'Reichssportfeld, Olympia-Stadion Osttor'. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Junkers Ju 52' Airplane Postcard

Nice original period Luftwaffe photo postcard showing a 'Junkers Ju 52' airplane. This postcard was published by 'Spezialverlag Horn' from Gotha. The postcard is in excellent unsent condition. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 10,00

'1 Staffel Fw. 44 Stieglitz' Postcard

Nice original period photo postcard showing 6 'Focke-Wulf Fw 44 Stieglitz' airplanes lined up. This postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size and was published by 'Hermares' from Berlin. The postcard is in excellent unsent condition. Nice original postcard!

€ 10,00

'Kreuzer Königsberg' Battleship Postcard

Nice original photo postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing the german 'Kreuzer Königsberg' battleship. This postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size. Nice original postcard!

€ 10,00

'Henschel Hs 122' Airplane Postcard

Nice original photo postcard showing a 'Übungs- und Mehrzwecke-Flugzeug' Henschel Hs 122 airplane. This postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms and was published by 'Kunstverlaganstalt Bruno Hansmann' from Kassel. Nice original postcard!

€ 10,00

'Heinkel He 70' Airplane Postcard

Nice original photo postcard showing a Heinkel He 70 airplane. This postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size and was published by 'Driesen Verlag' from Berlin. The postcard is in good unsent condition. Nice original postcard!

€ 10,00
Pagina 5 van 5