with an eye for quality
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Resultaten 6201 - 6250 van 6942

WH (Heer) Portrait-photo

Wehrmacht (Heer) Portrait-photo showing an Engineers soldier wearing his M36 model tunic and early style Visor Cap. The photo measures approximately 14,5 x 10 cms (postcard size). Nice original portrait-photo!

€ 10,00

Rare original cast iron 'Erbhof' Sign

Rare original cast iron Reichsnährstand 'Erbhof' Sign (Erbhof-Erkennungszeichen). The sign is in good condition showing some minor rust and is some dust from years of storage. Truly rare and hard to find original piece in very good original condition!

€ 750,00

WH (Heer) Portrait-photo - Iron Cross

Nice quality portrait of a Wehrmacht (Heer) Engineers soldier wearing his M40 model tunic and overseas cap. He has just been awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Nice original portrait-photo!

€ 20,00

Kriegsmarine 'Schnellboot-Kriegsabzeichen'

1st Pattern Kriegsmarine 'Schnellboot-Kriegsabzeichen' (E-Boat War Badge). The badge is nicely maker marked with 'Schwerin Berlin 68'. The badge is executed in 'Buntmetall' and shows great detail and polished highlights. Stunning original example in very good condition!

€ 1895,00

NSB 'Viktoria' Propaganda Pamphlet

NSB 'V' Action Propaganda Pamphlet 'Viktoria, Duitschland wint voor Europa op alle fronten' (22,5 x 15 cms). The 'V' was used by the Dutch Resistance for Victory, the Germans were smart and turned it into a NSB activity were it became V = 'Viktorie - Duitschland Wint' (Germany wins). Nice pamphlet!

€ 20,00

WW1 Enameled Drinking Cup

This is a nice and scarce original German World War 1 Enameled Drinking Cup (Trinkbecher 15). Nicely maker marked and dated with 'Bing 16' indicating production in 1916. Example in good used condition!

€ 55,00

WH (Heer) 'Gebirgsjäger' Portrait-photo

Nice quality portrait of a Wehrmacht 'Gebirgsjäger' soldier wearing his M42 model tunic having a nice Gebirgsjäger 'Edelweiß' armbadge attached. He's wearing his M43 cap having a T-shaped BeVo cap-eagle/cocarde attached. Nice original portrait-photo!

€ 30,00

Dutch WW1 3-piece medal-bar

Dutch World War 1 3-piece medal-bar (Ordenspange), consisting of a Dutch Expedition Cross with clasp 'Atjeh 1901-1903', an Officers Cross for 25 years service and a Mobilization War Cross 1914-1918. The medals are nicely mounted on a medal-bar. Nice original set in good condition!

€ 95,00

German WW2 Period Braces

German World War 2 Period Braces (Hosenträger). The braces are nicely marked 'D.R.P. 31' on the leather parts. Nice original pair of braces in good used condition!

€ 65,00

British Airborne Red Beret 1944

British Airborne Red Beret. The beret is nicely maker marked by 'Kangol Wear Limited' and dated 1944. The beret is sized '7' marked. The beret comes together with a plastic economy type 'Royal Army Service Corps' cap-badge. Nice original 1944 dated beret in good used condition!

€ 995,00

'Arbeitsbuch' for a Dutch worker at 'Fieseler'

'Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer', as issued to a Dutch forced labour worker who was working in the 'Flugzeugbau' at the company 'Gerhard Fieseler Werke GmbH' (known for building the V1 rockets). With portrait-photo. Interesting Arbeitsbuch in good condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Aluminum Measuring Cup

Luftwaffe Aluminum Measuring Cup (Messbecher). Nicely marked with a Luftwaffe eagle and 'F.L.U.V.' (Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung). Nice original item in good used condition!

€ 75,00

WH (Heer) DAK NCO's M43 Tropical Tunic

WH (Heer) DAK NCO's M43 Tropical Tunic (Tropenfeldbluse M43). The tunic is complete with original applied BeVo tropical breast-eagle, collar-tabs and NCO braid around the collar. Nicely RB.Nr. marked and dated 1944. Nice original late war tropical tunic in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 1695,00

'Welt-hölzer' Wooden Safety Matches

World War 2-era box of wooden safety matches: 'Welthölzer', manufactured by the company 'Deutsche Zündwaren Monopolgesellschaft'. Nice original personal kit item, the price is for one package in good unissued condition.

€ 10,00

British WW2 Folding Saw 1944

British WW2 Folding Saw in leather pouch. Complete with wooden grips and tools. The saw is nicely maker marked and dated 1944. The leather pouch is nicely maker marked and dated 1944. Nice original set in very good condition!

€ 100,00

Nationale Jeugdstorm Steunkaart 1943

NJS - Nationale Jeugdstorm Steunkaart 1943 (Contribution Card), intended for NJS members living in Germany. This card was issued to a member living in the city of Dülken. 3 stamps have been pasted on. Very rare and hard to find original contribution card!

€ 100,00

Luftwaffe 'Dominit' Hand Lamp

Luftwaffe 'EHGL Dominit' Hand Lamp (Sicherheitshandlampe). Special heavy quality Luftwaffe hand lamp, marked with Luftwaffe Contract Number 'FL56220'. It is complete with the often missing original batteries. Rare original hand lamp in good condition!

€ 175,00

Dutch 'Stoottroepen' Soldier's Service and Pay Book

Dutch 'Stoottroepen' Soldier's Service and Pay Book. The booklet was issued to Soldier 'Franciscus Hollewijn', he enlisted in Maastrich on 30 October 1944. The booklet comes together with two blanco medical cards. Interesting original Stoottroepen Soldier's document grouping!

€ 125,00

Luftwaffe Paratrooper 'Sumpftarn' Smock

Luftwaffe Paratrooper 'Sumpftarn' Camouflage Smock (Fallschirmschützenbluse). The smock is marked with 'RB-Nr.0/0572/0041' - 'Karl Tobüren KG' from Altenhundem, the smock is size 'IIa' marked and dated May 1944. Hard to find desirable original late war combat worn Fallschirmjäger smock!

€ 4250,00

Croatian made Luftwaffe equipment

Croatian made Luftwaffe equipment consisting of a pair of Luftwaffe Flight Pants and two Flight Helmets. All made by the company of 'Knebl & Ditrich' from Indija in Croatia. The pants are dated 1942. Rare original Croatian made flight gear in very good condition!

€ 750,00

Luftwaffe Officer's overseas cap

Luftwaffe Officer's overseas cap (Schiffchen für Offiziere). The overseas cap is complete with it's original applied hand-embroidered cap-eagle and cocarde. Hard to find original officer's overseas cap in very good condition!

€ 575,00

WH aluminum 'Kaffee' container

Wehrmacht aluminum coffee container (Kaffee Behälter). The container is not visible maker marked or dated. The container is approximately sized 41 x 18 x 13 cms. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 145,00

WH (Heer) 7,65mm P27 Pistol Holster

WH (Heer) 7,65mm Pistol Holster (Pistolentasche) as used for 7,65mm P27 (ČZ vz. 27) pistols. The holster is nicely 'WaA' marked. The leather is still very supple. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

DAF Werkschar Personnel's Overseas Cap

'Deutsche Arbeitsfront' Werkschar Personnel's Overseas Cap (Mütze für Werkscharen der DAF). Complete with original flat-wire cap-eagle. These DAF overseas cap aren't easy to find, nice original example in very good condition!

€ 275,00

2nd Model Fallschirmjäger Jump Boots

2nd Model Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Jump Boots (Fallschirmjäger Stiefel). Size 28 marked and dated May 1940. Slightly mis-matched in production details but clearly issued and worn as a pair as recently found together. Extremely hard to find original pair of Paratrooper Boots!

€ 2850,00

British Dispatch Riders Boots 1944

Nice pair of British Dispatch Riders Boots. The boots are maker marked by the company of 'Allinson' and dated 1944, they are a size '9'. The boots are in good used condition, hard to find pair of British Motorcyclist's Boots!

€ 245,00

Dutch Officer's Sword M1912

Dutch Officer's Sword Model 1912 (Wandelsabel M1912), complete with Portepee. The blade is nicely marked with 'Yzerhouwer' and maker marked by the company of 'Clemen & Jung' from Solingen. Nice original Dutch Officer's Sword in good used condition!

€ 295,00

Japanese going to war banner

World War 2 Japanese going to war banner (Nobori 幟). White silk painted banner, there is some small damage and there is some staining on the banner, otherwise fine. Nice original example in good condition, very decorative!

€ 125,00

TeNo Personnel's Overseas Cap

'Technische Nothife' (TeNo) Personnel's Overseas Cap (TeNo-Lagermütze). Both insignia are nicely machine sewn to the cap. The cap is nicely marked with a TeNo logo and size '58' marked. These original TeNo overseas cap aren't easy to find, nice original example!

€ 395,00

WH Reversible 'Splittertarn' Camouflage Trousers

Wehrmacht Reversible 'Splittertarn' Camouflage Winter Trousers (Tarnungs Hose). The trousers are nicely RB.Nr. marked, dated 1943 and size '2' marked. The trousers are showing normal traces of usage, they still show great bright colours. Nice original pair in good used condition!

€ 850,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin

NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin (NJS Draagteken). This is the harder to find first model membership pin, also called 'Oud Model' (old model). Scarce original example in good condition!

€ 195,00

NSB - WA Membership Badge

NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-draagteken). This badge was worn by the members of the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen' (being more or less the equivalent of the German SA or 'Sturmabteilungen'). Complete with buttonhole attachment. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch NSB Women's Brooch

Dutch NSB Women's Brooch (Nederlandsche Heemkunst Broche). The brooch has a functional pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The brooch is not visible maker marked. Great looking brooch in very good condition!

€ 75,00

DG Membership Badge

'Deutsche Glaubensbewegung' (DG) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). Marked with 'Ges.Gesch.' on the back. The badge is of course complete with its functional pin/catch construction. Scarce and rare original badge in good condition!

€ 95,00

NSB 'Goud om Staal = NSB 1940' Ring

NSB 'Goud om Staal = NSB 1940' Ring. In order to raise funds for the party, the NSB launched the "gold for steel" campaign in January 1940. Members were able to hand in precious metals for which they received a steel ring with inscription as a thank you. Nice original ring!

€ 65,00

WH Horse or Artillery related Strap

Wehrmacht Horse or Artillery related Strap (Riemen). 185cms long brown leather strap. The strap is nicely maker marked by the 'Lago Westfalen' from W-Barmen and dated 1943, 'WaA643' marked. Nice original leather strap in very good condition!

€ 75,00

RAD Medical 'Obertruppführer' Shoulder-straps

Nice pair of RAD ('Reichsarbeitsdienst') shoulderboards as intended for a Medical 'Obertruppführer'. The boards come on their functional tongues and measure approximately 11 cms in length. Hard to find original pair of Medical RAD shoulder-straps in very good condition!

€ 145,00

'SA der NSDAP Sturm 40/J 4' Enamel Sign

'SA der NSDAP Sturm 40/J 4' Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). The enamel is showing clear traces of usage, the sign is not visible maker marked. The sign is measuring approximately 49,5 x 49,5 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in good used condition!

€ 695,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic Grouping

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' tunic grouping as intended for a 1st Lieutenant within the 'Korps Motordienst' (Motorcyclist). The grouping is consisting of his tunic and matching pair of breeches as found together. Nice original set in good used condition!

€ 695,00

Gebirgsjäger Commemorative 'Eismeerfront' Medal

WH (Heer) Gebirgsjäger Commemorative 'Eismeerfront 1942-1943' Medal (Medaille Eismeerfront). The medal is showing the famous 'Edelweiss' flower. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 125,00

WH (Kriegsmarine) M31 Bread Bag Strap

WH (Kriegsmarine) M31 Bread Bag Strap (Brotbeutelriemen). The strap is not visible maker marked or dated. This is a typical wider type strap as often used by Kriegsmarine troops. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 45,00

German Bakelite Container

German Bakelite Container '32 Stück Längsschrauben, 3 Stück Halteschrauben für Pistole - Gefechtseinsatz: 2 Stück für Batterie-sicherung'. The container is 4cms high and has a diameter of 10cms. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 65,00

Waffen-SS M40 Camouflage Combat Helmet

Waffen-SS M40 Single Decal Camouflaged Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40) - 'Q64' marked helmet with a size '57' liner and damaged chinstrap. Named to 'ᛋᛋ Pi.B.Deutschmann'. Extremely rare original Waffen-SS Camouflage helmet in stunning condition!

€ 14750,00

Wehrmacht MP44 / STG44 Magazijntas

Wehrmacht MP44 / STG44 Magazijntas (Sturmgewehr 44 Magazintasche). De tas is gemaakt van volledig gerecycled materiaal van zandkleurige canvas met bruin leren riempjes. De tas is maker gemarkeerd en gedateerd met 'fuq 1944'. Zeldzame originele MP44 tas in goede gebruikte staat!

€ 2950,00

Wehrmacht 'Großdeutschland' Cufftitle

Wehrmacht 'Großdeutschland' Cufftitle (Ärmelband). Nicely hand-embroidered in bullion silver threads. The cufftitle measures approximately 42cms in length. Example in clearly used and tunic removed condition. Desirable original cufftitle of an interesting unit!

€ 795,00

Luftwaffe Observer Badge 'Assmann'

Nice early tombac Luftwaffe 'Beobachterabzeichen' (Observer Badge). The badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Assmann' from Lüdenscheid. The badge shows great finish and stunning details, stunning original Observer Badge!

€ 995,00

LW 'Frontflugspange für Jäger' in Gold

Luftwaffe 'Frontflugspange für Jäger' in Gold (Day Fighter Clasp in Gold). This badge is a very nice early 'Buntmetall' (tombac) example, the clasp still has most of it's original golden finish left and is showing great detail. Hard to find day fighter clasp in this stunning condition!

€ 850,00

WH (Heer) Soldbuch

Wehrmacht (Heer) Soldbuch of San-Obergefreiter 'Rudolf Zetzsche', member within the '2./San.Ers.Abtlg.5' (Sanitäts-Ersatz-Abteilung-5). He was awarded with the Wound badge in Black, Ostmedal and Iron Cross 2nd Class. Interesting Soldbuch in good condition!

€ 100,00

Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge - FLL

Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge (Fallschirmschützenabzeichen). The 'Buntmetall' badge is not visible maker marked but can be attributed to the company of 'Friedrich Linden' from Lüdenscheid. Extremely rare badge in very good condition!

€ 975,00

KM 'Kriegsabzeichen für Hilfskreuzer'

Kriegsmarine 'Kriegsabzeichen für Hilfskreuzer' (Auxiliary Cruiser War Badge). The badge can be attributed to production by the company of 'Förster & Barth' in Pforzheim. Hard to find original Auxiliary Cruiser war-badge in very good condition!

€ 950,00