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WH (Heer) 'Nachrichten' Crusher style isor Cap

WH (Heer) 'Nachrichten' (Signals) EM/NCO's Crusher style Visor Cap (Schirmmütze). The cap is complete with original machine-sewn flat-wire woven cocarde but unfortunately missing the cap-eagle. Nice original early crusher style visor cap in heavily used and worn condition!

€ 850,00

DRK Subordinate's Hewer

German Red Cross (DRK) Subordinate's Hewer (Hauer für Mannschaften). The dagger is in very good condition, complete with its original leather frog, marked with a capital 'H'. The blade is marked 'Ges.Gesch.'. Nice original DRK hewer!

€ 1175,00

Waffen-SS Dutch Volunteer's Collar Tab

Waffen-SS Collar Tab as intended for a member within the '23.SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Nederland" (Niederlandische Nr.1)'. The collar tab is embroidered in silver/grey thread on black wool, having a nice light-brown 'Buckram' backing. Nice original collar-tab in good unissued condition!

€ 475,00

Waffen-SS BeVo Sleeve Eagle

Waffen-SS BeVo Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). The eagle is nicely machine-woven in the BeVo-weave pattern in silver-grey linnen on a black linnen background. Nice original sleeve eagle in mint and unissued condition!

€ 495,00

SD 'Sicherheitsdienst' Sleeve Diamond

SS SD 'Sicherheitsdienst' Personnel's Sleeve Diamond (Ärmelraute für SD Mitglieder). Machine-embroidered 'SD' in silver-white linnen on a black wool diamone shaped base. Nice example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 350,00

Waffen-SS flat-wire 'Grenz-Polizei' Cufftitle

Waffen-SS BeVo-like flat-wire woven 'Grenz-Polizei' Cufftitle (Ärmelband), intended for ss troops who augmented the border police. The cufftitle is in good unissued condition showing some staining and traces of years of storage. Nice original cufftitle!

€ 975,00

Waffen-SS/Panzer 'Oberschütze' Rank Pip

Rank Pip as intended for a Waffen-SS 'Oberschütze' or WH (Heer) Panzer 'Oberschütze'. The pip is nicely machine-embroiderd on black wool. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS 'Estonian' Volunteer Sleeve Shield

Waffen-SS 'Estonian' Volunteer Sleeve Shield as intended for members within the '20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Estnische Nr.1)'. The shield is in mint and unissued condition and just shows some minor traces caused by years of storage. Nice original sleeve shield!

€ 250,00

Waffen-SS 'Croatian' Volunteer's Collar Tab

Waffen-SS Collar Tab as intended for a member within the '13.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr.1)'. This is a so-called Dachau made example. Version on moleskin wool. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 250,00

Waffen-SS 'Croatian' Volunteer Sleeve Shield

Waffen-SS 'Croatian' Volunteer Sleeve Shield as intended for members within the '13.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar" (kroatische Nr.1)'. This is a rare second pattern shield is in mint and unissued condition!

€ 225,00

Waffen-SS Tropical Sleeve-Eagle

Waffen-SS ('tropical') golden-yellow coloured sleeve-eagle (Ärmeladler) executed in BeVo-weave pattern. The eagle is a bit wrinkled caused by years of storage. Nice original example in good unissued condition!

€ 225,00

SS Former HJ Member's Sleeve Diamond

Waffen-SS Former Hitler-Jugend Member's Sleeve Diamond (Ärmelraute für ehemalige Mitglieder der Hitlerjugend). The patch is showing neatly machine-embroidered HJ logo in silver-white linnen on a black woolen diamond shaped base. Example in good unissued condition!

€ 175,00

Waffen-SS Temporary Camp Guard Collar Tab

Waffen-SS Collar Tab (Kragenspiegel) as intended for Luftwaffe and Army personnel temporarily attached to Concentration Camp Duty, showing an embroidered double swastika in silver-grey thread on a black wool base. The collar-tab is in mint and unissued condition!

€ 425,00

Luftschutz 'Verbandkasten' with Contents

Rare original Tan coloured Luftschutz Medical Box (Verbandkasten), complete with a large part of its original contents as found. This is only the second tan coloured 'Luftschutz-Verbandkasten' I have ever seen. Rare original box in very good condition!

€ 550,00

Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle with RZM-label

Hitler-Jugend Belt Buckle (HJ Koppelschloß). The steel buckle is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M5/276' - 'Klein & Quenzer AG' from Idar-Oberstein, complete with matching paper 'RZM' label. Great original buckle in mint and unissued condition!

€ 325,00

Wehrmacht 'Afrika' Cufftitle

Wehrmacht 'Afrika' Cufftitle (Ärmelband) as introduced on 15 January 1943. The full lenght camelhair cufftitle measures approximately 45cms in length and is in good unissued condition. Stunning original cufftitle!

€ 550,00

WH (Heer) Tropical Overseas Cap

WH (Heer) Tropical Overseas Cap (Tropenfeldmütze). Complete with hand-applied BeVo cocarde and cap eagle. The cap is maker marked with 'R.Btr.-Nr.0/0265/5044' and dated March 1943. Nice original cap!

€ 450,00

Single HJ Shoulder Strap ‘Bann 531’

Single HJ (Hitler-Jugend) shoulder-strap intended for a 'Hitlerjunge' within 'Bann 531'. Bann 531 = Linz-Stadt (Austria). Nice original shoulder strap in good, clearly used and shirt removed condition!

€ 60,00

'Deutsches Generalkonsulat in Shanghai' Letter Seal

'Deutsches Generalkonsulat in Shanghai' Letter Seal (Siegelmarke). The seal has been removed from a letter. Rare and interesting original letter seal of the German Consulate General in Shanghai during the Third Reich Period!

€ 50,00

Royal Armoured Corps Beret 1944

Royal Armoured Corps Beret. The beret is nicely maker marked and dated 1944. The beret is a size '6⅜'. It comes with an original Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Cap-Badge as found. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 350,00

SA Brown Shirt with Swastika Armband

SA (Sturmabteilung) Brown Shirt (Diensthemd) complete with wine-red early type shoulder-strap and collar-tabs inteded for a SA Music Band Member within a 7th Standarte of Gruppe Westfalen. The brownshirt is complete with a Swastika Armband. Nice original brown shirt!

€ 850,00

Allach Porcelain Begging Bear

Rare Allach porcelain Begging Bear (Bär Bittend), model number #5, designed by 'Theodor Kärner'. The bear is approximately 9cms high. The bear is nicely maker marked with the stylized SS runes logo of the Allach company. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 850,00

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Breeches for Mounted Troops

WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Breeches for Mounted Troops (Stiefelhose für Mannschaften). The breeches are having leather reinforcement panels. The breeches are nicely RB.Nr. marked and dated 1944 (F44). Nice pair of breeches in very good condition!

€ 650,00

Kriegsmarine 50 x 85 'Gösch Flagge' (Jack Flag)

Kriegsmarine 'Gösch Flagge' (Jack Flag). This was the official national and mercantile flag of Germany. Nice 50 x 85 cms sized flag (U-Boot size). Maker marked by the company 'N.V.P.F. v. Vlissingen & Co's Katoenfabr.' from Helmond (Holland). Nice and desirable original flag in good condition!

€ 795,00

USN MK2 Fighting Knife 'Camillus'

U.S.N. MK2 Fighting Knife. The US Navy Fighting Knife is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Camillus' from New York and complete with its original scabberd. Nice original fighting knife in good condition!

€ 295,00

Dutch Subaltern Officer's Kepi 20th Regiment Infantry

Dutch Subaltern Officer's Kepi 20th Regiment Infantry (Subalterne Officier's Kepie). Nice example having double golden piping, the Kepi is complete with a nice quality hand-embroidered cocarde. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 250,00

Hitler-Jugend Member's Armband

This is a nice Hitler-Jugend Member's Armband (Armbinde) as worn by HJ members on the upper left sleeve on almost all HJ uniforms. Nice original armband in good used condition!

€ 225,00

NSDAP Member's Armband - BeVo Variant

NSDAP Member's Armband (Armbinde). The armband is showing a nicely machine-woven black coloured swastika on a white roundel, woven directly onto the red cotton armband. Rare original BeVo variant armband in good used condition!

€ 250,00

Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz 'L/53'

Black Wound Badge (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz). The magnetic steel badge is nicely maker marked 'L/53' indicating production by the company of 'Hymmen & Co.' from Lüdenscheid, rare maker. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 95,00

Wehrmacht 'Deckungswinkelmesser'

Wehrmacht 'Deckungswinkelmesser'. Complete with aluminum instruction plate. Hard to find original example in good used condition. Nice item to complete your map case with!

€ 295,00

German Olympic Commemorative Medal

German Olympia Commemorative Medal (Olympia Erinnerungsmedaille). The medal is made of silvered steel the medal comes on its original confectioned ribbon. Nice original medal in good used condition!

€ 200,00

Luftwaffe Cap Eagle

Luftwaffe Cap Eagle (Mützenadler). Standard pattern machine-embroidered cap eagle as worn on the Luftwaffe Overseas Cap ('Schiffchen') and/or M43-cap. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 65,00

German Municipal Police NCO's Sleeve Eagle

German Municipal Police (Schutzpolizei der Gemeinden) NCO's Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). The eagle is embroidered in wine-red on a field-grey woolen background. Nice original sleeve eagle in good unissued condition!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) Tropical 'Oberschütze' Rank Patch

WH (Heer) Tropical 'Oberschütze' Rank Patch. The patch is showing one neatly machine-embroidered rank star on a light-brown/green tropical cloth, having a reinforced border. Nice original patch in good clearly used condition!

€ 50,00

Romanian Medal 'Kreuzzug gegen den Kommunismus'

Romanian Medal 'Kreuzzug gegen den Kommunismus'. Very nice tombak example, complete with its original (specifically folded) ribbon. Nice example in good condition!

€ 45,00

Kriegsmarine BeVo Coastal Artillery Cap Eagle

Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery (Küstenartillerie) Cap Eagle (Schiffchenadler). The eagle is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in golden-yellow thread on a fieldgrey linnen background. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

German Helmet Liner size 64/57

German Helmet Liner (Stahlhelm Innenfutter). This is a leather liner in size 57 which will fit a size 64 helmet. The liner is nicely maker marked by the company 'B. & C.' from Litzmannstadt and dated 1942. Perfect for restauration of an M40 or M42 helmet!

€ 145,00

WH (Heer) Medical Pouch with contents

This is a nice large sized WH (Heer) Medical Pouch (Sanitätertasche). Maker marked and dated 'bla 1944' indicating production by the company of 'E.G. Leuner GmbH' from Bautzen. Complete with partial contents. See photos.

€ 195,00

Wehrmacht hand-held FF33 Cable Reel 1940

Wehrmacht hand-held Cable Reel 1940 (Abspuler), this is the extremely rare 17,5cms diameter type as issued for the Field Telephones (FF33). The cable reel is nicely maker marked and dated 1940. Rare original cable reel in good used condition!

€ 250,00

'Zinksalbe' Salve Tin

'Zinksalbe' Salve Tin as issued in various medical bags and/or boxes. The tin is having a diameter of 4cms. It is in overall good used condition!

€ 20,00

Hitler-Jugend 'Kreissieger 1938' Badge

Hitler-Jugend 'Kreissieger 1938' Badge. The badge is neatly maker marked on the back by the company of 'G. Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. The badge is complete with its functional pin and catch. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 395,00

German 2-Piece Medal Bar & Batton

German 2-piece medal-bar consisting of an Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse) and an German Eastern Front Medal (Medaille für die Winterschlacht im Osten). Complete with batton. Nice original medal-bar in very good condition!

€ 295,00

SA Sports Badge in Bronze

SA Sports Badge in Bronze (SA-Sportabzeichen), 1939/1945 model. The badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'W.Redo' from Saarlautern. The details on the badge are really pronounced and stunning. Nice example in good condition!

€ 95,00


German Eastern Front Medal (Medaille für die Winterschlacht im Osten). The medal is not visible maker marked. The medail is complete with its original ribbon. Nice example in good condition!

€ 70,00

WH (Heer) 'Schützenschnur'

WH (Heer) First Grade Shooting Lanyard (Schützenschnur 1.Stufe). This lanyard would look great when re-attached to a tunic of 'Waffenrock'. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 100,00

Austrian Occupation Medal

Austrian Occupation Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 März 1938). The medal is complete with its original confectioned ribbon. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 80,00

Period Boardgame: 'Großdeutschlands Städte Spiel'

German 'Großdeutschlands Städte Spiel' Board Game (Brettspiel), made by the company 'Mensler Spiele'. The set is complete with cardboard game board, instruction leaflet and carton letters. The set is in used condition. Rare original wartime board game!

€ 175,00

Period Boardgame: 'Eine Reise durch Sachsen- und Sudetengau'

German 'Eine Reise durch Sachsen- und Sudetengau' Board Game (Brettspiel), made by the company 'Brückner-Spiele' (around 1939). The set is complete with cardboard game board, wooden figures and chips. The set is in used condition. Rare original wartime board game!

€ 150,00

Complete Wehrmacht FF33 Field Telephone Set

Complete Wehrmacht FF33 Field Telephone Set (Feldfernsprecher 33), dated 1943. The Field Telephone is complete, including battery compartment with battery, original generator handle, Connector Cable and Carrying Sling. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 395,00

K98 Leather Rifle Sling

K98 Leather Sling (98K Trägeriemen), complete with leather retaining tab. The retaining strap is nicely maker marked and dated. Nice and hard to find original example in good used condition!

€ 225,00
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