Waffen-SS Wehrpaß Group - 'Normandy'
Waffen-SS Wehrpaß of SS-Rottenführer 'Willi Franz Busch', member within the '1./ᛋᛋ-N.A.101' (SS-Korps-Nachrichten-Abteilung 101) which was part of the I. SS-Panzerkorps "Leibstandarte".
Willi Franz Busch was born 11 May 1925 in Gelsenkirchen-Buer.
11.1.43 RAD service. 5/161 Karthaus b. Dülmen, RAD-St.R.-No. 5/161 – 139/4,
31.1.43 Dismissal from the RAD as 'Arbeitsmann' and transferred to the Waffen-SS,
1.2.43 Enlisted at the 31st/SS-Rekruten-Depot Debica (recruit), service starts from 1.2.1943, Tr.St.-R.-No. 24, until 10.2.43,
10.2.43 Transferred to 1./Korps-Nachr.Abt.d.Waffen-SS, Kr.St.R.-No. 239, until 9.5.45,
Training on rifle 98k, pistol 08, pistol 38, hand grenade.
He also was also trained to use a teleprinter and various telephones (Fernschreiber, Fernsprecher, Baufernsprecher)], primarily as a teleprinter or company telephone, secondarily as a construction telephone.
He was promoted 3 times to the rank of SS-Rottenführer.
He took part in the following operations:
24.10.43 Clearing of the northern Italian area until 20.11.43 (Sicherung d. oberitalienischen Raumers),
10.12.43 Securing the occupied western areas until 5.6.44 (Sicherung der besetzten Westgebiete),
6.6.44 D-Day Normandy Front: Participation in the defensive battles in the west until 21.10.44 (Teilnahme an den Abwehrkämpfen im Westen),
10/22/44 Stationed in the homeland until 12/14/44 (Verwendung im Heimatkriegsgebiet),
15.12.44 Participation in the defensive battles in the west until 31.1.45 (Teilnahme an den Abwehrkämpfen im Westen),
1.2.45 Participation in the fighting in Hungary until 31.3.45 (Teilnahme an den Kämpfen in Ungarn),
1.4.45 Participation in the fighting in the Ostmark until 9.5.45 (Teilnahme an den Kämpfen in der Ostmark),
9.5.45 Dismissed as SS-Rottenführer from 1./SS-N.A. 101 Tr.St.R. no. 239 to Gelsenkirchen, type of dismissal: dissolution of the troops. Transferred to W.B.K. Gelsenkirchen, from there he went into captivity as a prisoner of war, first in Babenhausen and later in various POW Camps in France, amongst them 'St.Etienne' (148), 'Fort-Barraux' (144) and 'La-Roche' (92). He stayed in captivity until somewhere in 1948.
Included are a over 80 Field Post Letters from both the wartime years as well as from the POW camps.
Interesting Waffen-SS Wehrpaß & Field Post Grouping wich certainly merits further investigation!