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World War 2 German Documents, Passes, ID-Cards, Newspapers

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Documents / Passes

'Feldpost' letter and postcard

Nice original set consisting of a 'Feldpost' letter with envelope and a postcard, both sent by the same soldier. The postcard is marked with Feldpostnummer 27344. The letter is marked with '4. (M.G.)Kp.I.Er.Btl. 453'. Nice set of 'Feldpost' letters! 

€ 10,00

Deutsches Reich 'Reisepass'

'Deutsches Reich Reisepass' (German Passport). This example was issued on 9 February 1931 and belonged to a woman living in Krefeld-Uerdingen. Nice example in good condition.

€ 15,00

Set of 3 Dutch 'Distributie Stamkaarten'

Set of 3 Dutch 'Distributie Stamkaarten' - Civil Ration Cards. Introduced in September 1939. Every Dutch citizen was issued one. Periodic ration coupons were issued upon presentation of this personal ration card. Nice original set of 3 'Distributie Stamkaarten' in good used condition!

€ 15,00

'Knickerbocker Weekly' Booklet

Dutch 'Knickerbocker Weekly' "Free Netherlands" booklet. Small booklet with news topics and photo's about the allied forces, U.S., Netherlands and the Dutch royal family. Published in New York and distributed by the R.A.F above the occupied Netherlands. Interesting original booklet!

€ 15,00

NSB 'Jodenkliek' Pamphlet

Small sized NSB Propaganda 'Jodenkliek' Pamphlet. This pamphlet shows a caricature of Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill and a Jewish man, with the following text: 'Yankee-Engelsman-Bolsjewiek dansen naar de pijpen van de Jodenkliek' Interesting original pamphlet!

€ 15,00

1st Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'

1st Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. Nice Arbeitsbuch with a few handwritten entries and official stamps. The pass was issued on 15 January 1936 in Schneidemühl. Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 15,00

'Metallspende des deutschen Volkes' Certificate

This is a nice colorful original 'Metallspende des deutschen Volkes zum Geburtstag des Führers im Kriegsjahr 1940' paper certificate. Decorative original certificate!

€ 20,00

WH (Heer) Death Notice

This is a death notice for Leutnant 'Josef Stautner'. He was killed in action on 17 August 1944 at the western front. According to the 'Volksbund' information, Josef was buried at Fort-de-Malmaison cemetry in France (near Reims). Interesting original death notice with photograph!

€ 20,00

DAF Members Book

DAF- 'Deutsche Arbeitsfront' Members Book (Mitgliedsbuch). The booklet was issued to 'Karl Wolf' on 1 April 1941. Revenue stamps have been pasted from 1941/1943. Nice original booklet in good used condition!

€ 20,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice light-green coloured carton protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The carton cover is not visible maker marked. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 22,50


Nice unusual SS-related ID-document entitled: 'SS-Beitrags-Quittungskarte' (SS donation card). Printed by 'SS-Vordruckverlag W.F. Mayer' based in Miesbach (Bayer.Hochland). Original pre-war SS document in unissued condition!

€ 25,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice light-green coloured carton protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The carton cover was made by the company of 'Julius Kreß' in Kassel. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Wehrmacht-Führerschein (Driver's License)

This is a nice original 'Wehrmacht-Führerschein' (Driver's License) named to 'Johann Gunzelmann', he was a member within the 'San. Ausb. u. Ers. Abt. 17' (Sanitäts Ausbildungs und Ersatzabteilung 17). Nice original document in used condition!

€ 25,00

Deutsches Reich Kennkarte

'Deutsches Reich Kennkarte' - Civil Indentification Card which belonged to a young man from the area of Mechernich. The oilcloth ID-card was issued to him on 1 July 1942. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Luftwaffe Rank and Unit Instruction Sheet

This is a nice colorful DIN-A4 sized paper with Luftwaffe ranks and units (Uniformen des Großdeutschen Reiches - Uniformen und Abzeichen der Luftwaffe). The sheet is showing a clear representation of the various ranks, units and weapon colors with explanation. Nice sheet from the Luftwaffe!

€ 25,00

Deutsches Reich Kennkarte

'Deutsches Reich Kennkarte' - Civil Indentification Card which belonged to a young woman from the area of Dresden. The oilcloth ID-card was issued to her on 5 October 1940. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

WH (Heer) 'Gebirgsjäger' Death Notice

This is a death notice for 'Franz Heinrich' who served within a 'Gebirgsjäger Regiment'. He took part in the campaigns against Poland, Greece, Krete and Russia. He was killed in action on 18 September 1943 at Karfreit (Caporetto) in Italy. Interesting original death notice!

€ 25,00

NSRL Member's Book

NSRL (Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen) Member's Book, named to a woman 'Elvira Krisper', the booklet was issued to her on 26 May 1941. Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice light-green coloured carton protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The carton cover was made by the company of 'Julius Kreß' from Kassel. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Deutsches Reich Kennkarte

'Deutsches Reich Kennkarte' - Civil Indentification Card which belonged to a woman from the area of Dresden. The oilcloth ID-card was issued to her on 28 september 1940. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 25,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. Nice Arbeitsbuch with a few handwritten entries and official stamps. The pass was issued 27 January 1940 at the 'Arbeitsamt Osnabrück'. Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. Nice Arbeitsbuch with a few handwritten entries and official stamps. The pass was issued 9 Juni 1943 at the 'Arbeitsamt Gießen'. Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

'Maandblad der Nederlandsch - Duitsche Kultuurgemeenschap'

'Maandblad der Nederlandsch - Duitsche Kultuurgemeenschap' Magazine this was a monthly published magazine, this is number 3 from the 4th Year for the month March 1942. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice light-green coloured carton protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The carton cover was made by the company of 'Julius Kreß' in Kassel. It is complete with original carrying cord. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Wehrmacht-Führerschein (Driver's License)

Nice original 'Wehrmacht-Führerschein' (Driver's License) named to 'Walter Schaer', born 22 January 1912 in Bückeburg. He was a member within the 'Kraftfahr-Park 542'. Nice original document in good condition!

€ 30,00

Booklet 'Dreissig Kriegsartikel fur das deutsche Volk'

Propaganda Booklet 'Dreissig Kriegsartikel fur das deutsche Volk' by 'Dr. Goebbels'. Published in 1943 by the 'Zentralverlag der NSDAP Franz Eher Nachf. Gmbh' from München-Berlin. The booklet features 16 pages. Decorative original booklet!

€ 30,00

DAF Members Book & Insurance Card

DAF- 'Deutsche Arbeitsfront' Members Book & Insurance Card (Mitgliedsbuch). The booklet was issued to 'Gertrud Kühne' on 26 February 1936. Revenue stamps have been pasted from 1936/1941. Nice original booklet in good used condition!

€ 30,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch' - Daimler Benz

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. Nice Arbeitsbuch with a few handwritten entries and official stamps. The pass was issued 3 March 1941 at the 'Arbeitsamt Mannheim' to an employee of the company 'Daimler Benz' (Mercedes). Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 30,00

'Das Schwarze Korps' Newspaper

'Das Schwarze Korps' Newspaper (Zeitung), issue for 16 September 1943. The newspaper is showing typical staining and damages, see photos. Despite the damage still a decorative original late war SS newspaper!

€ 30,00

NSDAP 'Gesundheitspaß'

NSDAP 'Gesundheitspaß' which was issued to 'Raab Ludwig' from Bamberg. The pass was issued on 1 February 1939. Nice and decorative original card in good condition!

€ 35,00

Promotion Document 'Flugzeugführerschule'

Wehrmacht (Luftwaffe) promotion document ('Bestallung') of 'Georg Gerbig' for his promotion to 'Feldwebel' on 1 June 1943. He was a member within the 'Flugzeugführerschule A/B 115 Wels, Schülerkompanie'. Decorative original document!

€ 35,00

WH (Heer) Death Notice 'Stalingrad'

Death notice for 'Johann Zellinger', a 'Gefreiter' within a 'Grenadierregiment'. He was killed in action on 30 October 1942 at Stalingrad. Johann was awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd class, the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver and the black wound badge. Interesting original death notice!

€ 35,00

Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung Magazine

'Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung', this was a weekly published magazine/newspaper, this is number 30 from 30 July 1942. The cover is showing a great photograph of a 'Kettenkrad'. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 35,00

German Army Map 'West. Almelo'

This is an original so-called 'Truppenkarte' (German Army/SS Map) of the area of 'West. Almelo' in the Netherlands. The map was published in 1941. The map measures approximately 59,5 x 43 cms. Nice original map!

€ 35,00

Wehrmacht 'Wehrpaß' Cover

Nice artificial brown leather protective cover for the 'Wehrpaß'. The cover is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 35,00

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'

2nd Pattern 'Arbeitsbuch'. The pass was issued to 'Willi Ebeling' who worked as a guard (Wachmann) at the company 'Eibia G.m.b.H.' in Bomlitz, the largest producer of gunpowder in the German Reich. Nice original booklet in very good condition!

€ 35,00

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster showing an image of Friedrich der Grosse and the quote: 'Des Helden höhere Seele muss dem Grössten, wie dem kleinsten auch in jeder lage ein Beispiel sein'. Decorative original poster in good condition!

€ 35,00

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster

'Wochenspruch der NSDAP' Mini Poster. This poster has a quote from Dr. Goebbels on it. The poster measures approximately 24 x 34,5 cms in size, the poster has never been folded. Decorative original poster in good condition!

€ 35,00

Polizei Booklet 'Aufgepasst im Strassenverkehr!'

Polizei Booklet 'Aufgepasst im Strassenverkehr!', published by the 'Reichsführer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Inern'. The booklet features 32 pages full with colour illustrations. Decorative original booklet!

€ 35,00

Original German 'Ahnenpaß'

This is a rare original 'Ahnenpaß'. The 'Ahnenpaß' (ancestor passport) documented the Aryan lineage of citizens of Nazi Germany and was ment to define who was, and who was not, a Jew. Filled in example. Interesting piece of history.

€ 35,00

Ammunition Instruction Sheet

Early Dutch post-war Ammunition Instruction Sheet of a German Artillery Grenade. These sheets were used by the Dutch Explosive Ordinance Disposal unit directly after WW2. The sheet is dated 1946. Decorative original instruction sheet!

€ 40,00

'Deutsche Reichspost Telegramm'

Nice original 'Deutsche Reichspost Telegramm' telegram. This telegram is made of thick paper and has an artistic image at the front. The telegram measures approximately 21 x 30 cms in size. On the inside a message was written by hand, dating 1934. Decorative original telegram!

€ 40,00

'Die HJ - Das Kampfblatt Der Hitler Jugend' Newspaper

'Die HJ - Das Kampfblatt Der Hitler Jugend' Newspaper (Zeitung), issue for 10 September 1938. Rare and decorative original Hitler Youth Newspaper in good used condition!

€ 40,00

German 'Wacht im Westen' Front Newspaper

German 'Wacht im Westen' Front Newspaper (Frontzeitung), issue for 6 April 1945, number 178. The newspaper is showing typical staining and age yellowing, see photos. Nice original late war newspaper!

€ 40,00

German 'Wacht im Westen' Front Newspaper

German 'Wacht im Westen' Front Newspaper (Frontzeitung), issue for 3 März 1945, number 151. The newspaper is showing typical staining and age yellowing, see photos. Nice original late war newspaper!

€ 40,00

NOÚZ Members Book

NOÚZ - 'Nationale Gewerkschaftszentrale der Arbeitnehmer' Members Book. Nice booklet, issued in 1944 with stamps pasted from 1944/1945. Regrettably missing the portrait-photo. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 45,00

NSV Helfer-Ausweis

'Nationalsocialistischer Volkswohlfahrt Helfer-Ausweis - Gau Groß-Berlin. Small sized NSV-member card (helper id-card), which belonged to a woman who was a 'Blockwalter' at Friedrichshagen. Nice example in good condition, not easy to find!

€ 45,00

German Hunting License 1939

German national yearly Hunting License (Inländer-Jahresjagdschein) for the period from 1 April 1939 to 31 March 1940. The pass was issued in 'Graz' (Austria) and is complete with portrait-photo. Decorative original example!

€ 45,00

'Berlin Rom Tokio' Magazine

'Berlin Rom Tokio' Magazine, this was a monthly published magazine, this is number 3 from the 4th Year for the month March 1942. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 45,00

VB Strassenkarte 'Hannover'

V.B. Strassenkarte 'Hannover' (Road Map). The map was published by the 'Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachfolger' of München and Berlin. The map is in slightly damaged condition. Decorative original map!

€ 45,00
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