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Original World War 2  & Reference Books

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Results 1 - 50 of 139

Books / Booklets

Wehrmacht Soldier's Christian Songbook

Wehrmacht Soldier's Christian Songbook 'Evangelisches Feldgesangbuch'. The booklet is published by 'Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn' from Berlin. The booklet is in heavily used condition!

€ 5,00

Dutch 'Het Vliegtuigenboekje'

Dutch 'Het Vliegtuigenboekje'. The booklet was published around 1941 and is marked with a so-called K-number, K2135. The booklet has 92 pages full of illustrations and images of the different aircraft. The front shows a beautiful image of the famous Fokker G-1. Unfortunately, the pages are partly ...

€ 10,00

Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein'

Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein', Heft 57 from the series 'Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend'. Published by the 'Steiniger Verlage' from Berlin. The booklet features 32 pages. Decorative original booklet!

€ 12,50

Book 'Mölders und seiner Männer'

Book 'Mölders und seiner Männer' by 'Major Fritz von Forell'. The book was published by the "Steirische Verlagsanstalt" from Graz in 1941. The book features 216 pages. Nice original book in good condition.

€ 15,00

Reichsnährstand 'Die Deutsche Landfrau' Magazine

Reichsnährstand 'Die Deutsche Landfrau' Magazine, this is issue 15/16 for from 13 August 1944. The magazine is a fold-out newspaper style magazine, issued in a separate protective cover. Decorative original magazine!

€ 15,00

German Accident Prevention Calendar 1935

German Accident Prevention Calendar 1935 (Unfallverhütungskalender). Decorative original booklet in good condition!

€ 15,00

Book "Operatie Amherst"

Hard to find out of print book "Operatie Amherst", French paratroopers fighting in Drenthe, April 1945 by 'R. Flamand'. This hardcover book features 255 pages. Book in used condition. Interesting book about a forgotten part of history!

€ 19,95

Wehrmacht Dictionary German-Russian

Wehrmacht Dictionary German-Russian (Wehrmacht Sprachführer Deutsch-Russisch), published by the 'Juncker und Dünnhaupt Verlag' from Berlin around 1940. The booklet features 48 pages. The cover is loose and damaged. Decorative original booklet!

€ 20,00

'Rede van Adolf Hitler' Booklet

Printed in Dutch speech by Adolf Hitler, on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the National Solcialist Revolution, this speech was held in the Sport Palace in Berlin on 30 January 1941. The booklet features 32 pages. Decorative original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

Kriegsmarine Soldier's Songbook

Kriegsmarine Soldier's Songbook: 'Liederbuch der Kriegsmarine', Part 3. The booklet is published by 'P.J. Tonger Musikverlag' from Köln. The booklet is in good used condition, nice and decorative original example!

€ 25,00

'Jahrbuch des Deutschen Heeres' 1939

Book: 'Jahrbuch des Deutschen Heeres' 1939. The book was published in 1938 by the 'Verlag von Brietkopf & Härtel' from Leipzig. The book features 182 pages with many black&white photographs. Nice and decorative original book in good used condition!

€ 25,00

'Der Deutsche Sportflieger' Magazine

'Der Deutsche Sportflieger' Magazine. This was a monthly published magazine, this is issue 9 for the month September 1940. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 25,00

'Balkanfeldzug der 12. Armee' Leaflet

'Balkanfeldzug der 12. Armee' Leaflet, around 1941. Showing a photograph of Generalfeldmarschall 'Wilhelm List' and a map of the advances of the 12th Army. Decorative original leaflet!

€ 25,00

'Die Großen der Weltgeschichte' Photo-Book

This is a nice German cigarettes 'Bilderalbum': 'Die Großen der Weltgeschichte'. This picture book was published in 1935 by 'Eckstein-Halpaus G.m.b.H.' from Dresden. Complete with all pictures. Nice original book in good used condition!

€ 25,00

German 'Die Woche' Magazine - Zeppelin Edition

German 'Die Woche' Magazine - Zeppelin Edition, published on 13 Januar 1934. The magazine is showing many interesting articles and photographs. Decorative original magazine!

€ 25,00

WH Handbook 'Funktechnik im Heere'

Wehrmacht Radio instruction book 'Unterrichtsbuch für die Funktechnik im Heere (U. Fu.)' H. Dv. 125. The book was published in 1931 by the "Verlag Offene Worte" from Berlin. Nice instruction book in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Book 'Deutscher Siegeszug in Polen'

Book 'Deutscher Siegeszug in Polen' (German Victory in Poland) by 'Ernst Kabisch'. The book was published by the "Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft" from Stuttgart in 1941. The book features 170 pages with many nice photogaphs and a fold-out map in the back. Nice original book in good used ...

€ 25,00

Reference book "The Luger Story"

Reference book; "The Luger Story" by 'John Walter', the standard history of the world's most famous handgun. This hardcover book features 256 pages full of information providing a detailed look into one of the most iconic handguns in history. Nice reference work!

€ 29,95

'Kriegsflugzeuge' Booklet 1942

'Deutsche Italienische Britisch-Amerikanische und Sowjetische Kriegsflugzeuge' (German, Italian, British-American and Soviet War Planes) Booklet. The booklet was published in 1942 by the 'RLM' (Reichs Luftfahrt Ministerium). Nice and decorative original booklet in good used condition!

€ 30,00

Book 'Narvik'

Book 'Narvik, Sieg des Glaubens' (Victory of Faith) by 'Werner Fantur'. The book was published by the "Junker und Dünnhaupt Verlag" from Berlin in 1941. The book features 174 pages with many nice photogaphs. Nice original book in good condition.

€ 30,00

'Wie komme ich zur Kriegsmarine' Booklet

'Wie komme ich zur Kriegsmarine' Booklet (how to get drafted for the Navy). The booklet is in good used condition, nice and decorative original example!

€ 30,00

DRK 'Amtliches Unterrichtsbuch über Erste Hilfe'

DRK 'Amtliches Unterrichtsbuch über Erste Hilfe' (Official instruction book on first aid). The book was published by the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz), this is the 6th print from 1939. This is the 2nd print. Nice original book in good used condition!

€ 30,00

NSKOV Pocket Calendar 1941

'Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung' (NSKOV) Pocket Calendar 1941 (Taschenkalender). The calendar is showing many nice black&white illustrations. The calendar is sized approximately 14 x 9 cms. Nice original pocket calendar in good used condition

€ 30,00

Book: 'Parachutisten grijpen in'

Book: 'Parachutisten grijpen in' by 'H. Schmidt'. This Dutch language book was published in 1942 by the 'Uitgeverij Roskam' from Amsterdam. Decorative original book in very good condition!

€ 30,00

Reference book "German Uniforms and Bayonets"

Reference book; "German Uniforms and Bayonets" by 'Klaus Lübbe'. This hardcover book features 164 pages showing 676 pictures of soldiers with their bayonet. Nice reference work!

€ 30,00

3 'Scholle und Kraft' Yearbooks by IG Farben

Set of 3 original argicultural yearbooks called 'Scholle und Kraft'. Issues for 1934, 1937 and 1938. The calendars are full of many black&white photographs and (colour)illustrations. Decorative yearbooks in good used condition, priced accordingly for the set of 3!

€ 35,00

WH (Heer) Handbook - 'Die Soldatenfibel'

WH (Heer)/Reichswehr Handbook - 'Die Soldatenfibel'. The book was published in 1934 by the "Verlag Offene Worte" from Berlin. The book features 119 pages with photographs and illustrations. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 35,00

Dutch 'Signaal' Magazine - March 1941

Dutch 'Signaal' Magazine, issue for March 1941. The magazine is showing an interesting cover showing a portrait of the famous Fallschirmjäger 'Max Schmeling'. Decorative original magazine!

€ 35,00

Olympic Games 1936 Photo Book

Olympic Games 1936 Photo Book (Bilderalbum), part 1 'Olympia 1936', complete with dust-cover and carton slip-case. The book is complete with the original fold-out poster in the back. Decorative original photo book of the 1936 olympic games!

€ 40,00

Reference book "Uniforms, Organization and History of the Panzertruppe"

Reference book; "Uniforms, Organization and History of the Panzertruppe" by 'Rorger James Bender' and 'Warren W. Odegard'. This hardcover book features 336 pages covering a wide range of the uniforms, Organization and History of the German Panzer Troops during World War II. Nice reference work!

€ 40,00

Book: 'Zinnebeelden in Nederland'

Book: 'Zinnebeelden in Nederland' (Symbols in the Netherlands) published for the 'Germaansche Werkgemeenschap Nederland' by publisher "Uitgever Hamer" from Amsterdam. The book features 156 pages with many nice black&white photographs. Interesting book in good condition!

€ 45,00

'All About Amsterdam' Booklet 1945

'All About Amsterdam' Booklet. A Canadian Soldier's City Guide published by 'W.L. Salm & Co' in order of the Tourist Development Association. The map in the back is missing. Decorative original booklet!

€ 45,00

Kriegsmarine Navy Dictionary

Kriegsmarine Navy Dictionary (Stichwortverzeichnis zum Marinewörterbuch) in 5 languages. Published in 1942 by the 'Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine'. The book features 235 pages. Nice and decorative original book!

€ 50,00

'Wie kent Germanje?' Booklet

'Wie kent Germanje?' Booklet about the exposition 5000 Years of Folk Art. The booklet was published by the 'Uitgeverij Hamer' from Amsterdam in 1943. Rare original booklet in good used condition!

€ 50,00

Dutch Civillian War Diary

Dutch Civillian War Diary (Oorlogsdagboek) called 'War Souvernirs May 1940'. The person started making notes on Thursday night 9th of May 1940 and wrote about the German invasion, the last notes date from July 1943. Interesting original war diary which merits further investigation!

€ 50,00

Book: 'Der Stahlhelm'

Book: 'Der Stahlhelm, Erinnerungen und Bilder' (Memories and Pictures). The book was published by the "Stahlhelm Verlag G.m.b.H." from Berlin in 1932. The book features 385 pages. Interesting original book in very good condition.

€ 50,00

'Der Adler' Magazine "Legion Condor an die Front!"

'Der Adler' Magazine "Legion Condor an die Front!". This was a monthly published magazine, this is issue 8 for from 31 May 1939 and was a special edition about the Legion Condor. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!

€ 50,00

Book: 'Bloed en Mythe als Levenswet'

Book: 'Bloed en Mythe als Levenswet' by 'Pieter Emiel Keuchenius'. The book was published by NSB Publisher the 'Uitgeversmaatschappij de Amsterdamsche Keurkamer' from Amsterdam in 1940. This is the 2nd print. Book in good condition.

€ 50,00

USAAF 'Psychiatric experiences of the eighth Air Force' Book

USAAF 'Psychiatric experiences of the eighth Air Force' Book. This was a restricted publication, published in August 1944, inteded for flight surgeons within the Army Air Forces. Rare original book in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Ford 4 Cylinder Car Instruction Manual 1934

Ford 4 Cylinder Car Instruction Manual (Handleiding) for 40hp & 50hp cars and Fordson Trucks. Published in May 1934 by the 'N.V. Nederlandsche Ford Automobiel Fabriek' in Amsterdam. Rare booklet in good used condition!

€ 50,00

WH 'Das Abfassen von Meldungen' Instruction-Booklet

Wehrmacht Instruction-Booklet 'Das Abfassen von Meldungen'. The booklet is published by the 'Heinz Denckler-Verlag' in Berlin. Nice and decorative original instruction booklet in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Luftwaffe Handbook 'Der Flieger'

Luftwaffe instruction handbook 'Der Flieger' (The Pilot). The book was published in 1941 by the "Verlag von E.S. Mittler & Sohn" in Berlin. This handbook was specifically intended for all Luftwaffe aviation personnel. Nice instruction book in good used condition!

€ 60,00

'Die Führerin im Reichsarbeitsdienst' Magazine

'Die Führerin im Reichsarbeitsdienst' Propaganda Magazine, published by 'Der Chef des Presse- und Propagandaamtes beim Reichsarbeitsführer'. This is a rare and hard to find decorative original propaganda magazine in used condition!

€ 65,00

Book: 'Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts' 1935

Book: 'Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts' by 'Alfred Rosenberg'. The book was published by the "Hoheneichen Verlag" from München in 1935. The book features 890 pages. Interesting original book in good condition.

€ 65,00

WH (Heer) Handbook

WH (Heer) Handbook - 'Unterrichtsbook für Soldaten'. Special edition for 'für Schützen (Gewehr- und M.G.)'. The book was published in 1941 by the "Verlag Offene Worte" in Berlin. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 65,00

German Gasmask Instruction Booklet

German "Die S-Maske" Gasmask Instruction Booklet (Gebrauchsanweisung). The booklet features 16 pages with lots of nice illustrations. Nice and decorative original booklet in good used condition!

€ 65,00

Book: 'H.J. im Dienst' 1940

'H.J. im Dienst - Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Ertüchtigung der deutschen Jugend' Handbook. The book was published in 1935 by the "Verlag Bernard & Graefe" from Berlin, this is the 6th print from 1940. Nice example in good condition!

€ 65,00

WH (Heer) Handbook - 'Reibert'

WH (Heer) Handbook - 'Reibert' - 'Der Dienst-Unterricht im Heere'. Special edition for 'Schützen der Schützenkompanie'. The book was published in 1941 by the "Verlag von E.S. Mittler & Sohn" in Berlin. Nice example in used condition!

€ 65,00

WH (Heer) Handbook - 'Reibert'

WH (Heer) Handbook - 'Reibert' - 'Der Dienst-Unterricht im Heere'. Special edition for 'Gewehr- u. l.M.G.-Schützen'. The book was published in 1937 by the "Verlag von E.S. Mittler & Sohn" in Berlin. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 70,00

Hoffmann Photo-Book: 'Jugend um Hitler'

This is a nice book out of the series of 'Heinrich Hoffmann's' photo books produced during the Third Reich: ''Jugend um Hitler'. The book is complete with its original dust-jacket. Nice original photo-book in used condition!

€ 70,00
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