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Results 4151 - 4200 of 6933

Imperial 'Flandernkreuz' 1914/18

Imperial Naval Corps Flanders Cross: 'Flandernkreuz' 1914/18 (Ehren- und Erinnerungskreuz Marinekorps Flandern). The bronze coloured tombak cross comes without ribbon. Nice original cross in good condition!

€ 50,00

Extremely rare original M45 'Leibermuster' Tunic

Scarce original M45 'Leibermuster' Camouflage Tunic (Tarnfeldbluse M45). The field blouse is in overall good used, clearly worn, condition. Only a handful examples are known to exist, one of the few extremely rare original jackets out there!


WH (Heer) SD M40 Camouflage Helmet

WH (Heer) SD M40 Camouflaged Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40) - 'SE64' marked helmet complete with original size '56' liner and 1941 dated chinstrap. The helmet is showing a beautiful three tone tan/green/orange-brown camouflage overpaint. Stunning original camouflage helmet!

€ 3500,00

BDM Group 'Berge' Pennant

BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) Group 'Berge' Pennant (Wimpel). The double sided pennant is showing the chain-stitched script 'B.D.M. Berge' indicating that this pennant belonged to the BDM group of the city of 'Berge' in Lower Saxony. Rare original unit Wimpel in good used condition!

€ 575,00

WH (Heer) Infantry walking-out long pants

WH (Heer) Infantry parade dress/walking-out long pants (M35 Tuchhose). A privately purchased type trousers for the walking out dress, made from high quality fieldgrey wool and having Infantry white piping. Hard to find original pants in good used condition!

€ 450,00

Allgemeine-SS EM/NCO's Visor Cap

Allgemeine-SS EM/NCO's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze für Mannschaften und Unterführer). The black coloured visor cap is complete with its original cap-eagle and skull. The cap is stored in a period hat box as found together. Scarce and hard to find original cap in good condition!

€ 6975,00

Pair of Luftwaffe 'Flieger' Shoulder-Boards

Nice pair of Luftwaffe Flight/FJ Shoulder Straps as intended for a 'Soldat der Flieger' or 'Fallschirmjäger' being an NCO-Candidate (Unteroffizieranwärter). The straps measures approximately 10cms in length. Nice pair of straps in good used and worn condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Breast Eagle

Luftwaffe Breast Eagle (Hoheitsabzeichen). Standard second pattern machine-embroidered breast eagle as used by EM/NCO ranks. The breast-eagle is executed in regular Luftwaffe-type wool. Nice original eagle in clearly used and tunic removed condition!

€ 65,00

Luftwaffe Golden-Yellow Collar Cord Piping

Luftwaffe Golden-Yellow Collar Cord Piping. The "Goldgelb" coloured piping was used to border the early Luftwaffe uniform collars and was also used as piping around specialty patches. The cord measures approximately 70cms in length and was clearly removed from a tunic collar!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe 'Waffenpersonal' Trade Badge

Luftwaffe Armourer (Waffenpersonal) Trade Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The badge is hand-embroidered in silver-white linnen on a blue-grey woolen background. The outer edge of the badge is trimmed in gold piping. There is some minor moth damage. Nice original badge in clearly worn and tunic removed ...

€ 65,00

Luftwaffe Flight Personnel's Trade Badge

Luftwaffe Flight Personnel's (Fliegendes Personal) trade badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The badge is executed in silver-white linnen, embroidered on a blue-grey woolen background. Nice example in clearly worn and tunic removed condition!

€ 20,00

'Arado Ar 96 ' Photograph

Nice original period photograph of an Arado Ar 96 from the German Luftwaffe. In front of the plane is a man in winter flight coveralls. This airplane was the Luftwaffe's standard advanced trainer during World War II. Interesting original Arado Ar 96 photograph!

€ 15,00

Early type case for the Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge

Early type case for the Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge (Schachtel zum Fallschirmschützenabzeichen). The box is in very good and fully functional condition showing only minimal traces of usage. Hard to find case in stunning condition!

€ 750,00

WH (Heer) Award Document Grouping

WH (Heer) Award-Document Grouping consisting of the award documents for the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the German Eastern Front Medal and a portrait photograph. Interesting original award documents!

€ 175,00

Wehrmacht Artillery Fuze Setter Pouch

Wehrmacht Artillery Fuze Setter Pouch (Tasche für Zündschlüssel). The pouch is made black coloured 'Ersatz' (Preßstoff) material with brown leather straps. The pouch is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice and scarce original pouch in mint and unissued condition!

€ 200,00

'Luftschutz Gastasche' with Contents

This is a nice original 'Luftschutz Gastasche', complete with its original contents. Nicely maker marked by the company 'W.Söhngen & Co' in Wiesbaden and dated 1937. Hard to find set in good condition!

€ 325,00

WH (Heer) Canvas Gaiters

Wehrmacht (Heer/Waffen-SS) Canvas Gaiters (Gamaschen). The gaiters are made of a olivegreen canvas with brown leather straps and red-brown leather re-inforcement. The gaiters are not visible maker marked. Nice original late war pair of gaiters in good used condition!

€ 90,00

'Deutschlandflug 1938' Postcard

Nice original colourful NSFK (Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps) postcard of the 'Deutschlandflug 1938'. The postcard shows an artistic image of airplanes above then German territory. Beautiful decorative original postcard!

€ 75,00

Late War M44 'Volksgasmaske' - MINT

Late war M44 version of the 'Peoples' gasmask (Volksgasmaske) in truly mint and unissued condition in its, still sealed and never opened, original wooden box. Rare original mint and unissued Gasmask in box!

€ 100,00

Kriegsmarine Award Document Grouping

Kriegsmarine Award-Document Grouping consisting of 5 award documents, including the Return of the Memel Commemorative Medal and the Iron Cross 1st Class. He saw service all over Europe, including France and Italy. Interesting and decorative award documents!

€ 650,00

Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31 - 'RB.Nr. 0/0570/0011'

Wehrmacht Mess Kit M31 (Kochgeschirr 31). Nice aluminum and steel construction mess kit, marked with 'RB.Nr. 0/0570/0011'. The mess kit lost most of its original fieldgrey paint. Rare RB.Nr. marked example in good used condition!

€ 95,00

BDM Pennant

BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) Bike Pennant (Wimpel). The pennant is made of printed cotton showing the NJS Gull logo. The pennant is complete with original rope. Nice and decorative original NJS pennant in very good condition!

€ 275,00

FAD Belt Buckle

'Freiwillige Arbeitsdienst' (FAD) EM/NCO's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). The nickle-silver buckle is nicely 'Ges.Gesch.' marked and having a magnetic steel prong-bar. Rare original buckle in good used condition!

€ 195,00

WH 'Schach-Dame und Mühle' Fieldpost Boardgame

Wehrmacht WW2 Period 'Schach-Dame und Mühle' Game (Brettspiel) in original carton box. The set is complete with cardboard game board and carton pieces to play either chess, checkers or mills. The board has been repaired. Nice original personal kit item!

€ 45,00

Wehrmacht 4 Years Long Service Award Document

Wehrmacht 4 Years Long Service Award Document (Dienstauszeichnung IV. Klasse Urkunde) awarded to Unteroffizier 'Karl Schwabe' on 2 October 1936. He was assigned to '1. (Stabs) Kompanie Fliegerschule Fürth'. Nice large-sized award document in good condition! 

€ 75,00

NSB 'De Hagespraak' 1936 Memorial Book

NSB 'De Hagespraak' 1936 Memorial Book (Gedenkboek). This is an memorial book with information and many black&white photographs as a memory to the first NSB Speech held in Lunteren on 1 June 1936. Rare original book in good condition!

€ 125,00

Allgemeine SS Portrait Photograph

Allgemeine SS photograph. Nice portrait showing an 'SS-Mann' wearing his black coloured SS tunic and SS visor cap. A "57" collar tab is clearly visible indicating that he was an assigned member to Standarte 57 (Meiningen). Nice quality original portrait photo!

€ 75,00

Late War WH (Heer) Combat Rucksack

Late war Wehrmacht (Heer) Combat Rucksack. The rucksack is made of green coloured canvas and having webbing straps. The rucksack is nicely maker marked with 'RB.Nr.0/0715/0011'. Nice original late-war rucksack in very good mint and unissued condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch 'Hembrug' Carbine Ammo Pouch

Dutch Carbine Ammo Pouch (Patroontasje Karabijn). For use with the M95 (Hembrug) Carbine. The pouch is nicely 'CM 1934' (Centraal Magazijn) marked and showing nice unit markings. Complete with internal divider. Rare original brown coloured pouch in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Wehrmacht 'Patronenkasten 88' Ammunition Box

Wehrmacht 'Patronenkasten 88' Ammunition Box (Munitionskiste), intended to hold 1500 Rounds of 'Platzpatr. 33' (Platzpatronen 33). The box is sized approximately 48 x 34 x 16,5 cms. Decorative original ammunition box in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Rare 'SS-Sanitätsabteilung VT' Portrait Photograph

Rare 'SS-Sanitätsabteilung VT' (Verfügungstruppe) portrait photograph showing an SS-VT 'Schütze' wearing his SS-VT tunic and SS-VT overseas cap. An 'ᛋᛋ S' collar tab is clearly visible. Unique original 'SS-VT' portrait photo!

€ 100,00

Waffen-SS Portrait Photograph

Nice small sized portrait showing an SS-Unterscharführer wearing his SS tunic and SS 'crusher' visor cap with cap-eagle and skull. The photograph measures approximately 5,5 x 7,5 cms in size. Nice original Waffen SS portrait photo!

€ 50,00

Wehrmacht Winter Fur Jacket

Wehrmacht Winter Fur Jacket (Felljacke). These so-called 'Felljacken' were issued in the winter season and worn in the cold climates, made of nice quality rabbit fur (Kaninchenfell). 'Reichsbetriebsnummer 0/1255/0061' marked. Nice original jacket in good condition!

€ 250,00

WW2 Iron Cross 2nd Class - 'Brehmer'

Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The cross, which is having the neat so-called 'Hochpolierte Kanten', is not visible maker marked but can very likely be attributed to production by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 165,00

Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber - 'MK'

Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The badge is executed in 'Zink' and retains about all of its original silver finish. Nicely maker marked with 'MK' in a triangle. Stunning original badge in near mint condition!

€ 300,00

Lippe-Detmold Merit Cross 2nd Class

Lippe-Detmold War Merit Cross 2nd Class 1914 (Lippe-Detmold Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse 1914). The gilded tombak cross comes without ribbon. Nice original cross in very good condition!

€ 70,00

Unissued 'NSB' Envelope

Nice original unissued 'NSB' (National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands) paper envelope. This windowed envelope is made of thin paper and measures approximately 22 x 11 cms in size. Decorative original envelope!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Generaloberst Dietl'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Generaloberst Dietl'. The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Eduard Dietl', a famous German general. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 20,00

'Deutscher Luftsport Verband' Postcard

Nice original colourful postcard of the 'Deutscher Luftsport Verband' (German Air Sports Association) designed by 'Jupp Wiertz', a famous German poster artist. Decorative, hard to find original postcard!

€ 125,00

Cased LW 'Frontflugspange für Aufklärer' in Gold

Cased Luftwaffe Squadron Clasp for Reconnaissance Personal in Gold (Frontflugspange für Aufklärer). Maker marked by 'Imme & Sohn' from Berlin, the clasp retains all of its gold finish and comes with matching case. Stunning set in very good condition!

€ 1450,00

'Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler' Postcard

Nice original period colour propaganda-postcard showing a painted image of Adolf Hitler. This artistic postcard was published by 'Verlag Heinrich Hoffmann' from München. Nice artistic postcard!

€ 35,00

Fighter Pilot 'Wolfgang Späte' Postcard with Signature

Nice Luftwaffe portrait photo postcard, personally signed by Oberleutnant 'Wolfgang Späte'. The postcard is showing fighter pilot 'Späte' wearing his Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oakleaves. Unique original postcard with signature!

€ 150,00

'Das Infanterie Sturmabzeichen' Postcard

Nice original period postcard (Postkarte) showing an Infantry Assault Badge (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen) with a quote of Hitler. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 20,00

WH (Heer) M42 'Drillich' Field Blouse

WH (Heer) M42 'Drillich' (HBT) Field Blouse (Feldbluse). The field blouse is complete with a hand-sewn BeVo-woven breast eagle and a pair of machine-sewn collar tabs. Nicely 'RB.Nr.' marked. Nice original 'Drillich' field blouse in very good condition!

€ 1100,00

Tropical A-Frame Combat Assault Pack

WH (Heer) Tropical A-Frame Combat Assault Pack or 'Gefechtsgepäck' (Sturmgepäck). The all webbing construction A-frame is complete with the additional equipment strap. Nice original tropical A-frame in good used condition!

€ 895,00

Kriegsmarine M31 Bread Bag & Strap

WH (Heer/Kriegsmarine) M31 Bread Bag & Strap (Brotbeutel 31 mit Brotbeutelriemen). The green canvas breadbag is re-inforced with black leather parts. The breadbag is nicely maker marked 'gyp'. Nice set in very good, mint and unissued, condition!

€ 175,00

WH Entrenching Tool 'Ersatz' Carrying Case

Wehrmacht Entrenching Tool Carrying Case (Spatentasche). The carrying case is made of tan coloured 'Ersatz' material and maker marked and dated 1944. The cover is in used condition. Hard to find original example!

€ 350,00

MG34/42 Gunner's Tool Pouch

MG34/42 Gunner's Tool Pouch M34 (Maschinengewehr Werkzeug Tasche Modell 34). The pouch is nicely maker marked and dated with 'hck 41' and 'WaA' marked. Complete with often missing internal frame. Nice original pouch in good used condition!

€ 325,00

'Adolf Hitler' Table Bust

Adolf Hitler' Table Bust (Büste des Reichskanzlers Adolf Hitler). The large sized ceramic type bust is having a total height of approximately 30,5cms. Original bust in good condition.

€ 1250,00

RADwJ Pennant / Flag

RADwJ Pennant (Wimpel), showing the RADwJ (Reichsarbeitsdienst der weiblichen Jugend) logo printed in black ink on a white cotton circle in the centre, surrounded by a red cotton field. The pennant is sized approximately 210 x 118 cms. Decorative original flag in very good condition!

€ 425,00