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Original World War 2 German Award Documents (Urkunden)

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Results 1 - 50 of 89

Award Documents

Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross Mappe to Generalleutnant & Oak Leaves Winner 'Karl Arndt'

Formal Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross Document (Verleihungsurkunde zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) in Folder (Ritterkreuzmappe) as awarded to Oberst "Karl Arndt" on 23 January 1942, Arndt was also awarded the oakleaves to the Knight's Cross. Extremely rare original piece of history!

€ 25900,00

Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross Document

Formal Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross Document (Verleihungsurkunde zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) in Folder (Ritterkreuzmappe) as awarded to Oberst "Karl Specht" on 8 September 1941, personally sigend by 'Adolf Hitler'. Extremely rare original piece of history!

€ 17500,00

German Cross in Gold Grouping

German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) grouping to 'Friedrich Ernst Halbrock'. Grouping including some of his award documents, Iron Cross 2nd Class and a cloth version of the German Cross in Gold. Interesting grouping!

€ 1250,00

Demjansk Shield & Iron Cross 1st Class with Documents

Nice set consisting of an original 'Demjansk' Shield and Iron Cross 1st Class with their Award Documents, both awarded to 'Unteroffizier Wilhelm Höpken' who was a member within the '2./Füs.Btl.225'. Nice original set in good used condition!

€ 975,00

Kriegsmarine Award Document Grouping

Kriegsmarine Award-Document Grouping consisting of 5 award documents, including the Return of the Memel Commemorative Medal and the Iron Cross 1st Class. He saw service all over Europe, including France and Italy. Interesting and decorative award documents!

€ 650,00

Fallschirmjäger Award Document Grouping

LW 'Fallschirmjäger' Document Grouping from an Unteroffizier including his award documents for the Air Gunner Badge, the Black Wound Badge, his Luftwaffe Bordschützenschein, Soldbuch and Certificate of Discharge. Desirable and interesting original Luftwaffe Flight/Fallschirmjäger grouping!

€ 650,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents - German Cross

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Hauptmann d.R. 'Dr. Bernhard Lammers', he was a member within the '7./Gren.Regt.157'. Consisting of the Award Documents for the German Cross in Gold and the Woundbadge in Silver. Nice original documents!

€ 650,00

Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Photo Folder

Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Photo Folder. This folder is commemorating the battles and struggles of the Leibstandarte up to 1942. The picture map is complete with all 15 photographs and the document. The cover is unfortunately damaged. Rare and hard to find decorative set!

€ 495,00

Lappland Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the the Infantry Assault Badge, the Iron Cross 1st Class, the Wound Badge in Silver and the Lappland Shield. Interesting and rare award document grouping!

€ 495,00

Waffen-SS 'Demjanskschild' Award-Document

Waffen-SS 'Demjanskschild' Award-Document (Besitzzeugnis) and photograph. Awarded on 31 December 1943 to ᛋᛋ-Unterscharführer 'Rolf Minor', he was a member within the 'ehem. I./ᛋᛋ-T.Art.Rgt.' (SS-Totenkopf-Artillerie-Regiment). Rare original award-document in good condition!

€ 495,00

Wehrmacht Award & Document Grouping

Wehrmacht (Heer) medal & award document-group of 'Sanitäts-Feldwebel Alfred Großer'. Including his Krim Campaign Shield, Ostmedal, War Merit Cross 2nd class and Romanian Kreuzzug Medal, including most of his award-documents. Interesting original grouping!

€ 450,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze, the Black Wound Badge, the German Eastern Front Medal, the Silver Wound Badge and the Close Combat Clasp in Bronze. Interesting and decorative documents!

€ 425,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Obergefreiter 'Helmut Schwarz', he was a member within the 'Infanterie-Regiment 30'. Consisting of the Award Documents for the Westwall Medal, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Infantry Assault Badge, Ostmedal and the Wound Badges in Black, Silver and Gold. Interesting ...

€ 395,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, the German Eastern Front Medal, the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Iron Cross 1st Class. Interesting and decorative original Kurland related award documents!

€ 375,00

KM U-boat War Badge Award Document

Kriegsmarine 'U-boot-Kriegsabzeichen' (U-Boat War Badge) award document (Verleihungs-Urkunde). The A4-sized document was awarded to 'Oberfähnrich Karl Stöcklein' on 28 March 1943, facsimile signed by Hans-Rudolf Rösing. Nice and hard to find original U-boat War Badge award document!

€ 375,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Oberfunkmeister 'Wilhelm Wittkop', he was a member within the 'Stbttr./Art.Regt.198'. Consisting of the Award Documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class, KVK 2nd Class, Wound Badge in Black, Iron Cross 1st Class and Kuban Campaign Shield. Interesting grouping!

€ 330,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping from Obergefreiten 'Kreischer' including his award documents for the German Eastern Front Medal, Infantry Assault Badge Silver, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Black Wound Badge and his Organisation Todt Dienstbuch. Nice and interesting original award document grouping!

€ 300,00

WH 'Nebelwerfer' Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Gefreiten 'Alfred Trübestein', he was a member within the 'Stab/N-Z.,I./Nbl.Wf.Rgt.54(Nebelwerfer-Regiment 54). Group includes his Wehrpaß, Award Documents for the Ostmedal, Wound Badge in Black and his Brother's Iron Cross 2nd Class Document. Interesting ...

€ 300,00

HJ Flak Helper Honorary Document

Honorary Certificate of Service as a Hitler-Jugend Luftwaffe Helper (Anerkennungsurkunde für Luftwaffen Helfer). The (DIN A5 sized) certificate was awarded to Hitlerjunge 'Fritz Jocher', he served with the '5. 1805' from 10 September 1943 to 17 September 1944. Rare original certificate!

€ 275,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping - KIA

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the Infantry Assault Badge, War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords and the Wound Badge in Black. Included are many other documents, photographs and postcards. Interesting original gouping!

€ 265,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge and the German Eastern Front Medal. Interesting and decorative original award documents!

€ 250,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping from Unteroffizier 'Rudolf Bernhardt' (2. Sturmgeschütz Abteilung 197) including his award documents for the Silver Wound Badge, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Ostmedal and a letter with envelope. Nice and interesting original award document grouping!

€ 250,00

'Afrika' Cufftitle Award-Document

Luftwaffe 'Afrika' Cufftitle Award-Document (Besitzurkunde für das Ärmelband "Afrika"), awarded to Obergefreiten 'Otto Hoffmann'. The document is dated 1 May 1943. The document has been folded once and is showing clear traces of usage. Nice and decorative original document!

€ 250,00

Set of 2 Awards & Documents

Nice set of 2 Awards & Documents, from Gefreiten 'Kurt Comes', member within the '14./Gren.Rgt.698'. Consisting of medals & documents for the German Eastern Front Medal and the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords. Both medals are complete with original paper pouch of issue. Nice set in good used ...

€ 230,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Unteroffizier 'Erwin Schiemann', he was a member within the '1./A.R.240' (Artillerie-Regiment 240). Consisting of the Award Documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class, Ostmedal, Krim Campaign Shield and General Assault Badge. Interesting grouping!

€ 210,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of various early pre-war Sport Award Documents and a War Merit Cross 2nd Class Document, signed by 'Eduard Wagner' who arranged the flight that took Claus von Stauffenberg from the Wolfsschanze back to Berlin. Interesting grouping!

€ 200,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the Woundbadge in Black, the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver, the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the Wound Badge in Silver and the Iron Cross 1st Class. Interesting and decorative original 'Cherkassy' pocket related award documents!

€ 200,00

Luftwaffe Jagdgeschwader 53 'War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern). The document was awarded to Unteroffizier 'Ernst Neidig', member within 'I./J.G. 53' - 1. Jagdgeschwader 53, called the "Pik As" (Ace of Spades) Geschwader. Rare original award ...

€ 195,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Panzer Award Document Grouping of Unteroffizier 'Fritz Wedderwille', he was a member within the '2./Pz. Regt. 11', consisting of the award documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the German Eastern Front Medal and the Wound Badge in Black. Interesting and decorative original documents!

€ 195,00

KM 'Zerstörer-Kriegsabzeichen' Document

Kriegsmarine 'Zerstörer-Kriegsabzeichen' (Destroyer War Badge) award-document (Verleihungskurkunde), awarded to Matrosengefreiten 'Helmut Chlebusch' - Torpedobootes "TA 14". The document is signed by 'Konteradmiral Leo Kreisch'. Nice original award document!

€ 195,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Gefreiten and OT-Meister 'Franz Borowzyk', he was an Organisation Todt Member. Consisting of the Award Documents for the Spange to the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Ostmedal. Nice and interesting original documents!

€ 195,00

Luftwaffe Award-Documents

Luftwaffe Award-Documents of Obergefreiten 'Erich Deckmann', who was a member within the '3./Flak-Regiment 36'. Including the documents for the Flak Artillery War Badge and the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Nice original set!

€ 195,00

WH (Heer) Award Documents

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Wound Badge in Gold. Interesting and decorative original award documents!

€ 180,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the German Eastern Front Medal and a portrait photograph. Interesting original award documents!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Obergefreiten 'Walter Landskron', he was a member within the '12.(s.)/A.R.28' (Stabsbatterie Artillerie-Regiment 28). Consisting of the Award Documents for the Krim Campaign Shield and the War Merit Cross 2nd Class. Interesting grouping!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Unteroffizier 'Herbert Klemm', he was a member within the '2./Gren.Rgt.552' (Grenadier-Regiment 552). Consisting of the Award Documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class, Ostmedal and the Wound Badge in Black & Silver. Interesting grouping!

€ 175,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Jäger 'Erich Dierks', the set is consisting of 2 Award-Documents for the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver and the Close Combat Clasp in Bronze. Nice original set of award documents!

€ 165,00

Luftwaffe Award Document Grouping

Luftwaffe Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the the Westwall Medal and the Flak Artillery War Badge. Interesting and decorative original award documents!

€ 160,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Oberfeldwebel 'Albert Bülow', the set is consisting of 2 Award-Documents for the Wound Badge in Gold and the Iron Cross 1st Class. Nice original set of award documents!

€ 155,00

Set of 2 Kriegsmarine Award Documents

Nice set of 2 Kriegsmarine Award Documents (Urkunden), each at DIN A5 size, from Matrosen 'Friedrich Döring' (12. Vorpostenflottille). Including the documents for the Minesweeper War Badge and the Black Wound Badge. Nice set of Kriegsmarine Award Documents!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht 'Heldentod Urkunde'

Wehrmacht 'Heldentod Urkunde' (Ehrenblatt) given to the family of 'Albert Unser' who was a Gefreiter in the '2.Kompanie Grenadier-Regiment 555'. The certificate comes in it's original envelope in which it was sent to his father. Sad but interesting original document!

€ 145,00

Set of 2 Award Documents

Nice set of 2 Award Documents, from Gefreiten Twellenkamp of the 'Pi.Masch.Zug Brückenbau-Btl.145'. Consisting documents for the German Eastern Front Medal and the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, personally signed by General der Panzertruppe 'Harpe'. Nice set of Wehrmacht Award Documents!

€ 135,00

'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Award Document

Award document for the Iron Cross 2nd Class awarded to Unteroffizier 'Felix Ney' on 10 January 1945. Felix was a member within the 2./Pz.Gren.Rgt.126. The award document is signed by 'Joseph von Radowitz', (KC with Oakleaves). Interesting original award document!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents 'Lettland'

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Gefreiten 'Josef Stoffer' who was a member within the 'Sicherungs-Bataillon 1901 (Lettland)', the set is consisting of an award-document for the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver and the Wound Badge in Silver. Interesting documents!

€ 125,00

Luftwaffe FLAK Award-Documents

Luftwaffe Award-Document Grouping from FLAK Unteroffizier 'Ernst Oberdörster'. Consisting of the Award Documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the 1 October 1938 Medal. Nice and interesting original award-documents!

€ 125,00

KM Coastal Artillery Award-Documents

Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Award-Document Grouping from Marine-Artillerie Obergefreiten 'Josef Grünen. Consisting of the Award Documents for the Coastal Artillery War Badge and the Ostmedal. Nice and interesting original late-war documents!

€ 125,00

'Kubanschild' Award-Document

'Kubanschild' Award-Document (Besitzzeugnis). Awarded on 15 September 1944 to Unteroffizier 'Johann Koch', he was a member within the 'Pionier Sturmboot-Kommando 903'. Nice original award-document in very good condition!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) Award-Documents

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Obergefreiten 'Wilhelm Albert', he was a member within the '2./A.R.31' (Artillerie-Regiment 31). Consisting of the Award Documents for the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the KVK 2nd Class. Nice set

€ 120,00

'Flakkampfabzeichen' Award Document

Award Document (Urkunde) for the Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge (Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie or Flakkampfabzeichen). This DIN-A5 sized document was awarded to Uffz. 'Josef Knepper'. He was a member within '2.leichte Flakabteilung 74'. Nice original award document!

€ 100,00

Framed Wehrmacht Shooting Award Certificate

Framed Wehrmacht Shooting Award Certificate (Besitz-Zeugnis) to a member within the '10./Infanterie-Regiment Braunschweig'. The colourfull certificate is originally framed in a 37,5 x 47,5 cms sized wooden frame. Decorative original framed certificate!

€ 100,00
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