with an eye for quality
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Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse Koppelriemen en Koppelsloten

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Riemen & Koppelsloten

Polizei EM/NCO's Belt Buckle

Denazified German Polizei (Police) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nice aluminum construction box buckle, complete with its original leather tab. Maker marked by the company of 'Richard Sieper & Söhne' from Lüdenscheid and dated 1936. Still a nice buckle!

€ 70,00

Kriegsmarine Officer's Belt Buckle

Kriegsmarine Officer's Belt Buckle (Feldbindenschloss). The circular Kriegsmarine Officer's Belt Buckle is made of gilded aluminum. The buckle is not visible maker marked. Nice and decorative belt buckle in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Kriegsmarine Officer's Belt Buckle

Kriegsmarine Officer's Belt Buckle (Feldbindenschloss). The circular Kriegsmarine Officer's Belt Buckle is made of gilded aluminum. This is the smaller 4cm high version intended for the dagger belt. Nice and decorative belt buckle in very good condition!

€ 75,00

1941 dated Leather Tab for Belt Buckle

1941 dated Leather Tab for Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß Lederwiderhalt). The leather tab is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Math. Salcher u. Söhne' from Jablunkau and dated 1941. Stunning tab in mint condition!

€ 75,00

Hitler-Jugend Koppelslot 'RZM M4/44'

Hitler-Jugend Koppelslot (HJ Koppelschloß). Het aluminium koppelslot is gemarkeerd met 'RZM M4/44' wat duidt op productie door de firma 'Paul Cramer & Co' uit Lüdenscheid. Mooi origineel koppelslot in duidelijk gebruikte staat voor een nette prijs!

€ 75,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt

Wehrmacht EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 95cms long sized belt is made of nice high quality leather, this is the late war pattern without tongue. The belt is RB.Nr. marked. Nice original belt in heavily used and worn condition!

€ 85,00

Battle Damaged WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle

Battle Damaged Wehrmacht (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nice fieldgrey painted aluminum construction metal box buckle with a pebbled background. The buckle is showing damage from a gunshot or shrapnel. Interesting original battlefield relic!

€ 90,00

WH (Heer) Parade Koppelslot

Wehrmacht (Heer) Koppelslot (Koppelschloß). 2-delig zink & aluminium constructie parade-type koppelslot. Het koppelslot is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd. Mooi origineel parade type koppelslot in zwaar gebruikte staat!

€ 90,00

WH (Heer) Leren Koppelriem

Wehrmacht manschappen/onderofficier's leren koppelriem (Koppelriemen). De vroege 105cm lange riem is maker gemarkeerd door de firma 'Springer & Co' uit Berlijn en lijkt 1937 gedateerd te zijn. Mooie originele koppel in gebruikte staat!

€ 90,00

Spanish 'Falange Española' Belt Buckle

Spanish 'Falange Española' Belt Buckle. Spanish manufactured nickel-silver belt buckle, complete with prong and keeper loop. Nice original belt buckle in very good condition!

€ 95,00

Hitler-Jugend Koppelslot 'RZM M4/24'

Hitler-Jugend Koppelslot (HJ Koppelschloß). Het stalen koppelslot is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd. Mooi origineel koppelslot in gebruikte staat voor een nette prijs!

€ 95,00

Duitse Brandweer Officier's Koppel 'Niedersachsen'

Duitse Brandweer Officier's Koppel met Koppelslot (Feuerwehr OffiziersFeldbinde und Koppelschloss) voor de deelstaat Nedersaksen (Niedersachsen), compleet met zijn originele matchende 95 cm lange koppelriem. Mooie originele set in erg goede staat!

€ 95,00

German Political SA Belt & Buckle

German Political / SA (Sturmabteilung) Brown Belt & Open Claw Belt Buckle (Koppel mit Zweidornschnalle). The 105cms long sized leather belt is complete with its gold coloured buckle, the buckle is marked 'RZM M5/140'. Nice SA belt in good used condition!

€ 100,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt

Wehrmacht EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 95cms long sized belt is made of nice high quality leather, this is the late war pattern without tongue. The belt is not visible maker marked. Nice original belt in good used condition!

€ 100,00

WH (Heer) Koppelriem 1941

Wehrmacht (Heer) manschappen/onderofficier's leren koppel (Koppelriemen). De 90cm lange leren koppel is vaag maker gemarkeerd en lijkt 1941 gedateerd te zijn. Mooie originele koppelriem in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 100,00

DJ Belt Buckle

DJ (Deutsche Jungvolk) Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nickel/silver plated 'Sigrune' buckle, this is a rare variant with a larger type 'Sigrune'. The buckle is not visible maker marked. Nice original buckle in good used condition!

€ 110,00

SA Belt Buckle

SA (Sturmabteilung) Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). This is a nice early 2-piece brass constuction buckle. The buckle is not visible maker marked. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 115,00

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt Buckle

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt Buckle (Sympathiesanten Koppelschloß). Nicely 'D.R.G.M.' marked. The buckle is slightly rusted. Decorative original belt buckle in good used condition!

€ 125,00

RAD Belt Buckle

'Reichsarbeitsdienst' EM/NCO's Belt Buckle with leather tab (Koppelschloß mit Lederwiderhalt). Both the buckle and leather tab are nicely maker marked by the company of 'F.W. Assmann & Söhne' from Lüdenscheid and dated 1938. Nice original buckle in good used condition!

€ 125,00

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt Buckle

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt Buckle (Sympathisanten Koppelschloß). Rare variant showing a Swastika inside a rising sun background. The buckle is 'D.R.G.M.' marked. The buckle is slightly rusted. Decorative original belt buckle in good used condition!

€ 125,00

Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle

This is a nice nickel-silver Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle (HJ Koppelschloß). The buckle is nicely maker marked with 'A&S Ges.Gesch. RZM 17' and the logo of the 'Assmann' company from Lüdenscheid. Nice original buckle in good used condition!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) Parade Koppelslot

Wehrmacht (Heer) Koppelslot (Koppelschloß). 2-delig aluminium parade-type koppelslot. Het koppelslot is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd. Mooi origineel vroeg parade type koppelslot in goede staat!

€ 125,00

Hitler-Jugend Koppelslot 'RZM M4/23'

Hitler-Jugend Koppelslot (HJ Koppelschloß). Het stalen koppelslot is maker gemarkeerd met 'RZM M4/23' wat duidt op productie door de firma 'Dr. Franke & Co' uit Lüdenscheid. Mooi origineel koppelslot in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 125,00

Kriegsmarine Dolkdraagriem

Kriegsmarine Dolkdraagriem voor onder het uniform (Unterschnallkoppel). Mooie 85 cm lange bruin leren en blauwe stoffen riem in erg goede staat!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) Aluminium Koppelslot

Wehrmacht (Heer) Koppelslot (Koppelschloß). Mooi veldgrijs geschilderd aluminium koppelslot. Het koppelslot is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd. Mooi origineel vroeg koppelslot in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 125,00

Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle 'RZM M4/30'

Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle (HJ Koppelschloß). The aluminum buckle is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M4/30' indicating prodcution by the company 'Berg & Nolte' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original buckle in good used condition!

€ 130,00

Early Luftwaffe Belt Buckle

Luftwaffe EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nice aluminum construction box buckle showing the 1st pattern drooptail eagle. The buckle is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original buckle in used condition!

€ 130,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 102cms long belt is maker marked and dated 1935. It is unit marked with '2./J.R.66' (Infanterie-Regiment 66). Nice original belt in good used condition!

€ 135,00

Political Double-Claw Officers Belt & Buckle

German Political Black Belt & Open Claw Belt Buckle (Koppel mit Zweidornschnalle). The 115cms long sized leather belt is complete with its silver coloured buckle, the buckle is marked 'RZM M5/76'. Nice SA belt in good used condition!

€ 135,00

DRK Belt Buckle

German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). The buckle is nicely maker marked with 'OLC', indicating production by the company of 'Overhoff & Cie' in Lüdenscheid. Nice original buckle in very good condition!

€ 145,00

German 'Reichswehr' Belt & Buckle

Pre-war German 'Reichswehr' Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nice silver washed brass construction box buckle with a pebbled background. The buckle comes with a period looking 95cms long sized belt as found together. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 145,00

Luftwaffe Parade Koppelslot

Luftwaffe Parade Type Koppelslot (Koppelschloß). Dit is een mooi 2-delig zilver kleurig parade-type koppelslot, gemaakt van zink, het koppelslot is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd. Mooi origineel Luftwaffe parade type koppelslot in erg goede staat!

€ 145,00

WH (Heer) Leren Koppelriem

Wehrmacht manschappen/onderofficier's leren koppelriem (Koppelriemen), dit is het laat-oorlogse model zonder tong, gemarkeerd door 'Franz Brehme' uit Walsrode en 1943 gedateerd. Mooie originele koppel in erg goede staat!

€ 145,00

Luftwaffe Parade Koppelslot

Luftwaffe Parade Type Koppelslot (Koppelschloß). Dit is een mooi 2-delig aluminium parade-type koppelslot, het koppelslot is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd. Mooi origineel Luftwaffe parade type koppelslot in erg goede staat!

€ 145,00

WH (Heer) Koppelslot 'B&N 38'

Wehrmacht (Heer) Koppelslot (Koppelschloß), maker gemarkeerd met 'B&N 38' wat duidt op productie door de firma 'Berg & Nolte AG' uit Lüdenscheid in 1938. Mooi origineel vroeg koppelslot in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 145,00

Polizei EM/NCO's Belt Buckle

German Polizei (Police) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Early aluminum-type box buckle with a pebbled background, complete with leather tab. Nicely maker marked by the company of 'Julius Maurer' from Oberstein and dated 1939. Nice buckle in good used condition!

€ 150,00

NSBO Belt Buckle

'National Sozialistische Betriebszellen-Organisation' (NSBO) Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Two-piece construction belt buckle, the plate is attached by two soldered spots, visible to the reverse. Hard to find original buckle in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Polizei Leather Belt

Polizei EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 105cms long sized belt is made of nice high quality blackened leather, the belt nicely maker marked and dated 'jkh 41' indicating production by the company of 'Carl Busse' from Mainz in 1941. Rare original belt in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt

Wehrmacht EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 90cms long sized belt is made of nice high quality leather, this is the 1944 pattern without tongue. The belt is nicely marked with 'RBNr.0/0485/0002'. Nice original belt in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Polizei EM/NCO's Belt Buckle

German Polizei (Police) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Aluminum construction box buckle with a pebbled background. The buckle is nicely marked with the 'W' logo of the company of 'E.Ferdinand Wiedmann' from Frankfurt am Main. Nice original buckle in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle 'R.S.&S.'

Wehrmacht (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nice fieldgrey painted steel construction box buckle. The buckle is maker marked 'R.S.& S.' indicating production by the company of 'Richard Sieper & Söhne', based in Lüdenscheid. Nice original belt buckle in good used condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt

Wehrmacht (Heer) EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 95cms long belt is nicely maker marked by the company of 'A. Doppert' from Kitzingen and dated 1940. Nice original belt in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle

Wehrmacht (Heer) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nice fieldgrey painted steel construction box buckle. The buckle is not visible maker marked. Nice original belt buckle in good used condition!

€ 150,00

BDM Leather Belt

BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) darkblue leather belt (Gürtel). The 85cms long leather belt was intended for wear on the BDM skirt. The belt is nicely marked with 'RZM L2/642/36', the buckle is marked 'RZM M5/71'. Rare original BDM leather belt in good used condition!

€ 150,00

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt & Buckle

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt & Buckle (Sympathiesanten Riemen mit Koppelschloß). The 'D.R.G.M.' marked buckle comes on a most likely replaced webbing type belt. Decorative and hard to find original belt buckle in good used condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) Tropical Belt

WH (Heer) Tropical Belt (Tropen Koppel). The 85cms long green/fieldgrey coloured webbing belt is complete with its leather tongue. The belt is nicely maker marked and dated 1941. Nice original tropical belt in clearly used and worn condition!

€ 150,00

Political Double-Claw Officers Belt & Buckle

Political Brown Belt & Open Claw Belt Buckle (Koppel mit Zweidornschnalle). The 110cms long sized leather belt is complete with its original buckle. The buckle is 'RZM' marked and marked with the logo of the company of 'F.W. Assmann' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original belt!

€ 150,00

Polizei Brown Leather Belt

Polizei EM/NCO's Leather Belt (Koppelriemen). The 95cms long sized belt is made of nice high quality brown leather, the belt is nicely 'Po' marked indicating Police issue. Rare original belt in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Dolkdraagriem 1938

Luftwaffe Dolkdraagriem voor onder het uniform (Unterschnallkoppel). De 90 cm lange bruin leren en grijze stoffen riem is mooi maker gemarkeerd en 1938 gedateerd, het is ook 'L.B.A.' gemarkeerd en eenheid gemarkeerd voor het 'Flak Regiment 64'. Zeldzame originele dolkdraagriem in zeer goede staat!

€ 150,00

DRK Belt Buckle

German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). The buckle is nicely maker marked with 'Ges.Gesch.1'. Nice original buckle in good condition!

€ 165,00
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