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Results 1801 - 1850 of 6927

DJ 'Oberjungenschaftsführer' Armbadge

DJ (Deutsche Jugend) 'Oberjungenschaftsführer' armbadge (Ärmelabzeichen). The badge is executed in dark-blue wool having one silver (off-white) embroidered star above a single chevron. Complete with original RZM Label (A-Stück). Nice original badge in good unissued condition!

€ 30,00

DJ 'Hordenführer' Armbadge

DJ (Deutsches Jungvolk) 'Hordenführer' Armbadge (Ärmelabzeichen). These rank-badges were also used within the Marine HJ: the rank signified was then: 'Marine-HJ-Rottenführer'. Complete with original RZM Label (A-Stück). Nice original badge in good unissued condition!

€ 30,00

Late war Luftwaffe Visor Cap Eagle

Luftwaffe Visor Cap Eagle (Schirmmützenadler). Late war second pattern Luftwaffe cap eagle as used by EM/NCO ranks. Nice magnetic steel example, complete with all three integral prongs. Nice original late war cap-eagle in good condition!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe Aircraft Equipment Administrator’s Trade Badge

Luftwaffe Aircraft Equipment Administrator’s (Geräteverwalter für Flugzeuggerät) Trade Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The badge is nicely machine embroidered in two-tone silver-white & grey thread on a blue-grey woolen background. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 30,00

Matching Set of WH Equipment D-Rings

Matching set of WH equipment so-called: 'D-rings' (Aufschiebeschlaufen). The pair is executed in good quality blackened leather, both nicely maker marked with RB.Nr. 0/0560/0156. Nice original matching set in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Luftwaffe German Cross in Gold - Cloth Version

Very nice cloth version (Stoffausführung) of the German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold), having a blue-grey cloth base as intended for a recipient within the Luftwaffe. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 950,00

Luftwaffe German Cross in Gold - Cloth Version

Very nice cloth version (Stoffausführung) of the German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold), having a blue-grey cloth base as intended for a recipient within the Luftwaffe. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 895,00

DAF 'Arbeitsfront' Armband

DAF 'Arbeitsfront' personnel's Armband (Armbinde). The light-blue coloured linnen armband is showing a BeVo-woven black coloured DAF logo. The armband shows an ink-stamp from the 'Gau Süd-Hann.-Braunschweig'. Rare original DAF armband in very good condition!

€ 275,00

Captured US Vet Signed German Swastika Flag

Captured US Veteran Signed German Swastika Flag. The large flag is sized approximately 350 x 150 cms. The names/signatures are a nice basis for research, this flag was most likely captured in Luxembourg. Interesting piece of history!

€ 995,00

Soviet Russian M91/30 Mosin Nagant Bayonet

World War 2 Soviet Russian M91/30 Mosin Nagant Bayonet. The metal bayonet is marked with the serial number '2054'. Nice original Mosin Nagant bayonet in very good condition!

€ 35,00

WW2 Iron Cross 2nd Class - 'Schinkel'

Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). This is a so-called 'Schinkel' example, made by the company of 'Paul Meybauer', a lesser seen Schinkel manufacturer. Complete with its original ribbon. Nice original 'Schinkel' cross in good condition!

€ 475,00

WH (Heer) 'Schützenschnur'

WH (Heer) First Grade Shooting Lanyard (Schützenschnur 1.Stufe). This lanyard would look great when re-attached to a tunic of 'Waffenrock'. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 125,00

Luftwaffe Fur Winter Overcoat

Luftwaffe Fur Winter Overcoat (Pelzmantel). The sheep skin overcoat was designed for wear in extremely cold climates. The overcoat is having a Luftwaffe grey woolen collar. The overcoat is in good used condition, great original item for an Eastern Front display!

€ 475,00

Early Luftwaffe DD M35 Combat Helmet

Early Luftwaffe Double Decal M35 Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M35). 'ET64' marked helmet, complete with its original liner and incomplete chinstrap. This is an early helmet with first pattern drooptail type Luftwaffe decal. 'Flzg.F.Sch.Fürth' (Pilot School Fürth) marked. Honest original helmet in good ...

€ 1980,00

Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Gefreiter's Four-Pocket Tunic

Very nice high quality issue blue/grey wool construction Luftwaffe four-pocket tunic (Service Blouse) as intended for an 'Gefreiter der Fallschirmjäger'. This is a rare 5-button front closure type service tunic. A cloth paratrooper badge is sewn to the breast. Nice original tunic in good used ...

€ 1695,00

Kriegsmarine Destroyer War Badge - Schwerin

Kriegsmarine Destroyer War Badge (Zerstörer-Kriegsabzeichen). The 'Buntmetall' badge is nicely maker marked with 'Schwerin, Berlin 68'. Complete with a functional pin, catch and stabilizing hook. Stunning original badge in used and worn condition!

€ 650,00

Coastal Artillery War Badge - Juncker

Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery War Badge (Kriegsabzeichen für die Marineartillerie). Early 'Buntmetall' example, marked with 'Fec Otto Placzek Berlin, ausf. C.E.Juncker Berlin'. Regrettably having a repaired catch. This is a very early example, hard to find original badge early in worn condition!

€ 350,00

Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge 'G.B.'

Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge (Flakkampfabzeichen). The zinc-type badge is maker marked 'G.B.' indicating production by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer'. The pin and catch are complete and functional. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 350,00

Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge

Luftwaffe Flak Artillery War Badge (Flakkampfabzeichen). The zinc-type badge is not visible maker marked. The pin and catch are complete and functional, this is the type with the so-called ball-hinge. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 350,00

'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen'

General Assault Badge (Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen). The zinc-type badge is not visible maker marked but can be attributed to the company of 'Funke & Brünninghaus' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original badge in good used condition

€ 175,00

'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber' - "A.S." in triangle

Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber). The badge is marked with 'AS' in a triangle. This is a nice semi-hollow 'Feinzink' example which has great detail and still retains most of its original bronze finish. Nice original badge!

€ 350,00

US Lucky Strike Cigarettes Package

Original package of pre-war American Lucky Strike Cigarettes. The package is approximately sized 7,5 x 5,5 x 2,5 cms. and is in good unissued condition. This is a pre-1942 green coloured package with 1932 banderol. Rare early US Lucky Strike Cigarettes package!

€ 195,00

Dutch Fighting Knife - 'Stormdolk'

Dutch Fighting Knife (Stormdolk M1917). Dutch army fighting knife as issued between 1917 and 1940, complete with its original brown leather scabberd. The fighting knife is in overall good condition, hard to find original example!

€ 600,00

Cased WH (Heer) Officer's Aiguillette

WH (Heer) Officer's Aiguillette (Achselschnur/Fangschnur). This is a 1935 pattern 'Achselband' for Army officers and officials, with metal tips. The Aiguillette is in very good, unissued condition, still stored in its original box!

€ 195,00

SA M33 Dagger 'RZM M7/12'

SA M33 Dagger (Dienstdolch M33). The dagger is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M7/12' indicating production by the company of 'WMW' (Waffenfabrik Max Weyersberg) from Solingen. The blade shows nice crossgraining. Complete with leather hangers. Nice original dagger in very good condition!

€ 1100,00

Early SA M33 Dagger 'Hugo Servatius'

Early SA M33 Dagger (Dienstdolch M33), complete with its original brown painted scabberd. The dagger is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Hugo Servatius' from Solingen, one of the rarest manufacturers to be found. Nice original dagger in good condition!

€ 1000,00

Wehrmacht Field Stove

Hard to find original Wehrmacht Field Stove/Heater (Petroleumkocher). One of the standard vehicle heater models used by the German Army. The stove is dated 1943. The metal is slightly rusted but the stove is in overall good used condition. Nice original example!

€ 135,00

German 'Leuchtpistole 34'

German Flare Pistol - 'Leuchtpistole 34' (LP34). Nicely maker marked and dated '43 duv'. This is a functional flare gun, exempted by the Dutch law in Article 18, paragraph 1, in d, annex II of the Rwm. Sale only to persons above the age of 18!

€ 425,00

WH (Heer) 'T-shaped' M42-Model Cap Eagle

WH (Heer) 'T-shaped' M42-Model Cap Eagle/Cocarde, woven according to the 'BeVo'-weave technique in linnen on a field-grey cotton background. Nice original example in good unissued condition!

€ 120,00

Waffen-SS Belt Buckle - RZM 822/38 ᛋᛋ

Waffen-SS EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). The aluminum buckle is nicely marked with 'RZM 822/38 SS' indicating production by the company of 'Richard Sieper & Söhne' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 750,00

WH (Heer) M31 Bread Bag

WH (Heer) M31 Bread Bag (Brotbeutel 31). The breadbag is re-inforced with black leather parts. The breadbag is faintly maker marked. The breadbag is showing some normal traces of usage. Nice original bread bag in good used condition!

€ 100,00

Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31

Wehrmacht M31 Mess Kit (Kochgeschirr 31). Nice early all aluminum construction mess kit, maker marked and dated with 'G.L.B. 36' and 'ZPSt. 38'. The mess kit still retains most of its original fieldgrey paint. Nice original mess kit in used condition!

€ 80,00

SA/NSDAP RZM Marked Political Canteen

Political SA/NSDAP RZM marked M31 Canteen (Feldflasche 31). The aluminum canteen and cap are 'M6/2/39' marked. The canteen is complete with its original black bakelite cup as found together. Scarce and hard to find original political canteen!

€ 100,00

Unit marked Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag

Luftwaffe M31 Bread Bag (Brotbeutel 31). The early blue-grey coloured breadbag is re-inforced with black leather parts. The breadbag is showing various unit markings inside the flap. Nice original Luftwaffe bread bag in good used condition!

€ 125,00

USN MK1 Fighting Knife

U.S.N. MK1 Fighting Knife. The US Navy Fighting Knife is nicely maker marked by 'Pal RH-35' and complete with its original scabberd. Nice original fighting knife in heavily used condition, priced accordingly!

€ 125,00

WW2 US M1941 Beanie Cap

WW2 US M1941 Beanie Cap. Wool knit cap having a wool covered carton visor. The cap is unfortunately showing some moth damages, see photos. Still a nice and hard to find original WW2 US Beanie Cap!

€ 75,00

Canadian Enfield Rifle Sling 1942

Canadian .303 Enfield Rifle Sling. The webbing sling is nicely maker marked by 'Z.L.& T.Ltd' (Zephyr Loom and Textile) and is dated 1942. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 45,00

US Colt Pistol Magazine Pouch 1918

US Colt Pistol Magazine Pouch 1918. The khaki canvas pouch is nicely maker marked by 'R.H.Long' and dated August 1918. Nice original pouch in mint and unissued condition!

€ 40,00

6-piece Canadian Medal Bar

6-piece Canadian Medal Bar including 'The 1939-1945 Star', 'The Italy Star', 'The France and Germany Star', the 'Defence Medal', the 'Canadian Volunteer Service Medal' and the 'War Medal 1939-1945'. Nice and decorative original WW2 Canadian Medal Bar!

€ 250,00

4-piece Canadian Medal Bar

4-piece Canadian Medal Bar including 'The 1939-1945 Star', 'The Atlantic Star, the 'Canadian Volunteer Service Medal' and the 'War Medal 1939-1945'. Nice and decorative original Canadian Medal Bar!

€ 175,00

'Technische Nothilfe' Cufftitle

'Technische Nothilfe' Cufftitle (TeNo Ärmelband). The black coloured cufftitle shows the BeVo machine woven script 'Technische Nothilfe', woven in white-grey threads. The cufftitle is in full length condition and measures approximately 42cms in length. Nice original example in good unissued ...

€ 195,00

SA Sportsbadge in Bronze

SA Sportsbadge in Bronze (SA-Sportabzeichen). This is a rare 1934/1935 example marked with the first pattern inscription 'Eigentum d. Chefs d. Ausbildungswesens', maker marked by 'L.Chr.Lauer' from Nürnberg, the badge is also individually numbered with number '42415'. Rare 1st pattern!

€ 125,00

1st Pattern NSKK Driver's Sleeve Diamond

This is a nice 1st pattern NSKK driver's sleeve diamond (Ärmelraute für Kraftfahrer 1. Modell). Nice original example in good, clearly used and tunic removed, condition!

€ 75,00

WH (Heer) M43 Cap Trapezoid

This is a late-war type WH (Heer) M43 cap-eagle/cocarde (trapezoid). The trapezoid is nicely machine-embroidered on a field-grey cotton background. Nice original example in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

WW1 Big Bertha Matchbox Holder

World War 1 Big Bertha Matchbox Holder. The magnetic sheet-metal construction matchbox holder is showing a relief image of the grenade of the big bertha canon (Fleissige Berta) with an image of an Iron Cross in its center. Very decorative original WW1 personal souvernir item!

€ 95,00

Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Wehrpaß - Kreta

Luftwaffe Wehrpaß of Unteroffizier 'Werner Stichnoth', complete with portrait-photo. Many entries, he was a member of the famous 'Fallschirmjäger Regiment 1' and jumped in Crete and comes together with his 'Kreta' Book as found together. Stunning original FJ Wehrpaß!

€ 1650,00

Waffen-SS Italian Camouflage Anorak

This is a very nice original Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS Italian Camouflage Anorak. The interior of the anorak is fully lined rabbit fur. Perfect for a late-war Ardennes or Eastern Front display. The parka is showing really bright colours. Hard to find example in good condition!

€ 1500,00

BeVo 'Armenien' Volunteer Sleeve Shield

WH (Heer) BeVo woven sleeve-shield as intended for a volunteer within the 'Armenien' Legion (Ärmelschild für Freiwillige Armenien). Nice original BeVo Eastern volunteer insignia in mint and unissued condition!

€ 185,00

DRK Medical Pouch

German Red Cross (DRK) Medical Pouch (Sanitätstasche). This is a nice blackened leather construction medical pouch. The pouch is nicely marked 'D.R.K. Sanitätslager Babelsberg'. Nice original DRK medical pouch in good used condition!

€ 65,00

NSKK Sleeve Eagle

NSKK Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). Neatly woven in the so-called 'flat-wire' weave technique and mounted on a olive-brown woolen onderground. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 75,00