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Results 3551 - 3600 of 6920

German G98 Cleaning Rod

German Wehrmacht G98 Cleaning Rod. The cleaning rod is nicely marked with a 'WaA' acceptance marking. The cleaning rod measures approximately 39,5cms in length. Nice original cleaning rod in good used condition!

€ 35,00

German 'Tennismeister' Cigarillos Package

Original pre-war 1930's German 'Tennismeister' Cigarillos Package. The empty package is approximately sized 8 x 5,5 x 1,5 cms. and is in good unissued condition. A nice little piece to complete the 'personal gear' of a mannequin with!

€ 5,00

Cased WW1 Non-Combatant 5-Piece Medal Bar

WW1 5-Piece Medal Bar (Ordenspange) including a rare Non-Combatant WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class, Baden War Merit Cross and a Non-Combatant Hindenburg Cross. The medal bar comes in its regrettably damaged original storage case. Stunning and rare original Medal-Bar!

€ 750,00

Gebirgsjäger Anorak (Windbluse)

Mountain Troopers (Gebirgsjäger) Winter Camouflage Anorak (Windbluse der Gebirgstruppen). The green/grey reversible to white anorak is nicely RB.Nr. marked and dated 1943 (M43). The anorak is showing some small damages and normal traces of usage. Great original anorak in very good condition!

€ 895,00

Close Combat Fighting Knife

WH (Heer/Luftwaffe) Close Combat Fighting Knife (Nahkampfmesser). The Fighting Knife is nicely marked with a "S", the scabberd retains most of its original black paint, the knife is having wooden grips. Nice original Fighting Knife in good used condition!

€ 495,00

Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Gloves

Luftwaffe Paratrooper Gloves (Handschuhe für Fallschirmjäger). The fur lined gloves are showing some regular traces of usage, large size. These have recently been found in a private household in the Netherlands. Scarce original pair of FJ gloves in good used condition!

€ 1000,00

Metal Case for the ZF41 Sniper Scope

Metal Case for the ZF41 Sniper Scope (Zielfernrohrbehälter). The case is maker marked with 'jvb' indicating production by the company of 'Wessel & Müller' from Lückenwalde. Hard to find original ZF41 carrying case in good used condition!

€ 425,00

WH (Heer) Infantry Officer's Visor Cap

WH (Heer) Infantry Officer's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze). The 'Erel' marked visor cap is complete with its original early nickel-silver cap eagle and hand-embroidered cocarde. Approximately size '56'. Nice original Infantry Officer's Visor Cap in good used condition!

€ 1250,00

NSDAP Propaganda Enamel Sign

'Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' (NSDAP) Propaganda Enamel Sign (Propagandaschild). Very small white enameled wall plaque, measuring approximately 6 x 4 cms. Extremely rare and hard to find original enamel sign in very good condition!

€ 395,00

Waffen-SS Belt Buckle - RZM 155/40 ᛋᛋ

This is a nice aluminum Waffen-SS EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). The buckle is marked with 'RZM 155/40 SS' indicating production by the company of 'Assmann & Söhne' from Lüdenscheid in 1940 being the last aluminum type buckle produced. Extremely rare original buckle!

€ 695,00

Set of 4 Luftwaffe Signal Troops Insulators

Set of 4 Luftwaffe Signal Troops Insulators (Luftnachrichten Isolatoren). The black bakelite insulators are nicely marked with 'LM25275' indicating Luftwaffe Signal Troop issue (Luftnachrichten). Decorative original items!

€ 30,00

Kriegsmarine Mess Hall Coffee Spoon

Kriegsmarine Mess Hall Coffee Spoon (Kaffeelöffel). The 14cms long sized spoon is nicely maker marked 'H.H.L.'. It is also marked with a Kriegsmarine acceptance marking showing an eagle above a capital 'M'. Nice original personal kit item in good used condition!

€ 25,00

Set of 5 German Pencils for the Map Case

Set of 5 original World War 2 period German Pencils (Bleistifte) and one eraser. The pencils are not dated but are period correct examples, perfect to complete your M35 Map/Dispatch Case (Meldekartentasche M35) with!

€ 25,00

German Female Signal Auxiliaries M31 Canteen

German Female Signal Auxiliaries (Nachrichtenhelferin des Heeres) M31 Canteen (Feldflasche 31). This is a special small sized canteen with a 0,5 liter capacity. Nicely maker marked and dated 'ESB 42/43'. Rare original canteen in good condition!

€ 145,00

German 5 Reichsmark Coin 1937

German 5 Reichsmark Coin (Münze). The obverse of the 5 Reichsmark coin (dated 1937) is showing the German national style eagle with swastika and the reverse is showing the head of 'Paul von Hindenburg'. Nice original coin in good used condition!

€ 22,50

German 5 Reichsmark Coin 1935

German 5 Reichsmark Coin (Münze). The obverse of the 5 Reichsmark coin (dated 1935) is showing the German national style eagle and the reverse is showing the head of 'Paul von Hindenburg'. Nice original coin in good used condition!

€ 20,00

WW2 Period German Lighter

World War 2 Period German Lighter (Feuerzeug). The aluminum lighter is not visible maker marked or dated but looks period correct. A nice little piece to complete the 'personal gear' of a mannequin with!

€ 15,00

Period German 'Kurvenmesser'

World War 2 Period German Distance Calculater (Kurvenmesser). These were privately purchased item and could be carried inside the map case. This item is not visible marked or dated but looks period correct.

€ 30,00

Luftwaffe 'Armbandkompaß' with Extension

Luftwaffe Wrist Compass (Armbandkompaß AK39). The compass is neatly marked on the back with a Luftwaffe Contract Number (FL23235-1). The compass is complete with its original leather straps including the rare extension piece. Nice example in good condition!

€ 220,00

British Shell Dressing 1940

British Shell Dressing Bandage Package (War Office Army Medical Department). The package is nicely maker marked by the company 'Johnsen & Johnsen Ltd.' from and dated November 1940. Nice original package in mint and unissued condition!

€ 25,00

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt & Buckle

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt & Buckle (Sympathiesanten Riemen mit Koppelschloß). The 'D.R.G.M.' marked buckle is complete with its original brown lacquered leather belt. Decorative and hard to find original belt & buckle in very good condition!

€ 275,00

Kriegsmarine EM's Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine enlisted men's type navy breast eagle (Hoheitsabzeichen). The eagle is nicely hand-embroidered in golden-yellow thread on a dark-blue woolen background. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 125,00

LW 'Frontflugspange für Transportflieger' in Silver

Luftwaffe 'Frontflugspange für Transport- und Luftlandeflieger' in Silver (Transport and Glider Squadron Clasp in Silver). Early tombak clasp by 'C.E. Juncker' from Berlin. Hard to find original clasp in very good condition!

€ 650,00

LW 'Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger' in Gold

Luftwaffe Heavy, Medium & Dive Bomber Squadron Clasp in Gold (Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger). This is a nice early tombak (Buntmetall) example of the gold grade clasp. The clasp is nicely maker marked by 'G.H. Osang' from Dresden. Nice original clasp in good condition!

€ 600,00

Forestry Official's Belt and Buckle

Forestry Official Belt and Buckle (Koppel und Koppelschloß). Dark brown, felt lined, leather belt with burnished black finished aluminum buckle for wear with the service uniform. Marked by 'Assmann'. Nice and scarce original set in very good condition!

€ 450,00

NSDAP Political Leader's Belt & Buckle

NSDAP Political Leader's Belt & Buckle (Feldbinde und schloss für Politische Leiter der NSDAP). 'RZM M4/46' marked buckle-keeper and 'RZM M4/24' marked belt buckle, complete with 95cms long leather belt. Nice and original set in very good condition!

€ 395,00

Waffen-SS Untersturmführer's Rank Collar Tab

Waffen-SS Untersturmführer's Rank Collar Tab (Kragenspiegel für Führer). The tab is having a nice light-brown coloured 'Buckram' backing. Hard to find original rank collar tab in good, clearly used and tunic removed, condition!

€ 495,00

Waffen-SS Officer's Sleeve Eagle

Waffen-SS Officer's Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler für Führer). The eagle is nicely hand-embroidered in bullion silver threads on a black woolen backgrond. The eagle is in clearly tunic removed condition and has regrettably been damaged at one wing. Rare original example!

€ 695,00

Waffen-SS 'Norwegian' Volunteer Sleeve Shield

Waffen-SS 'Norwegian' Volunteer Sleeve Shield as intended for Norwegian volunteers serving in the Waffen-SS. The shield is in good unissued condition and just shows some minor traces caused by years of storage. Scarce and hard to find original sleeve shield!

€ 750,00

Waffen-SS 'Langemarck' Volunteer Sleeve Shield

Waffen-SS Flemish 'Langemarck' Volunteer Sleeve Shield as worn by soldiers within the '27.SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Langemarck" (flämische Nr.1)'. The shield is in mint and unissued condition and just shows some minor traces caused by years of storage. Rare original sleeve shield!

€ 1100,00

Wehrmacht Bakelite Box for Carbid

Wehrmacht Bakelite Box for Carbid (Karbidbehälter zur Einheitslaterne 37). Empty brown coloured bakelite box. The box is nicely WaA marked, it is in overall good used condition. Nice original example!

€ 100,00

Westwall Medal with Pouch

Westwall Medal (Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen). Nice tombak (Buntmetall) example, complete with its original ribbon and carton pouch. The pouch is nicely marked by the company of 'Julius Maurer' from Oberstein. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 85,00

German Pre-War Period Swastika Tile

German Pre-War period Swastika Tile (Fliese). The heavy quality tile is sized approximately 20 x 20 cms. The title is in overall good condition. Hard to find and very decorative original pre-war piece!

€ 150,00

Russian Bread Bag

Soviet Russian Bread Bag. The canvas construction bag is showing a slightly faded ink marking. Nice original World War 2 Soviet Bread Bag in very good, unissued condition!

€ 135,00

Russian Webbing Belt

Russian Webbing Belt. The webbing and leather construction belt is in good used condition. The belt is approximately 103cms long. It is not visible maker marked or dated. Rare and hard to find original Russian Belt!

€ 85,00

German 'Pertrix' Flashlight 1934

German 'Pertrix' Flashlight (Taschenlampe). The early fieldgrey coloured flashlight is nicely marked and dated with 'H.1934' and 'Pertrix'. Nice original flashlight in good used condition!

€ 75,00

WH Binoculars Leather Anti-Movement Flap

WH Binocular anti-movement flap (Tragelasche). The flap comes with its two original metal studs. The flap is nicely maker marked and dated 1938. Hard to find original example in very good condition!

€ 100,00

NSKK Belt & Buckle

NSKK (National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps) Belt & Buckle (Koppel und Koppelschloß). This is a silvered brass constuction buckle. The buckle is not visible maker marked. The buckle comes with its original 100cms long sized leather belt. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 225,00

WW1 U-Boat War Badge 1918

World War 1 U-Boat War Badge 1918 (U-Boot Kriegsabzeichen 1918). The 'Buntmetall' badge is nicely maker marked by the company 'Walter Schott fec.'. This is a hard to find original WW1 Period Awarded Badge. Great example!

€ 800,00

Daimon 'Focus' Flashlight

German Daimon 'Focus' Flashlight (Taschenlampe). The Daimon 'Focus' flashlight was a privately purchased type of flashlight, it still retains most of its original black paint and comes with an original blue coloured black-out bulb. Nice original flashlight in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Standard Wehrmacht 'Fettbuchse'

Standard Wehrmacht 'Fettbuchse' (Butter Dish or Fat-Container). Nice example in black coloured Bakelite. Example opens in 1/4 turn like it should be. There are matching bakelite markings on both parts. Dated 1944. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 95,00

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt & Buckle

NSDAP Sympathizers Belt & Buckle (Sympathiesanten Riemen mit Koppelschloß). The 'D.R.G.M.' marked buckle comes on a most likely replaced webbing type belt. Decorative and hard to find original belt buckle in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Early Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31 1934

Early Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31 (Kochgeschirr 31). The mess kit is maker marked with 'A.W.G. 434' which indicates production by the company of 'Albert Wildfang' from Gelsenkirchen in April 1934. Hard to find early long type mess kit in good used condition!

€ 95,00

Luftwaffe Single Decal M42 Combat Helmet

Luftwaffe Single Decal M42 Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M42). 'hkp66' marked shell, complete with size '58' liner and original RB.Nr. marked chinstrap. Found in a private household in the Netherlands! Nice original Luftwaffe helmet in good untouched condition!

€ 900,00

Swastika Paper Lantern

NSDAP/Political Swastika Paper Lantern (Lampion). It has a round shape, the lantern is in used condition. This is a very scarce item which is only seldom offered for sale, decorative original piece!

€ 175,00

Luftwaffe General's Visor Cap

Luftwaffe Crusher-style General's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze für Generale), this was originally an officer's grade cap, upgraded to a General's rank. The cap is nicely marked by 'Traugott Rahne' from Hannover. Stunning original General's crusher-style visor cap in truly worn condition!

€ 4800,00

Waffen-SS Visor Cap Eagle

Waffen-SS Visor Cap Eagle (Schirmmützenadler). The cupal-type eagle is 'SS RZM 155/36' marked, indicating production by 'F.W. Assmann' from Lüdenscheid. The eagle is complete with all three prongs. Stunning original SS cap eagle!

€ 1100,00

WH (Heer) Officer's M34 Overseas Cap

WH (Heer) Officer's M34 Overseas Cap (Einheitsfeldmütze M34 für Offiziere), complete with factory machine-sewn BeVo woven cap-eagle and cocarde. Maker marked by the 'Kasseler Mützenfabrik H. Schade' from Kassel. Stunning original cap!

€ 650,00

Late War WH (Heer) Combat Rucksack

Late war Wehrmacht (Heer) Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of green coloured canvas and having leather carrying straps. The rucksack is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice original late-war rucksack in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 150,00

Standard Wehrmacht Compass

Standard Wehrmacht Compass (Marschkompaß). The compass is nicely marked with 'hap' indicating production by the company of 'Max Kohl AG' from Chemnitz. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 70,00