Original World War 2 & Reference Books
Books / Booklets
SS Propaganda Magazine 'Der Untermensch'
SS Propaganda Magazine 'Der Untermensch', published by the 'SS-Hauptamt', printed by the 'Nordland Verlag GmbH' from Berlin. Looks slightly shortened at the bottom. Extremely rare original propaganda magazine in very good condition!
Book: 'Ik was er zelf bij' by 'Max Blokzijl'
Book: 'Ik was er zelf bij' by 'Max Blokzijl'. Publhised by 'Nenasu' from Utrecht in 1944. The book features 230 pages with many black&white photographs. Original book in good used condition!
NEW Book: 'The Triangles of the Youth Organizations 1933-1945'
NEW Reference book; "The Triangles of the Youth Organizations 1933-1945" by 'Tino Schulenburg' & 'Steve Seyfarth'. Presented in words and pictures, the reader will find an extremely extensive number of rare and common area triangles of the youth organizations from 1933-1945 on over 570 pages.
Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein'
Booklet: 'General Rössel greift ein', Heft 57 from the series 'Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend'. Published by the 'Steiniger Verlage' from Berlin. The booklet features 32 pages. Decorative original booklet!
'München - Die Hauptstadt der Bewegung' 3D Book
'München - Die Hauptstadt der Bewegung' 3D Book (Raumbildalbum). Complete with all 100 stereo photographs and glasses. It is great to see the original period photographs in a 3D perspective. Rare original and highly collectible book in good condition!
'Reichsparteitag der Ehre' 3D Book
'Reichsparteitag der Ehre' 3D Book (Raumbildalbum). Complete with all 100 stereo photographs and glasses. It is great to see the original period photographs in a 3D perspective. Rare original and highly collectible book in good used condition!