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WH (Heer) Wehrpaß - KIA


WH (Heer) 'Wehrpaß'. When individuals received their registration notice they were to report to the appropriate recruitment center where they would be issued a 'Wehrpaß', until they were inducted into active duty. From the autumn of 1939, when an individual was inducted into active military service the Wehrpaß was exchanged at the recruitment office for the 'Soldbuch' (Pay Book), which remained in the recipients possession as his official military identification document. The recruitment office would retain the Wehrpass and chronicle the individuals active service record in it. The Wehrpaß belonged to Obergefreiter 'Ewald Klages', after his service in the 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' he came into active military service on 27 August 1939. He served in several units, from 1 February 1940 he served in the 'Stab II. I.R.348' (Infanterie-Regiment 348). He was a 'Schütze' within a 'Rgts.-Radfahrerzug' (Cycling unit). On 28 January 1942 he was posthumously awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd Class.

From 10 May 1940 he took part in the invasion of Belgium and the battle for Antwerp, from 18 May 1940 to 4 June 1940 he took part in the Battle of Dunkirk (Schlacht um Dünkirchen). From 10 June 1940 he took part in the invasion of France and until 17 December 1941 he was stationed in France. On 23 January 1942 he was Killed in Action on the Eastern Front near 'Schukino', he is burried in Rzhev. Interesting original Wehrpaß!

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