WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping
WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping from Unteroffizier 'Erwin Schiemann', he was a member within the '1./A.R.240' (Artillerie-Regiment 240). The grouping is consisting of 4 Award-Documents (Urkunden), all in (DIN) A5 size. Erwin was awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse) on 20 April 1942. Erwin was awarded with the Ostmedal (Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42) on 26 May 1942. On 15 February 1943 Erwin was awarded with the Krim Campaign Shield (Krimschild), this document shows the facsimile signature of Generalfeldmarschall 'Erich von Manstein'. Finally he was awarded with the General Assault Badge (Sturmabzeichen) on 14 December 1944. All four documents have been folded, see photos. Interesting original grouping which certainly merits further investigation!