Original World War 2 & Reference Books
Books / Booklets
Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein'
Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein', Heft 57 from the series 'Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend'. Published by the 'Steiniger Verlage' from Berlin. The booklet features 32 pages. Decorative original booklet!
Reichsnährstand 'Die Deutsche Landfrau' Magazine
Reichsnährstand 'Die Deutsche Landfrau' Magazine, this is issue 15/16 for from 13 August 1944. The magazine is a fold-out newspaper style magazine, issued in a separate protective cover. Decorative original magazine!
'Die Großen der Weltgeschichte' Photo-Book
This is a nice German cigarettes 'Bilderalbum': 'Die Großen der Weltgeschichte'. This picture book was published in 1935 by 'Eckstein-Halpaus G.m.b.H.' from Dresden. Complete with all pictures. Nice original book in good used condition!
Book 'Narvik'
Book 'Narvik, Sieg des Glaubens' (Victory of Faith) by 'Werner Fantur'. The book was published by the "Junker und Dünnhaupt Verlag" from Berlin in 1941. The book features 174 pages with many nice photogaphs. Nice original book in good condition.
3 'Scholle und Kraft' Yearbooks by IG Farben
Set of 3 original argicultural yearbooks called 'Scholle und Kraft'. Issues for 1934, 1937 and 1938. The calendars are full of many black&white photographs and (colour)illustrations. Decorative yearbooks in good used condition, priced accordingly for the set of 3!
Reference book "Uniforms, Organization and History of the Panzertruppe"
Reference book; "Uniforms, Organization and History of the Panzertruppe" by 'Rorger James Bender' and 'Warren W. Odegard'. This hardcover book features 336 pages covering a wide range of the uniforms, Organization and History of the German Panzer Troops during World War II. Nice reference work!