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Set of WA Cufflinks


Very nice set of WA Cufflinks (Manchetknopen). The Dutch "Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging" (National Socialist Movement) was founded by 'Anton Mussert' in December 1931 and was a Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. The WA (Weerafdelingen), being more or less the equivalent of the German SA or 'Sturmabteilungen', was formed in 1932, but disbanded in 1935 under a government decree prohibiting all Para military, political militias. The WA was recreated after the start of the German occupation in May 1940. Nice set of enamelled cufflinks showing a silver coloured Wolfhook on a black enamel background, there are a few minor scratches and the enamel is showing one chip, caused by usage. Hard to find set of original WA cufflinks in good used condition!

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