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Waffen-SS Albanian Volunteer's Collar Tab


Waffen-SS Collar Tab (Kragenspiegel) as intended for a member within the '21.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS (or 'Albanische Nr.1'). The '21.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Skanderbeg" was formed in April 1944, primarily of Albanian Moslems with a cadre of German personnel and was intended to serve in an anti-partisan role in the Balkan region. The division proved to be so troublesome to the Germans, with allegedly over 3,500 desertions within its first two months of formation, that it was disbanded after about six months. The reliable personnel of the division were transferred to the 7. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division "Prinz Eugen". The name "Skanderbeg" refers to the goats-head helmet of Skanderbeg featured on the collar tab, the collar tab is embroidered in silver/grey thread on black wool. The collar tab is having a nice 'Buckram' backing. The collar-tab originates almost certainly from the SS clothing department at the Dachau KZ when liberated in 1945. The collar-tab is in good unissued condition with some minor traces caused by years of storage, nice original SS Albanian Volunteer's Collar-Tab!

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