Period print of a drawing by 'Walter Gotschke'
Decorative period print of a drawing by 'Walter Gotschke' showing the penetration of the 'Panzergrenadiere' in a tenaciously defended Soviet town. The drawing is sized 21 x 15 cms and placed on a 32 x 26 cms sized carton background. Decorative original print!
'Keitel' Postcard
Nice original period photo-postcard depicting (Heeres) Generalfeldmarschall Keitel. The card is in good unsent condition. Nice and decorative item!
'Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1936' HJ Postcard
Nice original colour postcard of the 'Reichsparteitag der NSDAP' at Nürnberg in 1936. The card shows an artistic image of a boy in Hitler Jugend uniform, waving a flag. This postcard was published by 'Photo Hoffmann'. Very rare original propaganda postcard!
'Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1935' Postcard
Nice original colour postcard of the 'Reichsparteitag der NSDAP' at Nürnberg in 1935. The card shows an artistic image of the Nuremberg Castle (Nürnberger Burg) and a large eagle statue. Designed by 'Hans Friedmann'. Published by 'Photo Hoffmann'. Rare original propaganda postcard!
Set of 24 KM Coastal Artillery Uniform Buttons
Set of 24 Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Uniform buttons (Knöpfe) on cardboard. The fieldgrey coloured buttons are having a diameter of 25mm. Nicely maker marked with 'OLC' (Overhoff & Cie). Nice set of buttons in mint and unissued condition, priced per sheet of 24 buttons!