WH non-reversible 'Sumpftarn' Camouflage Pants
Wehrmacht non-reversible 'Sumpftarn' Camouflage Winter Trousers (Tarnungs Hose). This camouflage pattern was designated 'Sumpftarnmuster' (tan/water pattern). The winter parka's and trousers were standard issue items and were distributed to all EM/NCO’s for the winter season, (15 September to 15 April), with other winter garments and were to be returned to the units clothing depot in April for storage, repair and cleaning to be reissued the following September. The trousers are showing only minor traces of usage and/or years of storage, see photos. The trousers are still showing nice bright colours. The pants are not visible maker marked or dated, the pants look to be complete with all buttons. The trousers were designed large enough to fit over the standard service uniform and will fit a mannequin easily. Nice original pair in very good condition!