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Fallschirmjäger Award Document Grouping


Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Document Grouping from Unteroffizier 'Werner Lauterjung' including the award document for the Air Gunner Badge without Lightning (Fliegerschützenabzeichen ohne Blitzbündel), the award document for the Black Wound Badge (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz), his Luftwaffe Bordschützenschein, his Soldbuch and Certificate of Discharge. 

On 13 November 1942, when Werner was Obergefreiten, he was awarded with the Air Gunner Badge. The Air Gunner Badge was introduced by 'Hermann Göring' on 26 March 1936 for award to radio operators, air gunners and mechanics who had met the required criteria. The Wireless Operator’s/Air Gunner’s badge was awarded on an individual basis and the main criteria for bestowal of the award was the completion of five operational flights over enemy territory or a minimum of two months active service. This DIN A5 sized award document has been folded once and is perforated.

On 16 December 1944, Werner got wounded. On 22 January 1945, when Werner was Unteroffizier within the '11./ Fallsch. Jg. Rgt. 14' (11. Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14), he was awarded with the Black Wound Badge. This DIN A5 sized award document is in good condition but has regrettably been perforated. 

The 'Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 14' was part of the '5.Fallschirmjäger-Division' (5th Parachute Division). The 5th Parachute Division was formed in France in early 1944, commanded by Gustav Wilke and was the last division to receive near full Fallschirmjäger training. It contained the 13th, 14th and 15th Fallschirmjäger Regiments, and the 5th Fallschirmjäger Artillery Regiment. Only the 15th Regiment was ready during the Battle of Normandy and was attached to 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division in the early stages of the campaign. The rest of the division was slowly committed later in July. It took heavy losses during the campaign and was subsequently withdrawn to the Netherlands to the Den Haag-Amsterdam area to rebuild and refit. The division took part in the Battle of the Bulge. After withdrawing through Germany, part of the division surrendered near the Nürburgring in mid-March 1945, the rest of the division surrendered in the Ruhr Pocket in April 1945.

According to his 'Luftwaffe Bordschützenschein' Werner was born on 28 September 1920 in Solingen (Germany). He joined the Luftwaffe on 24 August 1939. This blue coloured oilcloth pass was issued to him on 29 August 1942. The pass is in good used condition and complete with portrait-photo.

The Soldbuch of course also belonged to Werner, you can find all importent information regarding the many units he served in in his Soldbuch, the Soldbuch is completely filled with entries. Werner was promoted three times and ended up being an 'Unteroffizier'. He followed various educations such as 'Fliegerschule', 'Waffenmeisterschule', 'Bordschützenschule' and 'Fallschirmschule'. In Werner's Soldbuch there's a list with his awards, Werner was awarded with the following awards:

  • 4 April 1943 - 'Fliegerschützenabzeichen ohne Blitzbündel'
  • 17 May 1943 - 'Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger in Bronze'
  • 25 May 1943 - 'Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse'
  • 8 January 1944 - 'Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger in Silber'
  • 19 August 1944 - 'Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse'
  • 25 September 1944 - 'Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger in Gold'
  • 22 January 1945 - 'Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz'

The Soldbuch is in heavily used condition and complete with his portrait-photo. Together with the Soldbuch comes his Certificate of Discharge. This certificate indicated he was discharged from the Luftwaffe on 4 December 1945.This document has regrettably been damaged.

Desirable and interesting original Luftwaffe Flight/Fallschirmjäger grouping!

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