Luftwaffe K98 Ammo Pouch 1938
This is a nice chocolate-brown coloured Luftwaffe K98 Ammo Pouch (Patronentaschen). The pouch is nicely maker marked by a company from Kaiserslautern and dated 1938. The pouch is nicely 'L.B.A.' (Luftwaffe Bekleidungs Amt) marked as well. Nice original pouch!
WH (Heer) 'Nachrichten' NCO's Shoulders-Straps
Pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) M40-type shoulder-straps having bright-yellow (Zitronengelbe) wool type piping as intended for an 'Unteroffizier der Nachrichten' (Signals NCO). Nice original early pair of M40 type shoulder-straps in very good condition!
WH (Heer) Death Notice
This is a death notice for Leutnant 'Josef Stautner'. He was killed in action on 17 August 1944 at the western front. According to the 'Volksbund' information, Josef was buried at Fort-de-Malmaison cemetry in France (near Reims). Interesting original death notice with photograph!
Rare P08 Shoulder Holster
World War 2 Period modified or custom made P08 Shoulder Holster. The brown leather holster is not visible marked or dated. The press studs are "Durable Dot" marked, the same press studs as used in WW2 US Paratrooper Helmet Liners. Rare original period holster!
Pair of Luftwaffe Flight/FJ EM's Shoulder Straps
Nice pair of Luftwaffe Flight/FJ EM's Shoulder Straps as intended for a 'Soldat der Flieger' (Fallschirmjäger). The straps measures approximately 10cms in length. A very nice pair that can easily be used to complete a Luftwaffe Tunic (ie. Fliegerbluse) with!
'KVK 2nd Class with Swords' Postcard
War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern) Postcard, published by the 'Verlag C. Pahl & Co' from Hamburg. Nice and decorative original postcard!
HJ Flak Helper Honorary Document
Honorary Certificate of Service as a Hitler-Jugend Luftwaffe Helper (Anerkennungsurkunde für Luftwaffen Helfer). The (DIN A5 sized) certificate was awarded to Hitlerjunge 'Fritz Jocher', he served with the '5. 1805' from 10 September 1943 to 17 September 1944. Rare original certificate!