with an eye for quality
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Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse Uitrusting

Resultaten 501 - 550 van 861


WH M31 Gebirgsjäger Veldfles met Beker

Wehrmacht M31 Gebirgsjäger Veldfles met Beker (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher), een zogenoemde 'Labeflasche' met een 1 liter inhoud, maker gemarkeerd en gedateerd met 'WWL43'. Mooie originele Gebirgsjäger veldfles in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

Dienstglas Leren Draagriem en Beschermingskapje

Verrekijker leren draagriem en regen beschermings kapje (Trageriemen und Regenschutzdeckel für Doppelfernrohr). De set is in goede gebruikte staat en zou een leuke toevoeging zijn aan een 'Dienstglas'. Moeilijk te vinden originele set!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Transportblik voor de Piloten Wind-Beschermingsbril

Luftwaffe Transportblik voor de Piloten Wind-Beschermingsbril (Behalter für Windschutzbrille), bedoeld om de model 295 wind-beschermingsbril, gemaakt door de 'Auer' firma uit Berlijn, in op te bergen. Helaas ontbreekt het binnenvak. Het blik is 25 maart 1935 gedateerd. Moeilijk te vinden blik in ...

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht bakelieten container voor 6 signaal patronen

Wehrmacht bakelieten container voor 6 signaal patronen/lichtkogels (6 Sternsignalpatronen). De bakelieten container is mooi maker gemarkeerd met 'boa' en 1941 gedateerd. De container is compleet met het originele papieren label voor 6 rode signaalpatronen. Mooie originele container in erg goede ...

€ 150,00

Reichswehr Tasje voor de Geweerreinigingsset

Reichswehr Tasje voor de Geweerreinigingsset (Gewehr Reinigungs Tasche). Het veldgrijze canvas tasje is gemarkeerd met 'H.B.A.B.' (Heeres Beschaffungs Amt Berlin) en 1927 gedateerd. Zeldzaam origineel tasje in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

Magazijntas voor de MP34

Magazijntas voor de MP34 'Steyr' (Magazintasche MP34). Het in Oostenrijk gemaakte donkerbruine leren tasje werd vaak gebruikt door Polizei en SS-troepen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Mooie originele magazijntas in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) M31 Broodzak 1939

Wehrmacht (Heer) Broodzak Model 1931 (Brotbeutel 31). Dit is een mooi voor-oorlogs exemplaar gemaakt van grijze canvas, de broodzak is verstevigd met grijs gelakte leren delen. Maker gemarkeerd door een firma uit Osnabrück en 1939 gedateerd. Mooie vroege broodzak!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Meetlint 1940

Luftwaffe Rolcentimeter/Meetlint (Maßband). 25 meter lange rolcentimeter, mooi 'Heereseigentum' gemarkeerd en 'H1940' gedateerd, tevens Luftwaffe 'BAL' gemarkeerd. Mooi en decoratief origineel item in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht Verrekijker 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30

Standaard Wehrmacht Verrekijker 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30 (Doppelfernrohr). De verrekijker is maker gemarkeerd met 'fvx' wat duidt op productie door de firma 'Christoph Beck & Söhne' uit Kassel. Compleet met leren draagriem. Mooie originele verrekijker!

€ 150,00

Zandkleurig stalen MG34/MG42 Munitiekistje

MG34/MG42 Munitiekistje (Patronenkasten 34), het stalen munitiekistje toont een mooie laat oorlogs overgeschilderde zandkleurige verflaag. Het kistje is mooi maker gemarkeerd en gedateerd met 'bsj 41'. Mooi origineel munitiekistje!

€ 150,00

'SA/NSDAP' Medische Verbandtas

Dit is een mooie 'SA/NSDAP' Medische Verbandtas (Sanitätstasche), licht-bruin lederen constructie medische tas, op de deksel staat een ingedrukte SA/NSDAP markering. Zeldzame originele vroege politieke verband tas in erg goede staat!

€ 150,00

G43/K43 Ammo Pouch 'ros 1944' variant

G43/K43 Ammo Pouch (Patronentaschen G43/K43). Brown leather pouch with brown leather belt loops. Maker marked and dated with 'ros 1944'. This is a rarely seen single riveted variant instead of the usual double rivets. Nice original pouch!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case

WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The brown leather map case is nicely maker marked by the company of 'E.G. Leuner G.m.b.H.' from Bautzen. Nice original map case in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Late War 1945 dated WH (Heer) Rucksack

Late war Wehrmacht (Heer) Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of green coloured canvas and having leather carrying straps using recycled materials. The rucksack is maker marked and dated 'rot 1945'. Nice original late-war rucksack in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Aircraft Cockpit Lamp

Luftwaffe Aircraft Cockpit Lamp (Lampe für Innenraumbeleuchtung) as used in various planes. Nicely maker marked by the company of 'Siemens', marked with the Luftwaffe Contract Number 'FL.32276'. Rare original item!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht FF33 Field Telephone

Wehrmacht Field Telephone (Feldfernsprecher 33). The field telephone is nicely maker marked and dated 1943. The Field Telephone is in complete condition, including battery compartment and the original generator handle. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag

Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag (Brotbeutel 31). The blue-grey coloured breadbag is re-inforced with black leather parts. Nicely maker marked and dated 1941. Nice original Luftwaffe bread bag in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) Medical M31 Canteen and Cup

WH (Heer) Medical M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). This is a so-called 'Labeflasche' with a 1 liter capacity, complete with aluminum cup. The canteen, cup and straps are maker marked and dated 'J.S.D.1940'. Nice original canteen in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 150,00

Late War WH (Heer) Combat Rucksack

Late war Wehrmacht (Heer) Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of green coloured canvas, recycled leather parts and having webbing carrying straps. The rucksack is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original late war rucksack in very good unissued condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe M44 Backpack

This is a nice original WH (Luftwaffe) M44 model back-pack (Artillerierücksack), executed in blue coloured cotton. The back-pack is nicely marked with 'RF.Nr.0/1305/0162'. There is some staining and the rucksack is in clearly used condition. Hard to find example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) M31 Bread Bag

Wehrmacht (Heer) Bread Bag M1931 (Brotbeutel 31). Made of green coloured canvas with blackened leather parts. The breadbag is faintly maker marked and looks to be dated 1942. Nice original breadbag in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31

Wehrmacht M31 Mess Kit (Kochgeschirr 31). Nice early aluminum and steel construction mess kit, maker marked and dated with 'CFL40' indicating production in 1940. The mess kit still retains most of its original fieldgrey paint. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) M31 Bread Bag

Wehrmacht (Heer) Bread Bag M1931 (Brotbeutel 31). Made of green coloured canvas with blackened leather parts. The breadbag is not visible maker marked and dated. Nice original breadbag in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH reissued Czechoslovakian Vz.24 Bayonet

Wehrmacht reissued Czechoslovakian Vz.24 Bayonet with leather frog. The bayonet has a cut off muzzle ring indicating reissue in the German Army, the scabberd is also showing a 'WaA' acceptance marking. Nice original bayonet in good used condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case

WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The blackened brown leather map case is nicely 'RB-Nr. 0/0833/0011' marked. Nice original map case in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) Medical Pouch

This is a nice WH (Heer) Medical Pouch (Sanitätstasche). The pouch is nicely maker marked by the company of 'W. Homann' from Berlin. The pouch is complete with original contents label, this is the right side pouch. Nice original Wehrmacht medical pouch in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup 'SMM43'

Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Aluminum canteen with felt cover, complete with aluminum cup. The canteen, cover and straps are all nicely maker marked and dated 'SMM43', the cup is dated 1940. Nice original canteen in good used condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) Tropical Combat Rucksack

Wehrmacht (Heer) Tropical Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of all webbing parts, the rucksack is nicely maker marked by 'Ernst Melzig' from Liegnitz and dated 1942. Nice early tropical rucksack in very good, mint and unissued, condition!

€ 150,00

Late War WH (Heer) Combat Rucksack

Late war Wehrmacht (Heer) Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of green coloured canvas and having leather carrying straps. The rucksack is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original late-war rucksack in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 150,00

MG34/42 'Patronenkasten 34'

MG34 or MG42 Ammunition Box (Patronenkasten 34). Early fieldgrey painted aluminum construction ammunition box. Nicely maker marked and dated 1940, complete with leather reinforcement on the handles. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31 'MN44'

German Mess Kit M31 (Kochgeschirr 31). Nice late war aluminum and steel construction mess kit, marked with 'MN44' indicating production in 1944. The mess kit still retains almost all of its original paint. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Late War WH (Heer) Combat Rucksack

Late war Wehrmacht (Heer) Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of green coloured canvas and having webbing straps. The rucksack is nicely maker marked with 'RB.Nr.0/0715/0011'. Nice original late-war rucksack in very good mint and unissued condition!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht Measuring Tape

Wehrmacht Measuring Tape (Maßband). 20 meters long measuring tape, nicely 'Heereseigentum' marked and dated 1941. Nice and decorative original piece in good used condition!

€ 150,00

G43/K43 Ammo Pouch

G43/K43 Ammo Pouch (Patronentaschen G43/K43). The brown leather pouch is nicely maker marked and dated with 'bla 1944', indicating production by the company of 'E.G. Leuner GmbH' from Bautzen. This is the first brown coloured 'bla 1944' pouch I've had on offer, rare pouch in good condition!

€ 150,00

MG34 Spare Recoil Spring & Tube

MG34 Spare Recoil Spring & Tube (Schliessfeder mit Behälter). The metal transport container is nicely maker marked and dated 'euh42' indicating production by 'C. & W. Meinel-Scholer' from Klingenthal. Rare and hard to find original set!

€ 150,00

German 'Reichswehr' Mess Kit

German 'Reichswehr' period Model 1910 Mess Kit (Kochgeschirr). Nice aluminum and steel construction mess kit with special attachement for the fork and spoon combination which is included. Hard to find original early mess kit combination in good condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Flight Goggles Storage Box

Carton Storage Box for Luftwaffe Flight Goggles (Fliegerbrille). The carton box is nicely maker marked by the company of 'O.W. Wagner & Co' from Rathenow and comes together with two sets of spare glasses. Hard to find original carton storage box!

€ 150,00

Polizei M31 Bread Bag & Strap

Police M31 Bread Bag (Polizei Brotbeutel 31). Nice teal green canvas construction breadbag, re-inforced with black leather parts. The breadbag is nicely maker marked. Complete with matching carrying strap. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht 'Mouse' Morse Key

Wehrmacht 'Mouse' Morse Key (Morsetaste TKP "Maus"). The device is complete with its original wire and plug. Maker marked with 'esv' - 'Karl Schieder' from Nürnberg. Very nice and quite scarce piece of equipment!

€ 150,00

MG34/42 'Patronenkasten 41'

MG34 or MG42 Ammunition Box (Patronenkasten 41). This is a late war tan painted steel Ammunition Box which has been period overpainted in fieldgrey. Nicely maker marked 'bzl' and 'WaA C23' marked. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M42

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M42 - Kochgeschirr 42 (Eis.). The mess kit is not visible maker marked or dated. The mess kit still retains almost all of its original paint. Nice original late-war example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Late War Feldfu.C Battery Box

Late war Wehrmacht Feldfu.C Battery Box (Batteriekasten Trb NC28). Late war tan painted example, complete with inner frame. The box is nicely maker marked and W.a.A. marked. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Cased Field Telephone Transformer

Wehrmacht Field Telephone Transformer in Pouch (Übertrager). Maker marked and dated with 1941, also WaA marked. The leather pouch is nicely maker marked and dated 'gaq 41'. Nice original set in very good condition!

€ 150,00

WH 'Splittertarn' Reversible Winter Mittens

Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Splittertarn' Reversible Winter Mittens (Handschuhe). The mittens are complete with their original carrying strings. The mittens are nicely maker RB.Nr. marked and dated 1943. Nice original pair in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Weapon Detoxification Agent Container

Original Storage Container for weapon detoxification agent (Waffenentgiftungsmittel). The container would contain cleaning material used to detoxify weapons after chemical attacks. Hard to find large sized container in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M42

Late War Wehrmacht Mess Kit M42 - Kochgeschirr 42 (Eis.). The mess kit is marked with 'CFL44' indicating production in 1944. The mess kit still retains almost all of its original paint. Nice original late-war example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

MG34/42 Carrying Strap

MG34/42 Carrying Strap (Trageriemen). The brown leather sling is nicely maker marked and dated 'erg 43' indicating production in 1943, the strap is WaA marked as well. The leather is in good supple condition. Nice original carrying strap in good used condition!

€ 150,00

MG34/42 'Patronenkasten 41' - dated 1945

MG34 or MG42 Ammunition Box (Patronenkasten 41). Late war fieldgrey painted steel Ammunition Box. Nicely maker marked and dated 'sxb 1945'. Rare original 1945 dated example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) 7,65mm P27 Pistol Holster

WH (Heer) 7,65mm Pistol Holster (Pistolentasche) as used for 7,65mm P27 (ČZ vz. 27) pistols. The holster is nicely 'WaA' marked. The leather is still very supple. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Late war Enamelled Mess Kit M42

Late war enamelled steel construction WH Mess Kit M42 - Kochgeschirr 42 (Eis.). The mess kit is not visible maker marked or dated. The mess kit still retains most of its original dark black/grey enamel. Rare original example in good used condition!

€ 150,00