with an eye for quality
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Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse Uitrusting

Resultaten 451 - 500 van 861


Luftwaffe M35 Map/Dispatch Case

Luftwaffe M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The chocolate brown leather map case is maker marked by a manufacturer from Cottbus and dated 1938, and nicely 'L.B.A.' marked. Nice original map case in very good condition!

€ 175,00

Luftwaffe M35 Map/Dispatch Case

Luftwaffe M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The chocolate brown leather map case is faintly maker marked. It is nicely marked with 'I./Fla.Rgt.61' (Flak-Regiment 61) and 'L.B.A.B.37'. Nice original map case in good condition!

€ 175,00

Luftwaffe 'Dreieckrechner DR2'

Luftwaffe 'DR 2' Flight Navigation Computer (Dreieckrechner). Nicely maker marked by the company of 'Dennert & Pape' in Hamburg-Altona and dated May 1942. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 175,00

Wehrmacht Officer's Clothing Bag

Wehrmacht Officer's Clothing Bag (Bekleidungssack für Offiziere), made of green coloured canvas with webbing parts. The (large sized) clothing bag is nicely RB.Nr. marked. Nice original officer's clothing bag in very good condition!

€ 175,00

Wehrmacht Motorcycle Goggles

Wehrmacht Motorcycle Goggles (Kradmelderbrille). The goggles are nicely maker marked 'FD'. The elastic band has lost most of its elasticity. Nice original pair of goggles in good used condition!

€ 175,00

NSDAP/SA Political Y-straps

NSDAP/SA Political style Y-straps (Koppeltraggestell). The Y-straps are nicely marked 'Croupon' and 'RZM L2/5', the metal clips are all nicely RZM marked as well. Hard to find original political y-straps in good condition!

€ 175,00

MG34/42 'Patronenkasten 34'

MG34 or MG42 Ammunition Box (Patronenkasten 34). Early fieldgrey painted aluminum construction ammunition box. Nicely dated 1941, stenciled on the paint is 'Gem 3-2-1' and the number '300' indicating the amount of 300 rounds. Nice original ammo box!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) M31 Bread Bag

Wehrmacht (Heer) Bread Bag M1931 (Brotbeutel 31). The breadbag is nicely RB.Nr. marked. This a late war variant made of mixed materials, green coloured canvas, black & brown leather and webbing parts. Nice original bread bag in mint condition!

€ 175,00

Kriegsmarine M31 Bread Bag & Strap

WH (Heer/Kriegsmarine) M31 Bread Bag & Strap (Brotbeutel 31 mit Brotbeutelriemen). The green canvas breadbag is re-inforced with black leather parts. The breadbag is nicely maker marked 'gyp'. Nice set in very good, mint and unissued, condition!

€ 175,00

MG 34/42 50 Round Drum Magazine

MG34 / MG42 50 Round Drum Magazine (Gurttrommel 34). The drum retains most of its original grey/blue paint. The drum is nicely maker marked and dated 'ddf' indicating production by the 'Lohmann-Werke AG' from Bielefeld. Nice example in good condition!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case

WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The blackened brown leather map case is nicely RB.Nr. marked. Nice original map case in very good condition!

€ 175,00

MP38/40 Leather Sling

MP38/40 Leather Sling (M.P. 38 u. 40 Trägeriemen). The darkbrown leather sling is not visible maker marked or dated. The sling is complete with its original metal stud. The leather is still in good supple condition. Nice original sling in good used condition!

€ 175,00

Late war Enamelled Mess Kit M42 - WJ44

Late war enamelled steel construction WH Mess Kit M42 - Kochgeschirr 42 (Eis.). The mess kit is nicely maker marked and dated 'WJ44' indicating production in 1944. The mess kit still retains most of its original dark black/grey enamel. Rare original example in good used condition!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) Zeltbahn 31 - 1935

Wehrmacht M31 Shelter Quarter (Zeltbahn 31). The Zeltbahn is showing some nice unit markings and is dated 1935. Complete with almost all original aluminum buttons and ropes. Rare original early pre-war Zeltbahn in good used condition!

€ 175,00

'Reichsmarine' Blanket

Rare original early 'Reichsmarine' Blanket (Decke). The blanket is showing some minor moth damage and is in overall good used condition. The blanket is sized approximately 190 x 125 cms. Nice original blanket!

€ 175,00

German 7,65mm Pistol Holster 1941

German 7,65mm Pistol Holster (Pistolentasche) as most likely used for a 7,65mm Pistol. The holster is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Kern Kläger & Cie' from Berlin and dated 1941. Nice original holster in mint and unissued condition!

€ 175,00

Late War Enamelled Mess Kit M42

Late war enamelled steel construction Wehrmacht Mess Kit M42 - "Kochgeschirr 42 (Eis.)". The mess kit is nicely maker marked with RB.Nr.0/0657/0001. The mess kit still retains most of its original dark black/grey enamel. Rare original example in good condition!

€ 175,00

WH Combat Assault Pack A-Frame Bag

Wehrmacht Combat Assault Pack A-Frame Bag (Beutel zum Gefechtsgepäck). Example with light brown leather and aluminum hardware, the cloth straps are in good complete condition. The bag is nicely maker marked and dated 1939. Nice original pre-war example in very good condition!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) Medical M31 Canteen and Cup

WH (Heer) Medical/Mountain Troops M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). This is a so-called 'Labeflasche' with a 1 liter capacity, complete with bakelite cup. The canteen is maker marked and dated 'ESB41'. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) NCO's K98 Dress Bayonet

WH (Heer) NCO's K98 Dress Bayonet with frog and bayonet knot (Extraseitengewehr mit Seitengewehrtasche). The bayonet is nicely maker marked by 'Alcoso' from Solingen. The scabberd is showing some paint loss and clear traces of usage. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 175,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup - AEM.A.43

This is a nice Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Green painted enamelled steel canteen, complete with enamelled steel cup. Nicely maker marked and dated with 'AEM.A.43'. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 175,00

Luftwaffe 'Dominit' Hand Lamp

Luftwaffe 'EHGL Dominit' Hand Lamp (Sicherheitshandlampe). Special heavy quality Luftwaffe hand lamp, marked with Luftwaffe Contract Number 'FL56220'. It is complete with the often missing original batteries. Rare original hand lamp in good condition!

€ 175,00

Late war Enamelled Mess Kit M42

Late war enamelled steel construction WH Mess Kit M42 - Kochgeschirr 42 (Eis.). The mess kit still retains most of its original green enamel. These green enamelled mess kits are attributed to have been made by the 'Deutsche Emailwarenfabrik' run by Oskar Schindler. Rare example!

€ 175,00

MG34/42 Ammo Box used as 'Verbandkasten'

MG34/42 Ammo Box (Patronenkasten 34) used as 'Verbandkasten'. Early aluminum Ammunition Box which has been reissued as an first aid box. The box is nicely maker marked and dated 1938. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) Medische M31 Veldfles met Beker

WH (Heer) Medische/Gebirgsjäger M31 Veldfles met Beker (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). This is a so-called 'Labeflasche' with a 1 liter capacity, complete with bakelite cup. The canteen is maker marked and dated 'ESB41'. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 165,00

Wehrmacht Tasje voor het A-frame

Wehrmacht Tasje voor het A-frame Gevechts Draagstel (Beutel zum Gefechtsgepäck). Het tasje is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd of gedateerd. Het riempje binnenin om de twee vakjes te sluiten ontbreekt helaas. Mooi origineel exemplaar in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 165,00

Wehrmacht Verrekijker 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30

Standaard Wehrmacht Verrekijker 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30 (Doppelfernrohr). De verrekijker is maker gemarkeerd met 'cag' wat duidt op productie door de firma 'D. Swarovski' uit Wattens (Oostenrijk). Mooie originele verrekijker!

€ 165,00

Wehrmacht Engineers Measuring Tape

Wehrmacht Engineers Measuring Tape (Maßband). 50 meters long metal measuring tape with late-war ordnance tan metal frame and wooden grip. Nice and decorative original piece in good used condition!

€ 165,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup

This is a nice Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Red painted steel canteen, complete with green painted steel cup. Both the canteen and cup are nicely maker marked and dated 'L&SL43'. Nice original canteen in good used condition!

€ 165,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup

Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Red painted steel canteen, complete with 1944 dated bakelite cup. The canteen is nicely maker marked and dated with 'L&SL44' indicating production in 1944. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 165,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup 'MN44'

This is a nice late war Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Red painted steel canteen with gabardine cover, complete with steel cup. The canteen is nicely maker marked and dated 'MN44'. Nice original late war canteen in good used condition!

€ 165,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup

This is a nice Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Green painted steel canteen, complete with green painted steel cup. Both the canteen and cup are nicely maker marked and dated 'FWBN43'. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 165,00

Wehrmacht hand-microphone

Hand held field communication microphone (Handmikrofon). Nicely marked with 'Feind hört mit!' (The enemy listens in!). It is nicely WaA marked. The microphone is complete with it's original wire and plug. Nice piece op equipment in good used condition!

€ 165,00

Wehrmacht Extension Cable

Wehrmacht Extension Cable for the FF33 Field Telephone (Verlängerungskabel zum Hörer für Feldfernsprecher FF33) or for the 'Flaksprechgarnitur'. Nicely maker marked and dated 1942/1943, the cable is in very good condition. Nice piece of equipment!

€ 165,00

Wehrmacht Officer's Clothing Bag

Wehrmacht Officer's Clothing Bag (Bekleidungssack für Offiziere). The (large sized) clothing bag is nicely maker marked with a RB.Nr. Nice original officer's clothing bag in very good condition!

€ 165,00

Wehrmacht 'Kleines Feldbesteck' in Hoesje

Wehrmacht 'Kleines Feldbesteck', zoals bedoeld voor een 'Sanitäter' of 'Artzt', compleet met zijn originele bruin leren hoesje, maker gemarkeerd door de firma 'Bollmann & Co.' uit Tuttlingen. Mooie set in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 160,00

WH (Heer) M31 Broodzak

Wehrmacht (Heer) Broodzak Model 1931 (Brotbeutel 31), gemaakt van groene canvas met zwart leren delen. De broodzak is vaag maker gemarkeerd. Mooie originele broodzak in erg goede staat!

€ 160,00

WH M31 Gebirgsjäger Veldfles met Beker

Wehrmacht M31 Gebirgsjäger Veldfles met Beker (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher), een zogenoemde 'Labeflasche' met een 1 liter inhoud, maker gemarkeerd en gedateerd met 'CFL 41'. Mooie originele Gebirgsjäger veldfles in erg goede staat!

€ 160,00

Pair of WH (Heer) K98 Ammo Pouches

This is a nice pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) K98 Ammo Pouches (Patronentaschen). The pouches are matching maker marked with RB.Nr. '1/0390/0115'. Nice and hard to find original matching pair of K98 pouches in good condition!

€ 160,00

K98 Leather Rifle Sling

K98 Leather Sling (98K Trägeriemen), complete with leather retaining tab. The small leather loop is regrettably missing. The brown leather sling is not visible maker marked or dated. Hard to find original k98 sling in good used condition!

€ 160,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup

This is a nice late war Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Red painted steel canteen, complete with bakelite cup. The leather straps are nicely maker marked and dated with 'R.K.W.43' indicating production in 1943. Nice original canteen in very good condition!

€ 160,00

WH (Heer) Medische Tas

Vroege Reichswehr/WH (Heer) Medische tas (Sanitätstasche). De tas is compleet met het originele papieren inhoudslabel, maker gemarkeerd door de firma 'C. Stiefenhofer' uit München. Mooie originele medische tas!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht M31 Veldfles met Beker

Wehrmacht M31 Veldfles met Beker (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Aluminium veldfles met leren riemen en zwarte bakelieten beker. De veldfles en hoes zijn beiden gemarkeerd met 'C.A.W.K.42'. Mooie originele veldfles in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

Duits 7,65mm Pistool Holster

Duits 7,65mm Pistool Holster (Pistolentasche) zoals gebruikt voor een 7,65mm Walther PP Pistool. Het chocolade bruine leren holster is mooi maker gemarkeerd door de firma 'Akah' en 'D.R.G.M.' gemarkeerd. Mooi origineel holster in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht 'Erdspieß' houder

Wehrmacht radio en telefoon uitrusting leren drager voor de aardpen (Erdspieß). De leren drager is mooi maker gemarkeerd en 1939 gedateerd, ook staat er een 'WaA' markering op de pen. Zeldzaam origineel exemplaar in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

Italiaanse 'Regia Aeronautica' Deken

Koninklijke Italiaanse luchtmacht (Regia Aeronautica Italiana) deken. De deken vertoont enkele kleine beschadigingen en verkeert over het algemeen in een goede gebruikte staat. De deken heeft een afmeting van ongeveer 190 x 160 cm. Mooie originele deken!

€ 150,00

Duits 7,65mm Pistool Holster

Duits 7,65mm Pistool Holster (Pistolentasche) bedoeld voor een 7,65mm Pistool. Het lichtbruin leren holster is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd of gedateerd. Mooi origineel exemplaar in goede staat!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht bakelieten container voor 6 signaal patronen

Wehrmacht bakelieten container voor 6 signaal patronen/lichtkogels (6 Sternsignalpatronen). De bakelieten container is mooi maker gemarkeerd met 'boa' en 1941 gedateerd. De container is compleet met het originele papieren label voor 6 groene signaalpatronen. Mooie originele container in erg goede ...

€ 150,00

Duitse Reichsbahn OB33 Veldtelefoon

Duitse Reichsbahn OB33 Veldtelefoon (Streckenfernsprecher OB33), versie in houten behuizing. Deze telefoons worden bijna nooit te koop aangeboden. Zeldzame originele Duitse spoorweg (Reichsbahn) veldtelefoon in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) M35 Kaartentas

WH (Heer) M35 Kaartentas (Meldekartentasche M35). De bruin lederen kaartentas is vaag maker gemarkeerd. Mooie originele kaartentas in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00