Original World War 2 & Reference Books
Books / Booklets
Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' 1939 - 'Hoesch AG'
Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf', published by the "Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Frz. Eher Nachf." from München in 1939. This book was gifted to an employee of the famous 'Hoesch' steel factory. Interesting original book in good used condition.
Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein'
Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein', Heft 57 from the series 'Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend'. Published by the 'Steiniger Verlage' from Berlin. The booklet features 32 pages. Decorative original booklet!
Reference book "Die Pistole 08"
Reference book; "Die Pistole 08" by 'Joachim Görtz'. This hardcover book features 224 pages full of information providing a detailed look into one of the most iconic handguns in history. Rare and hard to find reference work!
Reference book "German Uniforms and Bayonets"
Reference book; "German Uniforms and Bayonets" by 'Klaus Lübbe'. This hardcover book features 164 pages showing 676 pictures of soldiers with their bayonet. Nice reference work!
Reference book "Uniforms, Organization and History of the Panzertruppe"
Reference book; "Uniforms, Organization and History of the Panzertruppe" by 'Rorger James Bender' and 'Warren W. Odegard'. This hardcover book features 336 pages covering a wide range of the uniforms, Organization and History of the German Panzer Troops during World War II. Nice reference work!
'München - Die Hauptstadt der Bewegung' 3D Book
'München - Die Hauptstadt der Bewegung' 3D Book (Raumbildalbum). Complete with all 100 stereo photographs and glasses. It is great to see the original period photographs in a 3D perspective. Rare original and highly collectible book in good condition!
'Reichsparteitag der Ehre' 3D Book
'Reichsparteitag der Ehre' 3D Book (Raumbildalbum). Complete with all 100 stereo photographs and glasses. It is great to see the original period photographs in a 3D perspective. Rare original and highly collectible book in good used condition!
Book: 'Ludwig Knickmann' 1933
Book: 'Ludwig Knickmann, Geschrieben von jungen Deutschen' by 'von Fritz Sell'. The book was published in 1933 by the "Verlag Gerhard Stalling" from Oldenburg, this is the 4th print. Decorative cover with DE Standarte. Rare book in good condition!