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K98 M34 Cleaning Kit with Contents

K98 M34 Cleaning Kit, complete with contents (Reinigungsgerät 34 mit Inhalt). Nicely maker marked by 'G.Appel' and dated 1935. Complete with metal oiler, takedown-tool, chain and 1 brush, one brush is missing. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 85,00

Early A-Frame Combat Assault Pack

WH (Heer) A-Frame Combat Assault Pack or 'Gefechtsgepäck' (Sturmgepäck). The early (approx. 1940) A-frame is nicely maker marked. Complete with both original leather straps with aluminum rivets. Hard to find original A-Frame in worn and used condition!

€ 850,00

K98 Brown Leather Rifle Sling

K98 Leather Sling (98K Trägeriemen), complete with leather retaining tab. The brown leather sling is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice and hard to find original example in very good condition!

€ 275,00

Waffen-SS Albanian Volunteer's Collar Tab

Waffen-SS Collar Tab as intended for a member within the '21.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS (or 'Albanische Nr.1')' also known as "Skanderbeg". This is a so-called Dachau made example. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 395,00

WH (Heer) Medical Collar Tabs

Wehrmacht (Heer) M36-Type Collar Tabs (Einheitskragenspiegel), piped in blue as intended for a 'Soldat der Sanitätstruppen' (Medical). Nice matching pair of BeVo-woven Medical collar-tabs in mint and unissued condition!

€ 45,00

RMBO Sleeve Eagle

RMBO (Reichsministerium für die Besetzten Ostgebiete) Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). The eagle is nicely machine-embroidered in silver-grey linnen on an olive-brown woolen background. Nice original sleeve eagle in good used condition!

€ 145,00

Luftwaffe Breast Eagle

Luftwaffe Breast Eagle (Hoheitsabzeichen). Standard second pattern machine-embroidered breast eagle as used by EM/NCO ranks. The breast-eagle is executed in regular Luftwaffe-type wool, showing some minor moth damage. Nice original example in good unissued condition!

€ 55,00

WH (Heer) Gebirgsjäger Armbadge

Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Gebirgsjäger' Armbadge. The badge is executed in the so-called BeVo-weave style on a dark-green linnen background, showing the famous 'Edelweiß' flower. Nice original example in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

Wehrmacht oxygen treatment device 38 in box

Wehrmacht oxygen treatment device 38 (Sauerstoff Behandlungsgerät 38). The wooden box is dated 1939. The set was made by the 'Auer' and 'Draeger' company and is complete with oxygen flask, hose and mask. Decorative original set!

€ 795,00

Wehrmacht oxygen treatment device in box

Wehrmacht oxygen treatment device for troops (Sauerstoff Behandlungsgerät für Truppen). The wooden box is dated 1939. The set was made by the 'Draeger' company and is complete with oxygen flask, hose and mask. Decorative original set!

€ 395,00

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver 'Deumer'

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The hollow zinc type badge is not visible maker marked, it can be attributed to the company of 'Wilhelm Deumer' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 195,00

Kriegsmarine 'Nordsee' marked 7x50 Binoculars

Standard larger type Kriegsmarine 7x50 Binoculars (Doppelfernrohr). The binoculars are nicely marked with the eagle above a capital 'M' (Marine) and marked with a capital 'N' indicating 'Nordsee'. The binoculars are in good used condition giving them a great look!

€ 950,00

M36 SS Chained Dagger

M36 SS Chained Dagger (Dienstdolch M.1936/Kettendolch). The typical unmarked dagger is complete with its original scabberd with magnetic type chain (Type BII). The blade is showing the typical crossgraining. Rare original dagger in good condition!

€ 8500,00

'Schutzpolizei' Officer's Visor Cap

'Schutzpolizei' Officer's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze). The sweat-diamond is nicely marked by the company 'Alkero' (Albert Kempf from Wuppertal-Ronsdorf). The cap is complete with its original aluminum cap-eagle and cocarde. Nice original cap in good used condition!

€ 750,00

Luftwaffe green DAK Tropical Pith Helmet

Early 1st pattern green coloured Luftwaffe DAK Tropical Pith Helmet (Tropenhelm). The helmet is complete with its original insignia. The helmet is nicely maker marked 'WPB'. Nice original pith helmet in very good condition!

€ 950,00

Luftwaffe Officer's Visor Cap

Luftwaffe Officer's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze für Offiziere). The visor cap is not visible maker marked or dated. Complete with original applied hand-embroidered officer's type cap-eagle and cocarde. Hard to find original Luftwaffe Officer's Visor Cap in very good condition!

€ 1150,00

Luftwaffe Equipment Set found in 'Ritthem'

Luftwaffe Equipment set consisting of an M31 Bread Bag (Brotbeutel 31), M31 Canteen with Cup and Mess Kit with leather strap. This set was found in the 1990's on a farm in Ritthem (Walcheren) and always kept as a set. Nice original late war equipment set!

€ 450,00

Luftwaffe Transport and Glider Squadron Clasp in Silver

Luftwaffe Transport and Glider Squadron Clasp in Silver (Frontflugspange für Transport- und Luftlandeflieger). Early tombak clasp by 'C.E. Juncker' from Berlin. Unfortunately missing it's pin and catch. Priced accordingly!

€ 175,00

Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag Strap

Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag Strap (Brotbeutelriemen). Nice dark blue/grey canvas construction breadbag strap with blackened leather reinforced steel friction clips to either end. It is faintly maker marked. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 40,00

Pair of Luftwaffe Flight/FJ Collar Tabs

Nice pair of Luftwaffe Collar Tabs as intended for a 'Leutnant der Flieger' or 'Fallschirmjäger'. The collar tabs are piped with a bright silver/aluminum cord and are mounted on a light tan buckram backing. Nice set in good unissued condition!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe Flat-Wire Breast Eagle

Luftwaffe Flat-Wire Breast Eagle (Hoheitsabzeichen). These early eagles were often used on the Luftwaffe four pocket Dress Tunic (Waffenrock). The eagle is executed in the so-called 'flat-wire' BeVo weave on a Luftwaffe grey woolen background. Nice example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 140,00

Luftwaffe Female Flak helpers Arm-badge

Luftwaffe arm badge as intended for female personnel of the Corps of Female Anti-Aircraft Auxiliaries (Flakwaffen Helferinnenkorps). Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 75,00

General Assault Badge 'Schickle'

General Assault Badge (Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen). The hollow tombak type badge is not visible maker marked, it can be attributed to the company of 'Otto Schickle' from Pforzheim. Stunning original early badge in good condition!

€ 395,00

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver 'Schickle'

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The hollow tombak type badge is not visible maker marked, it can be attributed to the company of 'Otto Schickle' from Pforzheim. Stunning original badge in very good condition!

€ 395,00

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver 'Gottlieb & Wagner'

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The zinc-type badge can be attributed to production by the company of 'Gottlieb & Wagner' from Idar Oberstein. Rare original badge in very good condition!

€ 250,00

WH (Heer) 'Schützenschnur' 5th Grade

WH (Heer) 5th Grade Shooting Lanyard (Schützenschnur 5.Stufe). This is a second pattern lanyard as used from 1939 having the larger type shield used for the higher grades being the 5th grade. One loop is damaged, priced accordingly!

€ 150,00

SA M33 Dagger - partially removed Röhm

Untouched attic find SA M33 Dagger (Dienstdolch M33) with partially removed 'Röhm' inscription. The blade is nicely maker marked by 'Carl Eickhorn' from Solingen. The dagger is in heavily used and uncleaned condition as found, see photos. Nice piece of history! NEW PRICE!

€ 795,00

Cased Iron Cross 1st Class 'L/58' Screw-Back

Cased Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). The cross si maker marked with 'L/58' indicating production by the company of 'Rudolf Souval' from Wien. The cross is complete with its original case. Nice original wartime set in very good condition!

€ 695,00

'Deutschland Erwacht' Photo-Book

'Deutschland Erwacht' Photo-Book (Bilderalbum). The book is complete with all 225 pictures and the large fold-out poster in the back of the book. The book is in overall good condition with some minor staining and traces of usage, see photos. Very nice sought after book!

€ 75,00

Etched WH (Heer) K98 Dress Bayonet

Etched WH (Heer) K98 Dress Bayonet (Extraseitengewehr). The bayonet is etched with "Zur Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit". The bayonet is maker marked by 'Eickhorn' from Solingen. Rare original etched bayonet in good used condition!

€ 650,00

WH (Heer) M36 Artillery Officer's Greatcoat

WH (Heer) M36 Artillery Officer's Greatcoat (Wachmantel). The greatcoat is nicely maker marked and dated 1933 (M33) and unit marked '5.Artillerie-Regiment'. A 'Zahlmeister' trade badge is sewn to the wearer's right lower sleeve. Nice original early M36 greatcoat in good condition!

€ 675,00

WH (Heer) 'Sumpftarn' Camouflage Helmet Cover

WH (Heer) Tan & Water (Sumpftarn) Camouflage Helmet Cover (Stahlhelmbezüge). The cover is complete with its original drawstring. The cover is showing only minor traces of usage and storage. Rare original example in very good condition!

€ 1750,00

WW2 Iron Cross 1st Class '1'

Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). The cross is maker marked with the '1' marking indicating production by the company of 'Deschler & Sohn' from München. Rare original Deschler cross in very good condition!

€ 700,00

Austrian Occupation Medal

Austrian Occupation Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 März 1938). The medal is complete with its original confectioned ribbon. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 90,00

War Merit Medal

War Merit Medal (Kriegsverdienstmedaille). The medal is complete with its original 28cms long sized ribbon as found. Nice original medal in very good condition!

€ 45,00

Hindenburg Cross 1914-18

Hindenburg Cross 1914-18 (Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer). The magnetic cross is maker marked by the company of 'Christian Theodor Dicke' from Lüdenscheid. It is complete with its original ribbon as found. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 15,00

SA Reserve Troops Armband

This is a nice red coloured, linnen-based silver-grey bordered Swastika Armband (Armbinde), these armband were worn by the SA Reserve Troops. Rare original armband in very good condition!

€ 350,00

WH Armband for Civilian Army Personnel

This is a nice original Armband for civilian personnel attached to the German Army (Armbinde für Zivilangestellte der Wehrmacht). The armband is executed in a technique similar to the 'BeVo'- weave technique. Nice original armband in very good condition!

€ 235,00

'Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht' Armband

This is a nice original printed 'Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht' Armband. This is a late war printed on linnen armband, as worn by the in september 1944 raised 'Volkssturm'. Nice original armband in good used condition!

€ 175,00

'Deutsche Wehrmacht' Armband

This is a nice original golden-yellow-coloured linnen 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' Armband (Armbinde). The armband is executed in a technique similar to the 'BeVo'- weave technique. Nice original armband in good used condition!

€ 95,00

Wehrmacht 'Esbit' Field Stove with Tablets

Nice original Wehrmacht 'Esbit' Field Stove (Esbitkocher), complete with original fuel tablets (Tabletten). Model Number 9 as made by the 'Esbit Brennstoff-Fabrik' from Stuttgart. The stove is in good used condition. Nice original personal kit item!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht Binoculars Leather Anti-Movement Flap

Wehrmacht Binocular anti-movement flap (Tragelasche). The flap comes with its two original metal studs. The flap is not visible maker marked or dated. Hard to find original example in good used condition!

€ 85,00

German Pipe Tobacco Package

German full pipe tobacco package 'Translanta Spezial' from the company of 'Martin Brinkmann K.G.' from Bremen. Complete with intact 'banderolle' showing the German Eagle. Nice and decorative original package in good unissued condition!

€ 40,00

MG34 Optical Sight Battery Box

Wehrmacht MG34 Optical Sight Battery Box (MG Zielfernrohr Batterie Kasten). Leather battery box, complete with inner frame. The box is nicely maker marked by 'Carl Zeiss' from Jena and dated '1938' and nicely W.a.A. marked. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 250,00

German Swastika Necklace

Original German Women's Necklace with Swastika Hanger (Halskette mit Hakenkreuzanhänger). High quality silver necklace, complete with its original Swastika hanger. The details are pronounced and stunning. Original set in good condition!

€ 175,00

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver 'Wiedmann'

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The zinc-type badge can be attributed to production by the company of 'E. Ferdinand Wiedmann' from Frankfurt am Main. Nice original badge in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Kriegsmarine Destroyer War Badge 'Deumer'

Kriegsmarine Destroyer War Badge (Zerstörer-Kriegsabzeichen). The early unmarked tombak badge can be attributed to production by 'Wilhelm Deumer' from Lüdenscheid. Regrettably the swastika has been partly denazified. Still a nice original badge in good worn condition!

€ 275,00

Waffen-SS Sport Shirt Insignia

Waffen-SS BeVo Sport Shirt Insignia. The badge is nicely woven in black on a white background in BeVo weave. The badge is sized approximately 10cms in diameter. Nice example in good used and clearly sport-shirt removed condition!

€ 450,00

WH (Heer) Obergefreiter's Rank Chevron

WH (Heer) Obergefreiter's Rank Chevron (Armwinkel). The chevron is executed in fieldgrey wool having two V-shaped bands of subdued, matte grey rayon attached indicating the rank of 'Obergefreiter'. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 35,00

WH (Heer) Gefreiter's Rank Chevron

WH (Heer) Gefreiter's Rank Chevron (Armwinkel). The chevron is executed in fieldgrey wool having one V-shaped band of subdued, matte grey rayon attached indicating the rank of 'Gefreiter'. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 25,00