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Kriegsmarine Officer's Dagger


Kriegsmarine Officer's Dagger (Kriegsmarine Dolch für Offiziere), complete with portepee. The Kriegsmarine dagger was a modified version of a traditional design that dates back to the creation of the Prussian Navy in 1848. The main modification of the Third Reich era dagger was a change in the Reichsmarine pattern "flame" shaped pommel to one featuring the national eagle with the swastika. The dagger has a molded, white coloured, celluloid grip with the correct dual strand twisted brass wire. The dagger comes with its original fire gilded scabbard with standard etched lightning bolt design. The reverse ricasso is well marked with the etched manufacturer’s logo and script from the firm 'Eickhorn' from Solingen. The blade is in good condition with some minor spots, the blade shows etched desings to both sides of the blade. The Dagger is complete with its original knotted gold toned ortepee as found. Nice original Kriegsmarine dagger in good used condition!

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