WHW Collecting Box 'Gau Salzburg'
'Winterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes' Collecting Box (Spendenbüchse). The Collecting Box is complete with original paper banderol and originates from the 'Gau Salzburg' (Austria). Rare original WHW Collecting Box in good used condition!
Set of 2 NSB 'Jodenkliek' Pamphlets
This is a set of 2 NSB Propaganda Pamphlets 'Jodenkliek'. The larger pamphlet measures approximately 19,5 x 13 cms. The small pamphlet measures approximately 9 x 6 cms and has been printed on both sides. Nice original pamphlets!
'Generalfeldmarschall Rommel' Postcard with Signature
Nice original period postcard 'Unser Rommel' showing 'Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel' with personally signed signature. Erwin Rommel was a famous German general also known as 'desert fox'. Rare original signed postcard in very good condition!
WW2 US Sewing Kit
This is a nice small Wold War 2 US Sewing Kit with contents. The green rubberized cloth pouch is complete with some carton spools with (sewing)thread, sewing needles and other small items. Nice original personal kit item in very good condition!
Dutch Fighting Knife - 'Stormdolk'
1st model Dutch Fighting Knife (Stormdolk M1917). Dutch army fighting knife as issued between 1917 and 1940, complete with its original brown leather scabberd. This is an early first model without horizontal retaining strap. The fighting knife is in overall good condition!
Dutch M34 Combat Helmet
Dutch M34 Combat Helmet (Stalen helm model 34). The helmet is complete with its original leather liner and chinstrap. Nicely marked 'CM1939'. Nice original Dutch combat helmet in good used condition!
Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Officer's Overseas Cap
Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Officer's Overseas Cap (Veldmuts voor Officieren). The cap is having golden piping and a metal number '5' attached as intended for an officer within the 5th Regiment Infantry. Nice original overseas cap in good used condition!
Dutch 'Klewang'
This is a nice original Dutch 'Klewang' (Sword) M.1911, complete with brown leather scabbard. The blade is not visible maker marked, showing only a Dutch acceptance marking and a serial number '4266'. Nice original example in good used condition!
Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Officer's Bread Bag
Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Officer's Bread Bag (Broodzak, Buitenmodel), complete with carrying strap. Made of thick heavy duty tan coloured canvas. The bread bag is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original example in good used condition!
NSB - WA Visor Cap
NSB - WA Visor Cap as intended for wear by the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen'. The cap is complete with original Wolfhook cap insignia and typical NSB style chinstrap. Hard to find original WA Visor Cap in good used condition!
Standard WH binoculars 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30
Standard Wehrmacht Binoculars 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30. Maker marked with 'ddx' indicating production by the company of 'Voigtländer' from Braunschweig. The binoculars are complete with original leather carrying strap and rubber rain cover. Nice original binoculars in very good condition!
WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case
WH (Heer) M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The blackened brown leather map case is nicely 'RB-Nr. 0/0833/0011' marked. Nice original map case in very good condition!
Prussian Child Toy Sword
Prussian Child Toy Sword (Preußen Säbel für Kinder), circa 1900. The brass hilt is showing the Prussian eagle, complete with wooden grip. Decorative original item!
Waffen-SS Motorcyclist's Protective Coat
Waffen-SS Motorcyclist's Protective Coat (Kradmantel). The Greatcoat is maker marked and comes with an original pair of Waffen-SS 'Feldgendarmerie' Shoulder Straps. It is overall in good used condition, these specific motorcyclist's protective coats are very hard to find. Nice original coat!
HJ Flak Helper's Field Cap
Hitler-Jugend Flak Helper's Field Cap (Einheitsfeldmütze für Flakhelfer). Complete with its original machine-sewn BeVo type HJ cap-badge. The size '60' cap is nicely marked with RBNr.'0/2009/0004' and dated '44'. Nice original cap in good used condition!
BDM 'Skihose'
This is nice original pair of dark navy-blue coloured BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) Winter 'Ski' Trousers (Überfallhose/Skihose). Nice original pair of BDM trousers in good used condition!
Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen '50'
General Assault Badge '50' (Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen mit Einsatzzahl 50). Maker marked with the 'RK' logo indicating production by 'Rudolf A. Karneth & Söhne' from Gablonz an der Neiße. Scarce and hard to find original badge in very good condition!
WH Tropical Combat Y-straps
WH (Heer/Waffen-SS) Tropical Combat Y-straps (Tropen Koppeltraggestell für Infanterie). The Y-straps are not visible maker marked or dated. Nice and hard to find original Tropical Y-straps in very good condition!
WH M31 Canteen and Cup
Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). This is a pressed wood, so-called “coconut”, covered aluminium flask, complete with original bakelite cup and webbing straps. The canteen is maker marked and dated with 'H.R.E.42'. Nice original canteen in good condition!
WH (Heer) Marching Boots
Wehrmacht (Heer) EM/NCO's Marching Boots or 'Jackboots' (Marschstiefel). The high quality brown leather boots are size '28½' marked and dated 1942. Hard to find original pair of marching boots in very good condition!
Luftwaffe Clothing Hanger 'Fliegergruppe Greifswald'
Luftwaffe Clothing Hanger 'Fliegergruppe Greifswald' as used in the barracks at the airfield of Greifswald. The clothing hanger is in very good condition, without any damages. Decorative original clothing hanger!
Allgemeine SS Member's Armband
Allgemeine SS Member's Armband (Armbinde). The black bordered armband is showing a multi-piece construction black swastika on a white roundel, sewn on a red woolen armband. There is some moth damage. Complete with 'RZM 21/34 SS' tag. Nice original armband in used condition!
WH (Heer) 'Cholm' Campaign Shield
WH (Heer) 'Cholm' Campaign-shield. The shield is complete with back-plate and protective black paper backing. The magnetic type shield it is not visible maker marked. Nice original shield in clearly used and worn condition!
NSDAP 'Kreis Abschnittsleiter' Collar Tabs
Scarce original pair of NSDAP collar-tabs (Kragenspiegel) as intended for a 'Kreis Abschnittsleiter'. Complete with original RZM tag. Nice original pair of NSDAP Kreis level collar tabs in very good condition!
Wehrmacht Gasmask Carrying Straps
This is a nice set of Wehrmacht Gasmask Carrying Straps. The long strap is nicely maker marked and dated with 'ebd 43' indicating production in 1943. Hard to find spare-parts when needed. The straps are in good used condition!
LW 'Fallschirmjäger' K98 Ammunition Bandoleer
Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' (Paratrooper) K98 Ammunition Bandoleer (Patronenbandolier). Made of tan coloured cotton and complete with all functional 'Stocko' marked press buttons. Nicely 'R.B.Nr.0/0510/0052' marked and dated 1944. Nice original late war FJ Bandoleer in good used condition!
WW1 Naval Wound Badge in Black
WW1 Naval Wound Badge in Black (Verwundetenabzeichen für Angehörige der Marine). The magnetic steel badge is complete with its functional pin and catch. Rare and hard to find original example in good used condition!
Cased KVK 1st Class '1'
Cased War Merit Cross 1st Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter). The 'Buntmetall' cross is nicely maker marked with number '1' indicating production by the company of 'Deschler & Sohn' from München. Nice original set in very good condition!
Nahkampfspange in Silber - '6 dot variant'
Close Combat Clasp in Silver (Nahkampfspange in Silber). The clasp is not visible maker marked, this type is referred to as "six dot" variant due to the typical crimping of the back-plate. Nice original clasp in good used condition!
Polizei M43 BeVo cap-eagle/cocarde
This is a nice example of a 'Polizei' (Police) M43 pattern BeVo-woven combined cap-eagle and cocarde. The eagle is executed in silver-grey coloured linnen on a fieldgrey coloured linnen background. Nice original cap insignia in mint and unissued condition!
NSDMB Visor Cap Eagle
NS-Marinebund (NSDMB) Visor Cap Eagle (Schirmmützenadler für Veteranen). The eagle is complete with both prongs. The eagle is 'Ges.Gesch.' marked. Nice and hard to find original cap eagle in very good condition!
NS-Soldatenbund Visor Cap Eagle
National Socialist Soldiers League (NS-Soldatenbund) Visor Cap Eagle (Schirmmützenadler für Veteranen). The eagle is complete with both prongs. The eagle is 'Ges.Gesch.' marked. Nice and hard to find original cap eagle in very good condition!
Early WH (Heer) Visor Cap Eagle & Cocarde
Rare early first pattern WH (Heer) Visor Cap Eagle & Cocarde. The tombak (Buntmetall) type eagle and cocarde are in good used condition, the eagle is missing one prong. Very hard to find set, this would be a great addition to any insignia collection!
WW2 US 66th Infantry Division Patch
World War 2 U.S. 66th Infantry Division Patch. The circular shaped badge is nicely machine-woven showing a white back. Nice original US 66th Infantry Division Patch in very good condition!
RAD Enlisted Man’s Hewer with Hanger
RAD Enlisted Man’s Hewer with Hanger (RAD Hauer für Mannschaften und Unterführer). The dagger is nicely maker marked by 'E.J. Wüsthof' from Solingen. The dagger is complete with original hanger. Nice and hard to find original RAD hewer in good used condition!
Hitler-Jugend Knife 'RZM M7/80'
Hitler-Jugend Knife (HJ Fahrtenmesser). The blade is nicely 'RZM M7/80' marked indicating production by the company of 'Gustav C. Spitzer' from Solingen and dated 1940. Overall a nice original HJ dagger in good used condition!
BeVo 'Kroatian' Volunteer Sleeve Shield
WH (Heer) BeVo woven sleeve-shield as intended for a volunteer within the 'Kroatian' Legion (Kroatian Landeschilde). This is an example with the Serbo-Croat spelling 'Hrvatska'. Nice original BeVo Eastern volunteer insignia in clearly used and tunic removed condition!
WH Signal Blitz 'Panzer'
WH (Heer) Signals Personnel's Trade Badge as intended for a 'Panzer' Soldier (Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Nachrichtenpersonal). The badge is neatly hand-embroidered on a dark-green woolen background. Nice example in mint and unissued condition!
Named US Bronze Star Medal
US Bronze Star Medal. The medal comes on its original confectioned ribbon having an Oak Leaf Cluster attached indicating that this soldier was awarded the Bronze Star twice. The medal is nicely machine engraved to 'Robert E. Kavanaugh'. Nice original medal!
Set of 2 Wehrmacht Steel Helmet Schnapps Cups
Set of 2 Wehrmacht Steel Helmet Schnapps Cups (Schnapsbecher) on high foot. The nickel-plated non-ferrous metal cups are nicely maker marked with on the bottom by the company "Gebr. Schürmann". Decorative and rarely seen original Wehrmacht Schnapps cups!
HJ Leaders Sports Badge in Gold
HJ Leaders Sports Badge in Gold (Führer-Sportabzeichen der Hitlerjugend). The tombak (Buntmetall) construction badge is maker marked with 'RZM M1/101' indicating production by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. The badge is a so-called 'B-Stück'. Nice original badge!
Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle 'RZM M4/39'
Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle (HJ Koppelschloß). The aluminum buckle is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M4/39' indicating prodcution by the company 'F.W. Assmann' from Lüdenscheid. This is a rarely seen variant with a crimped catch, rare original buckle!
HJ Golden Honour Badge in Gold
Hitler-Jugend Enamelled Honour Badge in Gold (Goldenes HJ Ehrenzeichen). The badge is neatly maker marked on the back with 'RZM M1/52', this is a so-called 'A-Stück' with award number '116791'. The badge is having a functional pin/catch attachement. Nice original HJ Honor Badge in good used ...
Rare original NSRKB Flag
'Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund' (NSRKB) Flag. The flag is approximately sized 135x120 cms. and is having some small moth damages, but in overall very good condition. Rare and decorative original flag!
NSDAP Political Leader's Belt Buckle
NSDAP Political Leader's Belt Buckle (Feldbindenschloss für Politische Leiter der NSDAP). The buckle is maker marked with 'RZM M4/27' indicating production by the company of 'Friedrich Linden' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original buckle in very good condition!
WH (Heer) BeVo Cap Eagle & Cocarde
Wehrmacht (Heer) M40 Cap Eagle & Cocarde (Schiffchenadler mit Kokarde). The insignia are executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in grey thread on a fieldgrey linnen background. Nice set in good unissued condition!
Dutch Netherlands East Indies Army Sleeve Shield 'Je Maintiendrai'
This is a nice original Dutch Netherlands East Indies Army Sleeve Shield showing the Dutch Lion above the script 'Je Maintiendrai'. The shield is in used condition regrettably showing some damage. Nice original sleeve-shield!
Dutch KNIL Female Medical Service Insignia
Dutch Female 'Nederlandsch Indië' arm-badge (VK-KNIL Mouwleeuw) with medical service title (Geneeskundige Dienst). Wartime US-made patches intended for female members within the KNIL. Rare insignia set in very good condition!
Pair of Dutch Medical Service Collar Insignia
This is a nice set of collar insignia as inteded for a soldier within the 'Geneeskundige Dienst' (Medical Service), the matching set is nicely hand-embroidered on fieldgrey wool. Nice set of collar insignia!
Dutch trained hand grenade thrower patch
Pre-war Dutch military skill patch for a trained hand grenade thrower in the rank of non-commissioned officer. Nicely hand-embroidered in gold-coloured metal thread on so-called 'Buitenmodel' uniform fabric. Nice original patch!