Tweede Wereldoorlog Duitse Uniformen
Deutsches Jungvolk (DJ) Service Shirt
Deutsches Jungvolk (DJ) Service Shirt (Diensthemd). Small size as intended for a 7-8 Year Old Boy. The shirt is showing multiple large sized RZM markings. Rare and hard to find original small size DJ service shirt in very good condition!
WH (Heer) NCO's M42 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) NCO's M42 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M42). The field blouse is complete with original period machine-sewn breast-eagle and collar-tabs. The tunic is nicely RB.Nr. marked. Nice original M42 Field Blouse in very good condition!
Luftwaffe 'Drillich' Field Blouse
Late War Luftwaffe 'Drillich' (HBT) type Field Blouse (Feldbluse). Complete with original matching machine-sewn 'Drillich' type Luftwaffe breast-eagle. Medium size (chest size 94cms), dated 1943. Nice original Luftwaffe summer field blouse in very good condition!
Hitler-Jugend Shorts
Hitler-Jugend (HJ) Shorts (kurze Hose). This is a privately purchased type pair of ribbed black cotton construction shorts. Still having a carton tag from the manufacturer 'Greiff' attached. Nice original HJ shorts in very good, unissued, condition!
WH (Heer) 'Großdeutschland' Officer's Panzer Wrap
WH (Heer) 'Großdeutschland' Officer's Panzer Wrap (Panzerjacke). The textbook original panzer wrap is maker marked by 'DEKAWE Ffm' and dated 'F40'. Complete with collar-tabs, breast-eagle, GD shoulder-straps and 'Großdeutschland' cufftitle. Stunning original wrap!
Luftwaffe FJ NCO's Four-Pocket Tunic 'Kreta'
Very nice quality, private purchase blue/grey wool construction 1935 pattern Luftwaffe four-pocket tunic (Waffenrock) as intended for an 'Oberfeldwebel der Fallschirmjäger' having an original 'Kreta' cufftitle attached. Named and dated 1938. Rare original named tunic in good used condition!
German 'Gemeindepolizei' Service Tunic
German Police Service Tunic (Dienstrock) as intended for a 'Meister der Gemeindepolizei' (Municipal Police). Complete with all original applied insignia. Municipal Police tunics are very rare and hard to find. This tunic will make a great display, stunning original Police tunic!
WH (Heer) EM'S M43 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) M43 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M43). Italian wool construction field blouse, complete with original factory machine-sewn breast-eagle and collar-tabs. The field blouse is nicely RB.Nr. marked. Completely textbook original M43 field blouse in mint and unissued condition!
Extremely rare original M45 'Leibermuster' Tunic
Scarce original M45 'Leibermuster' Camouflage Tunic (Tarnfeldbluse M45). The field blouse is in overall good used, clearly worn, condition. Only a handful examples are known to exist, one of the few extremely rare original jackets out there!
WH (Heer) Infantry walking-out long pants
WH (Heer) Infantry parade dress/walking-out long pants (M35 Tuchhose). A privately purchased type trousers for the walking out dress, made from high quality fieldgrey wool and having Infantry white piping. Hard to find original pants in good used condition!
Wehrmacht Winter Fur Jacket
Wehrmacht Winter Fur Jacket (Felljacke). These so-called 'Felljacken' were issued in the winter season and worn in the cold climates, made of nice quality rabbit fur (Kaninchenfell). 'Reichsbetriebsnummer 0/1255/0061' marked. Nice original jacket in good condition!
WH (Heer) M42 'Drillich' Field Blouse
WH (Heer) M42 'Drillich' (HBT) Field Blouse (Feldbluse). The field blouse is complete with a hand-sewn BeVo-woven breast eagle and a pair of machine-sewn collar tabs. Nicely 'RB.Nr.' marked. Nice original 'Drillich' field blouse in very good condition!
Waffen-SS M44 Dot Pattern Tunic
Waffen-SS M44 Dot Pattern Field Blouse and Trousers (Tarnfeldbluse und Tarnhose M44). The field blouse is nicely maker marked and shows size stamps, it is a medium size (chest size 92cms). Hard to find original slightly worn Waffen-SS Camouflage Field Blouse and Trousers!
RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Pants
RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) straight leg Field Pants (Hose). The pants are nicely maker marked by the 'LAGO' from Schlesien and dated 1939. The pants are in good unissued condition, complete with carton factory tag. Nice and hard to find original pair of RAD trousers in very good condition!
SA Obertruppführer's Tunic Grouping
SA (Sturmabteilung) Obertruppführer's Tunic Grouping consisting of his Brown Shirt (Diensthemd), Breeches, Belt & Buckle with Cross Strap, Tie with early Party Pin and a pair of tall brown leather boots. Hard to find complete SA Uniform Grouping in good condition!
Waffen-SS 'Sturmgeschütz' Trousers
Waffen-SS assault gun or 'Sturmgeschütz' Trousers. This is a privately purchased tailor made pair of trousers. Typical SS pattern with double button closure on the pocket flaps and tapered legs. There is some minor moth damage. Rare original pair of SS Stug trousers!
Luftwaffe 'Kragenbinde'
Luftwaffe inner-collar (Kragenbinde). All uniform jackets and/or tunics needed such a collar, that could be easily removed and washed if needed. The inner-collar is nicely maker marked and looks to be dated 1940. Nice original example in good used condition!
WH (Heer/Waffen-SS) 'Kragenbinde'
Wehrmacht (Heer/Waffen-SS) 'Kragenbinde' or inner-collar. All uniform jackets and/or tunics needed such a collar, that could be easily removed and washed if needed. The inner-collar is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original example in very good condition!
WH (Heer) Infantry Dress Tunic Insignia Set
WH (Heer) Infantry Officer's Dress Collar Tabs (Kragenspiegel) and Shoulder Boards (Schulterstücke) as intended for a 'Leutnant der Infanterie'. This would be a nice addition to an insignia collection or to restore a parade tunic with. Nice original set in clearly worn condition!
Wehrmacht Reversible Camouflage Tunic
Complete Wehrmacht mousegrey to white reversible Winter Tunic Grouping, consisting of the jacket, pants, hood, gloves and a pair of boots. The set is showing clear traces of usage, staining and small repairs/damages, see photos. Great complete Wehrmacht winter set-up!
Luftwaffe FLAK Officer's Four-Pocket Tunic
Very nice issue quality blue/grey wool construction 1935 pattern Luftwaffe four-pocket tunic (Waffenrock) as intended for an 'Oberleutnant der Flakartillerie'. Complete with all insignia and shooting lanyard. Nice original tunic in good used condition!
BDM/JM Service Shirt
'Bund Deutscher Mädel' (BDM) or 'Jung Mädel' (JM) Service Shirt (BDM/J.M Bluse). The shirt is complete with its typical 'BDM/JM' marked buttons. The shirt is complete with its original carton 'RZM' label. Extremely rare and hard to find original BDM Shirt!
HJ/DJ Winter Blouse
HJ/DJ Winter Blouse (HJ.-DJ.-Flieger HJ.-Winterbluse). The blouse is not visible marked, it is a good mannequin size. The blouse is in clearly used and worn condition. Rare original HJ winter blouse in used condition!
Waffen-SS Motorcyclist's Protective Coat
Waffen-SS Motorcyclist's Protective Coat (Kradmantel). The Greatcoat is nicely marked by the SS Clothing Depot 'Dachau'. It is overall in good used condition, these specific motorcyclist's protective coats are very hard to find. This is the first true SS depot marked example I've ever seen!
SA Greatcoat
SA (Sturmabteilung) Greatcoat (Mantel). The olive-brown wool construction greatcoat is complete with all 'RZM M5/206' marked buttons. The greatcoat is size '50' marked. The greatcoat is in overall very good condition. Hard to find original SA greatcoat!
Hitler-Jugend Service Shirt
Hitler-Jugend Service Shirt (HJ-Diensthemd). The shirt is complete with its typical 'HJ/DJ' marked buttons, one sleeve button is missing. The shirt is complete with its original carton 'RZM' label. Large size. Hard to find original service shirt in very good condition!
Hitler-Jugend Leaders Breeches
Hitler-Jugend Leaders Breeches (Stiefelhose). The trousers are complete with nicely 'H.J.-D.J.' (Hitler-Jugend - Deutsche-Jugend) marked buttons. Hard to find original pair in good used condition!
WH (Heer) NCO's M41 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) NCO's M41 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M41). Complete with hand-applied breast eagle and original machine-sewn collar-tabs and NCO braid. Hard to find original field blouse in good condition!
WH (Heer) Infantry NCO's M42 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) NCO's M42 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M42). The field blouse is complete with machine-sewn breast-eagle and collar-tabs and a pair of shoulder straps intended for an 'Unteroffizier der Infanterie'. Maker marked by 'E.Reitz' from Belgium. Nice original tunic in good used condition!
WH Internal Field Blouse Support Straps
Wehrmacht Internal Field Blouse Support Straps for the belt hooks (Tragegurte). The matching set of straps are nicely maker marked by 'Lucas & Vorsteher' from Wuppertal-Barmen and dated 1937. Rare and hard to find original matching pair of support straps!
Wehrmacht 'Sumpftarn' Camouflage Smock
Wehrmacht 'Sumpftarn' Camouflage Smock (Tarnhemd). The smock is not visible maker marked. The smock is showing clear traces of usage but is still showing strong colours. Great for a Wehrmacht sniper (Scharfschützen) display, hard to find desirable original smock! New Price!
Luftwaffe M40 Trousers
Luftwaffe M40 Straight Legged Trousers (Lange Hose für Mannschaften). The trousers are in only slightly used condition. Hard to find original pair of Luftwaffe straight legged trousers in very good condition!
WH (Heer) EM's M36 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) EM's M36 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M36) as intended for a soldier within a Cavalry (Kavallerie) Regiment. Complete with collar-tabs, breast-eagle and a nice pair of shoulder-boards. Hard to find original field blouse in very good condition!
Rare 'TeNo' Police Field Blouse
Rare original 'Technische Nothife' (TeNo) Police Field Blouse (Feldbluse) as intended for members serving outside the Reich within the TeNo-Police. Only a handful of these green TeNo tunics are known to exist worldwide. This would make a great restoration project for a very rare tunic!
WH (Heer) Summer Field Blouse
WH (Heer) Cotton Summer Field Blouse (Sommer Feldbluse), made of Russian cloth. The tunic is complete with flat-wire breast-eagle, collar tabs and a pair of shoulder-boards as intended for an 'Hauptmann der Infanterie'. Nice original summer field blouse!
Kriegsmarine Greatcoat
Kriegsmarine Greatcoat (Mantel) as intended for an 'Oberleutnant zur See'. The dark navy-blue woolen greatcoat is complete with all 1940 dated buttons and original sew-in type shoulder-boards. Rare and hard to find original Kriegsmarine greatcoat in very good condition!
Wehrmacht Officer's Rain Coat
Wehrmacht Officer's Rain Coat (Wettermantel für Offiziere). The officer's rain coat is made of waterproof rubberized fieldgrey fabric. The coat is still in very good supple condition showing minimal traces of usage. Hard to find original Wehrmacht Officer's Rain Coat!
WH Tropical Motorcyclist's Protective Coat
Wehrmacht (Heer) DAK Tropical Motorcyclist's Protective Coat (Afrikakorps Kradmantel für Tropen). The coat is nicely size marked (chest size 96cms) and maker marked by the company 'Thiele & Co.' from München. Stunning original 'Kradmantel' in very good condition!
Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Greatcoat
Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' (Coastal Artillery) Greatcoat (Wachmantel). The greatcoat is not visible maker marked or dated, it's a large size. The greatcoat is in very good, most likely unissued, condition. Rare and hard to find original Coastal Artillery greatcoat!
Waffen-SS Greatcoat
Waffen-SS Greatcoat (Wachmantel). The typical SS-type greatcoat is fully lined with a black woolen lining. The greatcoat is complete with its original hand-sewn sleeve eagle. Rare and hard to find original Waffen-SS greatcoat in good used condition!
Luftwaffe EM's Greatcoat with Hood
Luftwaffe EM's Greatcoat (Mantel) with detachable hood. The Greatcoat is nicely size marked (chest size: 88cms) and marked with 'L.B.A.3.43' - 'Luftwaffe Bekleidungs Amt' March 1943. Nice original Luftwaffe greatcoat in very good condition!
Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Greatcoat
Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' (Coastal Artillery) Greatcoat (Mantel). The greatcoat is nicely maker marked by a Dutch company 'J&N' from Amsterdam. Rare and hard to find original Dutch made Coastal Artillery greatcoat in very good condition!
WH (Heer) M36 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) NCO's M36 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M36) as intended for an 'Unteroffizier' within an Infantry Regiment. Complete with original applied breast-eagle, collar-tabs and a nice pair of shoulder-boards. Nice original M36 tunic in good used and worn condition!
WH (Heer) EM's M43 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) EM's M43 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M43). Italian gabardine construction field blouse, complete with original factory machine-sewn breast-eagle and collar-tabs. Nicely 'RBNr.0/0769/0092' marked and dated 1944. Nice original field blouse in good used condition!
Wehrmacht Issue Woolen Undershirt
Wehrmacht issue fieldgrey coloured trikot woolen undershirt (Trikot Hemd). Complete with all pressed paper buttons. 'R.B.Nr.' marked example in good used condition with some minor damages. Hard to find shirt, perfect to complete your mannequin with!
Luftwaffe FLAK Officer's Flight Blouse
Luftwaffe FLAK Officer's Flight Blouse (Fliegerbluse). Privately purchased gabardine construction flight blouse, complete with breast-eagle, collar-tabs and shoulder-straps intended for a 'Hauptmann der Flakartillerie'. Complete with ribbon-bar. Nice original Flight Blouse!
WH (Heer) M36 Greatcoat for a 'Stabsarzt'
WH (Heer) M36 Greatcoat (Tuchmantel), complete with original sew-in type shoulder-boards as intended for a 'Stabsarzt' (equivalent to an Army Hauptmann). Nicely maker marked by the tailor 'Alfred Knuth' from Berlin. Stunning original greatcoat in very good condition!
Luftwaffe Signals EM's Flight Blouse
Luftwaffe Signals EM's Flight Blouse (Fliegerbluse) as intended for a 'Soldat der Nachrichten'. Complete with breast-eagle, collar-tabs and a pair of shoulder-straps, all period sewn insignia. Nice original flight blouse in good used and worn condition!
WH (Heer) M43 'Drillich' Field Blouse
WH (Heer) M43 'Drillich' (HBT) Field Blouse (Feldbluse). The field blouse is complete with a machine-sewn BeVo-woven breast eagle and a pair of machine-sewn collar tabs. Nicely 'RB.Nr.' marked and dated 1944. Nice original late war 'Drillich' field blouse in very good, near mint, condition!
WH (Heer) EM's M43 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) EM's M43 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M43). Italian gabardine construction field blouse, complete with original factory machine-sewn breast-eagle and collar-tabs. Nicely maker marked and dated 1944. Hard to find original field blouse in very good near mint condition!