(WHW) Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes
'Sportmonat Juni 1934' Tinnie
'Sportmonat Juni 1934' (Sports Month June 1934) Tinnie (Blechabzeichen). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The tinnie comes on its original pin/catch construction. Nice example in good condition!
WHW 'Woche der Post' Donation Pin
Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) 'Woche der Post' Donation Pin (Spendenabzeichen). Carton post horn shaped badge from the street collection held on 18-24 February 1935 in the Gau München-Oberbayern. Decorative original WHW badge!
WHW Leather RAD Shovel Tinnie
WHW (Winterhilfswerke) Leather RAD Shovel Tinnie as issued during one of the street collections. Complete with functional pin-back system. Decorative original tinnie!
WHW Munich Child 1933 Donation Pin
Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) Munich Child 1933 Donation Pin (Spendenabzeichen). This tinnie was given to people who donated during the street collection held in November 1933 in München. Decorative and rare original early WHW Badge!
WHW 'Deutsche Bauernhäuser' Series
Small lot of 'Winterhilfswerke' (WHW) tinnies of the series 'Deutsche Bauernhäuser' (German Farmhouses) from the street collection held in November 1942. The set consits of 10 wooden tinnies showing a farm house. Nice and decorative set in good condition!
Set of 3 VDA Tinnies
Set of 3 VDA (Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland) Tinnies as issued during one of the street collections. Complete with functional pin-back systems. Decorative original tinnies!
'WHW 1934/35 Dem unbekannten Helfer' Tinnie
WHW (Winterhilfswerke) 'WHW 1934/35 Dem unbekannten Helfer Gau Süd Hannover Braunschweig' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen) intended for an gathering held on 31 March 1935. Decorative original tinnie!
Small lot of WHW 'Tag der deutschen Polizei' Figures
Small lot of WHW 'T ag der deutschen Polizei' Plastic Figures. 5 pieces from the series 'Polizeibeamte', this street collection was held at the day of the German Police on 18 February 1940. Great looking original items!
Small Collection of various (WHW) Tinnies
Small Collection of various WHW (Winterhilfswerke) and other tinnies (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). Some in damaged condition missing pin, see photos. Priced accordingly for the lot!
Original full box of WHW Tinnies
Original full box of WHW Tinnies. The carton box contains approximately 100 pieces, from the series 'Sternbilder', from October 1944, these pieces have never been issued and were found in their original cartons in the factory. Decorative original box of WHW tinnies!
Decorative 'Winterhilfswerk' Document Grouping
Large 'Winterhilfswerk' Document Grouping consisting of 10 documents, including various decorative donation certificates and voucher (Spendenschein). Nice grouping for a very fair price!