Miniature 'Ehrenkreuz für Kriegsteilnehmer'
Miniature Hindenburg Cross for Participants 1914-18 (Ehrenkreuz für Kriegsteilnehmer). The 16mm sized miniature is attached to its original buttonhole device and complete with original piece of ribbon. Nice and decorative original miniature in good condition!
RLB Members Pin
'Reichsluftschutzbund' (RLB) Members Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen), 1st model. Smaller 17mm version, nicely maker marked by the company of 'Hofstätter' from Bonn. Nice example in good condition!
Luftwaffe M35 Map/Dispatch Case
Luftwaffe M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35). The chocolate brown leather map case is faintly maker marked. It is nicely marked 'L.B.A.B.37'. Nice original map case in good condition!
Wehrmacht Tropical Tie
Wehrmacht (Heer) Tropical Tie (Krawatte). The green coloured linnen-based tie measures approximately 120cms in length. The tie is nicely maker marked by the 'Arb.Gem.Graslitz'. Hard to find tropical tie in mint and unissued condition!
'Die Großen der Weltgeschichte' Photo-Book
This is a nice German cigarettes 'Bilderalbum': 'Die Großen der Weltgeschichte'. This picture book was published in 1935 by 'Eckstein-Halpaus G.m.b.H.' from Dresden. Complete with all pictures. Nice original book in good used condition!
Verwundeten Abzeichen in Silber '100' in Pouch
Silver Wound Badge (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Silber). The 'Zink' type badge is maker marked with number '100' - 'Wächtler & Lange' from Mittweida. The badge is complete with its paper tissue and matching carton pouch as found together. Nice original set in good unissued condition!
'Generalgouvernement ' Cufftitle
'Generalgouvernement ' Cufftitle (Ärmelband) as intended for the postal security-services in the occupied Eastern territories (Poland). The cufftitle is in full-length condition and measures approximately 47cms in length. Nice original example in very good condition!
'10 Jährige wiederkehr des Reichsparteitages Weimar 1936' Tinnie
'10 Jährige wiederkehr des Reichsparteitages Weimar 1936' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The heavy quality tombak tinnie is nicely maker marked by 'Wernstein' from Jena. Decorative original early tinnie!
WH (Heer) 'T-shaped' M42-Model Cap Eagle
WH (Heer) 'T-shaped' M42-Model Cap Eagle/Cocarde, woven according to the 'BeVo'-weave technique in linnen on a field-grey cotton background. Nice original example in nice clearly worn and cap removed condition!
Empty US TNT ½ Pound High Explosive Charge
Empty US TNT ½ Pound High Explosive Charge as used by the Corps of Engineers U.S.A. These TNT packages were ment to be used for front line demolition only. Please note this is only an empty carton package. Decorative original example in good condition!
Canadian Boys Anti-Tank Rifle Pouch
Canadian made ammunition pouch for the Boys anti-tank rifle. The pouch is nicely maker marked by 'TAPATCO' and dated January 1943. The pouch is wrinkled due to years of storage. Nice original pouch in good unissued condition!
WH Gasmask Filter Carrying Pouch
WH (Heer) Spare gasmask filter carrying pouch (Tragetasche für Gasmaske Filter Einsatz). The pouch is made of field-grey coloured canvas. The pouch is nicely maker marked with 'ohx' indicating production by 'Bruno Viehweg KG' from Falkenstein. Nice example in good unissued condition!
WH (Heer) Tropical Gascape Pouch
WH (Heer) Tropical Gascape Pouch (Gasplane Tasche). The pouch is nicely maker marked inside with a three digit makerscode 'gdn' indicating production by the company 'Wilhelm Stermann' from Moers. Nice original pouch in mint and unissued condition!