with an eye for quality
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Resultaten 5901 - 5950 van 6939

Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Portrait Photo

This is a Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger portrait photograph showing an 'Obergefreiter' wearing a summer visor cap. A Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge, 'Segelflieger C-Abzeichen' and First Pattern Luftwaffe Dagger are visible. Rare original paratrooper portrait photo!

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS Death Notice

Waffen-SS Death notice (Sterbebild) for 'Franz Kaseder' who was a 'Kradmelder' within a 'SS Verfügungsgruppe'. Franz was participant in the France and Serbia campaigns and was awarded the Infantry Assault Badge. A "SS 1" collar tab is indicating that he was a member in the SS Regiment 'Deutschland'.

€ 60,00

'Reichsbahnsportgemeinschaft' Wooden Sign

'Reichsbahnsportgemeinschaft Pirna' Wooden Sign. The sign is measuring approximately 117 x 12,5 cms. Very decorative and rare original wartime wooden Polizei sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!

€ 350,00

KM Coastal Artillery Ranging Rod

Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Ranging Rod. The wooden rod folds out & extends to 4 meters. The rod is nicely marked with a Kriegsmarine acceptance marking and is unit marked with 'M.Flak.Abt.272' (Marine-Flak-Abteilung 272). Decorative original piece!

€ 250,00

Panzerschreck Ammunition Box 'R Mun 4322'

Wehrmacht 'Panzerschreck' Ammunition Box 'R Mun 4322' as used to carry Panzerschreck Rockets. The box is nicely maker marked and dated 1944. The ammunition box is in heavily used condition. Nice and decorative original example!

€ 125,00

Canadian Dispatch Rider's Helmet

Canadian Dispatch Rider's Helmet. The helmet is nicely maker marked with 'C.L./C.' and dated 1944. The helmet shows some traces of years of storage, overall a very nice original Canadian Dispatch Rider's Helmet in very good condition, hard to find example!

€ 295,00

Royal Canadian Signals MK II Combat Helmet

Royal Canadian Signals MK II Combat Helmet having a darker fieldgrey camouflage overpaint, brushstrokes are clearly visible. A white and blue Royal Canadian Signals decal is applied on top of the overpaint. Nice original helmet in good used condition!

€ 195,00

Dutch M1915 EM's Leather Belt

Dutch M1915 EM's Leather Belt (Manschappen Koppelriem Model 1915 voor onberedenen). The belt is nicely marked with a 'CM' marking (Centraal Magazijn) and various unit markings. Hard to find original belt in good used condition!

€ 250,00

RAD 'Abteilung 5/235 - Kleinfurra' Plaque

'Reichsarbeitsdienst' Cast Iron Memorial Wall Plaque (Wandplakette). 'Abteilung 5/235 - Kleinfurra'. The plaque retains most of its original bronze finish and shows great detail. Nice and decorative original item!

€ 150,00

Waffen-SS Death Notice

Waffen-SS Death notice (Sterbebild). This is a deathnotice for 'Damerl Sebald' who was a 'SS Rottenführer' within a Gebirgsjäger Regiment. He was killed in action on 24 January 1945 at Mulhouse (Alsace, France). Interesting original death notice!

€ 60,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents

WH (Heer) Award-Documents with gunshot damage of Gefreiten 'Stanislaus Wischinski', who was a member within the '3./ Grenadier Regiment 408' (1943). Including the documents for the Wound Badge in Black and the Infantry Assault Badge. Nice original set of Wehrmacht Award-Documents!

€ 95,00

Kriegsmarine Uniform Grouping

Kriegsmarine Uniform Grouping, consisting of a pair of trousers, Collani Jacket, 'Tellermütze', two collar dickies, tie, breadbag and small-sized portrait photo. All from one soldier as found together in a house cleaning in Germany, great original Kriegsmarine uniform grouping!

€ 1200,00

Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Portrait Photo

This is a Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger portrait photograph, showing a Luftwaffe soldier wearing his flight blouse and visor cap. A 'Kreta' Cufftitle, Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class, Wound Badge in Black and a Luftwaffe Ground Combat Badge are visible on this rare stunning picture!

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS Death Notice

Waffen-SS Death notice (Sterbebild) for 'Hermann Gruber' who was a 'Unterscharführer' within a SS Regiment. He was killed in action on 2 February 1943 at the eastern front. Hermann was awarded with the 'Ostmedaille' (German Eastern Front Medal). Interesting original death notice!

€ 55,00

'Lager der SS' Postcard

This is a nice original period photo-postcard 'Nürnberg. Reichsparteitag 1938. Lager der SS'. Showing an aerial view of the SS camp at the 1938 Nuremberg Rally. On the backside is also printed that this postcard is: 'Flieger-Foto Nr. 24444/38 freigegeben RLM. Nice and rare postcard!

€ 35,00

Kleinfunksprecher d (KlFuSpr.d) 'Dorette'

Wehrmacht 'Kleinfunksprecher d' (KlFuSpr.d) "Dorette" Radio. Complete set consisting of the radio, antenna, battery box, headphone and throat microphone, stored in the original wooden transport box (Transportkasten "TpK a"). Extremely rare and hard to find radio!

€ 2495,00

Set of 2 'Kaserne der Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler' Postcards

This is a nice set of 2 original period photo-postcards 'Berlin-Lichterfelde. Eingang zur Kaserne der Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler'. The postcards show the entrance of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler barracks at day and one at night. Nice set of postcards!

€ 60,00

'Deutsche Reichspost' Battery

'Deutsche Reichspost' Battery (Batterie). The carton construction dry cell battery is approximately 20cm tall and having a diameter of 8cms. The battery is made by the 'Chemische Fabrik Albert Wendt' from München. Hard to find original example in very good condition!

€ 125,00

Miniature 'Deutsche Volkspflege' Medal

Miniature Social Welfare Medal on its original ribbon (Miniatur Deutsche Volkspflege Medaille). Nice 16mm sized 'Buntmetall' example, it comes with its original confectioned ribbon as found. Nice original miniature in good condition!

€ 80,00

Set of 3 'SS-Leibstandarte' Postcards

This is a nice set of 3 original period photo-postcards of the barracks 'SS-Leibstandarte "Adolf Hitler", Berlin'. No. 18001 'Haupteingang', no.18003 'Schwimmhalle' and no. 18004 'kleiner Speisesaal'. Nice set of postcards! 

€ 75,00

Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber 'Egghead'

'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (Infantry Assault Badge). The badge is executed in 'Zink' with almost all of it's original silverish finish remaining. This is a so-called 'Egghead' variant, most likely made by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' . Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 195,00

Waffen-SS Panzer Death Notice

Waffen-SS Death notice (Sterbebild). This is a deathnotice for 'Josef Adams' who was a 'SS Sturmmann' and 'Funker' within a SS Panzer Regiment. Josef is wearing his SS 'Stug' wrapper and SS overseas cap. Interesting original deathnotice!

€ 70,00

WW1 Iron Cross 1st Class - Deumer

WW1 Iron Cross first class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). Early unmarked 'Schinkel' form cross made by the company of 'Wilhelm Deumer' from Lüdenscheid. The cross is nicely vaulted (gewölbt) and having an unmagnetic brass core. Nice original cross in very good condition!

€ 225,00

Kriegsmarine Portrait Photograph

Nice quality portrait-photo of a Kriegsmarine sailor wearing his navy blue 'Tellermütze' (Donald Duck) cap. The photo measures approximately 14 x 9 cms (postcard size). Nice original portrait-photo!

€ 10,00

'Olympische Winterspiele 1936' Postcard

This is a beautiful original color postcard of the IV. Olympic Winter Games. These took place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen from 6-16 February 1936. The postcard shows an artistic image of a ski jumper, the Olympic rings and a winter mountain landscape. Colorful and decorative original postcard!

€ 45,00

Set of 3 Wehrmacht Photos

This is a nice set of 3 photographs of Wehrmacht vehicles and soldiers of the '24. Infanterie-Division ', recognizable by the polar bear logo. Hard to find photographs showing the divisional sign! The photographs are of the standard 6 x 9 cm format.

€ 25,00

Luftwaffe Photo Album

This is a nice Luftwaffe photo-album from a soldier within a FLAK unit who saw service in the Netherlands in Borculo. The photo-album contains over 50 military related photographs, showing various searchlights and FLAK anti-aircraft guns. Nice and decorative original photo-album!

€ 150,00

Set of 4 Wehrmacht Photos

This is a nice group of 4 photographs related to a Wehrmacht Unteroffzier of the 'Pionier-Bataillon 235'. One of the photographs is showing a Sturmgeschütz. The photos are of the standard 6 x 9 cms size. Nice lot of photographs!

€ 30,00

'Reichsbahn' Overseas Cap

'Deutsche Reichsbahn' overseas cap (Schiffchen). This is an standard EM/NCO's overseas cap as introduced in 1936, complete with its original period hand-applied BeVo woven cocarde and BeVo-woven cap-eagle. Nice original cap in good used condition!

€ 250,00

German 'Nirona No.696' Flashlight

German 'NIRONA D.R.G.M. Signalllampe No.696' Flashlight (Taschenlampe). The Nirona No.696 flashlight was a military model flashlight, produced in 1936, intended for usage by the SS, SA and HJ. Hard to find example in very good condition!

€ 125,00

Kampfflieger Leutnant Pippart Postcard

This is a nice original WW1 period 'W.Sanke' photo-postcard nr.624 from the famous 'Deutsche Fliegerhelden' (German aviation heroes) series, depicting the Kampf-Flieger 'Leutnant Pippart'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 35,00

BDM Sport Award Booklets

'NSDAP, Hitler-Jugend, Bann 464 Erkelenz' BDM Sport Award Booklets from the 'Untergau Meisterschaften' (sports championships) held on 21 June 1942 in Erkelenz. Both awarded to 'Liselore Roüsch'. Decorative original sport-award booklets!

€ 100,00

WH (Heer) tropical collar tabs

Wehrmacht (Heer) BeVo-woven tropical collar tabs (Kragenspiegel). The collar-tabs are in clearly used and tunic removed condition. Hard to find original tropical collar tabs!

€ 125,00

'Landhaus des Reichskanzlers' Postcard

This is a nice Hoffmann colour photo-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) of Hitler's House in its original state: 'Haus Wachenfeld, Landhaus des Reichskanzlers in Berchtesgaden (Obersalzberg)'. Nice and decorative original period postcard!

€ 35,00

'Landhaus des Reichskanzlers' Postcard

This is a nice Hoffmann colour photo-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing the famous terrace of Hitler's House: 'Berghof Wachenfeld, Landhaus des Reichskanzlers in Berchtesgaden (Obersalzberg)'. Nice and decorative original period postcard!

€ 40,00

Kriegsmarine EM/NCO'S Shirt Collar Dickie

Kriegsmarine EM/NCO'S Shirt Collar Dickie (Exerzierkragen). collar dickie is not visible maker marked or dated. The collar dickie is named to Kriegsmarine soldier 'Söndgen'. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 65,00

Document Grouping for a DRK Helferin

Document Grouping for a DRK Helferin consisting of her 'Verwendungsbuch', 'Personalausweis' (ID Card), another career document and a post-war document. The grouping belonged to DRK Schwesterhelferin 'Erna Gräser'. Interesting original DRK grouping!

€ 95,00

WH (Heer) NCO's K98 Dress Bayonet

WH (Heer) NCO's K98 Dress Bayonet with frog and bayonet knot (Extraseitengewehr mit Seitengewehrtasche). The bayonet is nicely maker marked by 'Alcoso' from Solingen. The scabberd is showing some paint loss and clear traces of usage. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents 'Lettland'

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Gefreiten 'Josef Stoffer' who was a member within the 'Sicherungs-Bataillon 1901 (Lettland)', the set is consisting of an award-document for the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver and the Wound Badge in Silver. Interesting documents!

€ 125,00

'Leistungsschau der Thür. Hitler-Jugend' Plaque

'Leistungsschau der Thür. Hitler-Jugend' 1939 Plaque (Plakette). The silver plaque is not visible maker marked. Impressive and attractive looking original item in good condition!

€ 175,00

'Leistungsschau der Thür. Hitler-Jugend' Plaque

'Leistungsschau der Thür. Hitler-Jugend' 1939 Plaque (Plakette). The bronze plaque is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. Impressive and attractive looking original item in good condition!

€ 175,00

BDM 'Gau Thüringen' Cufftitle

BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) 'Gau Thüringen' Cufftitle (Ärmelband), the cufftitle measures approximately 28cms in length. The cufftitle is in clearly used and tunic removed condition showing some small damages. Rare and hard to find original BDM cufftitle in good used condition!

€ 225,00

HJ/BDM Sleeve Diamond

HJ/BDM (Hitler-Jugend/Bund Deutscher Mädel) Sleeve Diamond (Ärmelraute). The arm badge is executed in the so-called 'BeVo' weave pattern, the badge is nicely marked 'Ges.Gesch.'. Nice example in good, clearly used and tunic removed, condition!

€ 50,00

Marine-Hitler-Jugend 'Seesport-Ausweis'

'Seesport-Prüfungen der Marine-Hitler-Jugend' Booklet (Seesport-Ausweis) which was issued to 'Werner Tarras' who was a member within 'Bann 200' (Steglitz - Tempelhof/Berlin/Ost). Complete with portrait-photo. The pass comes together with his Award-Document for the Proficiency Badge in Silver.

€ 75,00

NSBO Cap Badge

'National Sozialistische Betriebszellen-Organisation' (NSBO) Cap Badge (Mützenabzeichen). The cap badge is sized approximately 2,5 x 3 cms. The cap badge is complete with a functional pin-back system. Nice example in good condition!

€ 35,00

Set of 2 WH (Heer) Panzer portrait-photos

Set of 2 Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Panzer' portrait-photos, both showing the same soldier wearing his black-coloured ‘Panzer-uniform' (wrapper). The photos measures 13 x 8,5 cms (postcard size). The photographs are dated 1941 and 1942. Nice original panzer portrait-photos!

€ 65,00

'Des Führers Heim am Obersalzberg mit Reiteralpe' Postcard

This is a nice original period photo-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing 'Des Führers Heim am Obersalzberg mit Reiteralpe' (Hitler's House). This propaganda postcard was published by 'Foto L. Ammon' in Schönau-Berchtesgaden. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Haus Wachenfeld Obersalzberg' Postcard

This is a nice original period photo-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Hitler's House: 'Haus Wachenfeld Obersalzberg (1000m). This propaganda postcard was published by 'Verlag von Karl Ermisch' from Berchtesgaden. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

German Black Comb

German Black Comb (Kamm). Most of the personnel preferred to use their own personal, private purchase, hygiene items. The comb is made of celluloid, the comb is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original item which would be a great addition to a personal-kit display!

€ 10,00

'Sportappell der Betriebe' 1938 Tinnie

'Sportappell der Betriebe' 1938 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The plastic tinnie is nicely marked with 'RZM M9/25' - 'Richard Sieper & Söhne' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original tinnie in very good condition!

€ 20,00