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DRKB Flagpole Plaque


DRKB 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' (Kyffhäuserbund) Flagpole Plaque (Fahnenmast-Plakette). The DRKB 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' (Kyffhäuserbund) was formed during WWI, and was based on the DKB 'Deutscher Kriegerbund', originally formed after the war of 1870-71. On 29 March 1938 the DRKB was renamed into NS-RKB 'Nationalsozialistische-Reichskriegerbund'. The gold coloured plaque which was awarded by the 'Reichskriegerführer' of the DRKB is showing the number '100' for taking part in 100 ceremonies. It is approximately sized 80 x 66 mm. Rare and decorative original item!

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