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Original items from the NSB - WA - WHN - Jeugdstorm (NJS) and other organisations

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Results 1 - 50 of 225


'De N.S.B-Leiding Ontmaskerd' Booklet

Printed in Dutch booklet 'De N.S.B-Leiding Ontmaskerd' (The N.S.B Leadership Unmasked) by 'F.W. Wessels'. The booklet features 32 pages. Decorative original booklet in good condition!

€ 10,00

'Rede van Seyss-Inquart' Booklet

Printed in Dutch speech by Seyss-Inquart, held on Wednesday 12 March 1941 in the Concert Building in Amsterdam. The booklet features 31 pages and comes together with an often missing inlay paper by the Department of Public Information and Art. Decorative booklet in used condition!

€ 10,00

NSB 'Viktoria' Propaganda Pamphlet

NSB 'V' Action Propaganda Pamphlet 'Viktoria, Duitschland wint voor Europa op alle fronten' (22,5 x 15 cms). The 'V' was used by the Dutch Resistance for Victory, the Germans were smart and turned it into a NSB activity were it became V = 'Viktorie - Duitschland Wint' (Germany wins). Nice pamphlet!

€ 20,00

NSB Propaganda Pamphlets

NSB Propaganda Pamphlets, set consisting of one "proletariërs en plutocraten aller landen vereenigt U!" pamphlet against the Royal Dutch Family and one original NSB 'V' action Pamphlet 'Duitschland wint!' (7x8 cms). Nice set!

€ 20,00

Miniature NAD Sports Medal

'Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' (Dutch labour service) miniature sports medal. The miniature medal shows the NAD motto: 'Ick Dien' (I serve) and a spade with a capital 'S' (signifying 'sport'). Complete with original ribbon. Nice original example!

€ 20,00

NSB 'Volksche Wacht' Magazine 1941

NSB 'Volksche Wacht' Magazine, published by the 'Uitgeverij Hamer' from The Hague. This is the 3rd edition from the 6th year, 1941. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 20,00

'Rede van Seyss-Inquart' Booklet

Printed in Dutch speech by Seyss-Inquart, held on Wednesday 12 March 1941 in the Concert Building in Amsterdam. The booklet features 31 pages and comes together with an often missing inlay paper by the Department of Public Information and Art. Decorative original booklet in good condition!

€ 20,00

Zwart Front/Nationaal Front Propaganda Booklet

Zwart Front/Nationaal Front Arnold Meijer 'Alles voor ons Vaderland Nederland' Propaganda Booklet. This booklet was published by 'Uitgeverij de Veste' in Den Haag in 1941. Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

Small lot of Dutch 'Winterhulp' Tinnies

Small lot of 7 Dutch 'Winterhulp' Province Coat of Arms Tinnies (Provinciewapens). These tinnies were given to people who donated during the street collection held on 17/18 October 1941. Decorative original tinnies!

€ 25,00

Set of 3 'Jeugdstorm' Contribution Stamps

This is a nice set of 3 used original 'Jeugdstorm' contribution stamps. The 'Nationale Jeugdstorm' (NJS) was a Dutch youth movement shortly before and during World War II, inspired by the German Hitler Youth. Nice colorful set of Nationale Jeugdstorm stamps!

€ 25,00

Set of 2 'NSB' Seals

This is a nice set of 2 unissued original 'NSB' seals (sluitzegels). The Dutch "Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging" (National Socialist Movement) was founded by 'Anton Mussert' in December 1931 and was a Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. Nice colorful set of NSB seals!

€ 25,00

Anti-NSB 'Mussert's Veertien Punten Program' Booklet

Anti-NSB 'Mussert's Veertien Punten Program, Hitler's Leerling' Booklet. This booklet was published by the 'Plancommissie' of the 'N.V.V.' and 'S.D.A.P.' (Social Democratic Party). Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

NSB Medical Front 'Volksgezondheid' Booklet

NSB Medical Front 'Volksgezondheid' Booklet. The 'Volksgezondheid' (Public health) booklet was a monthly educational publication by the Medical Front. This booklet is Number 1 from 1941. Interesting original booklet in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Unissued 'NSB' Envelope

Nice original unissued 'NSB' (National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands) paper envelope. This windowed envelope is made of thin paper and measures approximately 22 x 11 cms in size. Decorative original envelope!

€ 25,00

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormmeeuw' Booklet

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormmeeuw' Booklet. This is the 7th edition from the 10th year, 1944. The magazine is in used and slightly stained condition, see photos. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Studentenfront Newspaper October 1942

Studentenfront Newspaper, this was a monthly published newspaper, this is the 2nd edition from the 3rd year, dated October 1942. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Studentenfront Newspaper October 1942

Studentenfront Newspaper, this was a monthly published newspaper, this is the 3rd edition from the 3rd year, dated October 1942. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Studentenfront Newspaper December 1942

Studentenfront Newspaper, this was a monthly published newspaper, this is the 6th edition from the 3rd year, dated December 1942. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper. This is the 30th edition from the 2nd year, dated 5 November 1943. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper. This is the 31st edition from the 2nd year, dated 12 November 1943. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

NSB 'Staatkundige Richtlijnen' Booklet

NSB 'Staatkundige Richtlijnen' (Political Guidelines) Booklet. This booklet was published in 1936. Nice and decorative original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper. This is the 32nd edition from the 2nd year, dated 19 November 1943. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'de Stormvlag' Newspaper. This is the 33rd edition from the 2nd year, dated 26 November 1943. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Schalkhaar Police Cap Cocarde

Dutch 'Schalkhaar' Police Cap Cocarde. Dutch made example, complete with all 4 prongs. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 27,50

'Wat was en is, wat deed en doet de NSB' Booklet

'Wat was en is, wat deed en doet de NSB' Booklet. This booklet is a period propaganda publication published by the headquarters of the NSB. This booklet was published in June 1941. Nice original NSB booklet in good condition!

€ 30,00

NSB 'V' Action Propaganda Tinnie

NSB 'V' Action Propaganda Tinnie. This tinnie was part of the NSB 'V' action propaganda campaign. Nice original tinnie in good condition!

€ 30,00

Schalkhaar Police Cap Cocarde

Dutch 'Schalkhaar' Police Cap Cocarde. Dutch made example, complete with all 4 prongs. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 30,00

Pair of Schalkhaar Police Belt Hooks

Pair of Dutch 'Schalkhaar' Police Belt Hooks. The belt hooks are made of zinc and showing the recognizable flaming grenade/bomb. Nice original set in very good condition!

€ 30,00

NSB Propaganda Pamphlet 'Wat is, wil, doet de NSB'

NSB Propaganda Pamphlet 'Wat is, wil, doet de NSB' (17,5 x 13,5 cms).Brochure with an announcement of a public meeting of the N.S.B. in The Hague on 20 June 1941. Rare original Pamphlet!

€ 30,00

NSB 'Actueele Vragen' Booklet 1934

NSB 'Actueele Vragen' (Current Questions) Booklet. This booklet was published in 1934. The staples have come loose, otherwise good condition. Harder to find booklet!

€ 30,00

Set of 2 NSB 'Jodenkliek' Pamphlets

This is a set of 2 NSB Propaganda Pamphlets 'Jodenkliek'. The larger pamphlet measures approximately 19,5 x 13 cms. The small pamphlet measures approximately 9 x 6 cms and has been printed on both sides. Nice original pamphlets!

€ 30,00

NAD BeVo Cap-badge

'Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' (Dutch labour service) BeVo woven Cap-badge, as worn on the dark-green M43 style NAD caps. Slightly damaged. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 35,00

Dutch NAD Propaganda Booklet

Dutch NAD Propaganda Booklet "Een rede over Arbeidsdienstplicht door Mussert". The booklet was published in 1942. The booklet features 22 pages with many nice black&white photographs. Decorative original booklet in good used condition!

€ 35,00

NSB Newspaper 'Onze Taak' 19 September 1941

NSB Newspaper 'Onze Taak', weekly newspaper for members of the District 24 'Den Haag'. This is the 34th edition from the 4th year, dated 19 September 1941. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Rare and hard to find example in good used condition!

€ 35,00

NSB 'Kaderblad' Booklet 1942

NSB 'Kaderblad voor Functionarissen' Booklet. This was a monthly educational publication for high rank NSB members. This booklet is Number 13 from 1942. Nice original NSB booklet in good condition!

€ 35,00

NSB Party Program Booklet

NSB Party Program with Explanation Booklet. This booklet is a period publication with the NSB party program with explanation. This booklet was published in January 1932. Nice original NSB booklet in good used condition!

€ 35,00

Dutch 'Storm SS' Newspaper

Dutch 'Storm SS' Newspaper, Wiking edition. This is the 33rd edition from the 2nd year, dated 20 November 1942. The newspaper is showing some staining and minor damages. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 35,00

Small lot of Dutch 'Nederlandsche Unie' Booklets

Small lot of Dutch 'Nederlandsche Unie' Booklets. Set of 7 booklets in good condition. Decorative original booklets for a fair price!

€ 35,00

NVD 'Ramp 17 Juli 1943 Amsterdam (Noord)' Paper Tinnie

NVD 'Ramp 17 Juli 1943 Amsterdam (Noord)' Paper Tinnie. This paper tinnie was given to people who donated during a street collection held by the NVD (Nederlandse Volksdienst) to collect money after the allied bombing of Amsterdam North on 17 Juli 1943. Rare original tinnie!

€ 40,00

NSB 'Werkersbijeenkomst' Tinnie 1938

NSB 'Werkersbijeenkomst-22/10.38-R.A.I.-A'DAM' Tinnie. This event was held at 22 October 1938 in the 'R.A.I.' in Amsterdam. The tinnie comes on its functional pin and is not maker-marked. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 45,00

Small lot of Dutch 'Winterhulp' Terracotta Tinnies

Small lot of 13 Dutch 'Winterhulp' Terracotta Tinnies from the series of Town Halls (Raadhuizen). These tinnies were given to people who donated during the street collection held on 14/15 November 1941. Decorative original tinnies!

€ 45,00

NSB Party Program Booklet

NSB Booklet 'De vrouw in de nieuwe maatschappij' (The woman in the new society), by 'C.B. Hylkema'. This booklet was published in 1935 and was part of the election propaganda. Rare original booklet in good condition!

€ 45,00

NSB Magazine 'Ontwakend Volk' 1942

NSB Magazine 'Ontwakend Volk' (Awakening Folk) being a special 'Vormingsnummer' with a decorative cover. This is the 11th edition from the 6th year, 1942. The magazine is in good used condition, see photos. Decorative original edition!

€ 45,00

NSB 'Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie

NSB '5e Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie. This event was held at 12 June 1940. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice looking example with great finish, hard to find in this condition!

€ 50,00

NSB '4e Hagespraak' Tinnie 1939

NSB '4e Hagespraak 1939' Tinnie. This event was held at 6 June 1938 in Lunteren. The lightweight aluminum tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice original NSB tinnie in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Dutch Winterhulp Collectors Badge

'Winterhulp Nederland' Collectors Badge. These pins were worn by personnel that was entitled to collect money for the Dutch 'WHN' organisation. The WHN was a NSB affiliated organisation. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Complete Series of Dutch 'Winterhulp' Tinnies

Complete Series of 10 Dutch 'Winterhulp' Wooden Tinnies from the series of Traditional Attires (Kleederdrachten). These tinnies were given to people who donated during the street collection held on 14/15 November 1941. Decorative original tinnies!

€ 50,00

'WA Marsch Zuid-Holland Utrecht' Tinnie 1942

NSB-related 'WA Marsch Zuid-Holland Utrecht' Tinnie. This event was held in 1942. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the zinc type tinnie is not dated 1942 on the back. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 50,00

NSB 'Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie

NSB '5e Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie. This event was held at 12 June 1940. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice looking example with great finish, hard to find in this condition!

€ 50,00

Nationale Jeugdstorm Geldboekje 1942

NJS - Nationale Jeugdstorm Geldboekje 1942 (Contribution Booklet), Various stamps have been pasted in the booklet. Nice original contribution booklet!

€ 50,00
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