with an eye for quality
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Voertuigen (onderdelen) en Artillerie gerelateerde producten zoals munitiekisten

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Voertuigen / Artillerie (gerelateerd)

Camouflaged Wehrmacht 'Ersatzfeldwagen'

Rare original camouflaged Wehrmacht Heeresfeldwagen (Ersatzfeldwagen 43). The wooden horse-drawn carriage is complete with drawbar. It's still painted in it's original camouflage paint. Nice original untouched wagon, this is an unique opportunity for a museum to make a great display with!


Universal Carrier MKII*

Unique opportunity to buy a complete high quality restored Canadian Universal Carrier No-2 MKII*, built April 1944. Located in the Netherlands, see full description. Original armour, complete with many rare parts, it drives and steers perfectly!


Wehrmacht DKW NZ350 Motorcycle

Wehrmacht DKW NZ350 Motorcycle (Motorrad). Original frame with number indicating production in 1940, comes with a correct motor with number for the period 1942/1944. This motorcycle should be completely overhauled and would be a nice restoration project. It's hard to find a good NZ350 project ...


German Bakelite 'Zünderbüchse'

German Bakelite Fuse Storage Container (Zünderbüchse 2L). The dark-brown bakelite container is nicely maker marked and dated 1941. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 15,00

Set of 2 German Oilers

Set of 2 German Oilers as used by the Wehrmacht for many purposes with vehicles, motorcycles, weapons, etc. The oilers are not visible maker marked or dated. The oilers measure approximately 12cms in length. Decorative original period items!

€ 20,00

'Truppenfahrrad' Gereedschap

Metalen gereedschap zoals gebruikt bij de Wehrmacht Dienstfiets (Werkzeug für Truppenfahrrad). Het metalen gereedschap is gemarkeerd met 'F&S' wat duidt op productie door 'Fichtel & Sachs'. Leuk item om een gereedschapsset mee compleet te maken!

€ 20,00

'Truppenfahrrad' Gereedschap

Metalen gereedschap zoals gebruikt bij de Wehrmacht Dienstfiets (Werkzeug für Truppenfahrrad). Het metalen gereedschap is gemarkeerd met 'F&S' wat duidt op productie door 'Fichtel & Sachs'. Leuk item om een gereedschapsset mee compleet te maken!

€ 25,00

German Bakelite Container 'Kart.Vorl.le.I.G.18'

German Bakelite Container 'Kart.Vorl.le.I.G.18', for the 'leichtes Infantriegeschütz 18'. The container is nicely maker marked and dated 1939. The container is 9cms high and has a diameter of 11cms. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Empty Czechoslovakian 8cm vz.17 Shell Case

Empty Czechoslovakian 8cm vz.17 Shell Case for the Skoda Light Field Gun. The empty brass shell case is nicely dated 1935 and showing some ink markings on the bottom. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Empty German 3,7cm PAK Shell Case 1938

Empty German 3,7cm PAK Shell Case for the Pak 36 (Panzerabwehrkanone 36). The empty steel shell case is nicely dated 1938 and showing some nice ink markings. The shell case is regrettably rusted to one side, see photos. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Bakelite Box for 'Sprengkapseln (Duplex)'

German Bakelite Box for 'Sprengkapseln (Duplex)' (detonators). The box comes without contents. The box is nicely marked and dated 1939. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 30,00

German Bakelite Container 'Kart.Vorl.H.13'

German Bakelite Container 'Kart.Vorl.H.13'. The container is nicely maker marked and dated 1942. The container is 17cms high and has a diameter of 16cms. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 45,00

German 'kl.Zdlg.34' Bakelite Fuse Storage Container

German Bakelite Fuse Storage Container (Zünderbüchse) for 25 'kl.Zdlg.34' (kleine Zundladung 34). The brown bakelite container is nicely maker marked and dated 1939. Slightly mismatched and slightly damaged. Priced accordingly!

€ 45,00

Wehrmacht Metal Toolbox

Wehrmacht Metal Toolbox (Werkzeugkasten). The late war ordnance-tan painted box is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice and decorative original box in good used condition!

€ 50,00

Duitse Bakelieten Transport Koker 'Kart.Vorl.L.F.H. 16/18'

Duitse Bakelieten Transport Koker 'Kart.Vorl.L.F.H. 16/18', voor de 'leichte Feldhaubitze 16/18'. De koker is mooi maker gemarkeerd en 1941 gedateerd. De koker is 9cm hoog en heeft een diameter van 11,5cm. Mooi exemplaar in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 50,00

Empty 10,5cm Spgr L/4,4 Carton Explosive Charge

Empty '10,5cm Spgr L/4,4' Carton Explosive Charge (Sprengladung), nicely marked by the 'Marine-Abnahmestelle' indicating usage by the Kriegsmarine. Please note this is only an empty carton package. Decorative original example in very good condition!

€ 65,00

Wehrmacht 'Ladekabel' Metal Box

Wehrmacht 'Ladekabel' Metal Box (Werkzeugkasten). The alumium box would contain a cable for use with radios or generators. The box is not visible maker marked or dtted. Nice and decorative original box in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Wehrmacht 'Patronenkasten 88' Ammunition Box

Wehrmacht 'Patronenkasten 88' Ammunition Box (Munitionskiste), intended to hold 1500 Rounds of 'Platzpatr. 33' (Platzpatronen 33). The box is sized approximately 48 x 34 x 16,5 cms. Decorative original ammunition box in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Duitse oefen steelhandgranaat

Wehrmacht / Hitler-Jugend oefen steelhandgranaat (Übungshandgranate M24). De oefenstokgranaat is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd of gedateerd. De lengte is ongeveer 36 cm. Mooi origineel exemplaar goede gebruikte staat!

€ 75,00

Bakelieten 'Bd.Z.(5103) der 3,7cm Pzgr.' Doos

Duits Bakelieten Doosje voor 'Bd.Z.(5103) der 3,7cm Pzgr.' (Bodenzünder (5103) der 3,7cm PanzerGranate). Beide delen zijn matchend gemarkeerd en 1939 gedateerd. Mooi origineel exemplaar in erg goede staat!

€ 75,00

'Nb.W.40 m.H' Transport Container

Transport container for one "Nb.W.40 m.H" round for the '10 cm Nebelwerfer 35' (Smoke Thrower). Metal container in original green paint. The container is slightly rusted but in overall good used condition. Decorative original container!

€ 95,00

Wehrmacht Jerrycan - 1942

Wehrmacht 20 liter Jerrycan (Kraftstoff Kanister). The dark grey painted jerrycan is maker marked and dated 1942. Nice original Wehrmacht jerrycan in used condition!

€ 95,00

DKW F8 Car Type Plate 1940

DKW F8 Car Type Plate (Typenschild). The type plate is issued by 'Auto Union A.G.' from Chemnitz for a 750kg car under the brandname 'DKW' and building year 1940. Indicating a F8 type car. Rare original type plate in good used condition!

€ 95,00

Duitse kartonnen doos voor ontstekingsschroeven

Duitse kartonnen doos voor ontstekingsschroeven (Zündschrauben). De doos was gevuld met 100 'Zdschr.C/13n.A.' (Zündschrauben C/13 neuer Art). Het etiket is 1941 gedateerd. Decoratieve originele kartonnen doos in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 95,00

German Vehicle Driver's Foot Heating System

German Vehicle Driver's Foot Heating System. Marked 'Größe 42' indicating the shoe size. Complete with cable and bakelite (car type) plug. The set is not visible maker marked or dated, more information is welcome.

€ 100,00

Late War Luftwaffe Carton Ammunition Box

Late war Luftwaffe carton ammunition box for 3,7cm Flak ammunition (Luftwaffen-Munition). The box is nicely maker marked and dated with 'bdq 45' indicating production by 'Ehrhardt & Kirsten' from Taucha. Rare original 1945 dated carton ammunition box in good used condition!

€ 100,00

German Practice Stick Grenade

Wehrmacht / Hitler-Jugend Practice Stick Grenade (Übungshandgranate M24). Wooden handle with metal ring which was used to practice the throwing of stick grenades during training. Nice original example good used condition!

€ 100,00

'Ukw.E.h' Radio-ontvanger metalen buitenkast

'Ukw.E.h' Radio-ontvanger metalen buitenkast (Kasten zum Ultrakurzwellen Empfänger h). De behuizing is ongeveer 30,5 x 20 x 17,5 cm groot. Perfect voor het vervangen van een overgeschilderde of verroeste kast. Moeilijk te vinden!

€ 100,00

Wehrmacht 'Kart s.F.H.18' Munitiekist

Wehrmacht 'Kart s.F.H.18' Munitiekist (Munitionskiste), bedoeld voor 3 patronen voor de zware veldhouwitser 18 (schwere Feldhaubitze 18). De kist is ongeveer 62 x 31 x 24 cm groot. Decoratieve originele munitiekist!

€ 120,00

Wehrmacht 'Kart. 21cm Mrs.18' Container

Wehrmacht 'Kart. 21cm Mrs.18' container/ammunition holder. The 45cms high container is nicely stenciled with 'Heeres-Munition, Gesamtgew. 22.2kg'. Nice example in very good condition! Because of the weight, shipping inside the EU-zone only.

€ 125,00

Panzerschreck Ammunition Box 'R Mun 4322'

Wehrmacht 'Panzerschreck' Ammunition Box 'R Mun 4322' as used to carry Panzerschreck Rockets. The box is nicely maker marked and dated 1944. The ammunition box is in heavily used condition. Nice and decorative original example!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht 'Werkzeug' Metal Toolbox

Wehrmacht 'Werkzeug' Metal Toolbox (Werkzeugkasten). The metal toolbox would contain tools for use with a generator. The late war ordnance-tan painted box is complete with original contents label and dated 1944. Nice and decorative original box in good used condition!

€ 125,00

10cm Nebelwerfer Round Transport Container

Transport container for one round for the '10 cm Nebelwerfer 35' (Smoke Thrower). Metal container in original green paint, stencilled on in white: 'Munition 10cm Nb.W.'. The container is nicely maker marked and dated 1938. Decorative original container!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht Water Jerrycan 1941

Wehrmacht 20 Liter Water Jerrycan (Wasser Kanister). The jerrycan has been repainted once, it's nicely 'Wehrmacht' marked and dated 1941. Maker marked with 'ABP' indicating production by the 'Ambi Budd Presswerke' from Berlin. Nice original example!

€ 125,00

MG34/42 'Patronenkasten 36'

MG34 of MG42 munitiekistje voor gebruik op een voertuig lafette (Patronenkasten 36). Het kistje is mooi maker gemarkeerd en gedateerd met 'orc 41' wat duidt op productie in 1941. Mooi exemplaar in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht Petroleum Brander

Wehrmacht Petroleum Brander (Petroleumkocher). De brander is 1943 gedateerd. Het metaal is licht verroest maar over het geheel is de brander in goede gebruikte staat. Mooi origineel exemplaar!

€ 135,00

MG34/42 'Patronenkasten 36'

MG34 of MG42 munitiekistje voor gebruik op een voertuig lafette (Patronenkasten 36). Het kistje is niet zichtbaar maker gemarkeerd of gedateerd. Mooi exemplaar in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 135,00

Wehrmacht 'Verbandkasten'

Wehrmacht Verbandkist (Verbandkasten). De kist is geverfd in de laat oorlogse olijf-zandkleurige verf, op de deksel staat met witte verf 'Verbandkasten' gestencild. Mooie originele Verbandkasten in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 140,00

Wehrmacht Metal 'Tee' Container

Wehrmacht Metal Tea Container (Tee Behälter). The container is nicely maker marked and dated 'kcl 1942'. The container is approximately sized 41 x 18 x 13 cms. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 145,00

Wehrmacht Metal Oil Can

Wehrmacht Metal Oil Can (Ölkanister für Schmieröl) as used for Lubricating oil, complete with internal brush. The metal can retains most of its original paint and is nicely marked 'Schmieröl' (Lubricating oil). Rare and decorative original example in very good condition!

€ 145,00

Wehrmacht Rifle Grenade Box

Wehrmacht Geweergranaten Kist, gemarkeerd met "G.Sprgr." (Gewehr-Sprenggranaten). De kist is mooi maker gemarkeerd met 'hbf' en 1942 gedateerd, verder ook 'WaA' gemarkeerd. Mooie originele kist in erg goede staat!

€ 145,00

Luftwaffe Wooden Aircraft-Ammunition Box

Luftwaffe Wooden Aircraft-Ammunition Box (Luftwaffen-Munition). The box is complete with all paper labels indicating that it contained '13mm Brsprgr Patr.L'spur El.o.Zerl.' (fire explosive ammunition with tracer, not self-destroying). Rare original Aircraft Ammunition box in stunning condition!

€ 150,00

WH '8 cm Gr.W.34' Ammunition Box

Wehrmacht 8 cm Granatwerfer (Gr.W.) 34 Morter Ammunition Box. The box is complete with it's often missing original (regrettably repainted) inner-frame. The box is nicely maker marked 'G.N.L.', WaA marked and dated 1939. Nice and scarce original box in good used condition!

€ 150,00

'Patr.m.10cm K' Transport Container

Transport container for one round "Patr.m.10cm K" for the 10 cm Cannon 14 or 18 (10cm Kanone 14/18). Container in original green paint. The container is in good used condition, with inner frame. Very rare and hard to find original container!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht Field Stove

Hard to find original Wehrmacht Field Stove/Heater (Petroleumkocher). One of the standard vehicle heater models used by the German Army. The stove is dated 1943. The metal is slightly rusted but the stove is in overall very good condition. Nice original example!

€ 150,00

Exhaust Silencer Set Zündapp K800

Exhaust Silencer Set Zündapp K800. Unissued newly produced set of silencers in high quality steel. These are not being produced anymore and very hard to find, perfect for restauration of a Wehrmacht Military or civilian K800 motorcyle!

€ 150,00

Late War Luftwaffe Carton Ammunition Box

Late war Luftwaffe carton ammunition box for 3,7cm Flak ammunition (Luftwaffen-Munition). The box is nicely maker marked and dated with 'bdq 45' indicating production by 'Ehrhardt & Kirsten' from Taucha. Rare original 1945 dated carton ammunition box in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht Rifle Grenade Box

Wehrmacht Rifle Grenade Box. Stenciled in black is "G.Sprgr." (Gewehr-Sprenggranaten) indicating that the box contained rifle grenades. The box is nicely maker and 'WaA' marked. Nice original box in very good condition!

€ 150,00

'XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936' Auto Grill Embleem

'XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936' Auto Grill Embleem (Autoplakette). De geëmailleerde plaquette is ongeveer 7,7 x 7,2 cm groot. De plaquette is maker gemarkeerd door de firma 'Wilhelm Deumer' uit Lüdenscheid. Decoratief origineel item!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht Jerrycan - 1944

Wehrmacht 20 liter Jerrycan (Kraftstoff Kanister) in the standard late war ordnance tan paint, nicely 'Wehrmacht' marked and dated 1944. Maker marked with 'V&N'. Hard to find 1944 dated jerrycan in good used condition!

€ 175,00
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