Kriegsmarine Leather Pouch for the ID-disc
Kriegsmarine Leather Pouch for the ID-disc (Leder Tasche für Erkennungsmarke). The pouch is named to 'Funk-Obermaat Pfitzner'. The leather pouch is complete with its original carrying cord. Nice original leather ID-disc pouch in good used condition!
Wehrmacht Cavalry Tool Pouch 'bla 1944'
Wehrmacht Cavalry fold-out tool pouch with leather carrying handle. The tool pouch is nicely maker marked and dated with 'bla 1944' indicating production by the company of 'E.G.leuner' from Bautzen. Rare piece of equipment in good used condition!
Wehrmacht Map Grid
Wehrmacht Map Grid or Scale (Schablone für Planzeiger). The celluloid grid is maker marked by the company of 'Logarex'. The grid is nicely 'WaA' marked. Decorative original item in good used condition!
Finnish L-35 Lahti Pistol Holster
Rare original pre-war period Finnish L-35 Lahti Pistol Holster. The heavy quality leather holster is still showing some green camouflage paint. This is an early first pattern holster which was designed to hold a wooden shoulder stock on the backside. Rare original holster!
Set of 3 Dutch 'Distributie Stamkaarten'
Set of 3 Dutch 'Distributie Stamkaarten' - Civil Ration Cards. Introduced in September 1939. Every Dutch citizen was issued one. Periodic ration coupons were issued upon presentation of this personal ration card. Nice original set of 3 'Distributie Stamkaarten' in good used condition!
Personally Signed 'Markus Zeidler' Knight's Cross Photo
Nice small-sized portrait photograph of Luftwaffe Major 'Markus Zeidler' that was personally signed by him at the back. His Knight's Cross, German Cross in Gold, Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge, Transport and Glider Squadron Clasp and other medals are visible. Unique and signed Luftwaffe photograph!
'Gustav Wilke' signed Luftwaffe Postcard
Luftwaffe Photo-Postcard, personally signed by 'Gustav Wilke'. The postcard is showing from left tot right: Hermann Göring, Gustav Wilke, August Grauting and Bruno Loerzer. 'Wilke' was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Nice original postcard with Gustav Wilke signature!
Spange to the Iron Cross 1st Class 1939
Iron Cross 1st Class Repetition Clasp (Wiederholungsspange 1939 für das Eiserne Kreuz 1.Klasse 1914). Nicely maker marked with 'L/11' indicating production by the company of 'Wilhelm Deumer' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original tombac example in good used condition!
'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' Enamel Sign
'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' (DRK) Enamel Sign (Dienststellenschild). The enamel is showing some normal traces of usage, the sign is not visible maker marked. The sign is measuring approximately 49,5 x 49,5 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in good used condition!
NJS - Jeugdstorm Sports Badge for Boys
NJS - Jeugdstorm Sports Badge in Bronze for Boys (NJS Sportdraagteken voor Jongens). The badge is individually numbered with number '791'. Scarce original example in good used condition!
NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin
NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin (NJS Draagteken). The enamelled pin is in good condition with some minor enamel cracks and chips, see photos. This is the harder to find round type membership. Scarce original example in good used condition!
NSB - WA Membership Badge on Clasp
NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-Draagteken). The badge has the colours of the 'Princevlag' and was introduced by 'Van Geelkerken' in june 1938', these badges are only used for a very short period of time and are almost impossible to find!
'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Postcard
This is a nice original period colour propaganda-postcard showing an Iron Cross 2nd Class with some oakleave decoration and a quote from Adolf Hilter. This artistic postcard was designed by the famous Gottfried Klein. Decorative colourful original postcard!
Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber - 'AS'
Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The badge is executed in 'Zink' with almost all of its original silverish finish remaining. Nicely maker marked with 'AS' in a triangle . Nice original badge in good condition!
WHW 'Polizei Tag' Donation Pin 1942
Winterhilfswerke 'Polizei Tag' Donation Pin 1942 (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). Nice original donation pin, zinc example complete with its functional pin constuction. Nice and decorative original tinnie!
Luftwaffe 'Reflexscheibe'
Luftwaffe 'Reflexscheibe', spare glass for gun sight (Ersatzscheibe für Reflexvisier). The gun sight (Reflexvisier) was used by pilots to aim at their target. The Reflexscheibe is dated 26 February 1943. Hard to find original item in mint and unissued condition!
WH Reissued Dutch Field Blouse for a ROA Volunteer
Wehrmacht Reissued Dutch Field Blouse (Feldbluse) as intended for a volunteer within the Russian Liberation Army (POA). Complete with breast eagle, collar tabs, shoulder straps and volunteer shield. Nice original Wehrmacht Volunteer tunic in good used condition!!
'Staatliche Kriminalpolizei' Warrant Disc '6084'
'Staatliche Kriminalpolizei' Warrant Disc (Polizei Dienstmarke). This is a non-magnetic brass disc, intended for a member of the 'Staatliche Kriminalpolizei', the disc bears the unique number '6084'. The disc is showing some normal traces of usage. Rare original KRIPO warrent disc!
'Der Erste Großdeutsche Reichskriegertag' 3D Book
'Der Erste Großdeutsche Reichskriegertag' 3D Book (Raumbild). Complete with all 100 stereo photographs and glasses. It is great to see the original period photographs in a 3D perspective. Nice original and highly collectible book!
Large sized WH (Heer) 'Pionier' Portrait Photo
Nice quality portrait of a Wehrmacht 'Pionier' soldier wearing his M36 tunic and visor cap. The large sized photo measures 24 x 18 cms and is developed on thick photopaper. Nice original large sized pionier portrait photo!
Matching K98 Combat Bayonet '43 asw'
K98 Combat Bayonet (Seitengewehr 98K). Matching bayonet and scabberd, both marked with number '2844mm' and maker marked and dated '43 asw' indicating production by the company of 'E. & F. Horster & Co.' from Solingen in 1943. Nice example in good condition!
NSDAP Envelope and Letter Paper Set
This is a unique original set consisting of an envelope and letter paper from the 'Arbeitsbereich der NSDAP' in the Netherlands, district The Hague. Decorative original documents!
WH (Heer) M36 Type BeVo Panzer Cap Eagle
Wehrmacht (Heer) M36 Type BeVo Panzer Cap Eagle, executed in the 'BeVo'-weave technique in white on a black linnen background. The eagle is just a bit wrinkled and stained from years of storage. Nice original example in good unissued condition!
WH (Heer) 'Gebirgsjäger' Death Notice
This is a death notice for 'Franz Heinrich' who served within a 'Gebirgsjäger Regiment'. He took part in the campaigns against Poland, Greece, Krete and Russia. He was killed in action on 18 September 1943 at Karfreit (Caporetto) in Italy. Interesting original death notice!
Single 'NSKK' Shoulder Board
Single 'NSKK' Shoulder Board (Schulterstück). The shoulder board is having the bright-yellow branch colour as intended for the 'Motorgruppe Schlesien' or 'Motorgruppe Franken'. These were also worn by Flemish volunteers. Nice example in used and tunic-removed condition!
BeVo-woven DRA Sports Badge
BeVo-woven DRA Sports Badge in Bronze (Deutsches Reichsabzeichen für Leibesübungen in Bronze). This is a nice cloth version (Stoffausführung) of the badge. Nice original example in good used and clearly sport-shirt removed condition!
WH (Heer) Sport Shirt Chest Bands
WH (Heer) Sport Shirt Chest Bands as used as distinguishing signs in relay competitions (Unterscheidungszeichen bei Staffelwettkämpfen). Set in yellow and green. Extremely rare and hard to find original sport shirt chest bands in very good condition!
Kriegsmarine Obergefreiter's Rank Chevron
Kriegsmarine Obergefreiter's Rank Chevron (Armwinkel). The chevron is executed in black wool having two bands of gold-toned NCO braid attached indicating the rank of 'Obergefreiter'. Nice original example in clearly used and tunic removed condition!
Set of 2 'NSB' Seals
This is a nice set of 2 unissued original 'NSB' seals (sluitzegels). The Dutch "Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging" (National Socialist Movement) was founded by 'Anton Mussert' in December 1931 and was a Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. Nice colorful set of NSB seals!
Set of 3 'Jeugdstorm' Contribution Stamps
This is a nice set of 3 used original 'Jeugdstorm' contribution stamps. The 'Nationale Jeugdstorm' (NJS) was a Dutch youth movement shortly before and during World War II, inspired by the German Hitler Youth. Nice colorful set of Nationale Jeugdstorm stamps!
WH (Heer) 'Oberschütze' Rank Patch
This is a nice Wehrmacht (Heer) rank-patch for an 'Oberschütze'. The patch is showing one machine-embroidered star on an M36 style darkgreen woolen background. Nice example in good used and clearly tunic-removed condition!
Small sized WW1 German 'Reichskriegsflagge'
Small sized World War 1 German 'Reichskriegsflagge' (Imperial National War Flag). The small sized rayon flag is sized approximately 14 x 8 cms. Decorative original patriotic item!
German WW1 Photo Album
This is a nice World War 1 Period German Photo-Album from a soldier within a medical (Sanitäts) unit who saw service in Northern France. The small sized photo-album contains 96 photographs. Interesting and rare original World War 1 photo-album in good used condition!
2 Willrich 'Schulsammlung' Postcards with Paper Cover
This is a nice set of 2 original period postcards showing 'Stukaflieger' and 'Aufklärungsflieger' by W.Willrich. The postcards come with a hard to find paper cover. All items were part of the series 'Spende für die VDA-Schulsammlung 1940'. Nice and decorative postcards with unique cover!
RAF Navigation Computer Mark IIIC
RAF Navigation Computer Mark IIIC. The computer is maker marked by the company of 'Henry Hughes & Sons Ltd' from London and nicely A.M. (Air Ministry) marked. The computer is having a 1939 serial number. Nice original navigation computer in good used condition!
Book: 'Marsch und Kampf des D.A.K. 1941'
Book: 'Marsch und Kampf des D.A.K. 1941'.This book was published in 1943 and published by the 'Carl Röhrig Verlag' from München. The book features 215 pages with many black&white photographs and illustrations. Nice and decorative original book about the Afrikakorps!
Miniature 'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze'
Miniature Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze (Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze). The 9mm tombac miniature is 'L/53' marked indicating production by the company of 'Hymmen & Co.' from Lüdenscheid. The miniature is still mounted on its original LDO Cardboard. Nice original miniature in very good condition!
Set of 3 WH (Heer) 'Panzer III' Photographs
This is a great set of 3 photos of a Wehrmacht Panzer crew with their 'Panzer III' tank. The photographs meausure approximately 9 x 6 cms in size and are developed on Agfa-Lupex photopaper. Nice lot of photographs!
WH (Heer) Panzer Portrait Photo
This is a Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Panzer' portrait photo. Nice quality portrait of a Panzer soldier wearing his black-coloured 'Panzer-uniform' (wrapper) with overseas cap. You can clearly see the recognizable 'skulls' on his collar-tabs. Nice original panzer portrait-photo in great condition!
Army Manual 'H.Dv.119/2403' Carrying Bag
Large sized cloth carrying bag for an Army Manual 'H.Dv.119/2403' (Heeres-Dienstvorschrift 119/2403). The bag is marked N.f.D. (Nur für Dienstgebrauch) and the bag is marked with 'Nicht in Feindeshand fallen lassen!' (Don't let this fall into enemy hands). Rare original pouch!
Bavarian Military Merit Cross 3rd Class
Case Bavarian Military Merit Cross 3rd Class (Bayern Militair-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit Schwertern). Example is complete with its original ribbon and case of issue. Nice original set in good condition!
WH (Heer) Gebirgsjäger Cap Badge
WH (Heer) Mountain Trooper's Cap Badge (Mützen Abzeichen für Gebirgsjäger). The magnetic type cap-badge is maker marked with 'G.B.42' indicating production by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. Nice example in very good condition!
'Berghof' Postcard with Paper Cover
This is a nice original period colour photo-postcard with hard to find paper cover. The postcard is showing the famous house of Hitler at the Obersalzberg: 'Berghof Wachenfeld'. Nice and decorative original postcard with unique cover!
Flieger-HJ Shoulder Straps 'Bann 564'
Matching pair of blue piped 'Flieger-HJ' (Flieger Hitler-Jugend) Shoulder Straps for a HJ member within 'Bann 564' (564 = Villach/Spittal, Kärnten). The straps are complete with slip-on tongues. Nice original pair in very good condition!
Set of 9 'Berghof Obersalzberg Interior' Postcards
This is a great set of original period colour photo-postcards showing the interior of the famous house of Hitler: 'Der Berghof'. These postcards were published by 'Photo Hoffmann' and have the consecutive numbers 465-473. Nice and decorative original series of postcards!
Rare Bakelite 6x30 Binoculars 'Dienstglas'
Bakelite 6x30 Binoculars 'Dienstglas'. Maker marked with 'cxn' indicating production by company of 'Emil Busch AG' from Rathenow. Complete with leather carrying strap and rubber lens cover. Rare original late war bakelite binoculars in good used condition!
RDK Members Badge
RDK (Reichsbund der Kinderreichen) Members Badge (Abzeichen für Familienwart). Nicely marked with 'Ges.Gesch.' and manufacturer's logo of the company of 'Steinhauer & Lück'. Nice original badge in good used condition!
WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping
WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping from Unteroffizier 'Rudolf Bernhardt' (2. Sturmgeschütz Abteilung 197) including his award documents for the Silver Wound Badge, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Ostmedal and a letter with envelope. Nice and interesting original award document grouping!
WH (Heer) M43 Cap Trapezoid
This is the standard-type WH (Heer) M43 cap-eagle/cocarde (trapezoid). Nicely BeVo-woven on a field-grey cotton background. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!
NSB - WA Membership Badge
NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-draagteken). The badge has the colours of the 'Princevlag' and was introduced by 'Van Geelkerken' in june 1938', these badges are only used for a very short period of time and are almost impossible to find!