NSV Porcelain Tinnie
NSV (Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt) Porcelain Tinnie (Porzellanabzeichen). The porcelain tinnie is complete with its functional pin/catch attachement. Nice example in good used condition!
Light Protective Suit M1939 Lightweight Trousers
Lightweight Trousers (leichte Gashose 39) which were part of the Light Gas Protective Suit M1939 (Leichten Gasbekleidung 39). The trousers are not visible maker marked or dated. Rare original pair of lightweight anti gas trousers in good unissued condition!
Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung Magazine
'Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung', this was a weekly published magazine/newspaper, this is number 30 from 30 July 1942. The cover is showing a great photograph of a 'Kettenkrad'. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!
Luftwaffe Flight Goggles Storage Box
Carton Storage Box for Luftwaffe Flight Goggles (Fliegerbrille). The carton box is nicely maker marked by the company of 'O.W. Wagner & Co' from Rathenow and comes together with two sets of spare glasses. Hard to find original carton storage box!
German 'Bremer Lloyd-Kaffee' Pouch
German 'Bremer Lloyd-Kaffee' (Coffee) Pouch (Kaffeetüte). Nice original period item which was for sale in pre-war 'Kolonialwaren' shops in Germany. The original sales price was RM 0.55 (Reichsmark). Priced per piece, nice original pouches in good unissued condition!