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General Assault Badge Award Document


Award Document (Urkunde) for the General Assault Badge (Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen). The General Assault badge was introduced on 1 June 1940 by 'Generaloberst Walther von Brauchitsch' for award to support personnel who were ineligible for the Infantry or Panzer Assault badges. Criteria for award of the badge was basically the same as the criteria for award of the Infantry and Panzer Assault badges with the main qualification being participation in three separate assaults in a supporting role. This (A5 sized) document was awarded to 'Obergefreiten Günther Manner', he was a member within the '2./s.Artillerie-Abteilung (mot)422'. Günther was awarded with theGeneral Assault Badge on 25 August 1944. The document is personally signed by a Hauptmann. The document is also clearly ink-stamped with 'Art. Abt. 422'. The document has never been folded or peforated, it is a bit wrinkled caused by years of storage. Nice original award-document in very good condition!

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