Miscellaneous items like flags, porcelain, art, daggers, swords and other unique pieces.
Kriegsmarine 'Flagge des Konteradmirals' 100x100
Kriegsmarine 'Flagge des Konteradmirals'. The medium 1 x 1 meter sized flag is marked with 'Kont.-Adm. 1,0 x 1,0' and marked with a Kriegsmarine acceptance marking. Nice original Konteradmiral Flag!
Kriegsmarine 'Flagge des Viceadmirals' 240x240
Kriegsmarine 'Flagge des Viceadmirals'. The large 2,4 x 2,4 meter sized flag is marked with 'Viceadmiralsfl. 2,4 x 2,4' and marked with a Kriegsmarine acceptance marking. Rare large sized example entended to be flown from a jackstaff on the back of a war ship!
Olympic Games 1936 Pewter Plate
Olympic Games 1936 Pewter Plate (Zinnteller Olympische Spiele Berlin 1936). The plate is showing Olympic Bell and coats of arms of the preceding Games. 20cms in diameter, maker marked by 'A.Schreiners Söhne' from Nabburg. Decorative original item!
Wehrmacht 'Gasschutz-Vorrat 38' Box
Wehrmacht 'Gasschutz-Vorrat 38' Box (Gasschutz-Vorrat Kasten), used to store gasmasks in canisters and accessories. The wooden box is maker marked and dated 1939. This heavy wooden box is availabe for pick-up only!
Elastolin Jingling Johnny
Elastolin Jingling Johnny (Schellenbaum). The flag is size approximately 10cms in length. Hard to find original spare part in used and partly incomplete condition, see photos!
'Degeto Weltspiegel' Propaganda Newsreel 'Norwegen'
'Degeto Weltspiegel' Propaganda Newsreel (Filmrolle in Film-Dose). This is an original 16mm propaganda film about the invasion of Danmark and Norway, 'Wehrmachtkommandantur Haarlem' marked. Decorative original item!
Kriegsmarine Bedding Mattress & Pillow Covers
Kriegsmarine Bedding Mattress & Pillow Covers consisting of 2 mattress covers and 3 pillow covers. Some parts are faintly marked, two pieces are showing clear Naval Acceptance markings and 'M.V.A.' (Marine-Verpflegungs-Amt' marking and 1940 date. Great for usage in a diorama or display!
Wehrmacht oxygen treatment device 38 in box
Wehrmacht oxygen treatment device 38 (Sauerstoff Behandlungsgerät 38). The wooden box is dated 1939. The set was made by the 'Auer' and 'Draeger' company and is complete with oxygen flask, hose and mask. Decorative original set!
M36 SS Chained Dagger
M36 SS Chained Dagger (Dienstdolch M.1936/Kettendolch). The typical unmarked dagger is complete with its original scabberd with magnetic type chain (Type BII). The blade is showing the typical crossgraining. Rare original dagger in good condition!
Etched WH (Heer) K98 Dress Bayonet
Etched WH (Heer) K98 Dress Bayonet (Extraseitengewehr). The bayonet is etched with "Zur Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit". The bayonet is maker marked by 'Eickhorn' from Solingen. Rare original etched bayonet in good used condition!
Carton 'Erdal' Box used as Medical Storage Box
Carton 'Erdal' Box used as Medical Storage Box. The carton box was used for storage of medical supplies (Verbandstoffe). The box was in display in the medical diorama in the Eyewitness Museum. Decorative period original box!
DRK Subordinate's Hewer
German Red Cross (DRK) Subordinate's Hewer (Hauer für Mannschaften). The dagger is in very good condition, complete with its original leather frog, marked with a capital 'D'. The blade is marked 'Ges.Gesch.'. Nice original DRK hewer!
Kaiserliche Marine Officer's Dagger with Ivory Grip to 'Freiherr von Stein'
German Imperial Navy (Kaiserliche Marine) Officer's Dagger (Dolch für Offiziere) with ivory grip, named to 'Freiherr Heinz von Stein zu Lausnitz' (Kommandant der UB 27). Marked by 'WKC' from Solingen. Stunning and rare original named imperial navy dagger with ivory grip! NEW PRICE!
Framed 'Haus Wachenfeld' Print 1935
Framed 'Haus Wachenfeld' Print 1935. Haus Wachenfeld (Berghof) was Hitler's mountain retreat on the Obersalzberg in Berchtesgaden. The print is a copy of the Kurt Balzer painting from 1935. The swastika has been removed. Overall a very decorative and desirable piece!
Miniature Dress Bayonet
Miniature German Dress Bayonet as Letter opener (Bajonett als Brieföffner). It is engraved with a company's name 'Hackethal-Draht u. Kabel-Werke A.G.' from Hannover. Decorative original example in good condition!
VDA Collecting Box
VDA (Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland) Collecting Box (Spendenbüchse). The collecting box is in slightly rusted condition. Decorative original item!
'Ausgabestelle für Volksgasmasken der NS Volkswohlfahrt' Wooden Sign
'Ausgabestelle für Volksgasmasken der NS Volkswohlfahrt' Wooden Sign (45 x 32 cms) which would mark a distribution point for gas masks of the NS Volkswohlfahrt. The NSV logo and script are painted on triplex. Very decorative original wartime wooden sign!
'Rauchen Polizeilich Verboten' Metal Sign
German dual-language 'Rauchen Polizeilich Verboten' (Smoking Prohibited by Police) Metal Sign in Both German and Russian language. The sign is measuring approximately 56 x 35 cms. Very decorative original metal sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!
'Nürnberg, die Stadt der Reichsparteitage' Souvenir Beer Stein
'Nürnberg, die Stadt der Reichsparteitage' Souvenir Beer Stein (Bierkrug). The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing the ancient city of Nuremberg as its central design. The beer stein is having a lid from the brewery 'Hansen-Bräu' from Meeder (Oberfranken). Nice and decorative original souvenir ...
Stahlhelmbund Commemorative Beer Stein
Stahlhelmbund Commemorative Beer Stein (Bierkrug) 'Zur Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit im Stahlhelm' and named to 'Edmund Diehl'. The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing an early style battle flag. Nice and decorative original piece!
Period Boardgame: 'Welthandel'
German 'Welthandel' Board Game (Brettspiel), made by the company 'Hausser'. The set is complete with cardboard game board, playing cards and metal ships. The set is in used condition. Rare original wartime board game!